Author Topic: William Two Feather AKA William Schober  (Read 156231 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2010, 02:05:01 pm »

If Schober is white, then why does he have dark skin? It will probably take a PI to look into his background and find out his real ethnicity.

Even if Schober is not really Apache, can't he just teach New Age healings while dressed up as an ancient NA and just call himself a New Age Healer? Many from all over the world have healing abilities. It's very possible he does have it.

Don't forget the testimonials from those closest to him. They are in the best position to judge his true heart.

Going by skintone is not exactly reliable. Schober looks lighter skinned to me than many whites do. In all of his photos he's several shades lighter than Al Pacino for example.

Winston, does Schober look as dark as Apaches like these?

Or even modern day Apaches like Wendell Chino, who was the longtime president of one of the reservation govts?

No, he's about ten shades lighter. He's about what a white man who likes to tan in the sun looks like.

Schober's skin tone is actually closer to this than any Apache.

And again, no it is not OK to pose as Native for the sake of cash, building a cult around yourself, and to get away with abusing women. Let him call himself a white New Age imposter like he is.

And once more, women who are continuing to defend him after they've been used and abused him are some of the least reliable people. Think of them as cult survivors who remain members of the cult.

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2010, 04:50:01 pm »
Don't forget the testimonials from those closest to him. They are in the best position to judge his true heart.

Actually, they are but they don't, or won't.  It has always been my experience that those closest to the predator, keep his/her secrets even closer. It's why they are close, the predator wouldn't have anyone close to him/her if they could not be trusted to NOT say what the truth is about him/her.  A good example of this is the Scientology thing going on, with some people who were 'close' to the leader now recanting their glowing reviews and showing a different scenario.. which of course is debunked by those still in the high position of being 'close' to the head honcho.  That's just the way it is.

I trust more, the person who knows no one in the camp, than those that are the closest. 
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2010, 05:18:58 pm »
Don't forget the testimonials from those closest to him. They are in the best position to judge his true heart.

Actually, they are but they don't, or won't.  It has always been my experience that those closest to the predator, keep his/her secrets even closer. It's why they are close, the predator wouldn't have anyone close to him/her if they could not be trusted to NOT say what the truth is about him/her. 

Yeah, keeping a flock of enablers around to lie for them is part of the successful predator's game plan. Sometimes these people are literally hostages - terrified to speak the truth, terrified they or their families will be harmed if they speak out. It can take some people a long time to break away from that sort of psychological (and sometimes physical) imprisonment. Other enablers are willing co-abusers with the predator: a type of predator themselves who finds sick joy in harming others, and in helping a more powerful abuser harm others. Some of these pain groupies sign up with a predator in the hopes the bigger predator will take down their "enemies" for them. Some of those types are amazingly skilled at looking the other way when the predator harms innocents, or even harms them, as long as they hope they can point the predator at someone they want harmed.

Offline nemesis

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2010, 10:32:41 pm »
wot educatedindian, critter and Kathryn said

also, for further insight I recommend reading up on "identification with the aggressor" and "Stockholm syndrome"

I hope this is helpful

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2010, 08:24:50 am »

If Schober is white, then why does he have dark skin? It will probably take a PI to look into his background and find out his real ethnicity.

Even if Schober is not really Apache, can't he just teach New Age healings while dressed up as an ancient NA and just call himself a New Age Healer? Many from all over the world have healing abilities. It's very possible he does have it.

Don't forget the testimonials from those closest to him. They are in the best position to judge his true heart.

Going by skintone is not exactly reliable. Schober looks lighter skinned to me than many whites do. In all of his photos he's several shades lighter than Al Pacino for example.

Winston, does Schober look as dark as Apaches like these?

Or even modern day Apaches like Wendell Chino, who was the longtime president of one of the reservation govts?

No, he's about ten shades lighter. He's about what a white man who likes to tan in the sun looks like.

Schober's skin tone is actually closer to this than any Apache.

And again, no it is not OK to pose as Native for the sake of cash, building a cult around yourself, and to get away with abusing women. Let him call himself a white New Age imposter like he is.

And once more, women who are continuing to defend him after they've been used and abused him are some of the least reliable people. Think of them as cult survivors who remain members of the cult.

Ok I see your point. He is not that dark after all. Does he claim to be pure Apache or mixed?

When I met him, I also noticed that it was unusual that he would brag and boast proudly about himself, when all the other Native Americans I've seen were very humble and modest.

Comparing his skin tone with Hitler though, was an extreme comparison.

And it is true that some of his victims may have a victim mentality or control drama in which they play out, possibly due to something in their past.

But look at it this way.

If you were in WTF's shoes, and you had a choice of whether to be an exotic icon to others, teach metaphysical things that fascinate others, and make some money from it, vs going to work in some factory as a menial wage slave doing the most tedious work, where ten minutes seem like an hour, which would you choose?

You can't blame him for choosing a more exotic and exciting path, can you?

Who can afford to be an angel in this world? There are so many evil sociopaths out there, who start wars, spread propaganda, etc. It's impossible to be completely ethical in this world. It goes against the system. Have you all seen the film "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" on YouTube or Google Video? It explains why true ethics cannot exist in our system.

My dad even told me that "people can only have morals if they can AFFORD to have them". If you go to third world countries, you will find that many have to scam, cheat and lie in order to make any little money at all. Most people are desperate and suffering out there. Only a few at the top of the pyramid have it all. This is a very unjust world. And a man often has to take what he can get.

So shouldn't we be understanding of that?

There is a spiritual saying that, "We should not judge others. Everyone is doing the best they can from their perspective, and no one can truly understand what it's like to be in another man's shoes."

Make sense?

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2010, 08:30:20 am »
I'd like to report a strange problem or bug with this forum and the search engine results.

When I go to google and type in "william two feather", this forum thread does come up on the first page. However, if you click on it, it does not go directly here. Instead, it goes to some weird template version of this thread where most of the posts are not even seen.

This is the exact page it goes to:;wap2

Does anyone know why it does that? I don't know how this forum got mixed up with that bizarre and limited template. And it definitely is not efficient search engine optimization. The link should go directly to this thread. That page above contains no direct link to get to here, for instance.

So if you want this thread to appear in search results, I suggest someone here contact the webmaster or owner of this forum and tell them about this problem. Can someone forward this post to the owner?


Offline taraverti

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2010, 09:43:07 am »

But look at it this way.

If you were in WTF's shoes, and you had a choice of whether to be an exotic icon to others, teach metaphysical things that fascinate others, and make some money from it, vs going to work in some factory as a menial wage slave doing the most tedious work, where ten minutes seem like an hour, which would you choose?

You can't blame him for choosing a more exotic and exciting path, can you?

Who can afford to be an angel in this world? There are so many evil sociopaths out there, who start wars, spread propaganda, etc. It's impossible to be completely ethical in this world. It goes against the system. Have you all seen the film "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" on YouTube or Google Video? It explains why true ethics cannot exist in our system.

My dad even told me that "people can only have morals if they can AFFORD to have them". If you go to third world countries, you will find that many have to scam, cheat and lie in order to make any little money at all. Most people are desperate and suffering out there. Only a few at the top of the pyramid have it all. This is a very unjust world. And a man often has to take what he can get.

So shouldn't we be understanding of that?

There is a spiritual saying that, "We should not judge others. Everyone is doing the best they can from their perspective, and no one can truly understand what it's like to be in another man's shoes."

Make sense?

Um, no.

Do you remember where you are? The whole point of this forum is to expose the people you just described.

You could excuse anything using that arguement.

Offline nemesis

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2010, 10:09:36 am »
But look at it this way.

If you were in WTF's shoes, and you had a choice of whether to be an exotic icon to others, teach metaphysical things that fascinate others, and make some money from it, vs going to work in some factory as a menial wage slave doing the most tedious work, where ten minutes seem like an hour, which would you choose?

You can't blame him for choosing a more exotic and exciting path, can you?

Who can afford to be an angel in this world? There are so many evil sociopaths out there, who start wars, spread propaganda, etc. It's impossible to be completely ethical in this world. It goes against the system. Have you all seen the film "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" on YouTube or Google Video? It explains why true ethics cannot exist in our system.

My dad even told me that "people can only have morals if they can AFFORD to have them". If you go to third world countries, you will find that many have to scam, cheat and lie in order to make any little money at all. Most people are desperate and suffering out there. Only a few at the top of the pyramid have it all. This is a very unjust world. And a man often has to take what he can get.

So shouldn't we be understanding of that?


this has to be one of the most insane things I have ever read, and I have read a lot of crazy things.

He is not living in a developing country.  He does not lie awake at night afraid that armed forces of bandits might kill or rape his family.  He does not have to eat dirt or vermin just to survive.

He is a man born into privilege and good fortune, at least compared to most people on this planet, and he is making money by exploiting the sacred traditions of people who are still trying to recover from the horrors and trauma of cultural and actual genocide.

Your defense of his actions is completely irrational and deeply offensive.

There is a spiritual saying that, "We should not judge others. Everyone is doing the best they can from their perspective, and no one can truly understand what it's like to be in another man's shoes."

Make sense?

Oh the irony.

WTF might physically put himself in the shoes (or to be precise moccasins) of native people but for a spirchul person he seems unable or unwilling to understand the hurt and pain he is causing to native and other people with his farcical performances.

How can you seriously ask anyone to put themselves in WTF's shoes when his lack of empathy (and thus inability to put himself into other people's shoes) is so evident?

Offline taraverti

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2010, 01:53:30 pm »
Thank you nemesis for saying it so much better than I could in my early morning fog and outrage.

I'd also like to mention it's pretty insulting to all the factory workers who do honest hard work to support their families.

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2010, 03:10:35 pm »

But look at it this way.

If you were in WTF's shoes, and you had a choice of whether to be an exotic icon to others, teach metaphysical things that fascinate others, and make some money from it, vs going to work in some factory as a menial wage slave doing the most tedious work, where ten minutes seem like an hour, which would you choose?

You can't blame him for choosing a more exotic and exciting path, can you?

Who can afford to be an angel in this world? There are so many evil sociopaths out there, who start wars, spread propaganda, etc. It's impossible to be completely ethical in this world. It goes against the system. Have you all seen the film "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" on YouTube or Google Video? It explains why true ethics cannot exist in our system.

My dad even told me that "people can only have morals if they can AFFORD to have them". If you go to third world countries, you will find that many have to scam, cheat and lie in order to make any little money at all. Most people are desperate and suffering out there. Only a few at the top of the pyramid have it all. This is a very unjust world. And a man often has to take what he can get.

So shouldn't we be understanding of that?

There is a spiritual saying that, "We should not judge others. Everyone is doing the best they can from their perspective, and no one can truly understand what it's like to be in another man's shoes."

Make sense?

There are people like that, yes. Those are the ones who are frauds and scammers.. if you know that is WTF's circumstance then why support him instead of expose him?  If your 'example' was true, well, he didn't choose an exotic path, he chose instead to hurt and harm others .. because he didn't like the circumstances of his own life. No spiritual person I know of would do that.

So much wrong with this justification..

You justify people ripping other people off to make a buck?  Simply because they didn't like what life was handing them? I guess all those Nigerian money scams are OK then too?
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2010, 03:21:19 pm »

You can't blame him for choosing a more exotic and exciting path, can you?

Who can afford to be an angel in this world? There are so many evil sociopaths out there, who start wars, spread propaganda, etc. It's impossible to be completely ethical in this world. It goes against the system. Have you all seen the film "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" on YouTube or Google Video? It explains why true ethics cannot exist in our system.

My dad even told me that "people can only have morals if they can AFFORD to have them". If you go to third world countries, you will find that many have to scam, cheat and lie in order to make any little money at all. Most people are desperate and suffering out there. Only a few at the top of the pyramid have it all. This is a very unjust world. And a man often has to take what he can get.

Where have I heard this defense before? Oh yeah...

....Bernie Madoff appears to have none of the remorse expected of a man staring down a 150-year prison sentence.

According to a lengthy new piece by Steve Fishman in New York magazine, Madoff, who apparently pals around with a former mob boss and a spy in a federal prison in Butner, North Carolina told a fellow inmate, "F--- my victims. I carried them for twenty years, and now I'm doing 150 years."

Madoff, whose con artist bona fides seems to have turned some fellow inmates into "groupies," even indicated to other prisoners that some of his victims actually deserved to have their money taken from them. Overall, Madoff comes off as cocksure, unrepentant and a bit miffed at the world. Here's New York magazine:

He was past apologizing. In prison, he crafted his own version of events. From MCC, Madoff explained the trap he was in. "People just kept throwing money at me," Madoff related to a prison consultant who advised him on how to endure prison life. "Some guy wanted to invest, and if I said no, the guy said, 'What, I'm not good enough?'?" One day, Shannon Hay, a drug dealer who lived in the same unit in Butner as Madoff, asked about his crimes. "He told me his side. He took money off of people who were rich and greedy and wanted more," says Hay, who was released in December. People, in other words, who deserved it.


IOW's the money's too good, who can blame them? Blame the victims instead...

Yes, we can blame them. This is insulting to the great majority of people who remain honest.

And yes, that includes the Third World. I've traveled to Latin America and Asia (Philippines and Indonesia) quite a bit. Most people don't hustle, don't steal, don't con. Your father is dead wrong. In the Third World, it's mostly the wealthy who constantly steal, along with crooked govt and esp cops. They do it mostly to honest poor people.

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2010, 10:31:37 pm »
Check this out. Some people have posted more vile accusations about William Two Feather on my blog.

What do you think? Could they be true? Can a person be a spiritual healer and a manipulative user living for lust at the same time?

Here are some pics of Two Feather from his site for you to get some vibes from.

To be honest, when I met him and had a few beers in his hotel room, he struck me as friendly, a good talker, a man with many interesting stories and things to share, and a person of intellectual depth too even. However, I kept sensing a sort of "dark energy" about him, as if something was draining my aura, like some sort of energy vampire. It was really weird. I also sensed that he had some power in him whereby he could manipulate people or even hypnotize them easily. He acted as though he was used to getting his way with people. There also seemed to be a depraved side to him as well, as though there were many skeletons in his closet that you could feel in his aura. (which turned out to be true based on the comments about him in my blog and on new age fraud forum).

Have any of you met people like that?

Anyhow, Two Feather is angry now and demanding that I remove the whole blog entry as well as this thread. I left a note on the blog saying that negative comments can't be posted anonymously, but the posters posted anonymously anyway. You see, if I disallow anonymous posts on that blog, it'd go for every blog page on there, not just that one. That would mean less comments, as most prefer to post anonymously.

What do you think I should do?

That being said, I'd have to say based on the variety of comments in my blog about him, that the most logical conclusion about WTF is that he is a mixture of traits that we see as polar opposites. He is a healer with a good heart who possesses some healing energy (like we all do if we learn to tap it), as well as some intellectual depth, but at the same time he can be a manipulator who lives for lust too.

We've all been programmed by Hollywood to think that a person can only be "all good" or "all evil" but in reality that's not the case. People often have mixtures of good and evil in them. They can coexist in the same person. As the Taoists say, they are "two sides of the same coin", part of a duality that cannot exist without each other. Thus they cannot be suppressed. You cannot understand one without understanding the other.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 10:56:58 pm by Winston »

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2010, 01:43:30 am »
Check this out. Some people have posted more vile accusations about William Two Feather on my blog.

What do you think? Could they be true? Can a person be a spiritual healer and a manipulative user living for lust at the same time?

Here are some pics of Two Feather from his site for you to get some vibes from.

To be honest, when I met him and had a few beers in his hotel room, he struck me as friendly, a good talker, a man with many interesting stories and things to share, and a person of intellectual depth too even. However, I kept sensing a sort of "dark energy" about him, as if something was draining my aura, like some sort of energy vampire. It was really weird. I also sensed that he had some power in him whereby he could manipulate people or even hypnotize them easily. He acted as though he was used to getting his way with people. There also seemed to be a depraved side to him as well, as though there were many skeletons in his closet that you could feel in his aura. (which turned out to be true based on the comments about him in my blog and on new age fraud forum).

Have any of you met people like that?

Anyhow, Two Feather is angry now and demanding that I remove the whole blog entry as well as this thread. I left a note on the blog saying that negative comments can't be posted anonymously, but the posters posted anonymously anyway. You see, if I disallow anonymous posts on that blog, it'd go for every blog page on there, not just that one. That would mean less comments, as most prefer to post anonymously.

What do you think I should do?

That being said, I'd have to say based on the variety of comments in my blog about him, that the most logical conclusion about WTF is that he is a mixture of traits that we see as polar opposites. He is a healer with a good heart who possesses some healing energy (like we all do if we learn to tap it), as well as some intellectual depth, but at the same time he can be a manipulator who lives for lust too.

We've all been programmed by Hollywood to think that a person can only be "all good" or "all evil" but in reality that's not the case. People often have mixtures of good and evil in them. They can coexist in the same person. As the Taoists say, they are "two sides of the same coin", part of a duality that cannot exist without each other. Thus they cannot be suppressed. You cannot understand one without understanding the other.

It looks like you have been mind control. A bit contradicting to your blog that says opposes mind control and enslavement.

There is a reason why he has been doing what he has been doing; he exploits people's ignorance.

Offline Winston

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2010, 01:40:45 pm »
Check out this vicious comment about William Two Feather someone posted anonymously in my blog. Dang.

I grew up with this "character" and i mean that in every sense of the word!He is no more a "shamman" than i am "the queen of englan". he is just good at his game.someone mentioned that he preys on low self esteem women,that is an
understatement.William has been a showman since he was just a little kid,yes he was a martial art student and became very god at it. He is and has always been a very calculatin,sociopathic, a thief and a con all of his life.I might add very good at it.Karma takes care of all of us.good or bad...I will pray every day that he gets his everyday of his life.I don't wish him anything but what he deserves.someone said he caries a big wound in his heart,Not! he should carry a big shame in his heart with all of the pain he has caused others in their lives.shame for the pain he has caused to all of his unwanted children,that he has disregarded and abused and stole from.
I feel bad for all those fools that are so starved for spirutiality , that are being led around by some well educated (on the subject) east L.A. hood boy!..what! a thug amongs the Natives!

I'll tell you one disturbing thing though. Even though I defended him with some logical arguments on the new age fraud forum and told WTF about it, he wouldn't even thank me at least. Instead, he just demanded that I remove the posts about him and forget that I ever met him. Is that any way to treat someone who defended you and stuck up for you? Really odd. If someone stuck up for me, I'd appreciate it and thank them. Why doesn't he do the same? Not a good sign.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2010, 02:54:00 pm »
That's not vicious, that's accurate. The only part remotely vicious is to call him a sociopath. How is calling a con man a con man anything but accurate? There are some vicious comments on your thread. They come from WTF supporters, aimed at his critics. BUt you don't see any of the critics, or us here, demanding you delete them.

I look at those photos and I don't see much but a white guy whose a poor actor. His tattoo, for example, looks to be Lakota inspired. Seemingly you restarted this thread, Winston, because you are upset a man you admire (mostly for the women he gets) is being mean to you. Hopefully you will learn to look at what's more important, that he's made his living abusing people.