Author Topic: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis  (Read 115022 times)


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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2015, 04:10:00 pm »
Please join us in welcoming the first member of our Tribal Senate: The Honorable, Senator Hafeezah "Spoken Arrow" Comeaux]Please join us in welcoming the first member of our Tribal Senate: The Honorable, Senator Hafeezah "Spoken Arrow" Comeaux

Richard Lake would like us to give him money for his upcoming coronation.

Just officially invited the Governor of Oregon and the Grand Chief of the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation (whos Spiritual Leader will be crowning our King).

Una Tribal King's Coronation. He will be crowned and the entire community is invited. We are asking for a minimum of a $5 donation (non-tax deductable) to help with the expenses.

Our King had named Raylen Rose Robinson, devoted member of our nation, to the Council of High Chiefs as the High Chieftess Ehtaer. He also granted her the title of Princess Lacsina. She shall be known as:
Raylen Robinson, High Chieftess Ehtaer, Princess Lacsina

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2015, 09:59:24 pm »
Still crazy after all these years....

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #92 on: June 30, 2015, 02:41:54 pm »

Richard Lake would like us to give him money for his upcoming coronation.

Just officially invited the Governor of Oregon and the Grand Chief of the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation (whos Spiritual Leader will be crowning our King).

Una Tribal King's Coronation. He will be crowned and the entire community is invited. We are asking for a minimum of a $5 donation (non-tax deductable) to help with the expenses.

I like that they have not been able to con a single person to give them a single dollar.

Still, this is fraud, not just morally but legally an attempt to defraud people by deliberate misrepresentation. Gofundme has a place to report it. I've done so, and others can too. The local DA might also like a word with them.


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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #93 on: August 30, 2015, 04:57:03 pm »

The Una Nation of Mixed-Bloods
July 22 ·
Our tribe is now selling enrollment cards for $5. So if you would like to purchase one just email us at

Enrollment page, they do ask for birthdates, not a wise thing to give a fraudulent group:

On their FB page they claim over a thousand members.

Their current Gofundme is for "Reservation for Mixed-Blood Tribe", they want 500 thou, they have only made $10.

Hafeezah Comeaux has a Farrakhan video posted on the FB page.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #94 on: November 04, 2015, 03:54:04 pm »
thing is his mom was an intern for an oregon senator.......and they are rubbing elbows with alot of others who may very well be able to grant them state recognition

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #95 on: November 04, 2015, 06:00:47 pm »
No way. They're a joke. Any senator's aide googling this group better read this thread, and thoroughly, because any gov't official that grants recognition to these clowns will become a laughingstock when the media gets ahold of this.


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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #96 on: November 04, 2015, 06:13:18 pm »
HCR 16

This does need to be stopped, letters might be useful, along with this thread.

Fake tribe petition:

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #97 on: November 04, 2015, 11:23:06 pm »
I messagd a friend in Oregon about this. She is politically active with lots of friends and hates pretendians and playgans.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #98 on: November 07, 2015, 12:40:21 am »
HCR 16

This does need to be stopped, letters might be useful, along with this thread.

Fake tribe petition:

The petition already has a fake signature with protest comments.

On their FB page they claim to have signed a treaty with "Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee." There's four different groups claiming the name, most with obvious warning signs of fraud.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2019, 12:42:45 am »
Sen. Elizabeth Warren may lack the heritage necessary to qualify for membership in the Cherokee Nation, but she’s got what it takes to become a Una.

The Una Nation of Oregon, founded in 2009, has granted the Massachusetts Democrat enrollment in its unrecognized “mixed-blood” tribe, which only requires would-be members to show one Native American ancestor.

“We’re granting her, as a gift, enrollment in the Una Nation,” Una leader Richard B. Lake III told KVAL13 in Eugene, Oregon. “When she’s asked next if she’s a member of a tribe, hopefully, she’ll be able to say proudly, ‘I am a member of the Una Nation who accept me for who I am.’ “

The tribe mailed her a packet Tuesday that included a Certificate of Enrollment and welcome letter, Mr. Lake told the Washington Times....

“If she’s Native American, or of Native American descent, that means she’s of mixed blood, and we stand by her and her statement that she is part Native American,” Mr. Lake said.

The Una Nation has no federal or state recognition, but the band has been recognized by three Oregon mayors via proclamations and has signed treaties with two tribes in Canada, according to its website.

Mr. Lake said he founded the Una Nation, which claims more than 35,000 members, after being rejected by recognized Native American tribes for failing to meet blood-quantum requirements.

“[W]e strongly feel that as the diaspora of the genocide, we should finally be recognized for who we are today: the Indigenous American Mixed-Bloods,” he said. “And as such, we formed the Una Nation. To have a place for our people. We aren’t fully Native American but not fully anything else.”

The Certificate of Enrollment, signed by “H.M. King Richard II Ziwahatan,” also grants tribal membership to the 69-year-old Warren’s descendants, including her children and grandchildren, as well as the senator’s husband, Harvard Law School professor Bruce Mann.

“We want to ensure that people like us, like her, are not overlooked and are not pushed aside any longer,” Mr. Lake said.

Offline KeepRiel

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #101 on: March 08, 2019, 05:03:02 pm »
I am a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, an officially recognized Nation comprised of Western-Canadian Metis. It is a distinct Nation that does not base membership enrollment upon blood-quantum; it is based upon who you are related to in your genealogy and family tree. You must provide specific documentation that PROVES your family is associated with the founding-families of Red River, Jasper, Lac Ste. Anne etc (true Métis families).

Documentation to provide Métis ancestry generally requires Vital Statistics documents (birth, marriage, death certs) and scrip records. Virtually ALL Métis families took scrip, even those who would often wander into the United States. It is well known that the Métis (not mixed-bloods, we are a distinct cultural peoples) traveled as far as west of the Great Lakes, down to the Missouri (prior to the Louisiana Purchase) and all the way to the Rocky mountains of Alberta, Montana, and further southeast into the Dakotas. Many of our extended families did indeed end up in places outside of Canada. However, if you can't show that you are DIRECTLY related to these people, then you are not Métis by any stretch. You need to prove you are related directly to someone who took out scrip. Eastern mixed-blooded people have zero association with the Western Métis. Métis identity is not based upon blood, it is a cultural identity you are born into.

For those who do not know what scrip is: Section 31 of Manitoba Act 1870 refers to the need to extinguish Métis rights and title yet provides for the families of the "half-breed residents".

31. And whereas, it is expedient, towards the extinguishment of the Indian Title to the lands in the Province, to appropriate a portion of such ungranted lands, to the extent of one million four hundred thousand acres thereof, for the benefit of the families of the half-breed residents, it is hereby enacted, that, under regulations to be from time to time made by the Governor General in Council, the Lieutenant-Governor shall select such lots or tracts in such parts of the Province as he may deem expedient, to the extent aforesaid, and divide the same among the children of the half-breed heads of families residing in the Province at the time of the said transfer to Canada, and the same shall be granted to the said children respectively, in such mode and on such conditions as to settlement and otherwise, as the Governor General in Council may from time to time determine."

These were also called the Northwest Halfbreed Commissions. Many people were oppressed or forced to sign. You could trade away your Indigenous ancestry and land rights for money. Other people were actually impersonated by White colonialists and WASPS (white-anglo-saxon-protestants) by committing fraud and illegally signing X's in the place of their names (most of us could not read or write.) You gave up your rights as a distinct Métis and became an enfranchised Canadian. It nearly destroyed our collective identities and communities. The reason why we are a distinct Nation is because we have our own unique culture, languages (Michif & Bungee), history, heroes, politicians, dances, music etc. It isn't about blood or having one ancestor. It is about who you are related to.

Here is an example of my great-great grandma's scrip. It was actually bought by Richard Secord, a well-known land-speculator who made a fortune off Metis land. Notice her name is signed with an X (that means she didn't even sign it.)

The Una Nation is completely fraudulent. It is an off-shoot of Eastern mixed-blooded peoples trying to claim Indigenous cultural identity. This has been a huge issue for the Metis Nation of Alberta and the Metis Federation of Manitoba. One genetic ancestor is NOT what gets you into the MNA or the MNF, even legitimate Metis people cannot get away with this.  I only just became a member and it has taken me over 5 years just to get all my documentation and research together to apply.

"The Una Nation has been recognized, establishing diplomacy, by the Eastern Woodland Metis Nation Nova Scotia and the Nation of Canada via treaties of Peace and Friendship, as well as being recognized by Mayor Christine Lundberg of Springfield, Oregon, Mayor Kitty Piercy of Eugene, Oregon and Mayor Lucy Vinis of Eugene, Oregon in the form of Proclamations." These recognitions are completely made-up. Canada only recognizes the MNA and the MNF and we are actually about to take Canada to the Supreme Court over scrip.

I would really like to take this guy down.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #103 on: January 21, 2025, 11:47:54 pm »

last known activity 2020

hope rk-l moved on to more useful endeavors

sorry to bring this back but it was kinda entertaining