Author Topic: Charles A. Laster  (Read 74900 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Charles A. Laster
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:51:14 pm »
Welcome to the forum. I'd be grateful if you were inclined to provide a short intro regarding your person, your background, and perhaps your tribal affiliation.

I do realise that I might come across as somewhat inappropriate, but the reason for my inquiry about which indigenous nation may claim you is due to some confusion caused by googling you.

On the one hand, you keep a blog in which you claim to belong to the Notoweega Nation:

The Notoweega or Norwards, also known as, Andatses, Hurons, Susquehannocks and Mingos, are an inter-tribal grouping of Southeastern tribes, that were one fire with the Delaware, Iroqouis,   and warred Tutelo/Catawba/Saponi's of South Carolina and Virginia. The Notoweega consisted of mainly, the Cusabo(Wapoo), Nottoway, Shawnee(Showanose), Meherrins, Cherokee(Tsalagi), Delaware(Lenape), Conastogas, Tuscaroroa's, Mingo-Seneca and eventually the Tutelo, Saponi, Catawba.

On the other hand, there is also info like this one:

Sachem Laster of the Weapemeoc has been invited to attend and be a guest speaker at a conference of tribal leaders the next day.

Therefore I'd be glad if we got this slight inconsistency sorted out. Thank you.

Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 06:21:27 pm »
Ingeborg, you beat me to it! Lol. I had also googled Charles Laster and was going over the same material, thanks for posting all his info. There was one thing that seemed really odd, I looked at his academic back ground on his LinkedIn page and found that 2 of the schools he claimed a degree from are closed and out of business. Mid-Continent University and Paducah Community Colloge. West Kentucky Voc. Tech is still in business. What are the chances that 2 out of 3 colleges Charles Laster mentions are no longer in business.

Mid-Continent University

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Business Administration and Management, 3.5455

2010 – 2013

Paducah Community College

Associate od Arts with Distinction, Business/Commerce, General, 3.529

1982 – 1998

West Kentucky Voc. Tech.

Certified class I-II, Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, Certified

1986 – 1987

Completed a 2 year course in one year.

Activities and Societies: VICA Won the VICA competition my first year even though it was for 2nd year students.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 06:58:06 pm »
Thanks, Ingeborg.

That is very interesting what you discovered also, Diana.

I am not sure if Mr. Laster will come back here to answer your questions, Ingeborg, but when I saw the two NDN nations mentioned, I also found that he is listed as being on the Council & Administration of the Notoweega Nation.  His photo, along with the other council members, is posted, but when you click on the photo, there is only the gobbledygook placekeepers you get when you have not completed the website, so I think the website is in its elementary stages.

Also, if you notice the website above, which is for the Red Door Casino, you will find all kinds of links for articles about how the casino was raided by Lucas County and the lawsuits resulting.  The tribe was using this as a money-making venture and claims sovereign immunity.

Ohio BCI agents and member of the Ohio Investigative Unit spent about 4 hours seizing items from the Red Door on East Main Street in downtown Logan. The business owner says he is being unfairly targeted because he's a member of the sovereign nation.

"They have no right to enter our property.  This is sovereign property.  We are non-reservation Indians. We are operating a sovereign business," added Dancing Elk.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2015, 08:14:19 pm »
Mr. Laster, this is what you said in the Robin Denton thread:

I am one of the founding members of the IPUN, Indigenous Peoples United Nations, and we are not part of the UN.

The IPUN is registered with the UN as an international indigenous organization. That is a very simple matter to check as the UN site has a search feature for all registered organizations, but clearly someone did not take the time to bother searching.

I cannot find your name on the Indigenous Peoples United Nations Facebook page anywhere, but this is what the Facebook page says about the history of the formation:

History of the Formation of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations:
When the traditional peoples of the Ottawa River Watershed saw that the land they steward was in real danger and under threat of commercial development, pipelines, uranium mines, and 24/7 logging in an original boreal forest, they had very little power to protect and steward their land. In response to this dire situation, their people sought help from business and security-experienced people who designed and developed the Indigenous Peoples United Nations with them. This has led to a very fast-tracked direct path to the United Nations. In order to take advantage of this historic opportunity, we are requesting your support through this letter of Intent for Membership.

What exactly is your relationship to IPUN?  Are you one of the "business and security-experienced people" that the traditional people of the Ottawa River Watershed consulted with?

Also, the IPUN is not "registered with the UN as an international indigenous organization", but it is listed at the UN as an NGO (non-governmental organization, which "is a group whose members are individuals or associations"), so I think you need to get your terms right.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 08:30:14 pm »
Attached is a draft charter for the IPUN and Mr. Laster's name is not listed.  Seems like a "founding member" would be listed. . .


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2015, 09:03:44 pm »
Charles Laster is of Cherokee decent and a published author on theology and physics under the pen name Little Feather. Charles has written on green technologies and engineering as well. Inventor of IRAM, and earthquake resistant masonry construction system.
(Bolding Mine)

I think this is from a dating website:

I am a Native American, Ex-Marine, Martial artist, I was a male stripper for 4 years, An armor and weapons buff with a small but interesting collection. I was a stagehand for 15 years. Working on concerts, movies, and plays was my love during that time, and I got to work with some of the best. My last gig was for the Rolling Stones on their Steel Wheels tour.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2015, 11:23:43 pm »
Prior link does not work due to my bolding of Little Feather.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2015, 12:09:40 am »
He has also claimed that "Little Feather" is his "Native American Indian name".

Aireal and Arueal are also online names he uses.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2015, 01:35:42 am »
Weapemeoc Tribal Nation of Mayfield, Kentucky is the creation of Charles Laster.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2015, 02:47:28 am »
Oh, I don't know, Piff, if he created the Weapemeoc Tribal Nation, but he seems to be the only person who knows about it and has certainly written a lot.

Apparently, the tribe also intermarried with the Moors and he has a scimatar that has been passed down to him.

Submitted by Chief Charles Laster (United States), Aug 15, 2014 at 19:06


I am the Herditary Chief of the Laster Tribe and I have the Scimtar the Moorish Ship captain gave to the Chief for his duagters hand in marriage.

In fact I owe my life to a member of the Islamic Branch of our tribe.

I am glad to learn that my tribe is remembered in the history of your people as well.

Soon the Weapemeoc would enter Islamic history as +The 1aster Tribe of 'er5uimans !ounty North !arolina-#Around 37?9 a %oorish Ship floundered off the coast of north carolina" and the crew too& refuge with their old allies the Weapemeoc# The ships captian was a nobleman from Tur&ey and he fell in love with the daughter of the %assasoit Sachem <'rinciple Sachem> 1aster II# The Tur&ish nobleman presented Sachem 1aster with his @amascus Scimatar as a gift for the daughters hand in marriage" as was the custom at the time# That Scimatar has been passed down from %assasoit Sacham to %assasoit Sachem of theWeapemeoc Tribal Nation from that time forward to the present day#(ecause the Ships !aptian was a nobleman" and married into the royal line of the tribe" he was entitled to start his own sovereign tribe" as part of the Weapemeoc# A number of his crew also married women from the tribes of the Weapemeoc" and they became the core of this new Islamic Tribe of our Nation#
(Sorry, that doesn't copy well for some reason)

This is an interesting comment he made on another site:

The “Laster Tribe” of Perquimans County N.C. in the 1700’s was most likely a Yeopim tribe that intermarried and was within that region and time. My Ancestor Peter Laster who arrived in Virginia 1666 may have been part of it.

He mentions his ancestor, Peter Laster, here:

 My ancestor Peter Laster arrived at Jamestown and bought land in the county of Isle of White on June 6 of that year. (page 511 from Cavaliers and Pioneers Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666 by Nell Marion Nugent, 1983.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2015, 03:14:21 am »
Autumn, I don't mean that he invented tribal peoples using that name, I mean Laster created a form of "The Weapemoac Nation of Mayfield, Kentucky". I could be wrong, but his claims don't look accurate, he makes quite a few big guesses. I doubt his scimitar story too.  :)

I think he has stitched together his own personal colonial ancestry, inaccurate history, wishful thinking, with some facts in order to claim he is the sachem of a tribe.

Here is his "declaration of sovreignty":


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2015, 06:06:50 am »
I agree with you, Piff.  His claims do not look accurate.

The one ancestor he mentions, Peter Laster, came over here from England in 1666, one of the "Cavaliers and Pioneers," and bought land in Virginia.  But if I understand Mr. Laster's drift, his ancestor intermarried with the Weapomoac (or Yeopim) and ended up in North Carolina.  He said that was in the 1700's.  So he bought land in Virginia in 1666 and moved to North Carolina 34+ years later to become a member of the Yeopim tribe?  I just don't get it.

This is the book he refers to when he mentions his ancestor:

But, apparently, in 1750, when the Weapomoac intermarried with the Moors, that began the Laster Tribe of Perquimans County, North Carolina and the present chief of that tribe is Tecumseh Brown Eagle and he is a cousin of Charles Laster. 

Because the Ships Captain was a nobleman, and married into the royal line of the tribe, he was entitled to start his own sovereign tribe, as part of the Weapemeoc.  A number of his crew also married women from the tribes of the Weapemeoc, and they became the core of this new Islamic Tribe of our Nation.  This Islamic Tribe of the Weapemeoc and their story was recorded by several historians who called them "The Laster Tribe of Perquimans County North Carolina".  Over time some tribes of the Weapemeoc took in other tribes, and became tribal nations in their own right.  The Islamic Laster Tribe is now part of the Sovereign Eire Mound Builders Tribal Nation of the Weapemeoc Confederacy.  The chief of the Eire Mound Builders is Tecumseh Brown-Eagle.  He is a direct descendant of the Laster line from the Islamic Laster tribe, and the cousin of Massasoit Sachem Charles A. Laster.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2015, 06:31:52 am »
Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, mentioned in the thread above, who supposedly is a cousin of Charles Lester, has a 25 page thread on NAFPS:


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2015, 03:12:00 pm »
I believe the Laster Tribe was simply a community of people who were identified as mixed-race. They were named after the surname (including variations)  of some or many of their community members.

There is doubt about whether they had NDN heritage:

Charles Laster claims his group had to hide until 2014, according to his Declaration posted earlier.

As Autumn shows, Laster's genealogy claims don't make sense.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2015, 04:01:31 pm »
His claims especially do not make sense when all other sources say that the Weapomoac are extinct.

When he says that he is the cousin of a notorious fraud, Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, who has been proven to have no NDN heritage, that should remove any doubt.