Author Topic: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"  (Read 49168 times)


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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2010, 07:30:22 am »
Dear bls926

Many people still dont use computer  ;), Not easy for me to understand either but reality, many of our own elders here and even young people dont use this media sorry to say. It takes time to lern, like everything else I guess. :) Do every body know computer among the people you know? :)
I find that there is many levels of how much one person knows abaut how to use the computer.
I know that Hectors wife use the computer, but she is not Hector right?
I am pretty sure that if you contact Hector pr email and get telephonenumber you will find salution peacefully to clear out the situasion for the higher best.  :) Something is rotten some where, but where the smell is comming from, you need to find out.

Love and light from my heart  :) pray that the creator protect you, and alow you to find the trued.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 05:56:59 pm »
yeah, i smell something....something fishy in Denmark....maybe admin can check some IP addresses.


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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2010, 09:15:32 pm »
yeah, i smell something....something fishy in Denmark....maybe admin can check some IP addresses.

Dear wolfhawaii

Not nesesery to be root, :) but if you need to go on to that level be my gueest.
You are so welcome.
What is your real name for a start?
And why did YOU not put a picture on to your profil?
What is it YOU want to hide ?
You can ask me the same Qustion what do you think I will tell you? I dont even think i need to go further whit this, my inergi is well needed else where doing good things :-* :)
Have a nice day and remember to love your self.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2010, 09:56:18 pm »
1...for my self I se him ads a human bean whit some visdom, that make me recall that we have our own medicine here.

2. If nobody hear Hector out and meat him on the request to contact him by telephone or maby visit, how serius is this site then?

3. All here on this site otherwise I would se like gossip and very evel towards people, that do have there heart the right place and work from it. If you only get your information sekund hand.

4. All what is in writing here, is to read by every body, it would be not nice to destroy somebodys name,that dont deserve it. I do beleave there is laws asgainst that.

5. Regards from Mizzlilly/ and whit love and light

1. That's the central problem right there. Some people in Denmark are kidding themselves that an NAC roadman somehow can teach them about an imaginary pre pagan tradition of theirs.

2. Where did you get this bizarre idea that we have money to throw away? This is an all volunteer site. You seriously expect us to not only phone internationally on every case we look into, but even go visit in person?

Obviously you did not bother to read this thread before you came in and started making careless accusations. Ybarra is the one who first asked us to call him, then withdrew that offer and refuses to speak.

3. Let's see, you accuse us of gossip and even being "evil"?

But most of the information we've gotten is firsthand. It comes from the Ybarras, or the NAC. Or guess what? From your group.

It does seem very contradictory and hypocritical. You come in, make accusations without proof, refuse to read what's right in front of you, twist what we say and what we've done...

...and then mix these ugly tactics with very insincere "sweetness and light" messages.

I can't say I'm surprised, because we've seen these practices before from those who know they are doing wrong, and are trying to cover that up when they get caught.

4. There it is again. Very unsubtle legal threats side by side with the "I'm so spiritual" pose.

5. Followed by yet another sweetness and light message.

But then you follow that up with several messages which are close to trolling, and include some personal attacks and insinuations against our members.

Again, I can't say any of us are surprised. But it doesn't get us anywhere.

Unless you can get your own leaders to be honest, the only thing your trolling does is make you look petty, vindictive, and insincere.

Also, any more personal attacks upon our members will now be deleted. Stay on topic, read what we say before you make any more false accusations. We do want to find out what's happened. But your attacks don't do anyone any good.


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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2010, 12:25:28 pm »
 You educated indian

"1. That's the central problem right there. Some people in Denmark are kidding themselves that an NAC roadman somehow can teach them about an imaginary pre pagan tradition of theirs."

Where did you get the idea that Hector is teching abaut imaginary pre pagan traditions ?
And what makes you think that? I dont se eny writing or dokument eny where on this site where this is a fact.
And I never reseave eny teching abaut that, maby I sleeped in the classroom that day ???

"2. Where did you get this bizarre idea that we have money to throw away? This is an all volunteer site. You seriously expect us to not only phone internationally on every case we look into, but even go visit in person?"

Simpel, when you write abaut other people that can destroy them, and hide behind profils on a website and still claim to be serius an etic, it would prove your entension by giving people fair chance on there terms to explane them self . And you do take donations, that is the first thing I notise here.
Criminal law defines two forms of defamation : First "insulting words or acts" also known contempt expressions. , "charges" that will say insulting accusations.
The old wording of the Penal Code shall be construed in accordance with Human Rights Court. 
The distinction between value judgments and factual allegations.

Factual assertions presented as facts, and here required documentation.
The specific context determines whether an utterance most appear as a factual reality or most resembles an opinion or evaluation.  I beleave this goes for USA also. ;)

I would be very carefull and in these matters if it was me invastigating somebody.

People getting angry because they have personal orpinions abaut what is right and wrong, is not documentation at all, that Hector should be selling out cermonies, whis is not the case.
That make me wonder if there is other things going on among your self.
Remarks abaut what he is doing helping whites when indians are suffering so bad, that it is not at all ok to alow white to eny cermoni at all. These are the things i se here, at this moment.
Objektiv people is among you also. Get it right and this is the last i write here in this tread because i se fighting and behavier that is under your suposed level and inbaressing to it is.
The idea of trying to find and warn people agains Frauds is not bad, but I question the way it is don.
Special remarks like "and then mix these ugly tactics with very insincere "sweetness and light"
Is in my book not very serius or nice behavier, since you dont know me at all.
I se a big problem among you and this has nothing to do whit me or whites in europe, must say if Hector dont want to talk whit you I can fully understand this, the jugdement and good behavier is missing here.
Maby you dont agre whit this but then again, all of us has the right to come op whit our opinion.

I truly hope you will find your path in light and love for all your relations.



Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #50 on: April 12, 2010, 06:27:18 pm »
You educated indian

1. Where did you get the idea that Hector is teching abaut imaginary pre pagan traditions ?
And what makes you think that? I dont se eny writing or dokument eny where on this site where this is a fact.
And I never reseave eny teching abaut that, maby I sleeped in the classroom that day ??? would prove your entension by giving people fair chance on there terms to explane them self .
3. [Long looooong and extremely confused rant about the law]

I would be very carefull and in these matters if it was me invastigating somebody.

4. That make me wonder if there is other things going on among your self.
5. Get it right
6. and this is the last i write here in this tread
7. because i se fighting and behavier that is under your suposed level and inbaressing to it is.
8. Is in my book not very serius or nice behavier, since you dont know me at all.
9. I se a big problem among you
10. the jugdement and good behavier is missing here.

11. I truly hope you will find your path in light and love for all your relations.

Thanks for being unintentionally funny, and for proving right everything I just said. You really should try reading before making yourself look foolish

1. That's been said several times in here, by your own group.

2. We gave them the chance, and they turned in down, remember? And later on, within the same post, you even admit you knew this.

3. There's yet another empty threat to go to the law again.

4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. There's half a dozen insults and unprovoked attacks, yet again.

6. Do you promise? Because all your trolling in here is doing is showing everyone your lack of maturity.

More seriously, your trolling is just a cheap attempt to distract and for you and the Ybarras to avoid answering the central question. Why the heck would an American Indian who is Christian/NAC go to help silly New Age Danish people "find their roots"?

11. Followed by yet another insincere and silly "sweetness and light" comment. We are just fine. Your empty sanctimony is wasted, obnoxious, and not believable.

You commented "we don't know you" but we do. We see self deluded people such as yourself all the time. And your own websites show you to be even worse in these delusions than we've seen in here.

Mz Lilly's own New Age sites show quite a lot of bizarre misunderstandings of Native people. A lot of Franklin Mint images and silly romanticism and attempts to remake Indians into fantasy creatures who do little but pose with silver wolves., crystals, and pentacles. Most of it is silly, but some of it is offensive, and the sheer level of it borders on racist cartoons.

Even stranger is the way you twist the story of one you call Lyle Medicine Wolf. I don't see any sign of who he actually might be, but supposedly he's an Ojibwe who claims to have visions of a Cree medicine man who also believes in the phony "rainbow warriors" New Age false prophecy. What I suspect is that, like Ybarra, you simply twisted what you heard from him to fit what you wanted to believe.

And that may be yet another part of all of this. The Ybarras either don't know or don't care that NAC traditions are being twisted or misportrayed or misunderstood by some very wacky New Age Danes.

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2010, 12:20:50 am »
I received a pm from Mizzlilly. She stated that she considered it for me only, so I will not post her message. Below is my response to her.

« Sent to: Mizzlilly on: Today at 07:17:01 PM »  

Mizz Lilly

I'm sorry you feel that way about NAFPS. Believe me, this is not a hateful place. We have a difficult job to do and we're doing it to the best of our ability.

There are many people all over the world who think they can appropriate Native American traditions and spirituality and use them as they wish. This is wrong. Stealing from another culture is never right. Our ancestors sacrificed with their lives and freedom to protect their way of life. You cannot take it; you cannot buy it. For you or anyone else to think they can conduct a Lakota sweat lodge or a Cherokee stomp dance is wrong. To think you can charge money, adds insult to injury. These ceremonies do not belong to you. They never have and they never will, no matter how many teachers you have or how much money you pay. If you find that harsh, so be it. It is what it is.

Yes, we do want information about Hector Ybarra and what he is doing in Europe. He has been invited to join this forum and explain. He chooses not to do that. Kelsie has written to Al, but refuses to permit him to post her e-mails. If they don't want to share their side of things, that's their prerogative. No one here is forcing them. However, the research will continue with or without their input.

It's sad that so many in Europe cannot learn the traditions of their own ancestors and feel the need to steal from the First Nations.


Edited to correct a typo/misspelled word in my opening. (used form instead of from)
Damn OCD.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 05:38:03 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2010, 05:45:09 pm »
I received another pm from Mizzlilly; more of the same. I didn't reply to the second one, since the first pm I sent her didn't have any effect. I see she's no longer a member here.

I've been exchanging e-mails with another person associated with Hector Ybarra. We'll see what comes from that.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 06:31:15 pm by bls926 »

Offline Walks

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2010, 07:21:45 pm »
I've met Hector. I gave Ben Carnes a ride to the Denver area home of him back in March of '08.

Although I didn't really get to know him or Kelsey with the short visit I made, I did hear Ben and Cat speak alot about him.

I really don't have an opinion of him per-say, I did decline an invitation to attend a NAC meeting he was to lead.

I didn't attend because I have no real interest in that church.

I wont claim to be very informed on NAC however it is my understanding that while the founding principals of the church did include some teachings of jesus, some now include these teachings and some do not.

As far as relevancy to this forum of what Hector is accused of I have the following thoughts.

One, it has been said here that NAC is based on christianity. It has also been said that christians tend to want to spread the "gospel".
So, as far as Hectors trip to what?

The more appropriate complaint being that he was charging for his teachings,(isn't that what christians do?) and representing them as traditional Native Spirituality. Ok, fair enough, I can see the issue here, however, at what point in time, does any "ceremony" become what we call traditional?

I have been told off forum, that Hector also is accused of preforming a sweat. Many nations worldwide have utilized sweats nearly forever, so that in it's self shouldnt be cause for undue alarm.

It was also disclosed to me that the ceremony that Hector preformed was represented as an authentic Lakota we have huge issues.

So, is what I have been told a proven fact, or is it still a he said, she said situation?

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #54 on: June 10, 2010, 02:04:09 am »
Hector, Kelsie, and Sunka were in Denmark during May 2010.

Den Anden Virkelighed
V. Hanne Jørgensen & Frank Hansen

April 4, 2010
April month was kicked off with a week of work at this place. Many great people have put their effort and energy in this place, so it could be really nice and it has indeed. Thanks to you who came and helped. We had never done it without you.

The photos, taken during the process lies in the picture gallery under “Seen and done.” Here you can get an insight into what happened here on the spot. Look forward to come and experience it.

We have decided that it is everyone’s project to keep the land beautiful and that meens that when you come here, you are free to see if there is anything you can do to keep it.

This month, I have women’s group 2 times. This concludes the first womancircle. New women’s group starts the 12th June. Sign up quickly, if you’re interested. I put all the dates of the course into the calendar.

Saturday 17th April at. 10-17 Mona Lisa comes again with her wonderful power jewelry and tarot cards. Do you want a reading, please let me know quickly.

Saturday the 17th we have the drumming evening at 7 pm. The place is filled with new energy, so it will be really power full. Notify me if you are coming, so I know how many buns I have to bake.

At the end of the month comes our Indian family. We are really looking foreward to this. We will do healings, sweat lodge, and various workshops while they are here. We are so lucky to have them here a whole month, so there can certainly be a lot of exciting things to experience.

Remember that we are working only for donations and so does our Indian family as well.

Hugs and Light


May 10, 2010
Saturday the 15th of May Hector wants to run a Sweat. Come and participate in a sweat run by a great medicinman.

The rules: bring changing clothes (you have to wear clothes in the sweat), towels, and a dish to share afterwards. Please remember it is by donations.

June 2, 2010
Finally it seems that the summer comes. May has been realy cold and wet, and certainly not the best weather for our activities here.We have had the great pleasure to have Hector, Kelsie and Sunka here in May. It’s been fantastic lovely and instructive for us and many others.Our outdoor kitchen works perfectly, making it much easier to have activities here. The outdoor toilet also acts as it should. The last weekend  we also installed an outdoor shower. Now does it all work as it should. Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped us with the hard work.Here in June I start a new women’s group. The dates are on the calendar. Join if you want to work with yourself and find your inner goddess.Saturday 19th June, we celebrate the solstice and have the drum group. We anticipate that we will meet at 3 o’clock and we start the grill. Bring food that can be placed on the grill. After eating, we will drum and sing as usual. We finish as usual with coffee and freshly baked buns. We’d love to have your registration for this event. Remember we have no prices, but happily accept donations.
Do you want to come and give us a hand with the land, you are very welcome. Weeds are growing fast now and we can easily use a few extra hands to help us with that.Currently we are trying to put a program up for the autumn. Do you have any ideas for what should be done here at the place, feel free to let us know.Hugs and LightHanne

(I bolded references to Hector et al)

Notice there are no prices listed for any of these events; it's all about donations now.

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2010, 04:52:25 pm »
Kathryn, have you had anymore news from Europe? Received any recent e-mails?

This thread seems to have experienced a premature death.

Edit to add: Al, have you heard anymore from Kelsie or the folks in Denmark?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 06:46:42 pm by bls926 »

Offline YouKnowNot

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #56 on: February 13, 2011, 09:18:39 am »
Hello all.
I live in Denver Metro area, and I do know of Hector in passing a few times. I am weary of negative words of others, and border line slander. However, I have seen him be disrespectful to those older than he, to others, and even me. I hope this will be able to help here . . . ESPECIALLY those that are seeking something . . . a spiritual void to fill. WATCH OUT for this guy. As far as Im concerned, he is a FRAUD.

He is a part of the NAC, and was taught by a Navajo/Dine man (who I know as well). He does run "Lakota" style "sweats", and also the "Temescal"/"Aztec" style "sweat" (these are coed sweats by the way). He runs an "Aztec" dance troupe. AND, he has made claim to be "acting medicine man for the Sundance" somewhere, pointing north. He said this to me personally. This is what he IS doing. He is arrogant to say the least.

I had to make some phone calls and even meet with some people in the area about him. There are quite a few people that have warned him NOT to go to Denmark and do this. There has been reports of Hector augmenting the Lakota style sweat lodges, and it is possible that he may be talked to by for real, bonafide, spiritual leaders . . . as there are some, like Dave Swallow, Looking Horse, and many others that are not happy with this in general. Since he has built a name for himself, him, and several others are on the list.

His lack of respect, in general, and especially of his disrespect of older folks, especially for his NAC mentor/teacher (I saw/heard firsthand) is indicative of him NOT being "the real deal" . . . and if these people that are teaching are "real", then I am wondering WHY he is being taught in the first place. Something is all around wrong with this picture, and is wide spread in my area. I was always told that if you are chosen to be handed down knowledge, that the child or even middle aged person is "looked" into to see if they can "carry" it on for the people in a good way.

I know an older man that has no one to pass down what he knows because, for one, they dont speak the language, two, they dont wanna know, three, HE DOESN'T BRAG or ADVERTISE what he knows, does, or can do. Some things may die with him, like, somethings that his father and grandpa knew died with them. They were real strict about who to pass it down to . . . mostly basic stuff; the calling - do they behave well? - do they help people, especially elders? - do they fight with people, verbally or physically? - and so on.

Hector does not fit the bill to be a ceremonial leader, nor a "medicine man". Most of the people that come into his circle are those that are lost, spiritual misguided, and are being taken on a dangerous road. I am deeply concerned. On one level; I am wondering what he is actually TEACHING through his behaviors, especially to younger folk that are searching (as he is very EAGER to train/teach people that approach him); teaching it's OK to be disrespectful to people - that its OK to augment ceremonies.

On another, I am concerned on a SPIRITUAL level. What else is REALLY going on . . . things we cant see . . . things that will creep up on us later. I have warned people in the area, and have seen some circles of friends and families be turned upside -down. Not saying I have a gift . .. I was professing the OBVIOUS. I've learned the hard way, and have been told sever times; "you dont wanna play around with this spirit stuff . . . it can get dangerous. For you, or for those around you".

Anyhow, I could go on in great length and tell detailed stories of Hector . . . trust me . . . he has created uproars in the scenes around here. We all have to watch out for what we believe in. Is it delusional, or is it based on something more tangible/direct personal experience with The Creator, and can be verified by other REAL spiritual people, and then examples from the people. Even if just a ceremonial leader, and thats all they got - something taught to them by a human. It's still messin with spirits . . . something to think about at least. There's a reason why there are taboos, protocols, and rules for each ceremony, and each tribe has it's own "laws" . . . it gets complicated and time consuming to know all these things, even for one ceremony. But once all thats cleared up and solidified, by those that are urbanized/colonized, then we can move onto the next step . . . getting the help that we actually need, beyond filling voids, or a group to belong to.

Hope this helps, and not trying to step on anyone's toes . . . my toes, and others, have already been stepped on, by people like Hector.