Author Topic: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk  (Read 124396 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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This letter has been emailed around.  I don't know too much about this ThunderHawk guy but he has been denounced by a Lakota/Shoshone man who lives in Florida who is from the real Thunderhawk Family.  Has anyone ever heard of this man "Charlie ThunderHawk"?  Here is a copy of the email that is been going around NDN circles in Florida. 

To whom it may concern,

My Name is HorsesGhost and me and my relatives the IronHawk family and the Thunderhawk family would like to make it known that who ever this man is that goes by the name, Charlie ThunderHawk is a fraud. We know the real Charlie and he lives here in Kyle along with his family. So, whoever this man is, we feel that it is important that people know that this man is an impostor. This man is known to have stolen eagle feathers and even some pipe stone. This man isn't Lakota and may possible be using other aliases . He has been ousted out of A Sun Dance for his conduct. We believe he is in the Tampa Bay, FL area and we would like people to know that this man isn't who he says he is. This Charlie Thunderhawk's real name is Jose Molano.

We are requesting that you read this very well and understand that we won't continue to have this man ruin Charlie's good name.



You can see his picture along with the other fake Cherokees under the Member Photos at this link
He is the one with the long hair and the blue ribbon shirt in the portrait with two women and a younger man in uniform with the title at the bottom of the picture saying Bamburg Family


[edited to rename thread - k]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:12:40 am by Kathryn »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 10:57:53 pm »
I am related to the Thunderhawks here on Standing Rock we have no cherokee in our blood
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 01:05:01 am »
You can see his picture along with the other fake Cherokees under the Member Photos at this link
He is the one with the long hair and the blue ribbon shirt in the portrait with two women and a younger man in uniform with the title at the bottom of the picture saying Bamburg Family

I couldn't get those pics to load, but the "Membership Application" on that site ("MEMBERS APP 1" in left hand nav bar, opens up a PDF) specifically says:


On the "OUR STORE" page, they are selling books by "Chief James Billy Chance", including Red Road to Shamanism, book 1 & 2. The author is also available to chat via MSN Chat. The "Make a Donation" link is on every page of the site. Clicking on "THE CHIEF" gives you some pictures, complete with "war bonnet" and tomahawk. He also goes by "Little Red Wolf", and his wife goes by "Cheyenne Autumn." Some rather interesting photos under "Elders", as well.

Somehow I think we would have figured out that being NDN is not a requirement for this group, even if they hadn't stated it in their membership application. But for those who don't click on the membership link, or don't know much about NDNs... I guess maybe they do hire this guy to show up at schools in that getup. It's disturbing that anyone might go to this group for information on NDNs.

Despite not being NDNs, they say they are petitioning for Federal recognition, with this rather odd statement:

"Please, Please, sign this online petition it is so important to our people.
Even if you do not wish to live on the reservation, what of your children?"

Uh, what reservation? A reservation for non-Native hobbyists? Whuh?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:14:56 am by Kathryn »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 05:30:11 pm »
They even have their own policeforce if you can beleive that.

It seems to me like that would be considered illegal to do ( Police Impersonation ) under federal and state law, especially since the public over there probably doesn't know that their not a legit tribe and that they are not real police officers.  I can only imagine what their so called police officers actually do. Many Real tribes do have their own police force and thats where the confusion might come into play.

As you can see on their website, they are very serious about what they are doing.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 05:31:56 pm »
You have to click on "police force" on the left hand side of the page.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2009, 06:58:51 pm »
Maybe the hobbyists should have a reservation. The glamour of it all may wear off when they have no jobs, medical care, water, or heat in the winter. Shivering in their polyester "buckskins", the wind whipping through their gore-tex tipis, burning their shamanism books to try to stay alive.

ETA: WTF! The member's photos page finally loaded. And in among all the pictures of non-Natives, they put a photo of Graham Greene! WTF?! They spelled his name wrong, but it's him. I think that's actionable.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:15:59 am by Kathryn »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 10:50:30 pm »
I saw the pic your talking about Kathryn!   Good catch!  Its, Graham Greene, the actor from Dances with Wolves!  The online bio for Graham Greene says he is Oneida.  These people are pretty bold to put his pic up as if he is a fellow tribal member!

Everyone can see for themselves.  I would think another law would be broken here, but I'm not sure which one. 

Graham Greene Bio

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 02:18:46 am »
I did find the name Charlie Thunderhawk mentioned on a site as another name for a Joe Malano, who was kicked out of AIM. But the site is a long series of attacks on Sheridan Murphey of Florida AIM. Not sure if it's reliable at all.

Their "chief" has a lot of nerve posting the name of Ruth Muskrat at their site. A very distinguished Cherokee who passed on in the 80s.

Just like with Greene, they want to create the impression she was one of them. In fact if you go to Famous Family Members of the Indian Creek Band, they also claim Audie Murphy, Johnny Cash, James Garner, and even Florence Henderson were members!

PUre BS. Cash was pretty upfront about not being NDN, though he was widely thought of having a little ancestry. Just like some people thought he'd actually done time, when he just sang about it.

I've seen this group around before. Interesting that about half the positions aren't filled, including clan mothers. Yet they have an offical "shaman", no name posted.

The "chief" Bill Chance seems to be affiliated with the notorious fraud Wm Anderson AKA Blue Otter. Anderson's phony prophecy website praises Chance and mentions soliciting memberships for his group. He also shows up on a UFO site. And he's a so called tribal judge in addition to their "chief."

Judging by their site, their memberships probably only numbers in the dozens. I just don't think most people are stupid enough to fall for them.

ETA- just found this over at the Bullshido site, the same bunch that took on Harley Reagan for his phony claims about his time in service.

Thunderhawk AKA Joe Molano was convicted for possession of eagle feathers and denounced by no less than Dennis Banks.


FWS and Native Americans Cooperate on Illegal Trading Conviction

Last year, members of the Native American community in Nashville, Tennessee, apprised FWS agents that Joe Angel Molano (aka Charles Thunderhawk, aka Sam Lone Wolf) was illegally trading in eagle feathers while masquerading as a Native American. The subsequent investigation led to charges against Molano for trading protected wildlife parts and products and his conviction on those charges in federal court last August. Molano was sentenced to 45 days in a federal penitentiary and a year's supervised probation, and fined $500 to reimburse the government for costs incurred during the investigation.

Following the investigation, American Indian Movement (AIM) national field director Dennis Banks met with FWS officials to discuss the drafting of a resolution urging all tribal councils to cooperate with FWS law enforcement personnel in fighting illegal trafficking in wildlife. In a press release issued after the conviction, AIM had this to say:

"The sentencing brings a halt to a career based on intimidation, violence, lies and disrespect for Indian Peoples and Native Spirituality. Court proceedings brought to light more than 20 aliases, nine felony arrests, and eight different Social Security numbers in the last ten years. Molano's con game was uncovered and denounced by AIM shortly after the Sundance at Pipestone in 1994. Up to then, Molano had been conducting ceremonies and sweats for money. 'This is an important step in the fight to stop the desecration of our ceremonies, sacred items and Indian Peoples", stated Dennis Banks. 'This will send a message to other phony "Medicine Men and women", Indian and non-Indian, that we will no longer tolerate the the disrespect and desecration that has occurred in the past ten years.'"


And in further discussions it's alleged he's lied about his military service and martial arts training.

There's more than 100 more pages to read through of their discussion. Maybe more there but I don't have that much time.

This site has a statement from AIM listing him as an informer.

Offline taraverti

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 03:36:03 pm »


"January 7, 2010


The Cherokee March on Washington D.C. was rescheduled because of a time conflict with the permit that was issued, instead of June 14th it well now be held on August 18th.


  The Green Dot for Earth and the Cherokee Freedom march on Washington D.C. is set for Flag Day, August 18, 2010, 9:30am at the Lincoln Memorial. We invite all Black Cherokees, all Mixed Blood Cherokees, all Cherokees who have been denied their rights by the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, all College Kids and anyone that supports our efforts to regain our Freedom of speech and Freedom to say we are Cherokee because for too long now we have been shoved around by the Federal Recognized Cherokees when we have as much right to be recognized as any of our brothers and sisters in Oklahoma. Because we stayed to fight for our homelands when many of the Cherokee citizens broke their own laws by selling the land fraudulently to the United States of America we march to regain our dignity as Cherokee and Chickamauga Cherokee. It is very important that you join with us if you care about your future and the future of your children that will come after you.

On August 18th the Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee Inc. ( in conjunction with the Green Dot for Earth ( will be having a gathering at the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool Area beginning at 9:30am in Washington DC  to draw attention to the fact that many

Mixed-blood Cherokees and the Cherokee Freedmen have been denied our rights and freedoms by the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. The CNO continually denies that many of us even exist by saying that ALL Cherokees walked the Trail of Tears during the forced removal of our people by the United States Government. Even history proclaims that many Cherokees hid in the mountains and valleys to escape that dreadful time in our history as a race of people. During this period many tribes joined together forming the Chickamauga Confederacy such as the Shawnee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Cherokee in an attempt to regain the lands that were sold by a few Cherokee citizens who did not have the authority to do so. At that time there was a law amongst the Cherokee that if one sold land to the whites that it was punishable by death and even that law was carried out when members of the Ridge Family were killed for what they had done. We are not trying to usurp any of the funding that currently is given to the three recognized tribes of the Cherokee, but we are after the Recognition that is due us and that is to say that we are Cherokee the same as any Cherokee that currently lives on any reservation or is a member of any Federal Recognized Tribe. We have been ostracized by those tribes because we fought on for what was taken from us and now the CNO would attempt to strip us of even being able to say that we are Cherokee when may of us have more of that same Blood flowing through our veins than some of those that are on the Rolls that the BIA goes by. I am not saying that anyone having ¼ Indian Blood is anymore Indian that someone who only has 1/8 Indian Blood, but I do believe just as Dragging Canoe said, ‘That if you have one drop of Cherokee Blood, then you are Cherokee through and through. My skin may be lighter than yours, but remember many passed for white people following the Trail of Tears, and many hid the fact that they were Cherokee descendants because of fear of retribution by the government who would have taken everything they possessed if it had been discovered. That is why that only now many families are finally admitting that they have Cherokee blood in their family.

  The tentative schedule for August 18th is: The Shaman will bless the grounds; arrival of Dignitaries will be between 9:30a.m. - 10:30a.m., followed by speeches, dancing and music, with speeches and closing comments between 2 and 3p.m.

  If you desire more information on this march, please contact Deer Clan Mother Jeanie McKillip at no_moccasin_woman@yahoo.comor Director Terry Nichols of the Green Dot for Earth at or myself, Kermit Manis at Please feel free to contact either one of us or all of us and let us know that you will be there with us and / or that you support what we are going to do. We are expecting many to join with us on that day to show the United States Government that we are very much alive, that we care about our religious freedom and we care about our ancestors who will surely smile on what we are attempting because We Remember.

Osiyo Members, Warriors, Council, Elders and Friends,"

"August 18 - 19, 2010


                                                                           Join us in our fight against extinction!

The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma would like us to ‘go away’

The only place we are going, is to…

March on Washington, D.C.

Wednesday & Thursday August 18 - 19, 2010

Lincoln Memorial / Reflecting Pool Area, 9:30 a.m.


9:30 A.M. Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool Area

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Recognition of Dignitaries

10:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies


Dancing and Music

3:00 p.m. Closing Ceremonies

The Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee Inc. ( of Deltona, Florida in conjunction with the Green Dot for Earth ( will be having a gathering at the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool Area beginning at 9:30A.M in an attempt to draw attention to the fact that many mixed blood Cherokees and the Cherokee Freedmen have been denied their rights and freedoms by the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.

The CNO continually denies that many of us even exist by saying that ALL Cherokees walked the Trail of Tears during the forced removal of our people by the United States Government. Even history proclaims that many Cherokees his in the mountains and valleys to escape that dreadful time in our history as a race of people. During this period many tribes joined together forming the Chickamauga Confederacy such as the Shawnee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Cherokee in an attempt to regain the lands that were sold by a few Cherokee citizens who did not have the authority to do so.

At that time there was a law amongst the Cherokee that if one sold land to the whites that it was punishable by death and even that law was carried out when members of the Ridge Family were killed for what they had done. We are not trying to usurp any of the funding that currently is given to the three recognized tribes of the Cherokee but we are after the Recognition that is due us and that is that we are Cherokee the same as any Cherokee that currently lives on any reservation or is a member of any Federal Recognized Tribe. We have been ostracized by those tribes because we fought on for what was taken from us and now the CNO would attempt to strip us of even being able to say that we are Cherokee when may of us have more Native American Blood flowing through our veins than some of those that are on the Rolls that the BIA goes by. I am not saying that anyone having ¼ Indian Blood is anymore Indian that someone who only has 1/8 Indian Blood, but I do believe just like Dragging Canoe said ‘That if you have one drop of Cherokee Blood, then you are Cherokee through and through.

If anyone desires more information on this march, please contact Jean McKillip at no_moccasin_woman@yahoo.comor Director Terry Nichols of the Green Dot for Earth at or myself Kermit Manis at

We are seeking all those that will march with us on this monumental occasion to meet us there on that date.


Kermit ‘Peaceful Eagle’ Manis, Wild Potato Clan Chief of The Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee, Inc.



Join Us: ALL Native Blood

Dignitaries, Native American Film, Singers, Music Stars.

Covering this National Historic Event LIVE will be: WPFW Radio

Want to speak at the Historic Event? Please contact us, the schedule is filling fast.

Native American March on Washington . Confirmed date is August 18th at the Lincoln Memorial/Reflecting Pool Area, begins at 9:30A.M

Schedule for that date is:

9:30AM to 10:30 AM – Arrival of dignitaries

10:30AM Opening Ceremonies

Speeches Follow

Dancing & Music

Speeches Follow

Closing Ceremonies from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Massive, Historic Event. Join us as we fight for our rights.

Dancers, flute players, drummers, speakers are welcomed


James Billy Chance
1352 East Lombardy Drive
Deltona, Florida 32725
Phone 386-574-3291
E-mail ( )"

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 04:38:31 pm »
Thanks for the post taraverti.  It doesn't surprise me though at all.  I think as the three Federally Recognized Cherokee Tribes are beginning to assert themselves more and more, conflicts with groups such as these are going to become more and more commonplace.  It’s more than just about whom can call themselves Cherokee at this point as there are a lot of serious issues at stake and that’s why the Cherokee Nation and EB have been taking a proactive stance lately.  I think it was last year the Cherokee Nation had to send official representiaon to Tennessee to try to stop a couple of bogus groups from getting State Recognition.  As you can see from the tone of the article, many of these people feel as if they are being persecuted.  Some of them actually feel like something’s owed to them because of their alleged Cherokee Heritage.  It will be interesting to see how it turns out. 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 07:40:18 pm »
It might make you feel better to know that, even while trying to shamelessly capitalize on the Freedmen issue, the march will likely be a huge flop few people will notice. Green Dot For Earth seems to be one guy, a very naive guy (who never even says his name on the site) talking about Gandhi and Nostradamus and who knows what else in one huge confused mess of random ideas. His blog shows little activity, and his fundraising acvtivities for the march show a call for $100,000 of which they've Not a single penny from a single person.

In his own words:

"My life has not been all that honorable and there are those who will investigate me to embarrass me before you to discredit this movement any means possible. No complaints, just facts for you to know that I am human like you are and I have no agenda other than the one you see here. I am the voice of your hearts and as such, I am an enormous threat to what the establishment needs to keep the world as it is today."

I actually feel sorry for him. The so called Chickamaugas should be ashamed for taking advantage of him.

The so called Chickamaugas include at least one leader who claims to be not Cherokee, but a Melungeon looking for his roots "with a Cherokee connection somewhere" he'd heard.

His facebook page. Put down anything you're drinking before you look at this. I couldn't help but think of the drummer from Cheap Trick. (OK, showing my age there.)

It's also pretty amusing this bunch invents a quote from Draggin Canoe about the Trail of Tear. He died more than 40 years before it.

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 08:11:00 pm »
About Florida AIM, it has been a long time since I spoke to anyone from AIM but last time I did, some 10 years ago or so, I was told there is no official AIM chapter in this state.  There is/was a group calling themselves Florida AIM only they were not legit as of the last time I inquired.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2010, 10:58:33 pm »
OK, this is odd. The Aug. 18 event is also being advertised as a pan-NDN march:

A Large Protest Rally Call - 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas

Some of the people connected with this are friending everyone they can find on Facebook.

Are these heritage groups behind it, or trying to co-opt it?

Here is the group's description on their profile page:

---------------begin quote----------------------

    A Large Protest Rally Call - 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas
    Organizations - Political Organizations
    The time to begin the process of a walk to the government offices to protest and demand our rights, freedom and justice for our people.

    A time for all Natives across the Americas to protest once and for all the ill-treatment and broken promises, crimes and treaties that the government has committed on our peoples of Turtle Island.

    This group is to rally a call to wake all of us Natives up and rally against the governments of Americas and to speak up in a march towards the governments doorsteps with all of our Nations of Aboriginals in unity.

    A rally cry to all of our people to stand up and be accounted for, because we will no longer stand in self pity while our land and resources are being stolen from underneath us.

    A time to protest at the governments offices and beat our drums and yell out with our strongest voices that we are no longer going to take it anymore. The line has been drawn and the promises have all been broken for centuries.

    We(our Native brothers and sisters) are one now in unity, and we have all come together to stand up for what is ours and what has been promised, no matter how long it takes. We are not the outsiders here, this is our land and we did not lose no wars to surrender it.

-------------------------end quote----------------------------

Here's a typical bulletin being sent out from this group:

----------begin quote-------------------

 David Cada  February 14 at 9:52am  Reply
Unrest is going on all over the US and Canada and those Natives around the world who have been displaced. Protests are popping up everywhere, demanding our rights. This is the year of the Natives, it is felt all over. 2010, we will be recognized. The governments thought they could continue on their destructive path and the hidden genocide. IT ENDS HERE! How are they going to stop the sea of our brothers and sisters marching to the sound of our drums when there will be millions that will stand all over the continent. We will be shout until we are heard, the drums will not stop. When the day ends, we will start again the next day until they listen. We will no longer be ignored, this is where we belong, this is our home, this is our future. STAND UP FOR WHO YOU ARE, ALL OF YOU!!!!! IT IS TIME!!!! AUG 18, be ready.

----------------------end quote----------------------------

Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2010, 11:25:10 pm »
It's confusing to me, because they don't mention in this march to Washington that it is about getting accepted by tribe for their 'heritage', which is what the first march to Washington (that was posted) was obviously about.

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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2010, 11:38:59 pm »
Well, for all we know we might have two unconnected groups who simply chose the same date.