Author Topic: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza  (Read 20001 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:52:05 pm »
Has a group calling itself Wolf's Heart Lodge in Tampa FL, also the  Heart's Breath Flute Circle in St Petersburg. Garza claims to be Cherokee and Choctaw, but all over the website are Lakota phrases, medicine wheels, Nuage teachings from Jamie Samms, and whites with fake Indian names.

From the members profiles:
GRANDMOTHER MECHI GARZA Birthday: January 31st
"Grandmother Mechi Garza is a Native American of Choctaw and Cherokee descent. She serves on the Intertribal Elders Council of West Virginia and is active as a healer and storyteller with various groups. Ms. Garza has been a writer for over fifty years with 11 books, movies, television documentaries and magazine 1997 a documentary on her life, Metis: of Mixed Blood, was seen on public service television....
LYNN REDBIRD Grandmother Redbird is one of our beloved Elders....Grandmother Redbird's son (Sun) lives in North Carolina and is a Sun Dancer. She learned many things from her Cherokee aunties, and now walks also in a good way with the Lakota traditions....
SUNWALKER Charlie Sun Walker Cox is of Cherokee decent; one of a few "born and raised Florida Crackers...." Walker practices physical and mental healing through massage therapy....
Sun Walker and Turquoise Cloud
Kim Turquoise Cloud is of Czech and Italian decent....
German, Finnish, Swedish and (possibly?) Cherokee descent....
WHITE PEARL WOMAN Lisa White Pearl Woman Portelli was born in Bangor, Maine and enjoys a rich Italian, English and German heritage....the study of intuition, the healing arts and cystals....
Blue Dolphin Woman (& "Sheila"!)WHITE SHELL WOMAN Mexican native / origin unknown.... Connection to Dolphin and Bear....
FLYING BIRD....was told by her father many years ago that her family had some Iroquois ancestry... and, whether or not this is true, she have always felt an infinity for nature particularly Eagle and Dragonfly....
SILVER BIRD Completed Massage Therapy training 4 years ago....practices yoga, studies chakra balancing techniques and is a student of Advanced Kalaimni with Grandmother Mechi. She also has started working with crystals and is in the process of discerning a path in that area."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 09:18:09 pm »
Garza's main claim is a healing method she claims to have channeled from a spirit guide with a curious name, "Lothar". Isn't Lothar a GERMAN name?
"About twenty years ago, with the assistance of her spirit guide, Lothar, Mechi began to teach the healing art called Kolaimni.
"Kolaimni means "connecting with the light", the universal light and energy that is called God or The Totality or The Great One.
Kolaimni is an ancient form of succor—a gift from the Source itself....Mechi (which means beloved) says, "Kolaimni is a healing form, based on natural physical law, which makes use of the body’s own vibrations…"
"Kolaimni works on the "electromagnetic sheath" or "etheric field" that encircles the body. When you receive a Kolaimni, you are allowing the practitioner to give you an "etheric massage." The Kolaimnist's hands do not touch the body, but are moved 1/2 to 2 inches above it using short strokes that massage and infuse energy into the recipient's body....
 Kolamni is a gift from the Source itself.  It was brought through time to Patricia "Mechi" Garza, as taught to her by her spiritual teacher Lothar.  Mechi is a Native American Elder & Medicine Woman of Choctaw and Cherokee descent with the Esaw Inter-tribal Group.  In 1981, Mechi began giving Kolaimnis and teaching it to others."

But at least two source claim it's actually from...ATLANTIS.
Rev. Francine Haydon (Silverwolf Woman)"

Someone who took Garza's class confirms that Garza herself believes that.
"Hi Mallika,there is another form of alternate method of healing called Kolaimni.Kolaimni, which is Atlantean,means healing with light. It was brought to Earth by a beautiful lady called Patricia Garza. She is also known as grandmother Mechi.She is in her eighties.She is a channel for a Spirit Teacher from the otherside called Lothar.A few weeks ago I had the good fortune of learning this healing method from Mechi herself.It was a two day session. There were 20 students.It was held in a friend's healing office at the YWCA.It uses the chakras too like Reiki. In Reiki we actually put our hands on the recipient. In Kolaimni we keep the hands about half an inch from the body.We work on the astral body and the chakras.I realise some of you may not be familiar with this method of healing. Mechi has had classes in Columbus Ohio and Newyork.There are quite a few Kolaimni practitioners in Charleston WV because Mechi lived here for 20 some years."

More on Haydon.
"My name is Francine Haydon (Silverwolf Woman). I am a certified Medicine Wheel Practitioner/Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher, Master of Crystology, Kolaimni Teacher/Practitioner, Intuitive, Tarot Reader, Palmist, Ghosthunter, Spiritual Counselor and Minister. Additionally, I have learned 7th PathTM Self-Hypnosis and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and am currently studying to become a certified Hypnotherapist. Over the years, I have studied with many masters and experts, such as Tina Michelle (Tarot and other metaphysics), Grandmother Mechi (Patricia Garza for Kolaimni), Steve Thomson (Meditation, Mediumship and Astral Travel/Remote Viewing), Joan of Art (Palmistry), Dr. Bluehawks Stec (formerly Sander, for Medicine Wheel and Hypnotherapy), and others. I left my corporate job in insurance in October 2004 to devote myself to spiritual work full time. I do private readings, healing sessions and parties, work fairs and festivals, and teach a variety of classes on Tarot, Palm, Divination, Canadian Forest Tree Essences, Reiki, Kolaimni and Medicine Wheel Rejuvenation."


Another fraud she's franchised out to.

The "United Cherokee" fell for her, and for some reason list a story she claims is Choctaw.

And one of her followers ran for Governor and then Secy of State of West Virginia.
"Pritt shows New Age side on Web site
The Charleston Gazette, May 5, 2000
Charlotte Pritt, who lost the governor's election in 1996, is using an Internet site to promote her campaign to become the Democratic Party's nominee for secretary of state in Tuesday's primary.
On the Internet page promoting her candidacy (, Pritt reveals she is studying a variety of mystical healing techniques including Reiki, Kolaimni, Mechi, Holographic Memory Resolution, the Silva Method and Master Alignment."

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 11:01:25 pm »
How can one become a "certified medicine wheel practitioner"? I can see them being "certifiable", tho. LOL! And what the heck IS a "CMWP"???


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Re: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 11:53:41 pm »
 Is this "United Cherokee" linked to the Western Cherokee of OK??? It says United Cherokee Ani-Yun-Wiya Nations and I noticed a seal Cherokee Nations.

I don't know something about it feels wrong. The Chief of this United Cherokee is Gina Williamson from Gunthersville, Al. I'm Confused...There home site is Iffy, tried to read news letter for Feb 2006 and said nothing printed.


Offline Scott Brainard

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Re: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 05:54:08 pm »
I noticed "Mechi" was listed on the ManyRivers site.

Florida--The fact that they all have "Indian names" is a bit new age and most are very new age sounding, i.e. "Cool Breeze" and "Turquoise Cloud." Most Native folks have the same kinds of names as the rest of us these days and inherit a Native last name if they are lucky. States: "Kolaimni's founder and master teacher is Patricia "Mechi" Garza. Grandmother Mechi is a Native American Elder & Medicine Woman with the Esaw Inter-tribal Group, and is of Choctaw and Cherokee descent." I don't care what they claim, this group sounds very new age which is NOT Native American. One of the points that prove that is their saying "Grandmother Mechi" "provides spiritual counseling and past-life readings, both in person and also by telephone too. Normally she asks for a monetary donation of about $30 for 30 minutes. Mechi asks that you please call her ahead of time to set-up an appointment."

Offline Mo

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Re: Patricia Garza AKA Mechi Garza
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 10:32:32 pm »
i guess playing ndn for a fee is the fastest growing cottage (or is that "teepee") industry around!