Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828245 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #120 on: November 29, 2010, 01:18:07 am »
TYVM Saga  for being so frank, open, and sincere. I have felt the same way and experienced pretty much the same things and it helps to hear it from someone else too.

I was lucky enough to come accross this site (NAFPS) on my second day after watching what she had to say and feeling how much it 'resonated' with me. Also, I have a habit to selectively hear, which is a result of childhood abuse as well as suffer from depression. Life isn't all rosy as mush as people 'change the channel. That used to be called 'putting the blinkers on'.

Because the message I heard was overwhelmingly positive, and presented with gush-loads of love-vibes (she can be very charming can't she!), I was willing to 'overlook' inconsistencies, and put them to the back of my mind until I knew more about her. If it hadn't been for a site like NAFPS I wouldn't have been so able to follow the trail of falsehoods, or read how she hasn't been recognised by any genuine Native Americans. That's what initially did it for me. If she isn't recognised she hasn't got a leg to stand on and all else is based on a lie.

There were are several things she said that didn't sit right with me too (for instance her prophecies for 2010), but again, selective hearing is the con-artists best friend, and everyone is human right? Maybe she was being given false info....that disn't necessarily mean she was fake, right?... And this is what is so concerning. The type of people that will be hurt because of these fakers are people who have suffered and are most vulnerable, which is people who have been hurt before and have the trait to 'bottle away' the faults in others in order to hear what they need/want to hear, which is that the world can be a better place and we are all divine at heart and 'all will be well', no matter how bad it seems. It isn't unusual to go to great lengths, consciously and/or subconsciously in order to minimise Cognitive Dissonance (the uncomfortable state when reality doesn't conform to what you hold to be true.)  

Those who play on peoples emotions and set themselves up as having 'special knowledge' or a special channel to the wisdom of the ages, but are actually rooted in false claims,  are actually the enemy of truth and love, no matter how seductive their general message is, or how much truth it contains. That's exactly how cults work. If the message didn't resonate with a high percentage of truth, they couldn't draw in as many devotees. If people don't think they are devotees, they should read the posts.....Keisha this, Little Grandmother that, people are literally hanging on every word she says.

- Spandex

edited addition 16 dec 2010:
Important, please read:
I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click quote link to read in full)

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 05:40:48 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #121 on: November 29, 2010, 01:48:37 am »

Saga, I hope it's ok to quote several parts of your post separated with dots. I think it's crucial that people who think it's all ok as long as the message makes people happy understand the extreme danger in people setting themselves up as 'teachers' when they are actually rooted in deception.

Some of your words from your post on page 10:

".......... the messenger looked very sincere and her message comforted me at first......
 Then it started to change and I got confused. It didn't sound right to me,........
Then someone posted this site somewhere, and the base of my "happiness" was shaken pretty badly.
When you build on lies, your world will come down at some point, I guess... .....
At first it was all shame and hate and disappointment and feeling of being left alone in the dark again.........."

And thank goodness we found this site here, and had the capacity to be here and interact!
I haven't come accross very many people who really understand how shattering it can be for people who have depression and are spiritually inclined who are seeking 'like minded' spirits, to go through this sort of see-saw- of excitement/happiness/unity feeling and disillusionment/desolation/abandonment feelings.

I know that if I had been at my worst, which was several years back, and had spent more time believing and putting energy into the movement, then to find it fake and go through those negative withdrawal would have been a very bad thing for me as one of my coping mechanisms was cutting and burning myself in order to release the natural pain killers that give the feeling of peace. Now I just get angry because I know that there are many people who get hurt by con-artists who are just as vulnerable and will find it a long and painful road back to regaining their connection with hope, light and belief in love.

- Spandex

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #122 on: November 29, 2010, 07:00:11 am »
Kiesha predicts:

"Places in Greece will be found with ancient computers."

(this is to happen in 2010)
2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 4/10
The prediction can be heard @ 4:42 min:sec here:

What immediately springs to mind? I know what sprang to mine, lol........Ancient computers? Maybe from Atlantis!
I mean, it's a pretty wild sounding claim, and coming from someone who claims to have special knowledge passed on to her from spirit, they would sure know where stuff is hidden away by the ancestors.

Anyway, heres the sort of image I had in my mind, and I can't help thinking others might have had the same type of idea from this one startling sentence Kiesha just drops in to the list of amazing revelations with no further explanation:

The truth is that what Kiesha prophesied has allready happenned, which would explain where she got the idea from in the first place:

*(Crescent pointed this out in an earlier post at page 9 , Reply #134)*

It was recovered in 1900–01 from the Antikythera wreck,[3] but its complexity and significance were not understood until decades later.

Astronomy Picture of the Day
2006 December 5
Explanation: What is it? It was found at the bottom of the sea aboard an ancient Greek ship. Its seeming complexity has prompted decades of study, although many of its functions remained unknown. Recent X-rays of the device have now confirmed the nature of the Antikythera mechanism, and discovered several surprising functions. The Antikythera mechanism has been discovered to be a mechanical computer of an accuracy thought impossible in 80 BC, when the ship that carried it sunk. Such sophisticated technology was not thought to be developed by humanity for another 1,000 years. Its wheels and gears create a portable orrery of the sky that predicted star and planet locations as well as lunar and solar eclipses. The Antikythera mechanism, shown above, is 33 centimeters high and similar in size to a large book.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 04:49:52 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #123 on: November 29, 2010, 09:14:09 am »
I was in denial a long time with the whole business, mostly with how much it did affect me after I finally was able to let myself think that it is really real that she isn't what she says she is. And the message is going so strong all around that I occasionally still think that maybe I am the one who is wrong. But I am getting my own world back together and the own thoughts where they should be, so getting easier to find what I need inside and not outside and finding my own truths and the truth of compassion and love in more practical levels and actually helping people. Of course it was pretty neat to think I am superior for a moment and think that I'd be above some things that are part of life. Which is quite huge attraction in "tribe's" message to many people. :p I have to say that I rather deal with people who are honest in their disagreements and not liking me than people that slap on the face with "I create my own life, so I am right here and love to you too", when everything screams that they are doing that to feel superior because they aren't coming down to your level and actually discuss and share opinions, no matter who is right or wrong. :)

Anyway, poor people are still paying to see someone that isn't what they are paying to see, which makes her (and practically anyone who sells insta fix spirituality) a paracite feeding on people's needs...

More I have made my own research around the subjects she now uses as parts of her speeches, ALL of the info has been out there to tap into for a while, some of it for a loooooong time, and since the "spiritual scenes" seems to be linked to each other (and to conspiracy sites), most of the info is repeated in many places at the same time as well. Which ofc makes it feel more true. And since most of the people have just recently "awakened", they have no idea what information is old and what is new and where it comes from.

"we must be the change, we want to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi
"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity" - Vietnam war times slogan, not sure from who originally
"it is none of my business what others may or may not think or say of me." or “What other people think about me is not my business.” Been used for ages as well... Michael J Fox, Andrew Kudiacik, Wayne Dyer....

Most of what she says is stated in somewhere else before her (and it is not in native american lore or tradition), not to mention that pretty big part of the humanity/science stuff comes from one source that she had linked herself in her fb profile couple of years ago...

EDIT: Oh and lots of my friends are totally under her influence too, they are changing the channel from all of the constructive critic towards her or the fact that they actually are being influenced (most are really strongly claiming that all that they do is following their own heart, which tells that Kiesha got it right of course, and then quote her word to word like she is the one telling absolute truths in the world, I used to do that too. :)) or the fact that her message is "borrowed" from many other sources... Some actually go that far that they make sure to delete any comments from their worship messages, if they are not in line with their own or Kiesha's thoughts or are telling that there would be something to consider in the message... How can you have a real conversation with a person who think that if you say something they feel isn't in line with the "teachings" or is "negative", they don't have to listen or consider it at all and it can be safely ignored? It is actually quite funny how many things hit this negative list, more or less all that make the "ego" threatened in person. :)

I asked Kiesha in the beginning, if she meant that we need to follow our own heart (the way I saw it), or her heart and her message and the way it told us to be (the way most of others seemed to think)... I never got answer, if not counting the little bit frustrated post in tribe forum ( that told that we are equals, she just is the one that tells us the message and we need to listen with our hearts if it is true. Does anyone else see conflict here btw? In saying that we are all equals and then reminding of the "all knowing, connected with the spirit world and ancestors and recognized by all the indigenous people" title and the important message? I see it now, didn't before... It's so subtle in some cases and when you want to hear only the good things...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 10:17:56 am by Saga »

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #124 on: November 29, 2010, 02:21:02 pm »
Hello everybody,

I am happy I found this forum when I searched for information on Kiesha Crowther on Google. I was wondering if I would be able to find something negative as I felt confused after watching one of her videos that are now flooding the Czech Republic, too. Someone is taking the time and effort to translate and add Czech subtitles to them and I keep running into them on Facebook as well as in chain e-mail. People seem to embrace them without any judgment.

Like Saga and Spandex, I too was deeply touched by some of the (unrevelatory) truths, such as the need for being respectful to Mother Earth and animals. On the other hand, I found it disturbing that such obvious things moved me to tears, while others sounded, well, strange, to say the least. I thought - have I been hypnotized here? At the same time she reminded me of the American TV evangelists, only using a more modern means, youtube.

I also find it disturbing how people go all crazy about her. It may all result from a well meant search for deeper truths about life but that is no excuse for not using sound judgment. We really are naive and gullible - and it is dangerous.

I know that a similar thought has been said in one of the previous posts - she came to my mind immediately after I read this passage from a book by the contemporary Czech scientist and thinker Vaclav Cilek (which I consider important to share regardless of whether it applies to this case or not):

"What will the Hitler of the future be like? He will be different, deeper, and in some way spiritual. He will be strong and calling for the right things. Most probably he will be incorruptible and his analysis of the state of the society will be almost precise, but there will be something odd about him." (my translation)

Thanks for spreading information and warning to whoever wants to really know. I am thankful for the many intelligent and informed views posted here.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #125 on: November 29, 2010, 04:13:49 pm »
Reading your replies, Saga, Spandex, Czech, and anyone else who may be lurking or reading thru these
threads. I just want to say that a good sign that something is truly wrong is when they do not want
you to look elsewhere or ask questions elsewhere or they refuse to use critical thinking skills.

Any *real* person will have no issues with someone questioning them, or bringing up the contradictions
in their story.

I had a similar experience with someone else, and it took my life totally off track for about 10 years.
In the end, I had a complete breakdown, and pretty much threw the middle finger at anything that
was even remotely spiritual in nature. It's been about 4 years of rebuilding my life, and 2 years since
the resulting attacks have been stopped.

What we feel within ourselves as our "own" spirituality, when that is abused, when that is taken
off track with lies, when it is teased with fake love and tempted into following.. that is similar
to killing a person, similar to taking away their life. It's taken me years to trust not just my own
inner senses again, but also, to trust what I call "spirit" itself.

So, for someone to come in here and claim it is not "dangerous" and we should have "fun" is
an insult, and apparently written by an idiot.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #126 on: November 29, 2010, 05:11:40 pm »
Hi Czech,

Welcome to the forums. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! As you can see you're not alone here, you're in good company. There a lot of similarities between what you, Saga, Spandex and i have posted here. I'm in my early 20's but i've also had a difficult childhood, and i had to cope with the recent loss of my sister, having no other brothers or sisters. So even though i have good friends and family members, for a while i felt very disillusioned with the world and didn't know what to do... then i stumbled upon Kiesha Crowther's videos and she told me what i wanted to hear. At first i didn't know anything about Native American spirituality, i didn't think Crowther's claims of tribal recognition could be lies, it all seemed very genuine and she seemed like a sweet and sensitive person. Sometimes i'm lucky to be hard-headed though, because i started noticing more and more inconsistencies, inaccurate information, and how there was not a single person of Native American descent active on her tribe forums. Just about only white people, mostly European. And finally, when she was asked in a radio interview what would happen in 2012 according to her, she said: "i say this with every bit of my knowing and every fiber of my being, people who are not living in the heart will not be able to cope with the new energies, to fully enlightened beings, death does not look like death". In other words, only her elite society of a spiritual master race, and perhaps some indigenous tribes and other New Agers, survive. Everyone else dies. That's when the house of cards collapsed for me. A little later, alleged Mayan elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, which Kiesha Crowther has often laid claim to, denounced the whole 2012 construct (and narrowed it down to, according to him, an alignment of stars and planets which could cause some more natural disasters than normally), and after that i found these forums and started posting a few weeks later.

Niels, like educatedindian says, i really hope you will read the replies to your post and take the time to respond. I understand that the amount of criticism can seem overwhelming, but please try to look at things from the perspective of the other forum members here. I'm happy you're able to see the importance of these forums, i just hope you'll also see the importance of this topic.  ;)

Might i suggest though, that for now, we shift our attention back to tracing Kiesha Crowther's alleged lineage? If we can find Lakota people who are willing to look into it, we could either completely prove that all of it is fake, or find out who is in her mother's alleged 'Sioux Salish' tribe, and ask them for help to put a stop to this circus. I will send Ashla a message, asking if she can take a look at it, or knows someone who can.

May the magic megalithic crystal guide us!


This video seems to be from early on in Crowther's shaman adventure, perhaps it will provide a clue:
First 10 seconds: "Hi, my name is Little Grandmother, and i was called to become a shaman for the Flathead [incomprehensible] reservation tribe of the Sioux and Salish."

Prophetic sayings of Keisha Crowther that follow are transcripted  parts of the video series - 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther

Link to video 1 of 10:

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 2/10 :
(Starting at 5:12  minutes/seconds into video)  
"....I carry the wisdom for Nine Pipes. He was a wisdom keeper that lived many hundreds of year- a couple hundred years ago. I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl. (pause) I am Chikala Uchi. (pause) I am Little Grandmother. (pause) I am great grand daughter of Chikala Lota and Chikala Jensen. (pause) I am daughter of Tinjan Chala and Father Mato....

This is the closest she's come that I know of to saying who her supposed relatives are. Still pretty vague and unclear, throwing out lots of names that sound impressive to people who aren't familiar.

Ninepipes (generally spelled as one word, not two) was a name or part of the names used by several Salish leaders. This was about 100-120 years ago, not "a couple hundred." They were some of the smaller chiefs, not known for being medicine people as far as I know, though likely respected as wise counselors.

If she claims Spotted Owl's lineage, that can be checked. He was from Pine Ridge. There's nothing on the other names I could find online, but saying who her great grandparents supposedly were should help.

I still find it very strange she hides who her alleged relatives are almost all the time.

(?) Spotted Owl1,2,3,4  (M)
(1868 - ), #40948
Pop-up Pedigree
     Also known as (?) Hinhan Gleska.1,2,3,4 The nationality of (?) Spotted Owl was Oglala Lakota Sioux.1,2,3,4 (?) Spotted Owl was born in 1868.1,3,2,4 He was the son of (?) Shell Boy and (?) Hopper Horse.1,2 He was listed as "daughter" and residing in the home of (?) Shell Boy on the U.S. Indian Census Rolls taken on July 1, 1892 at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota ., USA.1 He married Mary Hawk Woman after July 1, 1892.2,3,4 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on July 1, 1894.2 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 25, 1895.3 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 30, 1896.4

Children of (?) Spotted Owl and Mary Hawk Woman
(?) Bloody Mouth b. Apr, 18932,4
(?) Sits In Sight b. Mar, 18964
[S556] 1892.
[S269] 1894.
[S561] June 30th 1895.
[S158] June 30th, 1896.

Quote from: Spandex~Atom
I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl. (pause) I am Chikala Uchi. (pause) I am Little Grandmother. (pause) I am great grand daughter of Chikala Lota and Chikala Jensen. (pause) I am daughter of Tinjan Chala and Father Mato

One of our Lakota friends here should have a look at the names, as Crowther means to use Lakota words.

However, she doesn't know her behind from a hole in the ground...

As one example: 'little' is ciqala, and 'grandmother' is unci. But 'Little Grandmother' will not translate in the way Crowther says - if I'm not mistaken, it's Unciciqala correctly.

Same then with the two other names, albeit it is somewhat strange her ancestors were all little somethings. If you understood this correctly, the second word in the second name could be 'luta', but this means read which does not make sense.

When she says she's the daughter of Tincancala (sp?) and Father Mahto - these names seem to be both taken from the Lakota language. Didn't Crowther claim one parent was Salish-Sioux and one was white? (Oh, perhaps this is another case of 'ndn by injection'....  :o )
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 01:07:08 pm by Crescent »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #127 on: November 29, 2010, 06:51:23 pm »

Kiesha relates her alleged lineage here:
(starting at 6:11 minutes:seconds into the video)

Here are Kiesha's statements about her lineage with the corrections suggested by educatedindian and Ingeborg, and also the possible correction of what I spelled as 'Lota', which may be 'Lootah'(?).

"....I carry the wisdom for Ninepipes. He was a wisdom keeper that lived many hundreds of year- a couple hundred years ago."

"I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl."
(see quotes from educatedindian below)

"I am Ciqala unci.I am Little Grandmother."
(see quotes from Ingeborg below)

"I am great grand daughter of Ciqala Lootah(?) and Ciqala Jensen. "
[In Native American, the name Lootah means- Red (Sioux).. Other origins for the name Lootah include - Native American, American.The name Lootah is most often used as a boy name or male name.
Jensen Danish pronunciation: [?j?nsn] is a Danish and Norwegian originally patronymic surname, literally meaning son of Jens.

"I am daughter of Tincancala(?) and Father Mahto(?)"

This is the closest she's come that I know of to saying who her supposed relatives are. Still pretty vague and unclear, throwing out lots of names that sound impressive to people who aren't familiar.

Ninepipes (generally spelled as one word, not two) was a name or part of the names used by several Salish leaders. This was about 100-120 years ago, not "a couple hundred." They were some of the smaller chiefs, not known for being medicine people as far as I know, though likely respected as wise counselors.

If she claims Spotted Owl's lineage, that can be checked. He was from Pine Ridge. There's nothing on the other names I could find online, but saying who her great grandparents supposedly were should help.

I still find it very strange she hides who her alleged relatives are almost all the time.

(?) Spotted Owl1,2,3,4  (M)
(1868 - ), #40948
Pop-up Pedigree
     Also known as (?) Hinhan Gleska.1,2,3,4 The nationality of (?) Spotted Owl was Oglala Lakota Sioux.1,2,3,4 (?) Spotted Owl was born in 1868.1,3,2,4 He was the son of (?) Shell Boy and (?) Hopper Horse.1,2 He was listed as "daughter" and residing in the home of (?) Shell Boy on the U.S. Indian Census Rolls taken on July 1, 1892 at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota ., USA.1 He married Mary Hawk Woman after July 1, 1892.2,3,4 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on July 1, 1894.2 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 25, 1895.3 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 30, 1896.4

Children of (?) Spotted Owl and Mary Hawk Woman
(?) Bloody Mouth b. Apr, 18932,4
(?) Sits In Sight b. Mar, 18964
[S556] 1892.
[S269] 1894.
[S561] June 30th 1895.
[S158] June 30th, 1896.

One of our Lakota friends here should have a look at the names, as Crowther means to use Lakota words.

However, she doesn't know her behind from a hole in the ground...

As one example: 'little' is ciqala, and 'grandmother' is unci. But 'Little Grandmother' will not translate in the way Crowther says - if I'm not mistaken, it's Unciciqala correctly.

Same then with the two other names, albeit it is somewhat strange her ancestors were all little somethings. If you understood this correctly, the second word in the second name could be 'luta', but this means read which does not make sense.

When she says she's the daughter of Tincancala (sp?) and Father Mahto - these names seem to be both taken from the Lakota language. Didn't Crowther claim one parent was Salish-Sioux and one was white? (Oh, perhaps this is another case of 'ndn by injection'....  :o )

Several days ago I posted a question at where I joined a few years ago as CelticFire (I haven't visited the site except for a few occasions until now). This is the link with the responses:

- Spandex

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #128 on: November 29, 2010, 07:23:17 pm »
Like many other people on this board, I´ve also been mesmerized by a so called spiritual leader. I´ve gone through it all - the denial,  the unwillingness to see the truth and finally the dark pitch you land in when you get too tired of defending the indefensible, when you just give in. And that´s when the guilt, the shame, the agony and the emptiness empowers you - because all your "friends" are now gone. And they weren´t even your friends in the first place.

But that´s why we are in here fighting. Maybe the journey through hell was meant to be because there are lots of members on this board who are dedicated to fight against racism, exploitation and charlatans just because they have made this journey.

Saying that what Kiesha does is not harmful is definitely untrue. It´s not only harmful to all those people who close down their own minds to follow her blindly. It is just as harmful to Natives, it´s a form of racism, trying to destroy all those bridges that so many of us are trying to build to increase the understanding and respect for Native cultures. She is harming Natives and non-Natives alike and she is totally correct when she says I AM - because, yes, it´s all about one single person.

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #129 on: November 29, 2010, 07:47:48 pm »
I agree that we should look into this alleged "lineage" of Crowther's, to thoroughly disprove it. But largely because these claims of hers may mean something to the non-Natives that are fooled by her. If you go back through the thread, you will see we have already had Salish and "Sioux" people who live on their reservations (and who know their relatives and the genealogy of their people) confirm that Crowther is unknown to the people there. The elders don't know her, the tribal offices don't know her, the native people she claims to represent are aghast at her lies.

If Crowther turns out to have a distant ancestor who is Native, it still doesn't matter. She is not part of the cultures she is claiming to speak for. The people do not acknowledge her.

So far all the names of living people she has given are either frauds, or in the case of legitimate people, they don't know her.

"I am great grand daughter of Ciqala Lootah(?) and Ciqala Jensen. "
[In Native American, the name Lootah means- Red (Sioux).. Other origins for the name Lootah include - Native American, American.The name Lootah is most often used as a boy name or male name.

I don't speak the languages of the Nations Crowther claims to hail from, but that site is not a good source. There isn't just one "Native American" language; there are hundreds of languages. But maybe that sort of site is where Crowther or her handlers found the name.  ;)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #130 on: November 30, 2010, 03:22:21 am »
The Tower vision debunked

Youtube video - 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10
(starting at 3:05 minutes:seconds)
Kiesha informs us:
"There is something else that many of us have discussed and something we have seen with our own eyes. I will do my best to explain what it is I saw. There is a large tower made of pipe and wire, and on top of this which looks like a very tall thin pyramid, on top of it sits a large ball. It is next to very cold dark waters. It's not a lake, it's more like an ocean. And this machine is man-made. And it Has been made!. And it is very operational, functional, and it contains, the ability to produce enough energy for the entire planet. It is functional right now. This will be coming out very quickly."

Taking into consideration that Kiesha has allready mentioned Nicola Tesla, the above statement  becomes alot less mysterious and visionary sounding when we find that there is a striking resemblance to a picture (below) which isn't too difficult to find when looking into Tesla's work. There was really no need for her to try to do her best to describe it when she could easily have presented people with this artwork. Anyone taking his work as seriously as she says we all should in her video would have come accross this picture eventually, as it is at the website of the Tesla Society. The air of mystery that she manages to create is fascinating once we watch her performance knowing the scene is cover art of a music album by Allan Holdsworth. (Great Jazz)
As for it being operational, that wouldn't be a great surprise, knowing how some people like to keep their 'toys' secret. But the point is that she presented this in a way which leads her audience to look up to her and her associates as a channel of special knowledge, when in fact she is yet again drawing from something you can find on google if you have the time.

The above picture is cover-art for this music:
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH, Wardenclyffe Tower, 1992.

A site about the Wardenclyffe Tower:
"The Tower was designed as a world communications center and Nikola Tesla added to the project in that the tower would also be used for transmitting electrical energy without wires to the entire globe.  Tesla wanted to saturate the globe with electricity as a dynamo so that everyone on the surface of the globe could obtain electrical light just by sticking wires into the soil and a electrical bulb would light.  When J.P. Morgan heard about the Tesla project, he was asked: "How can we get money from the electricity which Tesla is supplying to every part of the world?"  After that Morgan cut the funds and the Tower was never finished."

- Spandex

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #131 on: November 30, 2010, 03:42:56 am »
This is the tower it made me think of

    "The tower was built by crazy people and I don't think it's holding up very well"
     ~ Dawn Summers

And since the other mantra of that story was "Death is your gift"...

Is this what we can expect from Kiesha? Or is it what she's going to ask of her minions?

« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:00:10 pm by Kathryn »

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #132 on: November 30, 2010, 10:41:23 pm »

Is this what we can expect from Kiesha? Or is it what she's going to ask of her minions?

I shudder to even think along this line.  However, you have brought up an interesting correlation.   :-\
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:01:53 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #133 on: December 01, 2010, 06:57:44 am »
I have to say that the same thing crossed my mind when I heard first time in one of the talks the words: "to fully enlightened beings, death does not look like death"... I have watched some vicious cult stuff and that sounded somewhat alarming. She talks about only "heart conscious" people going to "new earth", which was to me quite ugly idea, since if you talk about compassion and light, shouldn't it be given to those who actually needed -> the ones in "dark" and not the ones that already have plenty... When the idea of awesomeness group is joined with the talks about death... well, I instantly start to think the suicide or "starship will come to get us home" cults.

Maybe I am just pessimistic, but there is 2 years to go to "climax" and the talks are already getting more extreme and more crazy. She seems to add more in her talks all the time to get more followers, now there is the conspiracies and catastrophes and she has started to talk awful lot about god instead of saying that religion isn't needed. Kind of added the god in the soup with "we are all gods and goddesses". Also she seems to know exactly what to say and how much show to put into it in where ever she is performing.

And about the "origins". The addresses and stuff are in the thread, where to ask if she is who she is saying she is btw, will quote here (from Ashla, on page 7):
she claimed she was made shaman over the Salish tribe. the Salish don't know her. please phone their office and ask. as for her relations in CO my sister and cousin are working on this. they only know a bit of info on how the husband has taken her to court for sole custody of the children.
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
42487 Complex Blvd.
PO Box 278
Pablo, Montana 59855
Phone Numbers:
Headquarter: (406) 675-2700
Toll Free: (888) 835-8766
Fax: (406) 675-2806

and more numbers here, entire list

Also, from Sky, on page 7:
Who Recognizes Her as Shaman?
Not only has Kiesha been recognized by her family’s tribe as a shaman; in addition, she has been recognized as shaman of the “Tribe of Many Colors” by the spiritual elders of many indigenous tribes and peoples including the Cherokee...
(my bold)

EBC has only a handful of Elders.  I spent last night talking to them on the phone.  They have never heard of Kiesha Crowther.  WolfHawaii knows the people I know, he can call and confirm my findings if he wants.  I called a few elders this morning as well, no knowledge of her.

In between moving I will call my friends with CNO and UKB.  My sis Robin knows people in CNO's legal dept, I will see if she can make a call while she is here helping me pack.

I also talked (and talked and talked) to my Tom Cheyenne, he's Lakota and he's pretty disturbed by this.  He distributes coats etc to Elders, elders and families on PR he's going to ask around when he makes his deliveries.

I will also ask Robin if she has any contacts in Colombus so that we can get some people out to the workshop November 20th.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 07:02:28 am by Saga »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #134 on: December 01, 2010, 02:19:40 pm »
Isn't that what Jim Jones was saying too about death? That for them, death wasn't death?  hmmm.. not a good sign. 
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