General > Frauds
Pamela Kiser AKA Pamela Sequeira AKA Pamela/Apela Colorado & Wisdom University
--- Quote from: Ingeborg; ---Given her father's family name - Kiser seems to have been adjusted to English pronounciation, from a German family name "Kaiser" [meaning: emperor]. Milwaukee as a place of origin plus a German background seems feasible.
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Not exactly French, or "Gaul", is it? I wonder where she gets that? Maybe her mother's side?
I am surprised this person was never moved to the fraud section it seems all the evidence is there including her family tree which shows No Oneida or Native blood or family five generations, along with the typical multiple new names to cover up actual identity and heritage. It looks like she has German, Irish, and French. and her family line originate in French Quebec also. I seen her cited in a book on Iroquois history online, ad had a website and operating on Facebook still.
--- Quote from: WINative on March 04, 2024, 06:05:26 am ---… operating on Facebook still.
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That profile links to this page:
Further links from there: —
There is also a YouTube Channel: [Worldwide Indigenous Science Network]
I glanced at the first video, when observing that it's about 'The Eagle and The Condor Prophecy' I felt no need to watch more. We have a thread called "Eagle and Condor Prophecy" where this question was asked, but never resolved:
--- Quote from: tecpaocelotl on September 27, 2015, 06:46:19 am ---Where is the origin of this suppose prophecy?
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