Author Topic: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village  (Read 22258 times)


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Re: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2006, 07:15:09 pm »
Since TN UELN is mostly Cherokee, I looked at Utah. Should have stayed home. They have a Koi garden, Medicine Wheel Garden, Meditation Garden, Crow Sweat lodge, Dine Sweat Lodge, Hogan and a area to put up tipis.  They have a dance troupe that is composed of mostly Paiutes. Pan Indianism, at its best. It's hard to say what they are, easy to say what they are not. frederica

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2008, 02:05:26 am »
i got this frm doris river bird

Standing Stone Village of the United Eastern Lenape Nation
14235 Valley View Circle
Mount Union, PA 17066

they were only loaned items for the musem till l found out what they realy were so i removed my items from there
i was never there clan mother

tic stands for Turtle Island Chautauqua closed 501c3 2005

Red Heart Warrior Society
run by tom big warrior watts
removed from tic because of selling memberships

billy blue feather and his brother was turned in to aim by doris

Chief Chuck Demond of the  Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania. 
doris said she never even belonged to that group
so how was she the clan mother

white panther was removed from the tic for selling memberships
now is running his own Turtle Island Chautauqua

edn run by mike taff, mike medicen shield
she states she was never a member there eather

as to the allentown musem run by dorthy and carl both have passed years ago
i was only there once years ago
before hey changed there name

mother earth daughters drum is from the group run by stray wolf
and is not part of the tic
they were a guest drum at the ephrata event
and that was the last event run by the tic
doris is very upset that someone from that drum said that she said they could sit on a drum while on there moon

tic did not challange any one for native statis
just respect of your own culture and others

Turtle Island Chautauqua is closed
she cut her hair and resined before all groups as grand mother and clan mother
carl also has cut his hair and resined as grandfather and was never a chief of any group

Turtle Island Chautauqua has never charged for any event nor even given out cards
and how could we adopt someone we are not a tribe, just a gathering of native friends
many groups just said i was there clan mother with out my knowing
many people called me grandmother why because i was old i guess

the both of them are in poor health for years now they have not attended a event because of the goings on at the 2005 ephrata event

there are probley many other groups that i have forgotten

there are at least 20 different groups through out pa most are splinter groups
mad at each other, can not get them together on any thing

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2008, 01:17:55 am »
Since TN UELN is mostly Cherokee, I looked at Utah. Should have stayed home. They have a Koi garden, Medicine Wheel Garden, Meditation Garden, Crow Sweat lodge, Dine Sweat Lodge, Hogan and a area to put up tipis.  They have a dance troupe that is composed of mostly Paiutes. Pan Indianism, at its best. It's hard to say what they are, easy to say what they are not. frederica

  I have a whole load of "poop" on the UELN. They splintered from the ELN  (Eastern Lenape Nation) a long time ago. These groups just keep falling apart and creating new groups. They're like bacteria or viruses. Hopefully they will all run their course and go extinct like influenza.


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Re: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2008, 01:49:39 am »
Or they come back immune like MRSA.  welcome back Piney.

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: UELN Wi Ya Sipi Village
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2008, 11:33:12 pm »
Or they come back immune like MRSA.  welcome back Piney.
  My Chief is getting bombarded with complaints from "people" as he says about our little private section in Woodland and my various posts on AITF. I would hesitate to guess I hurt some feelings among these various Lenape groups. I've been in a rotten mood for a long time don't really care .
  Just getting that out before I put my notes together and start making them public on these fools.

   Peace- Rich Joseph