Author Topic: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk  (Read 101435 times)

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2012, 07:40:56 pm »
I heard he is no longer Pastor at the Lutheran Church of the Great Spirit in Milwaukee, WI.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2012, 01:32:26 pm »
This site says their pastor as of 2011 was Michael Steinke.

I also found an older site mentioning that TDRH was going to take part in that failed wannabe march on Washington. It's posted on the Chickamauga site. Older members will recall this group was Wm Anderson's bunch that also claimed to be Pocahontas descendants. Today they seem to claim to be just about every southeastern tribe.
And then there's that bizarre drawing on the right where they seem to buy into the Bering Strait Theory.

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2013, 07:17:55 pm »
Tim Dancing Red Hawk is still operating around the suburbs of Milwaukee here's his latest email.

Osiyo Oginalii (Greetings Friends),
There are two great events happening this weekend, and I wish to invite you to both of them. They are listed below and both offer ceremonies for connection and support as we seek to ground our spirits with Mother Earth and all fo creation. Please remember to RSVP and let me know if you are able to or planning to come to either event (or both)! I hope to connect with you in some way this weekend! Please let me know if you need directions to either event!
Dancing Red Hawk
SATURDAY, APRIL 27th - 7:00pm (PIPE and DRUM)
Sacred Pipe and Drum Ceremony will be held at the Soul Source in West Bend on Saturday, April 27th at 7:00pm. Join this amazing growing community of support gratitude and peacefulness. There were nearly 40 people present last month! If weather permits, we will be outside for this circle to celebrate the Flowering Moon. As an offering, please consider bringing a pot of your favorite perennial flower that can be planted near the lodge site or on the property somewhere. The lodge at Soul Source will re-built in May and ready for ceremony next month! You are all welcome to come and help with the rebuilding! (Date to follow soon)!
April's Moon is known as the Flowering Moon! Join us as we celebrate this time with the Flowering Moon Lodge ceremony at Harmony Lodge in Oconomowoc. The ceremony will be held Sunday, April 28th at 1:00pm at our Waterville site. As an additional offering, please consider bringing a pot of your favorite perennial flowers that can be planted at or near the lodge site. I look forward to the Sweatlodge ceremony and sharing this time of prayer and peaceful presence with you all. Again, please RSVP to me, in order to assure that there will be space in the lodge for you. ( Thanks!
Shine the Light!
Tim Dancing Red Hawk
I have loved the stars so deeply, I shall never be afraid of the darkness!

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2013, 03:33:39 am »
The Soul Source
6988 Wildwood Road
West Bend, WI
(262) 335-3302


Join Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk as he comes to the Soul Source to share in the re-building of Soul Sanctuary Lodge, where he will lead us in a regularly scheduled Native American Sweat Lodge ceremony again this year.
This ceremony is an intense prayer ceremony for communal harmony as we come together for the ritual cleansing of our mind, body, and spirit for healing and purification. We join with the powers of Mother Earth and those in the Universal Circle of life for giving thanks, and asking blessings upon ourselves and others. Through sweating, the body naturally cleanses itself of impurities and toxins in the blood, and also stabilizes or balances our body temperature in order to strengthen our health to survive the demanding conditions of our living.
Traditional Cherokee teachings, songs and stories will be shared and a potluck feast will follow each ceremony. The week before the full moon, we will gather to repair and rebuild this lodge at 3:00pm and then proceed with the first lodge ceremony of 2013 at 6:00pm. This is a 3 to 4 hour ceremony, so please plan accordingly. Tim Dancing Red Hawk offers this ceremony free of charge to all who come with a good heart and in any need, he does not accept anything for his time or leadership. Donations to help offset the costs of materials (tarps, wood, stones, medicines, etc) to continue providing these ceremonies are welcome – a suggested donation of $25 is recommended. No one will be turned away for lack of a donation. Please bring a small dish to pass for after the lodge ceremony.
If you have an interest in attending this ceremony (newcomers are welcome!), you must please email Tim Dancing Red Hawk to pre-register for the ceremony (he will provide you with a handout on what to bring and how to prepare). Space is limited in each lodge ceremony to approximately 20 people, and participation will be based on the order of registration. For more information, any questions about the ceremony, or to pre-register contact Tim at .
About the Leader: Rev, Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk is of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee in North Carolina, Bird Clan. He is an ordained ELCA Lutheran pastor and has been a practitioner of Cherokee Medicine for many years. He serves as the Vice Principal Chief of the United Cherokee Nation the State Clan Chief of Wisconsin, and is a member of the UCN National Tribal Council. He is the Chaplain to the Native American inmates at Racine Correctional Institute in Sturtevant, WI. He has dedicated his life to being of service for healing, teaching, and spiritual connection and leads Native American ceremonies throughout the United States. He has walked with thousands of men, women, and children on the journey through their last days of life in working as a Hospice Chaplain and Spiritual Care Advisor. He is currently a Hospice Care Consultant with Seasons Hospice of Milwaukee, WI. He is a nationally certified Alzheimer’s Educator and Dementia specialist. His years of experience as a Spiritual Leader, Pastor, End of Life Care Specialist, Educator, Counselor, Healer, Cherokee Ceremonial Leader, Spiritual Consultant, and Native American Storyteller are brought together as he shares his unique approach to living, loving, and letting go in the Circle of Life.

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2014, 12:55:36 am »
He's still active around the suburbs of Milwaukee, I just googled him and this came up:

Calm Your Spirit with Native American Drumming presented by Tim “Dancing Red Hawk” McIntosh, descendant of the Eastern Cherokee, Thursday January 16 6:30-7:30-p.m.

Come learn about the history of the Eastern Cherokee people, the significance of the drum, and
listen and participate in a drum circle! Tim is an ordained minister and has dedicated himself to
being of service to healing, teaching and spiritual connection. He leads Native American ceremonies throughout the U.S. and has walked with thousands of men, women, and children on their journey through their last days of life. He serves as an Active Care Consultant for Seasons Hospice. Tim's years of experience as a Spiritual Leader, Pastor, End of Life Care Specialist, Healer, Cherokee Ceremonial Leader, Spiritual Drum Circle Leader and Storyteller are brought together as he shares his unique approach to living, loving and letting go in the circle of life.
Drumming has been shown to; reduce Blood Pressure, Stress and Anxiety, calm agitated people
suffering from dementia and/or Alzheimer’s and has been used during rehabilitation with stroke victims. Cost: $7.00

"Center for Life Enrichment-Oconomowoc, Wisconsin-December 2013 Newsletter"

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2014, 08:06:14 pm »
Just sharing some info with everyone, it seems like Soul Source, a suburban nuage group, is now appropriating Ojibwe women's ceremonies, besides the fact they are still sponsoring Lakota sweat lodges, pipe ceremonies and drum circles by Pastor Tim McIntosh for a fee. They also had Rocky King, Oneida, there doing a Oneida Bear Medicine Healing Circle, in which they charge $35.
This seems like a group that needs to be stopped, or exposed in the least.
Below I included their posts. Let me know what you think?

Tomorrow night, from 7-9PM, we will be holding a New Moon Circle at The Soul Source. We will be doing some drumming, sharing, connecting and crafting of Horse medicine bundles to help carry our wishes and intentions for the next month. We still have room, if you are interested in attending.

Based upon feedback from Soul Source participants and my own need to incorporate sacred rituals into my life, I am calling into power this gathering of women during the time of the New Moon. I intend for this to be a night of Sharing, Connecting, and Honoring our power and purpose as mothers, daughters, lovers, sisters, friends and leaders in this community and world.

I have been dreaming, reading and talking about horses a lot lately, so I thought we could use Horse Medicine and Energy to kick off this gathering of Wild and Wonderful women. Bring a drum, rattle or any other type of music making instrument, your voice, a journal and pen and an open heart and mind. Also, bring the following materials to make a little medicine bundle to help you embody and use the medicine of the horse this month:

• A Red Jasper or Tiger's Eye Crystal for Power & Protection

• A Small Shell to hold your grief

• A Sturdy/Strong Piece of Cloth or Leather For Your Bundle
• A Long Piece of Tie/Rope/String To Tie Your Bundle

• A Sprig of Sage

We will be drumming and chanting, discussing, journaling, creating and sharing so we can release pain, claim our power and visualize ourselves being strong and free.

Cost to participate: Suggested minimum donation of $10-25.00 (based upon ability to pay).

Dennis King, carrier of the Bear Medicine from the Bear Clan of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, is coming back to The Soul Source to lead another powerful Healing Ceremony.

The Creator sends out spirits to help Dennis help others. Dennis comes from a lineage of healers; his Great Grandfather and Great Uncle were healers. And now, he continues their legacy! Come, hear his story, partake in this group healing and learn more about Native American wisdom and the path of the Shaman.

You will have the opportunity to hear and feel the Bear breathing and growling, sense the strength of the Bear and the medicine that this totem animal has to share expanding as true healing power surrounds you in this amazing group experience.

Dennis will also be sharing his experience with and knowledge of the purpose of conducting Fire and Water Ceremonies and how they can help you move through challenges and obstacles in your life.

Monetary exchange for this powerful service is $35.00. If you bring a friend, save $5.00!
Join Tim Dancing Red Hawk in this sacred circle of intention and support. Bring a drum, rattle, shaker or any other percussive instrument, if you have them. If you don't have anything, bring an open heart and willingness to share. Tim will bring the large Pow Wow drum and individuals will have an opportunity to play in the group as we sing songs and drum together. Part of the experience will also include offering prayers, listening to Cherokee Teachings and wisdom, and then Tim will provide healings/blessings to all who need it.

The pipe ceremony for Native American peoples is a sacred ritual for connecting the physical and spiritual worlds. Many believe that the ceremonial pipe is a link between the earth and the sky--the pipe embodies our prayers and intentions and the smoke, blown in each of the directions, becomes our spiritual connection to the creator and our spirit teachers/guides--a direct communication.

Tim is an Ordained Pastor and a nationally recognized Spiritual Leader and a teacher of Cherokee Medicine. To honor Tim and the teachings and healings he gives at these gatherings, bring a gift (tobacco, sage, a shaman stone, etc...) to offer. You are also encouraged to make a free will offering to The Soul Source so we may continue to host these important gatherings, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Their Contact info:

Soul Source
6988 Wildwood Road
West Bend, WI
(262) 335-3302

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2014, 03:45:40 pm »
Tim Dancing Red Hawk
April 24 at 12:15am
Lodges coming up! Hello all, Tim Dancing Red Hawk here! I am hoping you can join us at the Soul Source in West Bend for one of these ceremony opportunities! I will be leading some sacred sweatlodge ceremonies in the next few weeks and want to open it up to all who are interested. I know it's a little last minute, but we have space this Saturday at 10am if you are feeling called to come and join us! Let me know by RSVP or respond here to this message if you would like to come! UPCOMING LODGE CEREMONIES: Sat, April 26th (this Sat) at 10am, and Sun, May 18th at 9am. ***Our Annual Vision Quest ceremony will be held May 28th through June 1st.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 03:47:19 pm by WINative »

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2015, 05:44:10 pm »
Sunday, March 15at 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Join Tim Dancing Red Hawk in this sacred circle of intention and support for the coming Spring and Spring Equinox.

Bring a drum, rattle, shaker or any other percussive instrument, if you have them. If you don't have anything, bring an open heart and willingness to share. Tim will bring the large Pow Wow drum and individuals will have an opportunity to play in the group as we sing songs and drum together.

Part of the experience will also include offering prayers, listening to Cherokee Teachings and wisdom, and then Tim will provide blessings to all who need it. Tim is an Ordained Pastor and a nationally recognized Spiritual Leader and a teacher of Cherokee Medicine.

To honor Tim and the teachings and healings he gives at these gatherings, bring a gift (tobacco, sage, a shaman stone, etc...) to offer. You are also encouraged to make a free will community offering (what you can afford to and are willing to pay) to The Soul Source so we may continue to host these important gatherings, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2015, 05:09:42 pm »
... shaman stones?   :o

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2015, 08:13:08 pm »
His Facebook account is simultaneously hilarious and disgusting.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2017, 05:22:49 am »
Just giving an update Pastor-Rev, Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk McIntosh is still operating in the suburbs of Milwaukee County and Southeastern Wisconsin.
Here's a couple links to his recent activities and website:

Offline Diana

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2017, 02:25:18 am »
From This is Tim Mcintosh's father who is still living. As you can see the family is white. As is his grandparents Jesse Lee Mcintosh and Pathenia Calhoun Mcintosh. The birth record obviously is misspelled. also has his great grand parents Jeff and Mary Jane Mcintosh as white, they were born in the 1850-60s. The family has a long history in Gastonia Gaston county North Carolina. Part of this county falls within the Eastern Cherokee reservation, I have also looked up all of their neighbors decade after decade on the original census records and they are all whte too. No Indians what so ever. Jesse Lee Mcintosh is the supposed Cherokee grandfather that again supposedly taught him everything he knows about being a medicine man. Wrong. Tim Mcintosh needs to stop disrespecting his families history. They have a very interesting and colorful history in North Carolina, and he should be proud.

Boyd Lyndon McIntosh
 in the North Carolina, Birth Indexes, 1800-2000
VIEW North Carolina, Birth Indexes, 1800-2000
Add alternate information
Report issue
Name:   Boyd Lyndon McIntosh
Gender:   Male
Race:   White
Event Type:   Birth
Birth Date:   11 Aug 1930
Birth County:   Gaston
Parent1 Name:   Jesse Lee McIntosh
Parent2 Name:   Parthunia Colborn
Roll number:   NCVR_B_C040_66002

Jessie L Mcintosh

in the 1930 United States Federal Census

Name:   Jessie L Mcintosh
Birth Year:   abt 1889
Gender:   Male
Race:   White
Birthplace:   North Carolina
Marital Status:   Married
Relation to Head of House:   Head
Home in 1930:   Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolina
Map of Home:   View Map
Street address:   West Franklin Avenue
Ward of City:   4
House Number in Cities or Towns:   1016
Dwelling Number:   69
Family Number:   81
Home Owned or Rented:   Rented
Home Value:   8
Radio Set:   No
Lives on Farm:   No
Age at First Marriage:   21
Attended School:   No
Able to Read and Write:   Yes
Father's Birthplace:   North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace:   North Carolina
Able to Speak English:   Yes
Occupation:   Picker
Industry:   Picker Room
Class of Worker:   Wage or salary worker
Employment:   Yes
Household Members:   
Name   Age
Jessie L Mcintosh   41
Parthenia Mcintosh   39
Frank I Mcintosh   19
Fannie Mcintosh   15
Marie V Mcintosh   10
Oliver Mcintosh   6
Neighbors:   View others on page

Parthenia Mcintosh
 in the 1930 United States Federal Census

Name:   Parthenia Mcintosh
Birth Year:   abt 1891
Gender:   Female
Race:   White
Birthplace:   North Carolina
Marital Status:   Married
Relation to Head of House:   Wife
Homemaker?:   Yes
Home in 1930:   Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolina
Map of Home:   View Map
Street address:   West Franklin Avenue
Ward of City:   4
House Number in Cities or Towns:   1016
Dwelling Number:   69
Family Number:   81
Age at First Marriage:   18
Attended School:   No
Able to Read and Write:   Yes
Father's Birthplace:   North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace:   North Carolina
Able to Speak English:   Yes
Occupation:   Splicer
Industry:   Cotton Mill
Class of Worker:   Wage or salary worker
Employment:   Yes
Household Members:   
Name   Age
Jessie L Mcintosh   41
Parthenia Mcintosh   39
Frank I Mcintosh   19
Fannie Mcintosh   15
Marie V Mcintosh   10
Oliver Mcintosh   6
Neighbors:   View others on page

Offline Diana

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2017, 02:47:47 am »
Forgot to add the 1940's censes Piff msg'd me. Lim lemtsh Piff. I also want to add that I can also post Jesse Lee Mcintosh's WWI draft registrtion which has a box to check Indian and he had checked the box marked white.

Name:   Boyd Mcintosh
Titles and Terms:   
Event Type:   Census
Event Date:   1940
Event Place:   Gastonia Township, Gaston, North Carolina, United States
Gender:   Male
Age:   9
Marital Status:   Single
Race (Original):   White
Race:   White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original):   Son
Relationship to Head of Household:   Son
Birthplace:   North Carolina
Birth Year (Estimated):   1931
Last Place of Residence:   Same Place
District:   36-34
Family Number:   65
Sheet Number and Letter:   4B
Line Number:   48
Affiliate Publication Number:   T627
Affiliate Film Number:   2914
Digital Folder Number:   005460263
Image Number:   00708

Household   Role   Sex   Age   Birthplace
Jesse L Mcintosh   Head   M   54   North Carolina
Parthenia Mcintosh   Wife   F   49   North Carolina
Frank Mcintosh   Son   M   29   North Carolina
Oliver Mcintosh   Son   M   16   North Carolina
Boyd Mcintosh   Son   M   9   North Carolina

Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 June 2017), Boyd Mcintosh in household of Jesse L Mcintosh, Gastonia Township, Gaston, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 36-34, sheet 4B, line 48, family 65, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627.  Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2914.

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2019, 11:40:59 pm »
I see the that ex Reverend/Cherokee Chief Tim McIntosh has a web-site now and is performing ceremonies and offering them including a Vision Quest. I think it's just a matter of time before he hurts someone- if he has not already.

Offline WINative

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Re: Rev. Chief Tim Dancing Red Hawk
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2024, 05:49:08 am »
Looks like Tim is going by a new name now, Tim White Wolf. But still being a Pretendian.
Pathfinder, Healing Nature Trail Guide, Healer, Spiritual Director, Ordained Chaplain, Ceremonialist.
Pathfinder / Director / Ceremonialist at Quiet Waters Community
October 17, 2006 - Present
Walking with people as they unlearn the fear they have created and accept the love we are born with back into their hearts. Ceremony leader, facilitator, teacher and founder.