Author Topic: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier  (Read 34924 times)

Offline AlessandroItaly

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Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« on: September 08, 2006, 04:15:25 pm »
This is the text that Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier have send me with email message:

"Excuse me but you have posted misleading information on your website about me and I
certainly do not appreciate a foreigner posting such gossip and hearsay. You have no
right whatso ever and I demand you take any maliscious posting about me off your
list immediately. I am contacting interpol in this matter also.
 Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier ? Chief of the Zibiodey Metis River Heart Band,USA.Phone (317)-248-8458 "

This is my reply:

"My list includes those who simply leads sacred ceremonies of the American
Indians. Not gossip but only information on this. The list is completed
with many documents written from Native American approximately the
protection of sacred ceremonies. I do not accuse nobody, I express my free
opinion not to associate to what it you makes. Not there is other on my
web site if not the freedom of information and opinion. Please Make
yourself translate my web site and you reconsider its opinion. The freedom
of information and the freedom of opinion are not crime.
Alessandro Profeti, Italy."

More this is your reply:

"My Friend the wording about me is definately false! I work in prisons here
fighting for prisoners rights. I fight for all Indian rights whenever I am
called upon. My accusers fail to do such things but can mouth off very good.
My state recognizes me and has been notified by many nations and people when
I was stopped from the prisons because of petty writings such as those on
your sight. This type of behavior interferes with American Indians because
it is a divide and conquer issue, If you can live with this and not find the
real truth I feel sorry for you. I need not prove to anyone who I am but I
certainly feel insulted that someone from a foreign country makes such a
stand and yet does not even know who I am. Another thing is If I am such a
phoney or fake then I wonder why many people call upon me to aide them. I
know my family and my blood so please cease insulting me and my family.
Posting bad things about me is an insult since none of it is true. Here in
Indian country there is a political thing that goes around when someone is
doing a good thing for the people. Those so called accusors did not get the
sweat lodges started in the prisons I was instrumental in this taking place
because I file lawsuits against the state demanding our rights. I am not a
medicine man as some have labled me I am a human being struggling to protect
my family and their rights for the future. Please remove the petty
accusations from your sight. I ask you to let your heart see not someone
elses words of anger or jealousy."

What are you opinion? Please write here yor message and response...thanks!

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AlessandroItaly »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 08:38:57 pm »
Here's the River Heart Band website.
A grand total of a single member, with a single message back in February. also has them  listed as part of a powwow, though it's not clear if they are the ones putting it on. It's also not listed anywhere else online I can find.

No offense to those from Indiana, but the powwows I saw there had maybe a dozen people involved, including dancers, drummers, MC, and vendors. Plus maybe an equal number of curious whites and hobbyists as the audience.

So it appears hardly anybody is coming to Sonier. He's just his usual batch of hot air. At least he's not being the foulmouthed a hole he was before.

And you can pass along this post to him if you want. ? ;D

Offline snorks

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 04:31:33 pm »
I thought he was Abenaki!  He posted his musings to the Wabenaki yahoo list for awhile.  And he claimed to be Abenaki at that point.

So what is he?  besides a fake.

Wasn't there material on the web about letters that various tribes wrote disclaiming him as a member?

You might want to provide a link to that if it still exists.  

Offline snorks

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 04:35:10 pm »
One more thing - aren't the sideways eights on his website have to do with how the Abenaki language is written in roman alphabet?  I know that the symbol for number eight is used to denote a sound.

So now I am more confused or just simply wondering if he is still trying to be an Abenaki.

(BTW, I am not Abenaki.)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2006, 04:37:37 pm »
So he's claiming Abenaki? He was claiming Mic Mac and they said he is not one of theirs. And he is not Metis either. That is specific: Cree and/or Chippewa, mixed with French and/or Scottish, sdescended from the Red River area of Canada. It is not merely someone of mixed blood.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2006, 05:53:16 pm »
Wasn't there material on the web about letters that various tribes wrote disclaiming him as a member?

You might want to provide a link to that if it still exists. ?


Link is to the 2003 documents.
Click on the documets to exand them to readable size.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2006, 06:11:16 pm »
Snorks, do you have a link to that listserv? The closer you could point us to where he made those claims the better.

What started the whole exposure of him was him claiming the right to rebury Wyandotte remains, doing his own version of their ceremony.

Here's one of the warnings that will be going up about him, based on what the Wyandottes and the Micmaq bands have to say:

Under Frauds-Imposters
Warnings on Arthur Sonier AKA “Arthur Medicine Eagle???
From the American Indian Movement-Indiana chapter website

Arthur Sonier is not a band member nor is he affiliated in any way with Annapolis Valley First Nation in any way.
I think that it is appalling what he is doing and would recommend that you write an article for the Micmaq Maliseet News to help with your investigation.
Regina Toney,
Annapolis Valley First Nation.

This letter is to confirm that Arthur Sonier is not a member of Glooscap First Nation (formerly Horton First Nation) nor affiliated in any way.
Your truly,
JM Walker
Band Manager
Glooscap First Nation

Arthur Sonier AKA “Arthur Medicine Eagle??? is not a citizen nor an affiliate of the Wagmatcook First Nation.
Barbara Sylvester
Administrative Assistant
Wagmatook First Nation

This is to verify that Arthur Sonier is not a citizen of Membertou or affiliated with the Membertou Mikmaw Nation.
Jane Bernard
Indian Registry Administrator
Memberton Mikmaw Nation

We of the Bear River First Nation have not heard of this man [Arthur Sonier].
Enrollment Services
Bear River First Nation

[Arthur Sonier has] no affiliation [with us].
Renelda Siniboz
Indian Registry
Administrator for the Eskasoni First Nation

Arthur (Medicine Eagle) Sonier is not a member of the Wyandotte Nation. He is not authorized to represent the Wyandotte Nation under any circumstances.
It is our intention to notify him by registered mail to cease and desist all actions he is taking that may affect the Wyandotte Nation in any manner whatsoever.
Leaford Bearskin
Wyandotte Nation

Arthur Sonier AKA Arthur Medicine Eagle is not ? a member nor is he registered with the Waycobah First Nation.
Susan M. Evans
Waycobah First Nation

This person [Arthur Sonier] is not a registered member of the Chapel Island First Nation.
Allister Marshall
Chapel Island First Nation


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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2006, 03:38:00 am »
He claimed to be Micmaq a few years ago when he became involved in the reburial scandel. He claimed to head a group called Five State Alliance  and I believe he was claiming at one point in time to be a "Medicine Man". He at one time had several yahoo groups. Eagles Fly was only one, but there were about 4 more. He told me he was Micmaq with family from from Nova Scotia. Claimed the family name was spelled differently. But there was no evidence of his heritage even using the older spelling. He had a lot of people tracking him for quite a while, if not still. frederica

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2006, 03:07:47 pm »

This seems to be another attempt, by someone who cannot fit in to any other Aboriginal Culture, to claim to be "Metis."  

On his website, he has chosen to show three of the Flags of the Metis Nation, two of which fly in front of our home and in our community.  The infinity symbol, on either the Red or Blue background, represents the coming together of two Cultures, with the result being infinite.  The third flag, with the statement "Autels et Maison, Surtoute Liberte", meaning "At the Alter, in our Homes, above all Freedom" is actually the battle flag, which was flown during the Resistance of 1885, which ended at the Battle of Batoche in Saskatchewan.

As Debbie has stated, the Metis are recognized in the Constitution of Canada, but do not have such recognition in the USA.  As well, we did not have "Chiefs", so I his claim of being a chief does not fit into Metis Culture, either.  Leaders were only selected, when many Metis would come together for a common cause, such as a Buffalo hunt, during which time we would select a "Captain of the Hunt" or in times of war.  One Cree (Nehiyaw) description of the Metis means "they are their own boss."

There have been too many attempts to defraud the weak and vulnerable, using our Culture as a way of gaining credibility.


Offline AlessandroItaly

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2006, 05:43:32 pm »
Thanks to all, I have not received others messages from Sonier, and I will not cancel his name from my list ; More in my web site I have one letter write from Albert Running Wolf Ortiz with references also to the fraudulent activity of Sonier ... and I think that He not call the Interpol  8-)


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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2006, 08:16:36 pm »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:04:34 am by nighthawk »

Offline snorks

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2006, 12:30:35 am »
Here is where Arthur Stonier was sending his elder's writings.:  Webenaki (Web+ Abenaki)

He called himself medicine eagle.

One other thing, he is still do those elder writings and they are still making their way into the web on some of the New Age groups.  However, quite a few after I pointed out who he is, stopped forwarding them on.

Offline snorks

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2006, 12:26:08 am »
Well, he must read this board - I got a nasty e-mail from him.

"Explain your definition of NEW AGE My web pages are no content with
garbage but yours is absolutely filled with it.Do you read your
tarot cards daily to see who to slander?"

I have no idea what web pages he has.  And I do not know what web pages of mine he has looked at.  

I do have a tarot site and do readings.

So what gives?

Offline indy

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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2006, 08:16:49 pm »
Hi folks im new here, but i have seen to much desecration of native religions. I know all about arthur sonier  and what he does  here in indiana been keeping close tabs on fakes here exsposing them to legitiment natives. me and my wife hit all the pow wows and any ceremonys going on since moving back here from arizona dont like what i see. Thiers one ceremony that go,s on in south indiana A SUNDANCE havent got to it yet arthur might be involved dont know yet got to talk to some people i know who attended.                   


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Re: Under attack by Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2006, 11:32:31 pm »
I have heard of that "Sundance" it was held in Indiana but from what I hear moved to Southern IL down by Shawnee National Forest, Jonesboro area and I hear Steve McCoulum(sp) is the one running it, another Fake. A lot of people in Illinois have gone to that "Sundance".
                                                 Walking-soft ::)