Author Topic: Hello  (Read 4761 times)

Offline AppGal330

  • Posts: 5
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:30:12 pm »
I live in northeast TN.I'm of mixedblood French/Mi'kmaq/Chitimacha/Irish-Scot. Some time back,at a vulnerable time of life, I was conned by someone who supposedly was a "Cherokee Medicine Woman".She came to live with me and supposedly to help me heal from an illness. *sigh*Not knowing Cherokee ways (I was raised by my Dad's cousin who was Lakota/French and that's what I know)but knowing I needed help--'cause the "western" docs just weren't doin it...I took this woman into my home.Yea, I know(now)STUPID! After things went bad(won't bore u with details)and I figured out she was a total and complete fraud & thief....I sort of made it a, umm well "mission" is a good word; to try to help keep this type of thing from happening to anyone else! I've "lurked" around this site for quite some time, reading and getting info on ppl, to help protect the searching ones out there that are looking for help, to protect them. So, figured I'd come out from "behind the tree" lol so to speak & join in.I'm a mom of 4 beautiful girls(they hate when I call them that lol)all grown and they've blessed us with 6 gorgeous to several foster kids ...wife, to the most wonderful man!...and "mom" to my beautiful Appy/Qtr, Woody :) oh and Miss Belle-our bassett hound---we live in the country...gotta have a hound dog :) Looking forward to making new friends of like mind who's words I've been readin' here for a lonnnnng time :) be well...have a blessed day!
warmest regards and with deep respect,

Offline Truth451

  • Posts: 4
Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 04:03:48 pm »
Boozhoo!!  :D

Nice to see another person "come out from behind the tree" lol!  ;)  I lurked (and learned) for a long time, this site has helped me alot and I've checked out some of the names of people I've run across personally. I don't say much, mostly watch and listen from the sidelines. Sorry to hear you went through a hard time. Been there too but you're in a good place here, these people are nice.

Welcome!  :)