General > Frauds
John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
So, you deny that Two Hawks grew up in Michigan instead of the “Black Hills???? You support his claim that he is Lakota? Have you seen his tribal enrollment card or CDIB? Okay, who is he enrolled with, the Oglala or Sicangu? In Lansing City back in 1999 he claimed to be Potawatomi/Oglala.
This is just for starters until you can support your claim that nothing written here is close to the truth, don’t make blanket statements unless you can back them up. Answer these three questions truthfully and then we can proceed to the other complaints against him. Sadly, there are too many individuals such as yourself who have been duped by people like Two Hawks. Real American Indians are fighting to preserve and protect their cultures and traditions from those like Two Hawks and his followers.
Actually, I should submit that claiming tribal enrollment where none exists for the purpose of monetary gain says all that needs to be said about one’s character - or lack thereof.
I wasn't sure where to put this thread at, and so put it here. This guy claims to be a Lakota Flute player, and seems to be making some big bucks off of what he does.
I was wondering if anyone had any info on this guy to see if he really is Lakota, or if he is just another fake making money off false claims to being NDN and playing Native flute.
His name shows up on the American Indian Heritage Support Center as being associated with a "Jim Two Feathers". I don’t know if it’s the same person or not. His name appears under individuals operating in Arkansas on the bottom.
--- Quote ---Jim "Two Feathers" May (Eureka Springs, AR, associates with John Two Hawks)
--- End quote ---
Being nominated for or winning a Nammy is really no proof one way or the other as to whether or not someone is an American Indian. Its more about music, so people can self identify however they want. Maybe a Lakota could comment on whether or not they know him or his family.
This was interesting. He has something listed as a Mending Medicine Retreat and the charge to attend is $325
--- Quote ---The Mending Medicine Retreat
with John Two-Hawks
At Little Portion Retreat Center
on More Mountain
in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
October 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th, 2010
1. 4-Day Retreat
Mending Medicine Retreat - Eureka Springs
4-Day Weekend Retreat
October 21, 22, 23 & 24, 2010
Offline Registration
Online Deposit & Registration
Retreat Cost - $325
Don't Miss This Very Special Retreat!
This 'Mending Medicine Retreat & Reunion Celebration'
is a special gathering. John Two-Hawks will share his
wisdom and teachings and present a powerful, intimateconcert, and yet what will make it so special is that so
many beautiful people from all the years of retreats and
gatherings will be present! New retreatants will be in
attendance as well, making this a wonderful gathering
of sharing warm memories and creating new ones.
This special reunion retreat celebration will be a time
for peaceful reflection, laughter, self-discovery and
interconnection. Through ancient Indigenous wisdom
and interactive sharing, great personal inner growth,
empowerment and transformation can be realized.
This retreat is about the power of balance, humility,
giving and interdependence. You will find yourself
slowing down, relaxing, and reconnecting with Spirit
--- End quote ---
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