Author Topic: "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer  (Read 10069 times)

Offline tahcha_sapa

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"Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:13:25 am »
A flyer from an event taking place in Florida beginning on January 24, 2015, was sent to me about "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado.  It is available to the public at:

"You are invited to an Evening with Iron Eagle: Chiricahua Apache Medicine Man"
Mead Gardens
1500 South Denning Drive, Winter Park 32789"

"The evening with Iron Eagle launches our week-long Conversation on Justice. Iron Eagle is a traditional Sun dancer who studied under Bear Paw (Apache Medicine Man) & Two Tree (Lakota Medicine Man). His grandfather and mother, both Chiricahua Apaches, taught him the Traditional and Spiritual ways of the Native Americans.  (Note: emphasis mine) Join us for teachings, music and dance as we come together in community to prepare for our conversations on justice. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and flashlight to the event and wear comfortable shoes for walking through the gardens. Children and families are welcome."

There is another "Iron Eagle" AKA "John Sanchez" & "Frank Sanchez" discussed previously in the NAFPS forums but this is another person entirely. The claims of the "Iron Eagle" presented in this flyer from Florida are problematic for several reasons.  His real name was not disclosed on the promotional flyer but, apparently, it is Jose A. Hurtado and that name is listed in CorporateWiki ( dated January 24, 2012, filing - as "Joe Iron Eagle Hurtado-Jose A, Vice President" of Tanahuachi Nac Inc.

My questions to this forum are these:

(1). Is anyone familiar with a "Lakota Medicine Man" named "Two Tree"? Has anyone heard of anyone using the "Two Tree" name? 

(2). Has anyone heard of "Bear Paw" the "Apache Medicine Man" mentioned in the flyer? (Incidentally, when the name "Bear Martinez-Roberto" is double-clicked on the Tanahuachi Nac Inc. site in CorporateWiki, the link opens to a page that states "Bear Paw Martinez-Roberto is the President of Tanahuachi Nac Inc.")  The name "Bear Paw" may actually refer to someone named "Roberto Martinez"; assuming that Jose A Hurtado is "Joe Iron Eagle Hurtado-Jose A" and that these methods of spelling one's name are a common and accepted practice in filing these documents.

(3).  The FaceBook page "Iron Eagle Joe" is, apparently, Jose A. Hurtado. It states that he is from "Aoulef." If you look it up, it is in Algeria. Of course, anyone is free to say almost anything these days - especially on FaceBook. Is he actually from Aoulef? If not, where was he born?

(4). Does anyone know if he is an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache tribe? If he is not, what were/are the names of his grandfather and mother who, according to the flyer, were/are members of the Chiricahua Apache tribe?

(5). In the event that "Iron Eagle" is not an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache tribe, does Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-644) apply in this particular case?
The law unambiguously states: "The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-644) is a truth-in-advertising law that prohibits misrepresentation in marketing of Indian arts and crafts products within the United States. It is illegal to offer or display for sale, or sell any art or craft product in a manner that falsely suggests it is Indian produced, an Indian product, or the product of a particular Indian or Indian Tribe or Indian arts and crafts organization, resident within the United States. For a first time violation of the Act, an individual can face civil or criminal penalties up to a $250,000 fine or a 5-year prison term, or both. If a business violates the Act, it can face civil penalties or can be prosecuted and fined up to $1,000,000."

This forum is the appropriate place to bring the kinds of questions that his claims inspire. If he is, actually, an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache he should be able to prove it and not hesitate to provide proof of his tribal enrollment. Surely, the organizers of the event have checked out his claims and have verified that not only is he who he says he is but that he is also an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache tribe. Or have they? Perhaps the NAFPS can intervene on behalf of the Native American community and establish whether or not the college hosting this event has done an adequate check of his claims. If he can prove that he is an enrolled member of the Chiricahua Apache then the people attending this event can participate and enjoy the program and activities - the various workshops, his musical performance and the opening/closing ceremonies - with the confidence that, indeed, he is an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe.
Is he a fraud if he cannot support his claims and provide proof of them in the way that all bona fide Native Americans enrolled in federally recognized tribes are required to provide in order qualify for benefits (such as the Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood that the Bureau of Indian Affairs provides to enrolled members of federally recognized tribes)?
The issue is of the entitlements claimed by Native Americans and required by the federal government to provide to enrolled members of federally recognized tribes but, more so, the concern of NAFPS is one of cultural misappropriation by those who attempt to defraud the public and deprive, through deception, enrolled tribal members of access to their own cultural resources.
These are legitimate concerns of the Native American community. Native Americans making claims must be prepared - and required - to provide legitimate and valid proof of them. These are reasonable demands.
The event will begin January 24, 2015.
The flyer provides the name and email address of a contact person for the Peace and Justice Initiative committee in the event that anyone has questions.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 02:50:22 pm »
If he were selling art or crafts he might be in violation. Here his group does, but he doesn't claim them to be NDN. Bizarrely all prices are in pounds and descriptions are in ?

At the Valencia event he's discussing gender and music, plus a closing ceremony. In a couple other places he does pipe ceremonies. He seems to be based in West Palm Beach FL. There are legit reasons one might wind up there, and storytelling and speaking on culture and history would be a valid way to make a living were he to do just that. A workshop rather than speeches suggest he was paid by Valencia. I don't see any other places he was paid other than one pipe ceremony at a church where he asked for donations.

This claim though.
Steinhausen Gallery Art & Design One-Time Event
6 - 8 PM, April 23rd, 2011   
 We will welcome a very special guest, the great great grandson of Geronimo, Mr. Joe Iron Eagle of the Chiricahua Apache tribe. He brings with him a dance presentation....

Geronimo's descendants are well known, and I thought all on the Mescalero and Ft Sill rezzes.

Tanahuachi NAC have a FB page here, mostly sayings.


Homepage has bios in Spanish.
Two White Feathers is Colombian. I'm not sure what language the bio of Matthew Gaines is in. The only ceremony they talk about is vibrational healing which sounds like what Joseph Rael used to peddle.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 04:39:39 pm »
If he were selling art or crafts he might be in violation. Here his group does, but he doesn't claim them to be NDN. Bizarrely all prices are in pounds and descriptions are in ?

Homepage has bios in Spanish.
Two White Feathers is Colombian. I'm not sure what language the bio of Matthew Gaines is in.

The Gaines bio and the arts&crafts descriptions are, as far as I can see, basically the same text, although the descriptions seem to repeat the same sentences several times.
I just ran the bio through Google Translate, as that sounds vaguely Latin, and this is what I ended up with in the way of a translation:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. No valley poverty Zen. Until the easy warm-television, and cartoon or in front of the mourning. Until than Mauris.


Hurtado also promotes Masaru Emoto on his FB page.
Emoto was (he died in October 2014) a book author and entrepreneur who believed water to have a memory and be able to store information via music, prayers, and thoughts. In Europe, there are several companies selling mineral water who claim they "energetise" their product according to Emoto's methods. His ideas, however, are not in any congruence with scientific research and therefore Emoto did not meet with any scientific recognition. His ideas are quite popular in parts of the Nuage scene, though.

Samstag [Saturday], 7. Februar 2015
08:00 bis 10:00

Joe Iron Eagle (medicine man) & Kristin Bauer (Hado instructor) will continue the work for the Emoto Peace Project with a monthly Water Blessing on the first Saturday of every month in Delray Beach at 8am.
Please note the change on the schedule for the months of November & December:         The Water ceremony will be held on the second Saturday (of these months) at 8am

Foto caption reads:
Lider Apache Joe Iron Eagle y su esposa Sharon

So Hurtado is married to an Anglo named Sharon.

United Nations Association Orlando Chapter [? ? ?]

The featured guest was Medecine [sic] Man Joe Iron Eagle, a Chiricahua-Apache, who filled the room with his song and his spirit.

For musician and singer Jesus Hidalgo, the prophecy isn’t just a myth, but a contemporary call to action. On Friday, April 22, Hidalgo and the Pachamama Project will celebrate Earth Day with Sistema Dos (System Two), a multimedia presentation of music, dance, and art. As part of FUNDarte’s Miami on Stage Series, the event will take place at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium’s recently renovated black box theater. The event is the culmination of several years of work for Hidalgo and it’s no accident that things are finally coming together on Earth Day. The project stems from Hidalgo’s concern for our planet in peril. “We are going to sing to the things we’ve forgotten,” explains Hidalgo. Through video installation and music, Sistema Dos proposes to reconnect spectators to the pachamama -- or mother earth. “The root of the project is humanist, and it’s musically charged with fusion,” says the native Venezuelan. “I like to take elements of rock and pop and combine them with ancestral music.” Hidalgo has worked with commercially successful groups such as Bacilos, Irakere, and Oscar de Leon. Hidalgo’s pop and rock inspired sound features piano, guitar, Peruvian cajon, bongos, and djembe. Kuyayky, a Peruvian Folklore group of four sisters and one brother, will bring their Andean roots to the mix and the Bolivian dance troupe MASIS will add yet another layer of Andean folklore dance. Shamans Jose Fernando Andrade from Colombia and Joe Iron Eagle of the Apache Chicagua Nation will also participate in the event.

I also got this in the list of Google results but the site did not open:

Reiki Level 1 Certification with Joe Iron Eagle - Hangtime Seite übersetzen
16.08.2014 - Reiki Level 1 Certification with Joe Iron Eagle taking place on Sat Aug 16 2014 at 06:00:00 located at Nourishe Organic Destination.

Reiki is another fad popular on the Nuage market.

Regarding his alleged place of birth in Aoulef - this belongs to the Tidikelt region:
According to FR-Wiki, its population is both of Arabic/Berber descent as well as of Haratin descent (  ).
I have actually heard of and seen photos of a person from North-West Africa who passed himself off as ndn in Europe.
Hurtado's Spanish family name, however, does not match with an Algerian birthplace - this would be somewhat more probable with someone from West Sahara which was a Spanish colony until 1975. Morocco invaded the country after the Spanish left and part of the Sahraoui population fled to Algeria where there are still refugee camps in the vicinity of the city of Tindouf. The North is still 'disputed' (  ), the south is independent (  ). Interestingly enough, Spanish is an official language in both parts of former West Sahara.


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Re: "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 06:38:27 pm »
In May 2014 their corporation name The Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle Native American Church, Inc. was changed to Tanahuaci NAC Inc.

Florida Non Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filed
Effective Date
Last Event
Event Date Filed
Event Effective Date
Principal Address
Mailing Address
Registered Agent Name & Address
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address

Title P

EL PASO, TX 79907

Title VP


Title Secretary

(Florida corporation searches )

Hurtado is also involved in Wakan-DO Inc and Uzen-Chi Corp.


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Re: "Iron Eagle" AKA Jose A. Hurtado, traditional Sun dancer
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2015, 06:49:32 pm »
All that "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" type stuff on the blog is just normal place holder text, some blogs come with example blog posts already filled out as demonstrations, or the web master has simply done some test posts.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.