Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573027 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #195 on: May 08, 2014, 02:53:07 am »
I typed the query Lency Spezzano joining on Google and this brief display was included in the results--

Lency Spezzano - Chuck and Lency Spezzano's Home Page
Lency is an empath, a mystic and an explorer of divine consciousness. ... Lency is pioneering Psychology of Vision's mystical path through her joining method, ...

This text no longer exists in the main body of the page, but it did at one time. This statement doesn't really inspire the reader to view Lenora Kay Spezzano as a serious professional in the field of mental health.

Then we find a card of the day from Charles Lee Spezzano--


HEALING THE DEMON METAPHOR is the card for today. It reflects self concepts, shadow figures we have inside and demonic possession. Today invite love, Divine Love which brings miracles and Divine Presence in to heal these subconscious and unconscious parts of our mind as they are meant to stop God's Love and grace. But love always comes when it is called and Divine Love and Presence even more so. What is a part of our ego is melted away and the fallen angels are redeemed. Today let these hells within be healed. Have a beautiful day!

Posted 24th October 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Demon Metaphor

If people want to promote belief in empaths, demons, angels and mystics that's fine. But they shouldn't expect to be taken seriously as professionals in the field of psychology at the same time, particularly when neither one of the Spezzanos are real licensed psychologists.

It seems very wrong to me in light of how much the paranormal, supernatural, and junk science is embraced by the leaders of this group, not to mention the lack of credentials, that Psychology of Vision is listed under "Psychologists" in the online Honolulu Yellow Pages.

Too bad the Yellow Pages do not have a category for "Plastic Healers."

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #196 on: May 10, 2014, 03:23:41 am »
Awhile back I ran across a forum on MD Junction under the category of Online Support Groups › Rheumatoid Arthritis › Rheumatoid Forums and found this thread from 2012:

As you can see the contributors are discussing the Charles Lee Spezzano/Janie Ticehurst "Healing Keys/Metaphors" concerning Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since all public access to the metaphors have recently been carefully obliterated from Internet, we don't have a record of exactly what Spezzano/Ticehurst wrote, but we can be pretty sure it involved blaming the victim for the malady. See, that's the scam. Create a sense of guilt, then offer a "cure" to erase it. This is not a SALPOV sideshow, the "healing Keys" are a metaphor itself for the central business philosophy on how this for-profit retail spirituality corporation preys on vulnerable people in a broader way. Of course the "healing key" to cure yourself from this SALPOV disease is to relax, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and walk away to reclaim your life and save your money.

It is interesting and somewhat amusing to see how the Spezzano blame-the-victim view of disease fares when it is presented to real people in the real world  who use critical thinking, particularly if they suffer from the disease Charles would like them to feel guilty about. Here are some sample quotes:

I'm going to be blunt and say that this is bullshit! All out bullshit!

Having a positive attitude does help, but it doesn't cure. When I had ovarian cancer (10 yrs ago) then had major surgery and chemo, I had a very positive attitude (not sure why). My odds of long term survival was not great, but I thought that my positive outlook would give me a better chance of survival. Ends up, statistically, it makes no difference for survival rates but it does make the journey so much easier. I had people tell me that I did so well because I was positive. I always cautioned them to change that mindset. Basically they were saying that if someone doesn't survive then they must of had a bad attitude? So they were responsible for their deaths? Not so.

So this article and your friend are making you the cause of your illness. Like I said, bullshit!

The following contribution has provided us with yet another lost disease metaphor that survived the public access purge. We can document this for the record of consumer protection:


That has to be the most ludicrous drivel I've ever read!!!!!! Here's what they believe about a FRACTURE,for Pete's sake:

A fracture means that the surface of a bone has been broken or cracked.

This shows an area where we are caught in self-attack and judgment of another. Something that was buried at an unconscious level has now come up for healing.

As a result, we have lost a level of confidence or strength; we have experienced a fracture of self, which points to some deeper emotional conflict.

At some level, we have suffered a kind of emotional fracture or heartbreak as a result of this conflict.

The area of our body that has suffered the fracture will give us a significant clue as to our underlying psychological process.

Are you kidding me?!

Amy, if she truly believes these things, I feel bad for her because she's being completely misled.

If I were you , I'd just ignore her because she's ignorant to the realities of life apparently.

Sounds like someone needs a reality check. She needs to actually live in someone else's shoes for a few days to experience the day to day pain we suffer. May be good whack on the back of the head? Oh were you experiencing negative pain? sorry about that I just needed to relief some of mine so my RA wouldn't act up. Some people. I say move on. Let her have her beliefs, Karma is a %(*^H!
Imagine that?.....mind over matter when it comes to RA????

Its obvious that your friend has not experienced the pain of RA.

What it means to try to get up off a chair after trying several times to rock your self up, waiting until the coast is clear so that no one notices your struggle.

I know that every time I try to get off a chair, I do think positively, but the pain that is still there, yes, I do eventually get up and stand to walk, with a pain that does not leave.

Another positive experience is how I can waive the car on that wants to let me cross the parking lot because I know that I will not walk quite fast enough and don't want to piss off the driver. Yes, that is certainly positive thinking....

I positively know that if I give myself 4 hours to get ready for work each day, I can make it to work, as I painfully hold my blowdryer and can't dry my hair the right way..or give my self time to pick out clothing with few buttons, so that I can positively put the blouse over my head, which causes great pain in my shoulders.

I am positive that if I bring four pairs of shoes, I will start out with stylish ones, but as the day goes on, I change them frequently as I eventually end up with the orthopedic ones, all after only a few hours at work.

Yes, we can all be positive, but that does not magically cast a cure for RA.....with all do respect, I wish I could magically

ZAP your friend with RA for just a while and see if positive thinking cured her !


One has to wonder, how did Charles Lee Spezzano arrive at these mystical metaphors? As has been proven throughout this forum, very little about SALPOV is actually original. In spite of their claims of being "cutting edge," "ground breaking," or "paradigm shifting" most of the concepts of this personality cult have been lifted from somewhere else. The "inspiration" for the "Healing Metaphors" is no doubt from the Louise Hay work from 1984, You Can Heal Your Life.

The New York Times had a long article on Hays by Mark Oppenheimer on May 4, 2008, entitled The Queen of the New Age that is worth reading.

The reader can get a sense of the wider esoteric culture that SALPOV is attempting to profit from, and just how late and behind the New Age fashion curve the Spezzanos always have been. We also see how rinky-dink the SALPOV extended family of healers and hypnotherapists are when compared to the true big money hucksters. I thought of the SALPOV spinoffs when I read this part--

WITHOUT THE AIDS EPIDEMIC, Hay House wouldn’t exist. Louise Hay would be another workshop leader taking predominantly middle-class white women on retreats where they recite affirmations, short statements meant to bring a new, desired reality to fruition. (Examples include “I now create a wonderful new job” and “I live in the perfect space.”) There are hundreds of these workshop leaders and authors; their seminars are advertised in New Age publications, on the Internet and on the bulletin boards in health-food stores and at yoga studios. Most of them never become rich. Like the aspiring motivational speaker played by Greg Kinnear in “Little Miss Sunshine,” they work a minor-league circuit, trying to develop a following and maybe land a book deal. AIDS gave Louise Hay a following.

Then I read the following paragraphs, which portray a major weakness in Hay's premise, a weakness repeated by Spezzano and Ticehurst--
But while Hay may have hedged about whether positive thinking could cure AIDS, in her writings she was adamant that thoughts — not just sexual behavior — could help cause it. “Venereal dis-ease,” Hay writes in “You Can Heal Your Life,” using her eccentric spelling, “is almost always sexual guilt. It comes from a feeling, often subconscious, that it is not right to express ourselves sexually. A carrier with a venereal dis-ease can have many partners, but only those whose mental and physical immune systems are weak will be susceptible to it.” And that mental weakness can be self-loathing, hating one’s looks or just a fear of aging.

In person and in print, Hay mentions these causes only to play them down: “In no way am I trying to create guilt for anyone”; “this is a time for healing, for making whole, not for condemnation.” But she cannot escape her own logic: if our thoughts create our circumstances, then we are always, in the end, to blame. When I asked her if, since people’s thoughts are responsible for their conditions, victims of genocide might be to blame for their own deaths, she said: “I probably wouldn’t say it to them. I don’t go around making people feel bad. That’s not what I’m after.” I pressed harder: Did she believe they are to blame? “Yes, I think there’s a lot of karmic stuff that goes on, past lives.” So, I asked, with a situation like the Holocaust, the victims might have been an unfortunate group of souls who deserved what they got because of their behavior in past lives? “Yes, it can work that way,” Hay said. “But that’s just my opinion.”

As I have pointed out earlier, in extending their blame-the-victim views it is logical to conclude SALPOV must believe FN deserved the abuse it suffered from Anglo invasion because of some guilty thinking. Maybe the SALPOV leadership needs to find themselves a "healing metaphor" and "healing key" for the disease of Manifest Destiny? The Spezzano contact in BC has been anything but a "Cultural Renaissance."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #197 on: May 13, 2014, 01:14:00 am »
POV has sent letters to three critics in an attempt to silence and intimidate them and force a public apology. The critics shared the letters with NAFPS mods. They agreed to our commenting upon the letters. I decline to post any of the critics' names, though two of them said it was OK to do so for them.

The letter claims to be from a reputable law firm, but it's nothing like any I've ever seen. Two lawyers consulted by the critics agree, in their words, "It's pure BS" and legally useless. I seriously wonder if a junior employee at the firm sent the document on the company letterhead without the firm's knowledge or approval.

In fact, the form is "signed" by the typed in name of the firm "Donald Sutherland and Associates", followed by simply two big initials, said to be Donald Sutherland's. I highly doubt the firm would send a letter not listing the lawyer allegedly handling the case. The letter also lacks legal language and instead accuses the three critics of defamation simply for having an opinion about POV.

The letter claims the firm has taken over 300 screen shots of posts by the three critics at half a dozen websites including NAFPS. It goes on to try and give a little history lesson in libel law, almost like a junior law clerk wrote it.

Finally the letter was not sent by courier. It's the kind of thing perhaps one person at the firm agreed to do as a courtesy, hoping to bluff someone.

There are also three letters of apology the firm allegedly demands the critics sign within ten days. Those ten days passed four days ago, with no further action. Pretty safe to say those letters and threatened deadline failed.

The three things that POV or the firm claims were libelous are:
That POV harmed Native communities.
That POV people may have used hypnotism.
That people taking part in POV have been harmed.

I don't claim to be an expert in Canadian law, but under US law none of those arguments are even remotely libelous. Clearly people have been harmed by POV, esp NDNs. Funds that could have been used to actually help and heal people have been diverted to POV. Some of the POV people were clearly trained in hypnotism, so to point to the possibility of that being used is not libelous.

That POV would resort to this shows makes them look to be bullies, and desperate ones who just want to shut up critics.

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #198 on: May 13, 2014, 03:29:43 pm »
Regarding hypnosis, it is just not clear among professionals, whether hypnosis is only the whole treatment or if the state of trance severally can be called hypnosis. Trance belongst to hypnosis, it is a part of hypnosis. POV makes people to go consciously or unconsciously in a trance, this can definitely be described as self-hypnosis, a form of hypnosis. This is not a Hypnosis - treatment in the traditional sense , as they are performed in hypnosis therapies. There is a difference and there are various forms of hypnosis treatments.

Did Chuck S. clarify his proffessions? As I know by medicine books there are always a short description about the authors: Age, course of studies, university, educational attainment, working places, ... I wonder, there is nothing what can be retraced in a simple way.
And who is Lency? Nothing is clear.....
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 03:34:31 pm by Sturmboe »


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #199 on: May 13, 2014, 03:49:06 pm »

Did Chuck S. clarify his proffessions? As I know by medicine books there are always a short description about the authors: Age, course of studies, university, educational attainment, working places, ... I wonder, there is nothing what can be retraced in a simple way.
And who is Lency? Nothing is clear.....

I know this thread is long, but the answers to your questions are in there. :) Lency Spezzano is Chuck's wife, she does a hypnosis type act that she calls "joining". Chuck's education has also been researched.  An excellent source of info on the Spezzanos and Psychology of Vision:

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #200 on: May 13, 2014, 06:25:21 pm »
I know Lency is Chucks wife, I know what psiram writes.

But what I try to say is: The education of both is not clearly and obvously mentioned as it should be. Nothing is really obvious, nothing really traceable.
If you look into reference books about medicine and psychology there is a short text about every person who wrote scientific texts, with their officially recognized professional title, their work, etc.. This all must be traceable.

In this way POV presents themselves is not ok.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #201 on: May 13, 2014, 07:28:04 pm »
Sturmboe, I apologize for misunderstanding, sorry about that.

I agree with you, POV does not present themselves professionally at all, and it is not okay. They attempt to sound scientific and professional, they claim they are doing research, but they behave unethically.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #202 on: May 14, 2014, 01:14:44 am »
The 2011 English language Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual has been removed from public view during the last few days. This document has been a rich primary source for researching the inner structure of SALPOV, exposing the organisation as a personality-based cult with a steep hierarchy.

It is still available for those of you who are signed in to this Forum. Merely click on the attachment.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #203 on: May 14, 2014, 12:29:42 pm »
Psychology of Vision Trainer Application Process 2015

Also attached:

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #204 on: May 16, 2014, 03:51:59 pm »
"This world is actually a dream, it is an illusion. The same thing is said by quantum physicists."--Lenora Kay Spezzano in "Healing the Great Wars Download"

The SALPOV bullying letter sounds like a purely deceptive and manipulative way to take advantage of Canada's strange law on "defamation." Rather ironic since it is instigated by U.S. citizens, who supposedly cherish free speech. Apparently the Spezzanos believe in the "free speech for me but not for thee" philosophy. We have to remember, the Spezzanos are wealthy Americans. Charles and Lenora wear the blinders of entitlement and their followers enable this condition.

Here is my response to the news of the Spezzano letter-- 

One by one the most self-incriminating SALPOV primary sources have been vanishing from public view in 2014. The Spezzano/Ticehurst Healing Metaphors-- gone. All mention of the Spezzanos' love affair with one of their two "greatest inspirations," Oneness University-- gone. The Trainers Manual-- gone.

As a flipside note, also in 2014 at least one former trainer has been quietly erasing any connection to the cult from their online profiles and résumés. I am betting more will follow. SALPOV is now seen as a damaged product, and justifiably so.

There still exists three primary sources to point to for obvious signs of deception and greed. The egos involved are much too invested to erase these circus exhibitions so I don't expect to see them self-censored very soon.

First, in promoting the 2014 visit of Charles Lee Spezzano to the UK, he has been marketed for several months thusly--

CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy.

Of course the entire sentence is a lie. Deception. False advertising. He is not a psychologist and in fact was fined for pretending to be one in a tragic case that resulted in a man's suicide in 2004. Yes, a man died and an online document exists charging both Spezzanos with outright lying and contributing to the distress of this individual--

So now Charles Lee Spezzano calls himself a "coach." Only the brainwashed members of his cult would consider him to be a highly respected professional and world figure. He isn't. To the common viewer Mr. Spezzano is a pretty transparent huckster preying on vulnerable people.

Second, the same UK SALPOV website that touts Charles Lee Spezzano's false credentials also has a section where you can have the opportunity to have an hour of personal consultation from this internationally known leading "psychologist"--   

Chuck Spezzano is available for private coaching sessions while he is in the UK in April and July 2014.

His fee is £700 per hourly session.

In North American terms that is over $1000 both in CAD and USD. For an hour. Of his time. Incredible. Shameless. Greeeeedy. What do you suppose the great historical spiritual teachers in history, like the Christ Jesus from Charles Lee Spezzano's Catholic indoctrination for instance, would say about this high-end retail spirituality?

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
    —Matthew 21:12–13

Charles Lee Spezzano is a lost man.

When the SALPOV Oneness University purge began, the UK website marched in lockstep with the program and deleted the politically humiliating connection. So it stands to reason the above two UK SALPOV perversions remain online with the approval from Hawaii HQ.

Before I get to the third bullet, let's remember the main points of this post are how SALPOV deceptive and greedy practices are documented by members of their own online cult. I hope you'll recall the now deleted quote from SALPOV indoctrinee Jeremy Marchant--

"A primary source of emotional intelligence at work‘s EI material is based on Psychology of Vision, as developed by Chuck Spezzano.  This takes a largely mainstream post-Freudian approach [see, for example, Eric Berne, A layman’s guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis] and elaborates it with extensive borrowings from other sources of which Carl Jung, NLP and transactional analysis are the most obvious.  Chuck’s genius is to keep the complexity but hide it from the client (unless the client is interested in it) so as to provide a powerful transformational approach." 

Hiding is deceptive. And manipulative. Mr. Transparency goes out the window. Also NLP has sometimes been compared to hypnosis, which brings us to--

And now (drumroll) for the third point-- Lenora Kay Spezzano's low-budget load of corny/campy "joining" YouTubes that has earned a following among students of the bizarre. Now that the Healing Metaphors have been self-censored, the Lenora videos have been elevated to the most current self-destructive SALPOV public product in terms of hurting their attempt to pass as "professionals." 

Lenora Kay Spezzano has posted more than a couple dozen Youtube examples of her "joining" technique. Here is a link to all of them--

At one time these Youtubes had several critical comments, but most have been removed. Oddly, Lenora's responses to deleted critical observations remain on many of them, creating a strange impression, like some crazy paranoid bag lady shuffling down the street talking to herself. The Spezzanos really need a professional social media manager if they want to perpetuate their scam with a veneer of professionalism. As it is they just come across as two aging con artists utterly out of touch with modern technology. Rather than engage and take responsibility and defend or discuss connection with Healing Metaphors or Oneness University or other smoking guns to their own hypocrisy they chose to just delete their past. Bad move. Internet remembers.

In her Youtube infomercials, Lenora describes what "downloading" and "joining" entails--

"Now I want to give you the gift of a healing download. And this download will come through the higher self, through the Holy Spirit, and it will be using my brain to transmit this healing, or correction, of what in Psychology of Vision we call 'The Great Wars.'"

... "So as the download starts to come through, and I can feel it already, you'll start to feel inside of your brain the change in the brain pattern in your neuro-net. So, if you remember from college when you were studying science, the science of the brain, your thought patterns are in there physically through the firing of synapses, so you get a certain pattern of thought again and again, these patterns get really deeply entrenched."

"This is not something that I'm doing. Its something that's organised from a much higher level of our minds, and I'm just being a conduit. Its coming through. And my brain feels the changes that your brain will be feeling. So my brain is transmitting the sort of ironing out of those ruts in your mind ..."

" ... We are not our body. We are not the body. This is a vehicle. Its a purely neutral thing, if something's going wrong, if lack of health is showing up in us its only to draw our attention to something, its just a communication to us but the body's free from our, from our beliefs and our issues and all of that."

"So the download will address the beliefs that you have that show up in your neuro-net as a frame pattern that limits you. So we're going to erase the limiting pattern and replace it with the truth that, you know, you're God's child, you have a rich Father ..."

At one point in this segment Lenora apparently feels the forces of "downloading" impatiently bearing down and admits she is performing these "joining" sessions as a form of marketing. But who is "They"?--

"So, you can probably feel the ... they don't wait. They don't understand show business. It's just already started."

... "So, just surrender your mind, and be willing to have that thought change."

... "Look into my right eye."

"This download will remove the belief that you should feel shame. It will remove the pattern, the habitual ingrained pattern in your neuro-net, the firing of the synapses that habitually take you and lead you into shame. It'll remove that and replace it with the understanding that you're innocent ..."

In the "Healing the Dark Night of the Soul Download" the multiple role of director/actor/scriptwriter played by Lenora is very obvious since nothing seems to be working right. Apparently the subject isn't responding, so in an effort to stall for time Lenora tells the audience, "Wait. The intensity. You're feeling this, right? In your brain. Wow. I can hear the bones in my head cracking ..." She can be heard directing the audio crew, "If you guys can tee up the 'Bliss Music' and keep going through and start over again if you need to." At one point she even consults the triangle Charles Lee Spezzano lifted from Bob Trask (that amusing chapter of Charles' past needs more exposure, I think) and says, "Dark Night of the Soul. Where is it on the triangle?" More than others, this Youtube exposes the stage management of these presentations. And the word "stage" will become a key point here.

The quintessential Youtube by Lenora is the "Greater Intimacy with God Download." If there ever was evidence she is using hypnosis, this video is it. Watch her hands carefully at 1:40-1:45. Jordan's responses, including basically freaking out at one point, pretty much tell the story. This is also the video where Lenora goes into a very strange sort of spin that is not seen on the other presentations.

Another strong entry for the hypnosis argument comes from the "Freedom from Judging the Ego Download" as you watch Lenora bringing the client down from the trance starting at 12:55. This Youtube is a particularly sadistic entry in Lenora's demonstrations.

Hypnosis and Psychology of Vision have a strong bond. Charles Lee Spezzano tells us he was trained in hypnosis in this Youtube, Change Your Mind Change Your Heart

He also used to include hypnotherapy as a skill on his LinkedIn (see attachments, which originally were discovered by Grifters Hotel). He endorsed hypnosis when he wrote a positive review in 2006 for a work by German SALPOV cult member Peter Reiter (who died in 2013)--

"This book presents a very easy way to change yourself to be more of your true self. It also allows you to help others to change. This is what the future holds – friends helping friends. And having fun while doing it. Because what you are about to learn is fun, easy and effective. It is intriguing because you are unraveling the mystery of yourself. It is fun because it can be done in your bedroom or study by yourself, with a friend in a café or with a group at a party. It is entertaining and educational. It is easy because it can be done by you with a simple understanding of what is presented in the book. And finally, it is effective as it uses the principle that is central to hypnosis to bring about change: by assigning meaning to a symbol and changing the symbol, you effect change in what is symbolized."

In addition, a simple Google search will reveal many of the SALPOV followers have gone on to careers that include the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is in the DNA of SALPOV. In one of her Youtubes, Lenora calls her husband the "King of the downloads." This bridge strengthens the download/hypnosis connection.

Earlier on this thread Piff found an interesting comment by Victoria Buffalo Robe dated Jan. 4, 2012 on the Facebook site for the short-lived Psychology of Vision Joining Series. The series was advertised like this--

Psychology of Vision Joining Series

A Joining series to explore our inner worlds

“Pain and suffering are washed away by
love: This happens with empathic joining
between two or more people. By transcending
personal barriers we can become one with
others and experience the higher states of
consciousness in which pain can no longer

~ Psychology of Visions Core Principal #11

Join us for a series like no other.

With alternating POV Guest Trainers This series will count
towards Days in the "100 day" Psychology of Vision Program.

Melissa Meyer Feb 1st and Feb 15th

Susan How March 7th and April 18th

Charles Campbell March 21st

Victoria Buffalo Robe April 4th

1530 Adanac st. Buzz 403


By Donation
(Suggested $20)

“If grass can grow through cement, Love can find you at
every time in your life” ~ Cher

For more information or to register, please RSVP
Victoria Buffalo Robe at 604 505-8867

And in the comments Victoria made this thought provoking comment--

Joining is an emotional healing exercise used for thousands of years in our human history. The Yogi's call it Gazing, in Psychology of Vision it is a very integral part of healing through love, and becoming emotionally mature.

This gazing technique has a name: Trataka.

Trataka plays an important role in yoga. Parvati practised shambhavi mudra, which forms an integral part if inner trataka. Trataka is practised even in hypnotism. The eyes possess the power to act as a reservoir of energy as well as a transmitter. Through the medium of the eyes, we are able to express many things. We are able to express sorrow, joy, anger, displeasure, cheerfulness, malice, etc. Through trataka we can acquire great power.

Inner Tratak:- It involves gazing continuously at mental picture or an object or concentrating our mind at any of the seven chakra ( in beginning we concentrate on Agnya chakra, the point slightly above and between two eyebrows). With regular practice we try to visualize an object of our interest and the same picture is then retended in mind for long time as per our strength and capacity. When we are able to retain a particular thought for about an hour then we should try to elongate the time duration of our practice with great care. Remember, visualization has tremendous power. When we advance in the practice of inner Tratak then, we can hold a single thought for a long time and the visualization of mind crystalizes and finally manifests in our real life. We can attract health, wealth, prosperity, respect and much more in our daily life by using visualization technique.
Advantages- It helps in building confidence, gaining strong will power and intelligence, improves co centration and the power of visualization. When we advance in the practice, we can establish contact with our spirit guide and seek their help. We develop power to hypnotise anyone.

TRATAK – A sure gateway to develop psychic powers

Tratak Sadhna is one of the best simple and super most technique among all to achieve various powers & siddhies. Tratak is the practice of staring or gazing at an external object. It was a method of meditation that involves concentrating on a single point such as a small object, black dot or candle flame. It is often used in yoga as a way of developing concentration, strengthening the eyes and stimulating the Brow (agya) Chakra. Tratak is sadhna for mind control & awakening. Tratak is considered to be helpful in developing psychic powers. For all those wishing to tread on the path of Sadhna and excel in the fields f hypnosis, magic and attain higher spiritual powers. Tratak is considered an extremely powerful spiritual exercise. However, attempting it without proper assistance under the guidance of a trained teacher or guru can be dangerous.

Amazing Benefits of Tratak

Develop Focused Concentration Power: Strong projection of Intention. Enter into relaxed peaceful and meditative state; free from restlessness & wandering thoughts.

Develop Hypnotic Eye:

    To influence the people.
    To control the person in your positive favour.
    To calm down negative reactions.
    To Hypnotise & induce trance level.
    No body will dare to look into your eyes.

Develop Psychokinesis: Move any object through your focused mind, eye and hand energy.

Develop Inner Vision: Clairvoyance, clair audience, clair sentient. Acquire the higher state of consciousness.

Seek Remedies: Guidance in the form of psychic visions, symbols, feelings & colour visions.

Go to Past Life: See future visions, travel astral – communicate with divine masters, angels, guides & spirits.

Programme Your Subconscious Mind: Tratak is the best technique to influence subconscious effectively. Programme your subconscious mind to change your habits, weakness. Personality, to achieve your dreams & goals.
Source : By: Dr. N. K. Sharma

As you can see the eye gazing technique seems to be interpreted several ways. Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips has a very interesting post exploring this topic--

I understand Lenora Kay Spezzano is upset that her "downloading/joining" video performances have not been hailed as examples celebrating her role as the earthly conduit between astral forces and humankind, but instead has been categorized as "stage hypnotism."

So, let us look at the evidence. On this forum we have established without a doubt the SALPOV machine has no problem with being deceptive in how it presents itself. We have established they manipulate vulnerable, wounded, and fragile people. We have established, thanks to the German trainers manual, how they   targeted FN in a very strategic way. We have established SALPOV is a steep hierarchy and profit-driven corporation where only the top two executives have any real power as they exploit the labor of their too-trusting minions. We have established SALPOV is not respected by several other spiritual healers. We have established SALPOV is not respected by the American Cancer Society. We have established Charles Lee Spezzano is so insignificant even among New Age healers that he does not warrant an entry in Wikipedia. And we have established the SALPOV presence on Haida Gwaii has not only brought pain and suffering, but also those on that island who continue to serve the Spezzanos are selling out their own culture and don't appear to have any qualms about doing so.

And now for my opinion about Lenora's Youtubes, which I am free to have as a human walking between Earth and the sky. From my perspective Lenora is not acting as a conduit for anything except for the transfer of her gullible client's cash to her bank account.

Part of the definition of "Stage Hypnosis" includes that it is performed before an audience and usually has a shill in the group. In Lenora's case the entire room was filled with shills. Lenora herself called the videotaped effort "show business" and the hokey music only strengthens the view that this is a theatre production, not real healing in progress. It is all staged.

There is a very strong argument for defining her Youtubes as an example of stage hypnosis, particularly with her constant pointing to her right eye in many of the vids and how she can instantly turn on a dime and go in and out of her faux-trance expression as she orders stage directions to her crew. Now that the "Healing Metaphors" have been purged from public view, these "downloading" videos are the foremost new public access Achilles Heel for Psychology of Vision. 
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 04:05:39 pm by Sandy S »


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #205 on: May 25, 2014, 07:24:56 pm »
Lency now has this site up: The Truth about Chuck and Lency Spezzano

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #206 on: May 26, 2014, 03:18:00 pm »
Excerpt from Psych Web, Hypnotic Induction Techniques, Direct Gaze Method

Emphasis is mine:

Direct Gaze Method
This process is the Direct Gaze Induction Technique. This is the most powerful technique of all, and also the most difficult to use because you have to express perfect confidence. If you have any doubt, hesitation, or fear, it will show in your eyes; the subject will read it and it will inhibit their response.

If the subject is standing, you say to them, "All right, I want you to fix your eyes right here." Take the index finger of your right hand and bring it up under your right eye. If they're seated, or lying down on their back, say exactly the same thing.

When you're looking the subject in the eye, it is important for you not to blink. Narrow your eyes slightly, enough to keep your eyeballs from drying out. Time your counting in response to what you see happening in the subject's eyes. If you don't see any response, stretch out the suggestions. (ex. Five -- eyelids heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy, your eyelids feel so heavy. Four -- your heavy lids begin to feel as though they're getting ready to close. Three -- the very next time ....) The moment you see the subject beginning to blink, pick up the tempo and say 'And now they begin closing, closing ...'

Spoken to the subject

Now I want you to look right here. Don't take your eyes from mine. Don't move or speak or nod your head or say "uh-huh" unless I ask you to. I know that you hear and understand me just as you know it. If you follow my simple instructions, there is nothing in this world that can keep you from entering into a very deep and pleasant state of hypnosis, and doing it in just a fraction of a second. Now, take a deep breath and fill up your lungs. (Take a deep breath and take your right hand and move it in an upward motion in the air). Now exhale. (Bring hand down as they exhale) That's fine. Now a second and deeper breath. (Bring hand up) Exhale. (Bring hand down) Relax. Now a third deep breath. (Bring hand up) Exhale. (Bring hand down)

(Note: The following sections are for performing therapy)

(Raise your hand up over their head, about three feet in front of them, two feet above their head, pointing finger) And now, I'm going to count from five down to one. As I do, your eyelids grow heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy. By the time I reach the count of one, they close right down and you go deep in hypnotic slumber. Deeper than ever before. All right, Five (Start moving finger down) -- Eyelids heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy. Four (Moving finger down) -- Those heavy lids feel ready to close. Three (Moving finger down) -- The next time you blink that is hypnosis coming on you then. Two (Moving finger down) -- They begin closing, closing, closing, closing, closing, closing, closing, closing them, close them, close them.

They're closing, closing, closing, closing .. One

(Place right hand behind subjects head at base of skull. Grasp subjects left arm at elbow. With a sudden forward pulling movement of the right hand, say) Sleep now.

(Use a deepening technique and test subject)

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #207 on: May 26, 2014, 05:01:05 pm »
Lency now has this site up: The Truth about Chuck and Lency Spezzano

Elucidation is something different than this, what L.S. writes. To me it seems like a bound of counter attacks by the assaults of other critics - but nothing is really clearified in important aspects and critics I had expected.

Quote: "It is not for everybody because not everyone wants to get in touch with their repressed pain so that it can be released and healed."
In this one sentence I criticize that is not the point "that not everyone wants to get in touch..." Fact is, not everybody is stabilized enough that he is able to stand by the confrontation with his pain. To force someone in contact with his problems, when he is not stabilized could be dangerous.

As the pain surfaces, it opens up the issue to be healed, washing out the pain and suffering, until only the joy of the experience of Oneness with God remains. It is a universal experience. With a little practice, as each person is relating to the other, it’s possible to read his or her painful life process like a book, recognizing we are the same and we are all connected.

Quote: "Life’s pain and suffering just waits until the conscious mind is willing to register and acknowledge its existence."
Not correct. Sometimes pain breaks through the surface and a person reacted as he never wanted to do this, cannot understand, what happened. To often the acknowledge comes in hard work.
"Once it has, the pain not only releases, it becomes the basis for strength, maturity and wisdom. Suffering is just the raw material for our growth; for most people, they have already done the hardest part of their lives – all that is left is to process the raw material so that it can be “smelted” with awareness, and the end product is gold." There are people who are growing "wiser", but this is often hard work they decided to go this way, radical acceptance

"People who have not only survived a crisis, but have integrated the process emotionally, generally do not wish that the crisis had never occurred." Puh, what a sentence. What is about those people who had hard life - experiences, and they are asking: Make this away, make it, as this never had happened to me" (for e.g. sexual abuse) They can learn to live with their experiences, but often there is no "do not wish that the crisis had never occurred, because they are glad to be the human being that transformed through the process. Joining reaps the benefits of our tough life experiences." Is there really a transforming process? If people talk about their bad life experiences, their own words hurt, there is an experience ... even they know those words will help other to know "you are not alone". But these words hurt, realising an experience, this not gone, not away.

It would be ok, if POV would present their psychological training with a lot of other psychologists and psychotherapists in symposia, discussing about its contains, what must be changed, what is good. There may be some good aspects, but POV on their own cannot particularize it. Psychological therapies are constantly changing in an international or national exchange, multidisciplinary. And another case here: supervisors should coming from outside, and noone from POV.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #208 on: May 27, 2014, 02:16:13 am »
With Lenora Kay Spezzano's announcement that she will no longer be making international visits after 2014, it would stand to reason that she might be going more into the webinar route. She has an existing webinar series that appears to be about two or three years old.

These webinars are presented in graduated steps and in viewing the summaries one can see why Lenora is so defensive about her "professional" standing and why she is so very insecure about the charge that "downloading/joining" is anything other than what she claims it is. Her "look in my right eye" technique is at the foundation of a very expensive set of webinars.

If her Youtube "joining" videos are any indication of how that practice is supposed to work, they raise a number of very legitimate observations and questions a reasonable person would pose regarding hypnosis, harm done to the client, and Lenora's "scientific" definition of how the process works. Any critical mind should be able to express these views without fear of being accused of defamation, libel, or slander. To legally threaten people for questioning the validity of "joining" is simply bullying, cyber or otherwise. It reveals a defensive intolerance for criticism and is another point in favor of the charge that Psychology of Vision behaves like a cult. Here's a link to the Youtubes. I find them fascinating, but probably not for reasons Lenora would prefer--

Here's the first part of the series--

Enlightenment & Beyond

Lency Webinar Series

In this 8 session Webinar series, Lency Spezzano will take you all the way through the introductory level of her work to the most cutting edge, groundbreaking level of inducing enlightenment. The Enlightenment & Beyond -Webinar Series is divided into two levels, Level 1 & Level 2. They can be taken one at a time or together.

In Level 1 of this Webinar, Lency will introduce her Theory of Everything, teach her "Joining" Method for releasing unconscious pain, and take participants through healing their major prenatal, birth and childhood issues.

In Level 2 of the Webinar, Lency will lay the foundation for "Enlightenment" and take participants through the self-annihilation process that slays the ego. In the final session she will give the energetic "downloads" for enlightenment and other steps on the way to God Realization and Oneness.

Each of the 8 sessions is an hour and a half to two hours long.
For more information about the series, please contact


Enlightenment & Beyond-Level 1 "Joining" ($200 USD)

Enlightenment & Beyond-Level 2 "Enlightenment" ($200 USD)

Enlightenment & Beyond-Level 1 & 2 ($400 USD)


By registering for the Ascension Webinar series, I agree to keep the recordings that I access or receive confidential, and will not share them with, or show them to any other persons.


To purchase recordings of the Enlightenment & Beyond Webinar series, please complete this secure online form:

Click Here to Purchase Enlightenment & Beyond

We will process your payment and provide access to a Private Page on Chuck and Lency's website where you can view the Enlightenment & Beyond Webinar Series from your computer.

For more information or assistance, please email the Hawaii Office at or call 1-808-239-4502 during normal Hawaii business hours. Thank you! =)

Lenora also has a Youtube preview of Enlightment & Beyond--

Part two--


Through Life-Theme Resolution

Lency Webinar Series

In the Ascension webinar series, Lency Spezzano will be sharing her perspective of what is going on for us personally and collectively in this very important vibrational process here on planet Earth, and delivering her cutting edge healing work.

Lency has recently made huge breakthroughs in identifying and resolving the great life theme issue that we now have the unprecedented opportunity to complete. It is a very important moment in human history. Those of us who are doing this work are pioneers who have chosen to clear our personal unconscious minds ahead of the collective in order to usher in the collective dimensional shifts that are available for the first time in history.

Lency will assist us in resolving the life-theme issues that are presently with us as well as vibrating within us from other incarnations, in order to shift our awareness to accelerating levels of reality, and guide us into the experience of harnessing its potential. It is an exciting time to be alive!

Each of the 4 sessions is an hour and a half to two hours long.
For more information about the series, please contact


This is an advanced level course that is only open to people who have worked with Lency in 2011 or 2012 in a 5 day or 10 day program or have completed her Enlightenment Webinar Series. It will only be available in English.


Tuition is $200 USD ...

Lenora also has a Youtube preview of Ascension Through Life-Theme Resolution

Part three--

Life in the 5th Dimension

Lency Webinar Series

Note from Lency:

"Hi guys! Huge breakthroughs have been happening in my seminars - actually pulling people out of the 3rd and 4th dimensional grid systems to energetically experience life in 5 D - my best strategy for bringing light to the collective. There is wonderful feedback! [See right hand column.]

"I will offer another webinar series titled Life in the 5th Dimension as preparation for leading the way in the planetary birth the last 11 days of 2012.

"If you are interested, but haven't done the prerequisite training, the earlier webinars are offered as recordings (for beginners, a total of 12 two hour sessions), and the new ones will be available also. For information or registration please email our Hawaii Office at"


Each of the 4 sessions is an hour and a half to two hours long. For more information about the series, please contact


This is an advanced level course that is only open to people who have completed both:

-"Joining" and "Self annihilation/Enlightenment" work (available through Enlightenment & Beyond or completed with Lency in 2011 or 2012 in a 5 day or 10 day program)

-"life-theme resolution work" (available through Asension: Through Life-Theme Resolution)

It will only be available in English. Apologies to non-English speakers.


$200 USD ...

Part four--

God Is

Lency Webinar Series

The "God Is" webinar will utilize Lency's latest healing technique called Flying. Flying is different from previous healing techniques in that flying starts with the miracle.  From the blissful state of the miracle, emotions can be bailed and tremendous healing can be accomplished-all from a state of "flying in the miracle."

Flying with Lency:

My first Flight with Lency was so impressive that it took me a long time for the return and the landing.

I was in a Space of total Love and I was Fearless. Only Light and a very high Energy. No judgement only Joy and Happiness. This new awareness followed on many more small flights whith Lency and after that I learned to make small flights by myself into this very high conciousness called 5th Dimension. This is a beginning of a journey into En..light..ment. I am so grateful for this experience, because being a Spiritual Warrior who seeks only for the Truth this is the place to get connected.

This is the Dimension where we come from and where we long to come back to!

It is possible to realize this now and here on this earth and where we are living now in the 3d Dimension. Thank you for this experience, Lency.

xxxxLove you.

Each of the 4 sessions is about an hour and a half to two hours long. For more information about the series, please contact


This is an advanced level course that is only open to people who have completed:

-"Joining" and "Self annihilation/Enlightenment" work (available through Enlightenment & Beyond or completed with Lency in 2011 or 2012 in a 5 day or 10 day program)

-"life-theme resolution work" (available through Asension: Through Life-Theme Resolution or completed with Lency in 2013 in a 5 day or 10 day program)

-"5th dimension" work (available through Life in the 5th Dimension)

It will only be available in English. Apologies to non-English speakers.


$200 USD ...

Grand total fee for the entire series, $1000. This is quite a deal considering Charles Lee Spezzano charges more than that for an hour of his time for personal consultations.

I like Sturmboe's idea of having the Spezzanos present something like this webinar series to a conference of real professional psychologists. Oh man, wouldn't that be fun to watch?

« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 02:21:38 am by Sandy S »


  • Guest
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #209 on: May 27, 2014, 07:40:52 pm »
From Lency's web site on a page titled "Sillier Stuff"

Are Chuck And Lency Connected with The Inner Healing Movement?  No.

Yet in the minutes of a neighborhood board meeting in 2003:

CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP), WAIHEE PLACE –Peggy Chang and Consultant Geoffery Paterson representing Dr. Chuck and Lency Spezzano presented the following:

1) Spezzano and Associates is applying for a Conditional Use Permit Minor, to permit a meeting facility on their property located at Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, which is the permanent home of Dr. Chuck and Lency Spezzano.
3) The existing barn is currently used as the headquarters for their worldwide networking in the field of Inner Healing.

Maybe the Spezzanos would argue that their own reps didn't know what they were talking about? Although "worldwide networking in the field of Inner Healing" sounds pretty specific and purposeful to me.

Also on the new site:

Of the thousands of First Nations people that we have served in those pro bono seminars (a large percentage of whom were residential school survivors), Chuck and I have never received feedback that suggested we hurt anyone.

Apparently the Spezzanos have not watched this yet: Part of this video involves the Spezzanos, several people state that POV is irresponsible and unsafe.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 08:20:15 pm by Piff »