Author Topic: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie  (Read 19002 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« on: January 16, 2006, 04:58:06 pm »
"teachings and practices of the Turtle-Heart School of Shamanic Spirituality synthesize the tribal legends, teachings, and practices of old Hawaii, USA (Turtle Island) with those of the Andean Incas of South America (Heart Island)."

"Andean Mysticism....from the Incas through the Quero Indians of South America..."Inca" refers to a level of consciousness not a specific blood line.  It is no longer necessary to be "Inca of the Blood."  Today it is enough to be "Inca of the Soul....

The Red Road of Andean Mysticism
...The Andean mystic walks the Red Road of the Paqo Kuna (People on a path of service to the Earth)...
The Red Road of Andean mysticism is a shamanic, initiatic, and magical path for those who are beginining to remember they are Intichurikuna (Children of the Sun)."

"Completion of training qualifies you to receive actual (in-person only) or honorary (at-a-distance) initiation."

"director of the school is Rev. Timothy A. Storlie, MS, MSW....a member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners....a consecrated Bishop, ordained Interfaith Minister, initiated 4th level Andean Priest (Don Benito Qoriwaman ---> Juan Nunez del Prado ---> Valerie Niestrath ---> Timothy Storlie), and Druid and Gaelic lineage holder (Ben McBrady ---> Clive Culbertson ---> Timothy Storlie).
With an MS in education, an MSW degree in social work, and an honorary doctorate in sacred theology, Timothy serves professionally as a Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor; as a Home Health Medical Social Worker; and college instructor."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 05:10:18 pm »
Pt 2.

Some of this so comical it begs to be laughed at:

"How to cultivate a Shamanic Lifestyle"

Ah yes, truly an alternative lifestyle. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

"How to splash your face with Light"

Sounds painful...

"How to work with your energetic stomach to maintain ecological balance of the personal energy bubble"

ROFL! I swear I did not make that up!
My energetic stomach  tends to maintain balance by expelling gas bubbles. So where's my certificate?

"How to be in right relationship with the Living Energy System, to be receptive to refined energy and to discharge and recycle heavy energy"

Wait a minute! Isn't that just plain old burping?

"How to identify the two critical moments of the day and the three stellar moments"

Yeah, you wouldn't want somethin' critical to get mislabelled stellar...

"How to use the Walking Column of Light"

I don't even want to touch that one...

"How to stand at the Crossroads and align with coworkers and Cosmos"

In the army, we just yelled "Fall in, you maggots!"

"How to recognize Signature Moments"

Yep, you don't want to call em stellar by mistake!

"How to work with the 5 eyes and Belts of Power"

She Ra! She Ra! Princess of Power!

"How to refine the Luminous body to become a better conductor of compassion and a potent channel for the refined energies of Blessing"

So does compassion need AAA or AAAA batteries?

"How to employ self-suggestion at Honu the turtle-point"

Isn't that just plain old fooling-yourself? Don't know about the turtle...

"Your once-only payment of $72.00 includes:
Lifetime membership in the Turtle-Heart School
Access to all levels of mentored Shamanic Knowledge and Practice Papers
Access to private discussion forum
Honorary Shamanic Rite of Empowerment with Certificate
Actual in-person Initiation by arrangement"

Really? For the low low price of 72 bucks?

Offer void in Maryland and Delaware.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 05:32:22 pm »
More on Storlie. Apparnelty he imagines himself the leader of EVERY religion at some point in his life.
"Rev. Timothy A. Storlie, MS, MSW is Spiritual Director of The Arimathea Institute, Primate of the Celtic Church USA , and Archbishop of the Apostolic Guardian Church of Grace and Blessings.  He is also an ordained Interfaith Minister and functions as National Director of the Grand Lodge of the USA of the Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ, Lodge Master of the Order of the Temple of the Holy City, and Steward of the International Order of Chivalric Companions.
Timothy serves as Hierophant of the Templum de Octo Rosae Mysticus, and serving under a charter from the Ulster Order of Druids directs Saint Bridget's Grove of the Eternal Flame.
Rev. Storlie is a Reiki Master, a Mason 32°, a Martinist and Free Initiator in the AMO, OMCC, OM&S, and Sufi Martinist Order traditions, a Knight of the Healing and Teaching Order of St. Michael and St. Raphael, Knight of the Rosicrucian and Military Order of the Grail, and Knight of the Order des Chevaliers du Saint-Graal....
Rev. Storlie recently co-authored with Dr. Lewis Keizer a book and tape series entitled Initiation Into the Grail Mysteries."

For 70 bucks he'll initiate you into Grail Mysteries.

And what he claims to be a bishop of.

Even found him dabbling in a few Kabbalah sites.


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Re: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 06:54:08 pm »
In 2003 Storlie and "Jean de Cabalis" formed the Apostolic Guardian Church of Grace and Blessing. 2005 Storlie resigned to focus on Turtle Island school. Info from

He and his wife are listed here as Bishops of something, the website link for them is no more.

They are now in Vancouver, WA with a counseling practice
I checked their licenses through
- she has current psychologist license, he mental health counselor license.

In 2009 there was talk of him still in the game:
There is a group In Vancouver. It is a Shaman's group. Timothy Storlie runs it I believe. I know he took it online and does it
there also.

He has Kahuna training, South American Indian training, and Celtic Druid training...and is a wonderful teacher and a great leader. His
groups are places of great learning.

Anyone know if he is still active with this?

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2012, 01:18:30 am »
He is apparently teaching at the local community college, Clark College.

I thoroughly enjoy adult education. I have ten years of college teaching experience working as adjunct faculty for Clark College. I co-developed and teach a popular course entitled, “Therapeutic Communication for the Health Professional.” My teaching style is genuinely learner-centered and because students can sense it, they often comment how my passion for life-long learning is contagious.

As a Nationally Certified Mental Health Counselor and Washington State Licensed Counselor, I serve clients part-time in my private practice. Utilizing a brief, solution-focused approach, I specialize in helping adults with health concerns, relationship issues, and career or school problems. For information about my counseling practice, please visit

I have 10 years of adjunct college teaching experience. Courses taught include: Therapeutic Communication for the Health Professional, Medical Ethics, Introduction to the Study of Disease, Medical Terminology, Legal Aspects of the Medical Practice, and Professional Development. I co-developed the course Therapeutic Communication. I also enjoy coaching doctoral students enrolled in online programs who are majoring in psychology, education, counseling, or social work. For information about my consulting services, please visit

I earned a Ph.D. in Psychology (specializing in Integrative Health Studies and Consciousness and Spirituality) from Saybrook University, an MSW in Social Work from Portland State University, and a Distance Education certificate from State University of West Georgia. I'm also certified as an NLP Trainer. Current research interests include integrative mental health care, creative applications of daydreaming, stress reduction for health care professionals, transpersonal dimensions of dreams, and historical and archival research methods. My most recent publication is, The University Student's Concise Guide on How to Major in Living Your Life. 

You can email me at

He is on a few of the professor rating sites.  There is a gap in ratings from 2009 until this past June 2012.

I am not seeing any mention of woo related practices in anything which is current. 

I have friends in the Portland/Vancouver area who have taken courses at Clark College in Behavioural Studies.  I will see if any of them are familiar with him.

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Turtle Heart Shamanic School/Timothy Storlie
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 06:25:54 am »
His dissertation is ostensibly on Hawaiian tradition: Glimpses of a pre-European-contact Hawaiian model of dreams and dreaming: A historical and archival study by Storlie, Timothy A., Ph.D. I can't find a way to access it through the library. The abstract doesn't sound bad, but it will take a review of the entire ms to make an assessment.