Author Topic: Hi from "liondaughter"  (Read 5951 times)

Offline liondaughter

  • Posts: 2
Hi from "liondaughter"
« on: June 23, 2008, 08:21:06 pm »
Hi, everyone-

I stumbled upon this site while looking up articles on "plastic shamanism" on the internet.  My ancestry is predominanty of European origin, but I do have some indigenous heritage from Minnesota, most likely Santee.  I have recently been trying to learn more about this part of my ancestry, but have become very frustrated at the sheer volume of "crap" out there.  At my local bookstore, I can buy books that will teach me how to have my very own vision quest, books on Lakota spirituality by some white guy who was taught by the "last true medicine man" who charged him with the sacred duty of spreading this knowledge to the world (which can apparently be accomplished over the course of a two-day workshop in Sedona.  I guess you make up in $$$ what you lack in time.), etc., etc.  And in this environment, I start even to suspect the books that don't look that bad.  I mean, how do I know? 

So I was really glad to have found this site.  I anticipate taking more of a lurker role here and just absorbing what I can and I appreciate the opportunity to do so.  Though if anyone does know of any good sources on Santee/Dakota history, culture, language, spirituality, etc, I would be grateful for the recommendation.  I realize that true cultural understanding cannot be gained from books.  But I figure it's a place to start.
