Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422491 times)

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
There is no difference between the Washitaw/Nuawaubian mythology and the beliefs of so called Moorish Science. I have found some very confused whites who claimed to be "Moors" and Cherokee. I've seen the Cherokee Muslims who are all black in some yahoogroups, all claiming outrageous ties between Islam and the Cherokee people. That's probably why TBE makes his claims of being Cherokee. None of these people have any legitimate ties to any nations, THEY ARE NOT INDIANS!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
There is no difference between the Washitaw/Nuawaubian mythology and the beliefs of so called Moorish Science. I have found some very confused whites who claimed to be "Moors" and Cherokee. I've seen the Cherokee Muslims who are all black in some yahoogroups, all claiming outrageous ties between Islam and the Cherokee people. That's probably why TBE makes his claims of being Cherokee. None of these people have any legitimate ties to any nations, THEY ARE NOT INDIANS!

Where does this guy continue to get the audacity to speak on behalf of ANY American Indian especially as a chief cherokee nor any other "tribe or nation"?
Some people need to post comments in these blogs especially where he is apparently trying to go further West in the US (let's hope he goes "out to sea"?) to the Hawaiian Islands! Especially since all here in the East and Canada KNOW he is a complete Fraud!
These Hawaiian People need protection from the likes of Abdul/TBE/James Oliver Johnson III...
Check it out:
Friday, June 12, 2009

Chief Tecumseh Brown Eagle of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation today issued his Tribe's opposition to the proposed Alaska Bill now before the US Congress.

"Native Hawaiians are not American Indians!

To label Native Hawaiians as American Indians flies in the face of historical fact, truth, and the rule of law.

It also undermines the inherent right of all to retain their national identity.

If the national identity of Native Hawaiians can be wiped away with the stroke of a pen then all people everywhere may face the same fate....

...To enact the Alaska Bill would continue this abuse of the US Constitution and support the unconscionable illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii`i in 1893....

...I urge everyone to contact their US Senator and oppose this legislation."
Posted by The Koani Foundation at 12:00 AM   

Labels: Alaska Bill, Aloha, Free Hawaii, Hawaiian Nation, Illegal Overthrow, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Political Identity, Sovereignty

Offline ny1

  • Posts: 17
I checked this blog out didn't see any place to leave comments.

Offline educatedindian

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  • Posts: 4743
That website hadn't been updated in three years, until the post was sent in by the Koani Foundation. They're mentioned online as having organized the Aloha Marches. The KF's myspace page is gone. This site gives a phone # and PO box.

One name that keeps getting mentioned as part of the KF is Ehu Kakahu AKA Riley Cardwell. This site claims he's a haole (white) posing as Hawaiian who spreads false information about the independence cause. One of the commenters even claims to have tracked down his real name.

A photo on his homepage suggests he has perhaps distant ancestry at best.

Certainly he has every right to support sovereignty for Hawaiians, but why the likely fake Hawaiian name?

Still, if KF is more than just Cardwell's group (or even if it is) perhaps they may listen to avoid having their group used to give Johnson a legit appearance he doesn't deserve.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
That website hadn't been updated in three years, until the post was sent in by the Koani Foundation. They're mentioned online as having organized the Aloha Marches. The KF's myspace page is gone. This site gives a phone # and PO box.

One name that keeps getting mentioned as part of the KF is Ehu Kakahu AKA Riley Cardwell. This site claims he's a haole (white) posing as Hawaiian who spreads false information about the independence cause. One of the commenters even claims to have tracked down his real name.

A photo on his homepage suggests he has perhaps distant ancestry at best.

Certainly he has every right to support sovereignty for Hawaiians, but why the likely fake Hawaiian name?

Still, if KF is more than just Cardwell's group (or even if it is) perhaps they may listen to avoid having their group used to give Johnson a legit appearance he doesn't deserve.

Here is a way to contact them as well:

Offline ny1

  • Posts: 17
Boy that guy sounds like a Game show host..looks like he might be irish..not native.

I just typed koani foundation on youtube

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is NOT an Indian and not recognized by anyone but himself and his cohorts, what right does he have to speak on indigenous Hawaiian issues. This man has gone too far. Please put the word out, HE IS A FRAUD!

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is about the "washitaw pow wow" from the Binay "tribe" site. These are TBE's people, they are the "ancient one" who "dugdamounds" dyah ( which I believe is Ebonics for "dug da mounds du wah" in the ancient language of the kemhet). These are some very crazy black folks, but the are not Indians...

SOLOMON’S SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE #8, in association with Empire Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah presents a celebration in commemoration of Juneteenth Day Pow-Wow




·       Opening, Friday June 19th a Day of Charity, Feed the Homeless and Poor People

11:00 am- 5 pm


·       Saturday, June 20th Children Day, The Day of Hope, Activities, Fun, Games, etc.

11:00 am – 5 pm


·       Sunday, June 21st A Day of Faith Atonement/ Rite of Passage. * Call For New Members. What is your faith?

               11:00 am – 5 pm



15404 Center Street

Harvey, IL. 60426


*Come Grow With Us * We Must Have Love & Unity  * We Welcome Vendors, Entertainers, Drummers and Dancers.


Offline educatedindian

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  • Posts: 4743
That doesn't call itself a powwow, only a Juneteenth celebration. For those of you outside the southern US, Juneteenth celebrates the day news of the emancipation of slavery came.

The Solomon Lodge is listed by a Mason website as a fraudulent group posing as Masons.


The Black Community in the United States, more than any other group it seems, has been beset by the shams of 'fraudulent' Masonry. The material below will be more understandable by Americans who know the racial divide of their country than by those where men of all colors and creeds have always stood together as Masons.

We believe that there's a reasonable and rational explanation for this calumny in America. Black men have been involved with Freemasonry since Colonial times. Prince Hall, a 'Negro', became a Mason during the Revolutionary War and despite the segregation then rampant in a supposedly 'free' country, lodges of Black men grew and prospered. They were 'pillars of the community': business and political leaders amongst their segregated and oppressed people. Masonry was a uniting force in their separate and far less than equal community and the Freemasons helped develop new generations of leadership. (Additional information here.)

As invariable happens though, hucksters and opportunists observed the respect with which the Black community held up Freemasonry - and they determined to gain as a result. Gain they did, through the formation of 'make-believe' Masonic groups - created out of thin air, sometimes by disgruntled or overly ambitious ex-Masons and sometimes by those looking to make a quick buck. Following in the tradition where Prince Hall led his lodge/grand lodge for a lifetime, those lodges which drew their heritage from that source likewise had Grand Masters whose grip on the reigns of leadership would extend for decades, thus chafing the more aggressive who themselves wanted to be in charge.

And thus arose many groups, claiming to be Masons but having no legitimacy of origin (a matter of particular concern to Freemasonry with no one entitled to simply go off and start their own Masonic group), they were shunned within the Prince Hall Masonic community but were nevertheless successful in seducing many men into believing that they had really and truly become 'Masons'.

As we expanded our section on 'Fake Freemasonry', we asked the permission of Bro. Ralph L. McNeal, Jr., FPS, Director of the Phylaxis Society's Commission on Bogus Practices, an unofficial but highly respected group, to include their listing of these pseudo-Masonic groups here so that you could see how many will attempt to use Freemasonry for their own, usually selfish, ends. While these groups purport to be "Masonic", they have no legitimacy outside of their own VERY small circle. Should you choose to join one of these groups, you'll find that no one will accept you as a Mason (except the group itself) and that your hope of sharing friendship and fraternity worldwide will, instead, most likely result in ostracism and embarrassment.

The entire Masonic community appreciates the efforts of Bro. McNeal and the Commission in trying to eliminate the confusion which pseudo-masonic groups can cause. You'll find several of the Commission's reports right here and if you're interested in the sordid details of Bogus Freemasonry, you should definitely not miss their material!


I took another look at the supposed proof Hopson sent of Johnson being a Mason. The certificate lists him as a member of Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Jurisdictions Inc."

The actual Masons are simply the "Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine" none of the additional title added to confuse people into thinking them Masons. The actual Masons won a court order and damages for their misuse of their name. The second group, which Johnson's certificate says he is, is not the Shriners, which Johnson lies and claims to be.

Among other things, this second group Johnson claims to be a part of is believed to have been a big innfluence on "Noble Drew Ali," one of the founders of Moorish Science and the biggest influence on the Nation of Islam, Washitaws, and Nuwaubians.

So thanks to Ms. Hopson for unwittingly providing evidence (yet again) that Johnson is a liar.


Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
From the more phonies site, this link ties the Nuwaubian leader to pseudo Masonics. TBE has identifed himself with the Moorish Science and Drew...

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE was at a conference of UFOlogists, paranormalists and conspiracy theorists last year sponsored by the new age talk show host, Mary Sutherland.
Do have a look at this site...

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
My curiousity re: Cardwell was aroused, found this:
I did some more googling and read some other material; Cardwell is a 1973 UH graduate and has worked in media, advertising, and TV. He was/is media director for the Koani Foundation, established by John "Butch" Kekahu a number of yrs ago. Kekahu has since crossed over; it is possible that he "hanai'd" (adopted) Riley Cardwell, a common practice in Hawaii; or possibly Cardwell took the name in respect as they worked together closely according to my reading.. "Ehu" is a Hawaiian word referring to the color red. He kind of creeps me out but he seems sincere in his support of Hawaiian soveriegnty. There is a lot of disagreement among activists and some of the criticism of Cardwell may be due to this (plus most locals don't want haoles telling them how to do their business.) TBE is probably just trying to improve his street cred by linking himself with Hawaiian soveriegnty issues.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 06:54:16 pm by wolfhawaii »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
The first is a Stinson, and a Lillian Myers also signed this guestbook. These are likely HIS real relatives. The second is a Karate teacher who died and may be another way to self-validate, since the dead cannot speak?
Here's the data on both and some possible genealogy for Stinson:
TBE on comment Ruth Stinson Fiovavanti:
June 10, 2009
Sue, Pat, Donnie and family I am sorry for the loss of a Pillar of your family. Your
Mother has been a joy in everyone's life. Being Eastsiders and sending you all to public
school with the neighborhood children and you all being the minorities when you could
have easily have attended private school shows the character building qualities of
both of your parents. Thank you for sharing your great parents.
Tecumseh Brown-Eagle eldest son of Chip and Othello Myers Johnson
~  Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, Erie, Pennsylvania | Contact Me
Another relative Lillian Myers of Plainfield, Illinois posted:
sue while looking for my cousins obit i saw your mom's obit and i wanted to send you
and your family my condolences. i'll keep you in my prayers.
~  lillian myers-lofton
Marilyn Mueller of Louisville, KY:
Dear Susan, Patrick, and Donnie,
When dad called to tell me the news, I dropped the phone. No way could my godmother
be gone. I will always remember her and every thing she taught me. To this day, I still
tell my kids "to smile and choke on it." Ruthe will greatly be missed in my heart just
like Adam still is. I know that mom and Ruthe are finally able to catch up on everything.
 Take good care of each other that's what family is all about.
~  Marilyn Mueller
Susan,Rick and family,
So sorry to hear about your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
JoAn & Kelly
Nico and Family
I'm very sorry for your loss. Hope everyone is doing okay during this rough time. Wish
we could be there for you and your family.
~  Charlie Tuzynski Erie, PA

Susan, Patrick and Donnie,
So sorry about the loss of your Mom, the dear sweet Ruth. She has always been a part of
 my life, the great character she is. Many fond memories of summer trips to Erie always
include Ruth and Adam. My parents adored your parents - friends forever. May she be at
peace and may you find comfort and peace at this time. She was a great lady. My thoughts
and prayers are with you at this time. My mom has gained a new buddy in heaven.
~  David Williams Louisville, KY

Dear Susan, Patrick and Donnie, We are so sorry to hear about your Mom. She was a
wonderful lady and I will never forget her and her antics, she will be missed. Our
thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Lee and Cathy Underwood (Louisville, KY)
~  Cathy Underwood

Susan,Patrick ,Donnie..When I met your mother a few years ago,,wow what a pistol..she
had me laughing one minute, wanting to blush at another minute with the things she said
and her outlook on life..but underneath all that attitude , she could show love, caring
and tenderness..she and I became good husband and I will miss her ..but will
be better for having had her in our lives..and know now she can find peace..our prayers
are with you in the coming Crystal and David Stablein
~  Crystal & David Stablein Erie, PA

My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you
~  Tom & Cindy Walko Harrisburg, PA
Susan and Family:
Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. We are sure that your mom is in a
beautiful place at this time.
~  Class of "1972" Academy High School,
Erie, PA
Pat, Toni, & the Family of Ruth,
We are sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. It is always hard to lose a parent.
We will be praying for you and your family during this time.
May God Bless you all
~  Diane & Lee Cottrell Henderson, Nevada

June 07, 2009
Susan and Family: We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. She was chosen
to be with the Lord and is now looking after all of those who loved her and those who
have gone before her.
~ Eileen Alberstadt, Kennesaw, Georgia
And Caye Hume, Erie, PA
~  Eileen Alberstad Kennesaw, Georgia

Sue, Pat, Donnie and families, so sorry to hear about Ruth and not being able to see you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Marilyn & Sonny Sontheimer
Ruth Stinson Fioravanti ShareE-mail Visit Guest Book
Ruth Stinson Fioravanti Ruth Stinson Fioravanti, 79, of Erie, died Friday evening June 5,
2009 at Hamot Medical Center. A resident of Erie all of her life, she was born in Erie
on May 22, 1930 a daughter of the late Reed and Lucille Roth Stinson. Ruth was a 1948
graduate of Academy High School and went on to graduate from Hamot Nursing School. She
began as a nurse for many years at Hamot Medical Center and went on to become a Visiting
Nurse. She had also been a nurse for many years with Dr. Bales. She was a member of
Garden Heights Baptist Church, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, and the Siebenbuerger Club.
She enjoyed sewing for many years and ceramics. In addition to her parents, she was
preceded in death by her husband of 53 years, Adam A. Fioravanti, Jr.; and three
brothers, Reed, William, and James Stinson. Survivors include one daughter, Susan
Fioravanti-Weaver and her husband Richard of Erie; two sons, Patrick Fioravanti and
his wife Toni of Greene Twp., and Donald Fioravanti and his wife Kristie of Erie; and
five grandchildren, Gina, Anthony, and Angela Weaver, and Adam and Nico Fioravanti.
Many nieces and nephews also survive. Friends may call at the Russell C. Schmidt & Son
Funeral Home Inc., 5000 Wattsburg Road (corner of East Gore and Pine Ave.) on Monday
from 6 to 9 p.m. and are invited to services there on Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
officiated by Rev. Dwight Wagner, Pastor of Garden Heights Baptist Church. Burial will
be in Laurel Hill Cemetery. Sign the guestbook at
Published in the Erie Times-News from 6/7 to 6/8/2009
Adam Fioravanti of Erie, PA:
Retired UE Leader In General Electric Dies
Adam Fioravanti had been a long-time union leader at the big Erie GE plant.Full Story...
Retired UE Leader In General Electric Dies02 September, 2005
Erie, PA
Adam A. Fioravanti Jr., retired business agent of UE Local 506, died August 31. He was 75.
He was recalled by the current business agent, Patrick Rafferty, as "Our friend, mentor and brother."
Born in Derry, Pa., Fioravanti moved to Erie in 1947 after high school. After service in the U.S. Army, Fioravanti was hired at the big General Electric plant and became active in the union. He was employed by GE for 38 years.
He served as chief steward of Building 17. Elected as business agent in 1977, he served in that position for 12 years.
In addition to the daily responsibilities of assisting co-workers with on-the-job problems, Fioravanti represented GE workers four times in national negotiations with the company. He also represented his co-workers at the UE national convention, UE District Council and UE-GE Conference Board.
Fioravanti retired in 1989.
(HUSBAND of "minority" Ruth Stinson Fioravanti as per OBIT above;
Adam A. Fioravanti, Jr. appears Caucasion or posibly Italian? See picture.) (picture of Adam Fioravanti)
To all of Local 506,
Thank you ever so much for having such a beautiful dedication
ceremony for our father (Adam). It was so nice that 2 years later,
everyone still remembers him as he was, a great man.
Best Regards, Rick, Susan, Gina, Anthony
and Angela, Patrick and Toni,
Don, Adam and Nico
UE Nation News Editor Al Hart is shown
with the plaque dedicated in the honor of
former Business Agent Adam Fioravanti. Al
worked with Adam during the 1970s and
(Note: TBE/Abdul/JOJIII's UNION contracts and Minority jobs with Greg Rubino's
Erie Renewable Energy, LLC!)
Fioravanti (Brian) property transfers 2007, Erie, PA:
Appears to be a large number of people who collectively purchased a large number of properties?

Niko Fioravanti on Google images:
Blue eyed, light skinned male on Face Book?
More on STINSON as possible African American Relative from Wayman Tisdale obit/guestbook:
My Condolences to the family of Wayman Tisdale. I have a CD of Mr. Tisdale's that I
listen to at my desk "decisions", and I love it. I play it all the time. May God Bless
and keep the Tisdale Family and give them peace and comfort.
(Has many pictures of African Americans)
(Cleveland, OH is where Brown Eagle Construction is located)
More STINSON in Erie, PA: (may or may not be related to James Oliver Myers-Johnson III)
(there is also Stinson Rental Properties; Erie, PA)
STINSON – February 25, 1920, John Stinson, aged 76 years.  Friends are invited to call
at the family residence, 124 east 26th Street, Saturday evening.  Services and interment
private Sunday afternoon.
found in a case in PA but needs a subscription:
5/15/2007 5:17:08 PM Comm. v. Fioravanti, O., No. 9eal2007
Another Fioravanti Fraud case found:
A party seeking to establish that it was denied a fair hearing, or that their
was fraud, corruption, or misconduct must do so by “clear, precise and indubitable
evidence”. Allstate Insurance Co. v. Fioravanti, 299 A.2d 585 (Pa. 1973).
Other Fioravanti genealogy found:
My greatgrandparents were Emidio FIORAVANTI and Francesca PARLAFANTI. They were farmers
in Civitella del Tronto. My grandfather, Guido, born in 1897, emigrated to the USA in
1914. He had a brother named Alfredo, who emigrated earlier and lived in Chicago,
Illinois, and a brother named Arturo, who stayed in Civitella. He may have had a sister
named Maria. There could also have been a brother or cousin named Bernardino,born 1890.
There was a Bernardino on the ship's list, also from Civitella. The researcher didn't
provide me with the details, as I was looking only for Guido. Guido's last residence,
according to the ship's manifest, was Borrano.
Would like to make contact with anyone recognizing these names.
Lynn Prettyman <>
Baltimore, MD USA
African American Stinson Genealogy found:
Looking for relatives of Ernest Stinson.

ERNEST1 STINSON was born 1892 in Chester, Chester County, SC. He married ORA CUMMINGHAM. She was born 1894 in Chester.
2.       i.       JOSEPH2 STINSON, b. 02 Jan 1915, Fort Lawn, Chester, SC; d. 01 Feb 1969, East Spencer, Rowan County, NC.
       ii.       ELLMORE STINSON.
       iii.       JESSIE B STINSON, b. 1908.
       iv.       ERNEST STINSON, JR.
       v.       WILLIE STINSON, b. 1918, Landsford, Chester, SC.
       vi.       OBEDIA STINSON.
       vii.       LEE STINSON.
       viii.       CHRISTINE STINSON, b. 1917.
       ix.       ANNIE L STINSON, b. 1922.

Generation No. 2
2. JOSEPH2 STINSON (ERNEST1) was born 02 Jan 1915 in Fort Lawn, Chester, SC, and died 01 Feb 1969 in East Spencer, Rowan County, NC. He married ETOY BRADLEY 27 Mar 1937 in Fort Lawn, Lancaster County, SC, daughter of MAJOR MCCOLLOUGH and AMELIA. She was born 24 Jul 1919 in Chester County, SC, and died 18 Jan 1978 in Rowan County, NC.
Burial: 22 Jan 1978, Shady Grove Baptist Church Cemetry, East Spencer, NC
3.       i.       GENEVA3 STINSON, b. Salisbury.
       ii.       ROBERT BRADLEY.
       iii.       ODELL STINSON.
       iv.       JESSE JAMES STINSON.
       v.       ERNESTINE STINSON.
       vi.       EMMA STINSON.
4.       vii.       TOBY STINSON, b. 17 Nov 1947; d. 24 Sep 1996, Rowan County, NC.

Could number two (2) above be a relative of Ora Stinson from obit guestbook?
Notice this is the South/much of TBE/Abdul/JOJII's genealogy points south to some of these
states in his "skeleton genealogy" as ms. Hopson puts it.

Another recent post on (appears he is validating himself via the deaths of others?)
Guessing this Cliff Loibl (German) was somehow TBE/JOJIII's Karate teacher?
(Link will be gone soon!)
 Clifford R. Loibl This Guest Book will remain online until 7/6/2009
Most Recent Entries June 12, 2009
Cliff, my second dad! I am truly grateful for having you be a part of my life. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms into your family. I will be forever grateful. You are and always will be loved and greatly missed.
~  Sheena, Erie, Pennsylvania | Contact Me June 10, 2009
***************TBE's Guestbook comment/self promoting? But can Cliff say,
"I don't know you"  Also, he previously said he was the First Native American U.S. Olympic
Champion for Tae Kwon Doe NOT Karate? Of course we have the info;
 that statement is NOT true.)*****************************************
Sensi Sehan Cliff
Thank you for displaying the true spirit of the martial arts that being -universal love.
You are sadly missed and forever remembered.
Tecumseh Brown-Eagle,
USA Karate Team 1987-88
~  Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, Erie, Pennsylvania | Contact Me June 10, 2009

(leaving all comments here so far for possible affiliated names as they may also be
relatives or friends/
associates of Abdul's.)
Cliff, You were a good friend and a man with a generous gentle heart. You will be missed.
~  Charlie and Jenise Morgante, North East, Pennsylvania June 10, 2009
Dear Ingeborg and Family,
May God bless you and your family in this time of sorrow. May the love of friends and family carry you through this most difficult time. Cliff was a very dear friend of ours. We will miss him.
Sincerely, Michael & Pamela Skrekla & Family
~  Michael & Pamela Skrekla, North East, Pennsylvania June 09, 2009
To the family of Cliff,with too many last names, a time when dicipline was needed in my house....his Dojo was my bridge.He lived life....that is the lesson...later Sensi...Roger Zaczyk

Obituary of Clifford Loibl (AKA Clifford R. Slater; Why did he change his name? Seems
alot of name changing going on in Abdul's cirle!):
Clifford R. Loibl Unfaltering Father Clifford R. Loibl, also known as (Clifford R. Slater)
 age 54, of Erie, died unexpectedly Thursday, June 4, 2009 at Hamot Medical Center. Born
in Regensburg, Germany on May 4, 1955 he was a son of Ingeborg Loibl Taraszki and the
late Ronald B. Taraszki, who died the same day. Cliff was a graduate of Strong Vincent
High School, Class of 1973 and had attended Mercyhurst College. He had worked in
Maintenance at General Electric and was a Master Black Belt and Instructor of Shotokan
Martial Arts. He loved spending time with his children and was a devoted father. In
addition to his mother, Ingeborg, he is survived by his four children, Kurt M. Slater,
Jillian E. Slater, Devon J. Bowes, and Ashley L Loibl; his brother James Slater and
sister Misty Hollingsworth; his aunt, Wendy L. Buzzanco and her husband Robert; and his
uncle. Ricky J. Taraszki and his wife Cindy, all of Erie. Friends may call at the
Burton Funeral Home and Crematory Inc., 602 west 10th Street on Wednesday from 2 to
5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. until the time of services at 8 p.m. with the Reverend Derek
Sanford officiating Burial will be private. Memorials may be made to The American Heart
Association 823 Filmore Erie, PA 16505 or The American Diabetes Association of Erie
County 1128 State Street Erie, PA 16501. Send condolences at
Sign the guestbook at

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is tied to Steve Pruitt, a black nationalist who has organised the reparations movement. As a person with some black ancestry, I find the whole concept of reparations to be totally repugnant, just another rip off that would destroy the US economy. TBE and Pruitt are part of what I call the AfroAmerican welfare elite.

These people are not Indians although the may claim to be. Notice how Pruitt refers to "blood Indians", these people are just racists who have nothing but contempt for Indian people. Please spread the word. I have left a few yahoogroups because they wouldn't post the truth about TBE, one of those groups is Indigenous Literature, G.Welker the owner, believes TBE's lies. Other Indian groups have also fallen for TBE's lies. I determined years ago that most yahoogroups calling themselves "Indian" aren't Indian at all. I think that when Indians support these racist wannabees that we're losing the battle against frauds.