Author Topic: The Center for Peace: Sweat Lodges, Fire Ceremonies and Vision Quests  (Read 3538 times)

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
I haven’t seen this groups discussed here before.  The Center for Peace: A Spiritual Center with a Vision on Inner Peace located in Seymour, Tennessee claims to be "an  international community focused on ancient wisdom traditions applied in the modern world.

We offer many opportunities, such as: VIsionary Dances; Sweat Lodges; Fire Ceremonies; chanting/drumming gatherings; young people’s ceremonies and activities; Core Shamanism; Huna Shamanism; Vision Quests; teachings on drumming and working with fire; workshops on various topics such as numerology, fire walking, Druidic traditions, sound healing and chanting, shamanic studies, and many more; initiation ceremonies; supporting ceremonies in the local, regional, and international communities; and a safe, family-like environment to grow in.

We offer many opportunities, such as: VIsionary Dances; 1. Sweat Lodges; Fire Ceremonies; chanting/drumming gatherings; young people’s ceremonies and activities; Core Shamanism; Huna Shamanism; Vision Quests; teachings on drumming and working with fire; workshops on various topics such as numerology, fire walking, Druidic traditions, sound healing and chanting, shamanic studies, and many more; initiation ceremonies; supporting ceremonies in the local, regional, and international communities; and a safe, family-like environment to grow in.

Donations for the Lodge
1. The Center for Peace is a non-profit organization that is blessed to continue based on the donations of members and those who attend its functions. Donations are used to support the sweat lodge. A cord of wood, for example, costs more than $100. We use lots of wood for the fire as well as supplies like herbs (sage, tobacco, cornmeal, etc.), drinking water, sweetgrass, and more. Donations are always appreciated.

THERE IS NEVER A CHARGE FOR CEREMONY. IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING ABUNDANT, PLEASE DON'T ALLOW THIS TO PREVENT YOU FROM COMING. If you have no idea what would be appropriate, we would suggest $10 although less, more, an item, and/or a prayer would also be very much appreciated.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: The Center for Peace: Sweat Lodges, Fire Ceremonies and Vision Quests
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 02:16:08 pm »
The sound chamber is from the fraud Joseph Rael/Beautiful Painted Arrow. And of course fraud practices like Huna and core shamanism.

The founders page admits one of the "shamans" is a white woman who was taught by Rael.

Basically they're "franchisees" of Rael. The only peace they create is the wishful thinking of the ones who go there and the more secure bank accounts of these would be shamans.