General > Frauds
Pamela Kiser AKA Pamela Sequeira AKA Pamela/Apela Colorado & Wisdom University
This came up on a message board I frequent.
She claims to be 1/2 Oneida and 1/2 French, and have a Doctoral Degree
This website is from 2008 but I've been told that she's got something planned for 2009 to the same event.
She teaches or used to teach at something called "Wisdom University"
World Wide Indigenous Science Network
Please click on the Uluu Ot link to join WISN in lighting the sacred fire of Ancestral Remembrance and Renewal...March 21, 2008
For the first time in millenia, the Kyrgyz Elders are lighting their sacred fire, the Uluu Ot, for global healing and the reunion of humanity The Uluu Ot is an ancient sacred fire that is held by the Kyrgyz people in their oral traditions, as a way to remember relations of ancient ancestors. It is a sacred rite that reactivates very real ancestral relationships that came from Central Asia 40,000 years ago.
At that time, many groups spread apart: NORTH: to the Baltics & Europe. EAST: to China, Japan, Siberia, and Native Americas. SOUTH: to Himalayas and India.
The Uluu Ot is a rite of remembrance to a time of shared ancestors. It is organized with tribal healers worldwide
[Changed title of thread]
"...WISN or its founder, Dr. Apela Colorado. WISN founded the world's only accredited advanced degree program in indigenous wisdom - the Indigenous Mind masters and doctoral programs at Naropa University in Oakland, California."
Naropa has a long ugly history of promoting exploiters and selling ceremonies at its campus. And a degree in "indigenous mind masters" would not deserve much credibility, esp from them.
I'm not too certain about Colorado. She claims to be Oneida and Cherokee on this link, but also says she grew up in a Midwestern rez?
The program she describes mostly involves people looking up their genealogies and seeing how their ancestors were colonized. Getting people to understand their family histories is always good, but claiming it represents indigenous wisdom is very strange.
Wisdom University that she's part of is basically Twinkie U.
Their board of directors is one philosophy prof who writes mostly on politics, a lawyer, and someone claiming to be an expert in "energy medicine".
If you go to their class schedules, well, they don't have semesters. They have single classes, kind of like adult education courses except they charge as much as expensive seminars or workshops. I'd be surprised if any university anywhere would allow you to transfer credits from these "courses." Except another Twinkie U.
Defend the Sacred:
--- Quote ---Class Date: February 9-13, 2009 – Maui, HI
Location: Maui, Hawaii (Temporary Location) (4 credits) - Weather
Seminar: Maui Residency: Indigenous Mind VI
Faculty: Apela Colorado
Class Number: 60148
Art as Meditation: The Indigenous Mind Experience
Faculty: Apela Colorado
Class Number: 61098
The Indigenous Mind intensive is sixth in a series of seven intensives for the Master Degree in Indigenous Mind that began in October 2006, with one intensive in the San Francisco Bay Area and one in Maui Hawaii each year.
--- End quote ---
An art and meditation class that has some of the classes in California and others in Hawaii... seems definitely oriented towards those with lots of spare time and extra cash.
I had a run-in with Apela Colorado (she was Pamela Colorado when I met her, "Apela" is a new name she's taken on sometime in the last 10-15 years) back when her "organization" (such as it was) was new. She recruited me fairly aggressively, and then a couple of years later told me she'd wanted me in the organization because of my high-end contacts and colleagues in the Native community. She thought she could access some big names through me, apparently.
In those early days she had a flashy brochure listing a number of projects in the Indigenous world. One was the revival of the Canoe tradition on the British Columbia coast. It didn't take long to find out that it was tribal youth leaders and others who were spearheading that effort. Colorodo's organization didn't have anything to do with it. Other projects in her brochure never got off the ground because her friends (project leaders) didn't want to be involved, or weren't qualified to handle them.
According to scholar John Mohawk (now deceased), she's not Oneida, or at least, isn't an enrolled member, and no one had ever heard of here there. A Native lawyer told me some family members of hers were once sued for operating a minority business under false pretenses. The case went to court, and a family tree was done. It turned out they had 1 Native ancestor 9 generations back.
She used to teach at an institute in San Francisco, but didn't get along with the Native students. Now she's moved on to Naropa, it looks like.
In public records
Name: Apela Colorado
Address: 573 Wainee St, Lahaina, HI, 96761-1174
Name: Pamela Coloradosequeir
Also Known As: Pamela Coloradosequeira
2nd Also Known As Name: Pamela Sequeira
Address Date: 01 Dec 1994-01 Sep 1999
Address: 573 Wainee St
Address Continued: Lahaina, Hawaii 96761
Address Date: 01 Dec 1994-01 Sep 1999
Possible Relatives: Apela Colorado, Cherie Uds Sequeira, Elsie Gale Sequeira, Keola Sequeira, Le Van Sequeira, Levan K Sequeira
--- Quote ---Dr. Apela Colorado is Oneida-Gaul and a traditional cultural practitioner and indigenous scientist. She is dedicated to bridging dialogue between Western thought and indigenous worldview.
--- End quote ---
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