Author Topic: My Intro and question?  (Read 15845 times)

Offline windchimer

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My Intro and question?
« on: November 19, 2005, 09:37:44 am »
I found this forum because I was looking for info on Roy Littlesun.  I got to meet him during his foray in S.A.  It is a long story, but people have been offended.  Does anyone have contact details for him.
I was duly impressed by the integrity of the people here.
I live in South Africa,  of European descent and have long frowned upon the newage use of 'spiritual guides'  from diverse ethnic groups and tribes.  It is sickening and disgusting to see the frauds operating,  and the cults growing.   People love that crap and can't wait to hand their money over.  People are so busy trying to find themselves instead of just being who they are.
If anyone wants to reply or has info,  could you please email me at

I am not used to forums like this and I am on slow dial-up so I don't spend much actual time connected to the internet.

Thanks,  keep up the good work.  I am with you.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: My Intro and question?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 02:49:17 pm »
Welcome, and glad to have you here. The forum admin, Pat, has a lot of information on Steevensz that would interest you. I also had some interesting encouneters with followers of his in Glastonbury England who claimed condoms and Coca Cola cause AIDS and that "he doesn't do those things anymore", namely lying to get people's money, working with Ickes, or claiming to be a Hopi elder. None of which are true. But most of the audience at the speech I gave shounted down Steevensz' followers.

I believe he's had a harder time in Glastonbury since them. If you use the search function at the top it should turn up his email. I recall someone else posted it in here awhile back. There was also an account of Steevensz now working with a fraud claiming to be King Arthur, and others where he claims the CIA is out to get him.

We'd be more than glad for anything you can tell us about Steevensz time in S Africa. Just start a thread under Frauds. We've also been trying to figure out how to do a speaking tour of South Africa if possible.

Offline windchimer

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Re: My Intro and question?
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 02:20:13 pm »
HI Thanks for the info.  If I can figure out how to use this forum properly  I will start a thread under frauds and write about my association with rls or steevensz as you call him.

Anything further I can do to help,  let me know.

kindest regards,


Offline CrystalMirror

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Re: My Intro and question?
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 02:51:58 pm »
Look at the top of any forum page and you will see "Hey, windchimer, you have X messages" and the number and word "messages" is an active link to your private mailbox.