Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Zara (Barbara L. Bolstad) Washington state  (Read 42571 times)

Offline catbus

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Re: Zara (Barbara L. Bolstad) Washington state
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2013, 02:48:43 pm »
With references to Shamanism and Harnerism removed, I also see this is ok for archiving.

These silly hippie dippie new agers with their ridiculous therapies are always going to be duping anyone stupid and foolish enough to buy into them. But if someone goes to some white woman for any spiritual service or ceremony whatsoever it is misguided, and especially some newagekracker who claims to offer services such as "past life regression hypnotherapy", etc, anyone who these people rip off, deserves it for being such a gullible idiot. But at least once they agree to stop doing it in the name of misrepresenting a culture or tribe, really they just make white folks look like the silly hippies they are. White people's culture is spiritual empty because of its colonialistic and consumeristic nature, and thus whites are so desperate for 'mystical' or 'alternative' therapies (as when they were all a bunch of christians they destroyed anything earth-based their own ancestors had as far as traditions go), so they make it popular to run around selling snake oil to other gullible morons such as themselves. If it were not so sad and pathetic, it would be funnier, lol.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 02:50:37 pm by catbus »

Re: Zara (Barbara L. Bolstad) Washington state
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 07:33:50 am »
Hi educatedindian,

I appreciate your saying
I think we can move this thread to Archives

just as I appreciate epiphany/Piff stating
I'm good with this thread being moved to Archives also.

Even Catbus, who called me “newagekracker” said
I also see this is ok for archiving.

I am looking forward to more moderators and members giving their opinions and hopefully agreeing that this thread should be moved to Archives.

Once consensus has been achieved and the thread has been moved to Archives, I do have a request.

To assist those who would only look at the top of the thread to understand how it arrived there, I would appreciate it if you would please place a notice above the first post that states:

“After research and with consensus, we find that ZARA/Barbara Bolstad is not a New-Age Fraud nor a Plastic Shaman. As she is not Native American and is not a recommended source on Native Culture, she doesn’t belong under Non-Frauds, therefore we have moved the thread to Archives.”

Thank you,

Offline educatedindian

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Sorry for the delay in moving the thread. I'm adding your suggestion to the end of this thread, and including something additional:

After research and with consensus, we find that ZARA/Barbara Bolstad is not a New Age Fraud nor a Plastic Shaman. As she is not Native American and is not a recommended source on Native Culture, she doesn’t belong under Non-Frauds, therefore we have moved the thread to Archives.

This, however, is not in any way an endorsement of her or any other's claims of pyschic abilities, channeling, or past life regression.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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And if claims of selling Native-related ceremonies or services reappear on her site, this can always be moved to another section.