Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: David Singing Bear  (Read 39154 times)

Offline educatedindian

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« on: December 04, 2009, 03:17:49 pm »
Claims Eastern Band Cherokee and Cheyenne, selling ceremony in Sedona, involved with many questionable things.

Tour guide at times, but also a ceremony seller.
"David Singing Bear,  an Eastern Band Cherokee native guide and teacher,  leads your customized personal 1 Day Tour.  Singing Bear has led tours, Medicine Wheel teachings and Spirit Quests for those truly seeking a traditional and spiritual journey and true knowledge of the ways of Native People and life paths."

Works with fraud Adam DeArmon AKA Yellowbird.

Some of his claims seem unlikely. Sells "elemental themed unions" online.

David Singing Bear is of Eastern Band Cherokee decent and an Elder member of Omissus Band of Northern Cheyenne.  He is an international spokesperson for the Akicita Bowstring Society, Master Wisdom keeper of Tribal Creation stories and songs, Stone interpreter, Ceremonial leader, and healer/ teacher.  As a holy man for the Red Spider Society and an ordained minister, Singing Bear provides for a unique experience in the bonding and wedding ceremonies he officiates.
     Singing Bear brings decades of knowledge and wisdom, having studied with tribal Medicine elders and teachers on the reservation in British Columbia and across America.  He also has a background as a certified therapist and counselor....
     Singing Bear is an ordained minister from the Universal Life Church and holds a Doctor of Divinity degree.

The site also sells "Native American Weddings" no tribe mentioned. Their "Apache Wedding Prayer" is English and Lakota.

The Cheyenne made an EBC one of their elders? If so what's he doing selling ceremony in Sedona and online?
The ULC is the famous online ordination anyone can do for a fee. There's no mention of where he was ceritified or got his degree, or why he doesn't use them to counsel instead.

Selling a mishmash of Reiki and crystals.

David Singing Bear
Eastern Band Cherokee - Traditional Healing
in Magical, Mystical Sedona, Arizona
David Singing Bear offers sessions guided by Great Spirit, the wisdom of his ancestors, Reiki energy, and the medicine training he has recieved over the years.
With grace humor and knowledge Singing Bear helps clients find the depth of their own heart and to step into their personal power. Singing Bear helps them experience their own medicine path to set their life on a new and exciting course.
Singing Bear's sessions are custom tailored to the clients needs, incorporating a perfect blend of prayer, Reiki, drumming, singing bowls, chanting, and crystals.


And here he claims Celtic descent.

A sidenote. Mr. Suoerspirchul also comes up on a lot of sites as having a lot of mining claims.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 07:06:45 pm »
And here he claims Celtic descent.

Geez, among these types that really is becoming the catch-all for, "My white ancestors were more spirchul than your white ancestors!"

Translation: He did his genealogy. Found some "Mac-whatever" and "O'-etc" names in there. Suddenly the Seekrits of Teh Droods filled his heid!!!!

David Singing Bear is of Eastern Band Cherokee and Celtic decent.

Guess he's not Cheyenne this week.

He is a Wisdom Keeper of tribal stories and Historian, Stone Interpreter, Ceremonial Leader, Healer and Teacher.

Translation: He is a newager. He has learned all the catch phrases that will make lost people turn over their money.

Having studied with tribal Medicine Elders on the reservations in British Columbia

All those Cherokee reservations in British Columbia, y'know.

and across America  since an early age, he has  been well educated in the knowledge of the Medicine Ways of the ancients.

Translation: He's traveled around a good bit. Convinced a few people to let him tag along to some ceremonies. Probably moving on when he realized they weren't going to turn over their secrets, or when he got found out as an exploiter.

Washed up with the other detritus in Sedona, where the planes and rental cars bring in new marks every day.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:50:10 pm by Kathryn »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2011, 02:13:17 pm »
The link that SWskeptic found on the James Ray trial pointed out Singing Bear had a role and bears some responsibility for the deaths that happened there, though he denies and claims to have learned his lesson. What was an alleged Cherokee spirchul leader was doing as a consultant for a faux-Lakota sweat? He didn't say.

....Singing Bear is a 60-year-old Eastern Band Cherokee who calls himself a wisdom keeper, ceremonial leader and healer. He says he spent 20 years learning from tribal elders on reservations across North America.

So when he was asked to design a sweat lodge outside Sedona, where he lives, it mattered to him that it was done right. He says he selected the blankets and canvas covering that would breathe and offered the space traditional blessings and prayers, at no charge. And he says he worried when he heard how large they said Ray wanted it to be.

He says he told higher-ups at Angel Valley that what Ray wanted was too big and that only trained facilitators should lead ceremonies. Hamilton says, "I do not know what he said at the time."

Singing Bear, who’s been named a witness in Ray’s criminal trial, says he doesn’t allow more than 20 people in a sweat because each person needs to be looked out for and protected. Others add that Native Americans would never pressure anyone to stay. The allegation that Ray did this, again, is one the defense team denies.

With or without him, Singing Bear says, that lodge was going to be built because it was what Ray wanted. And he says he had no reason to believe the structure he designed and his nephew built, one meant to represent the nurturing "womb of Mother Earth," would go on to become a crime scene. Now, though, he'll stay away from these kinds of requests.

"They don't care about our ways. It's a dollar sign to them," he says. "I'll never mess with colonialists again."

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 10:31:59 pm »
So when [David Singingbear] was asked to design a sweat lodge outside Sedona, where he lives, it mattered to him that it was done right. He says he selected the blankets and canvas covering that would breathe...

Really? Photos and video of the DeathLodge clearly show blue plastic tarps as part of the structure.

...and offered the space traditional blessings and prayers, at no charge.

No comment.

And he says he worried when he heard how large they said Ray wanted it to be.

So if he was so worried, why did he agree to build it so absurdly big?

Now, though, he'll stay away from these kinds of requests.

"They don't care about our ways. It's a dollar sign to them," he says. "I'll never mess with colonialists again."

So why are his websites still up, offering all sorts of paid services to colonialists and other Sedona tourists?

Vortex Tours:

"Self-Empowerment" and "Joy Centers":
"Singing Bear will help people achieve self-empowerment and emotional and mental healing by taking the journey to sacred places within themselves. ... These are the keys to finding our true joy centers compatible with nature and the universe around us."

Healing Treatments:
"Crystal Sound Healing Treatments
Crystal sound healing treatments bring your energy body to the proper balance and proper vibration. They unify all parts of your being back into one whole. They align your being to yourself, to the cosmos, to the earth, and to the mineral kingdom. They open our chakras to the universe, to life force. The sound healing tones us to the proper vibration. The breath work brings us back into our body. Experience true alignment.
Crystal sound healing treatments last approximately two hours  PRICE ACCORDING TO TREATMENT"
"He brings decades of knowledge and wisdom to help people find their way, experience their own medicine path, and point their life in a new and fulfilling direction."

Hmmm... Cherokee Chakras, Celtic Reiki, NDN Breathwork and your personal medicine path. Wow.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:49:16 pm by Kathryn »

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 02:06:06 am »
I just saw a program on TV that had DSB on it doing ceremonies for veterans with PTSD and their spouses at a center called Angelfire. Lisa Ling was the host of the program, which aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Offline naparyaq

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2011, 07:23:10 pm »
David Singing Bear, alias Daniel Rolling Bear Quintana. Real name: Daniel Quintana.
I have an image comparison that I wasn't able to insert here.

11-11-11 Whirling Rainbow Ceremony with David Singing Bear   
Friday, November 11 · 11:00am - 2:30pm
Blueberry Gardens - 237 Ashton Road (Route 108), Ashton, MD 20861. Sacred Healing Hands Wellness Studio.

Private healing sessions. $120/hr.
Bioridian Healing ~ Clears and establishes qi (energy) flow, directly affecting the body-mind-spirit in a positive way.
Cherokee Breathwork ~ Helps to release emotional and mental trauma through breath.  What's "Cherokee Breathwork"?
About David Singing Bear....Having studied with tribal Medicine Elders on reservations in British Columbia and across America since an early age, he has a rich knowledge of the Medicine Ways of the Ancients. David is also a Certified Therapist and Counselor, Reiki Master, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysical Sciences, Licensed Minister and has extensive experience in Mental Health and Drug & Addictions Counseling.

Quintana's heritage claims:
Eastern Cherokee Band, Northern Cheyenne, Cherokee Wisdom Keeper,  Elder member of the Omissus Band of Northern Cheyenne, Holy Man for Red Spider Society. Previously "Lakota Sioux" and "Lakota-Tewa-Pueblo-Azteca-Spanish" originating from Colorado.
David Singing Bear, Bear Who Sings, Singing Bear, Northern Cheyenne from a "reservation" in Squallix (sic), British Columbia. [He misspelled the name of his own town, which isn't what it's called by local indigenous peoples. It's Skwlax.]

Red Spider Society -
> According to popular superstition, the red spider has the power to spin money in the pocket of the person who secures its services. Ireland, 1887.
> Red Spider Woman - a Pawnee legend.
> In Lakota mythology, Iktomi is a spider-trickster spirit, and a culture hero for the Lakota people.
> Steve McCullough and Iktoma Sha has some affiliation with Red Spider.
> Part of the 13 Grandmothers thing - Margaret Behan is Red Spider Woman.

Various references to this man:

Native American Olympic Hopefuls, Ravendancer Gene Tagaban (Tlingit, Cherokee, Filipino) and Mariah Cooper (LaCourte Oreille-Oneida-French) prayer signing, and Daniel Rollingbears Quintana (Lakota-Tewa-Pueblo-Azteca-Spanish) leading ceremony that helped Kansas farmers end the worst (rain) drought in 120 years.
Earth Works For Humanity/Institute for Cultural Awareness (ICA), Cornville, Arizona

An interview with a shaman

The latest addition to Telluride's community of spiritual healers is Daniel White Eagle Lupinski, a shamanic healer who hails from Michigan. Lupinski has been studying shamanism for the past 15 years under Michael Harner, author of The Way of the Shaman. This summer Lupinski completed a three-year training program in Advanced Shamanic Healing with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

In addition, Lupinski (who is Polish) spent five years living on the Navajo reservation where he worked with a traditional Navajo medicine man. There he taught workshops using classical shamanic journeying and drumming techniques to treat alcohol and substance abuse.

DL: A woman who came to the class [in Michigan] looked very weary. She had Hodgkins disease. She asked if there was anything I could do for her cancer. I said, "Be a part of this class." I felt that her intention was right.
When I went into the trance, I saw no intrusion in her body where the cancer was in the bones. The cancer was this creature in her face -- a wolf kind of creature with teeth and it would jab out of her face at me as I was in the trance. I grabbed it at the right moment and pulled it out of her head. There was also a kind of a masked face on her, and underneath that was her female being.
When I was done, she looked power-filled and I sensed a strong female energy for the first time since I had met her.

TJ: Was it effective?

DL: Three weeks later she had a biopsy and her cancer was gone. She came back the following month and she was glowing. Her spirit was strong. There was a complete remission. Since then I have been working with her to get her in touch with her own power animal.
Part of work has been to teach her how to contain and protect her power. Even though she is strong and healthy, her energy is still scattered. My work with her is to teach her how to protect herself from future intrusions. This is just one example of what you can do with shamanic drumming.
Skier at the Show honored Blue Thunder E. Shoshone Elder Bennie LeBeau, and a some of the 200 Red, White, Black & Yellow participants in the Big Bear Medicine Wheel on sacred sites in a 200 mile radius of the Big Bear Community that requested it. The ceremony restored the lakes and forest water tables, and as a bonus gave skiers the "BEST SNOW IN 150 YEARS." A highlight was Akima Castenada, NVF Board member/actor and a Chumash Father of Earth Day, dancing with Silent Thunder (Tsalagi/Grosventre) and Blackwind (Cherokee). At the end Akima led a gratitude prayer, and Snow then blanketed the whole West!
The “seed” was planted in 1994 by Daniel “Rollingbears” Quintana, a local Lakota-Sioux, whose singing and sweat lodge “highs” opened my heart and mind. I had asked him to exchange my joy of skiing for his wisdom of the mountains, to include in my book about the Ancients, "The Snow Goddess". Thanks to the Telluride Ski & Golf Company for donating a lift ticket, I taught “Bears” the Eagle Dance on skis, which inspired him to save Telluride from a snow barren Christmas. Singing the sacred “4 Directions Song” on the radio and the Peter Yarrow Concert, it snowed a foot each time, convincing me that Mother Earth really listens! I saw that while we Anglos dropped the ball, our First Americans continued the Wisdom of the Ancients.
"Aho, my name is David Singing Bear, Bear Who Sings, Singing Bear, Northern Cheyenne.
There's a medicine wheel on my reservation is in northern British Columbia, in Squallix. It's the oldest medicine wheel we know of in North America. This medicine wheel dates back thousands of years. The medicine wheel was there before the people that we know of now.
The medicine wheel represents the people and the universe. This medicine wheel is a reminder to the people to always live the way of the hoop, the way of the circle, the way of the people, the way of life.
It was put down in a remembrance to remind people always that life is a circle that the universe is a circle, that what goes around, comes around and what we put out comes back to us.
It is there to remind us to always be in balance and harmony with nature. It is there to remind us to find our place, our purpose in the universe and live this and then we are a whole person.
This medicine wheel has been used for thousands of years in these ways."

« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 09:49:33 am by naparyaq »

Offline naparyaq

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2011, 07:44:35 pm »
I believe Daniel Quintana (aka Rolling Bear aka Singing and Dancing Bear) to be Hispanic/Latino.

Speculating superficially, a quick search of towns around Telluride reveal a small army of Quintana families, as a surname. I imagine that this guy might be from that area - southwest Colorado, northern New Mexico or Arizona.

But who knows? Maybe he's from California - he does hang out with Le Beau. Anyway, so dude rolled into Telluride, shacked up with the legendary aged Chapstick Girl, Suzy Chaffee, livin' the life with her in Aspen and where ever, created himself as a Native Guru, and ended up in Sedona where all good scam artists go to retire.

And where Suzy is too, funny enough, promoting her Native Olympic Team under the auspices of a bunch of high-maintenance Native leaders who don't even know that they're all named on her website as her supporters and donors.

Offline naparyaq

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2011, 10:30:36 am »
David Singing Bear interview. James Ray sweatlodge deaths.

"David said he has never met James Ray nor any of his staff."

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: David Singing Bear
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2013, 05:49:32 pm »
I have had word that this man passed away on January 1, 2013.

Offline loudcrow

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Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2013, 03:31:27 pm »
It's interesting that he was buried by a very conventional traditional service, as best can be told by the funeral home site. Also that there are no messages on that page. He seems to have died fairly young, looks to be in his fifties at most judging by the photos. But of course we don't know the cause of death.

I don't see any sign that others are still using claims about him to mislead others. If we can't find any sign of that, in a few days we'll move this thread to Archive, marked No Longer a Concern.