Author Topic: Hello from Phillip63  (Read 3273 times)

Offline Phillip63

  • Posts: 16
Hello from Phillip63
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:37:48 pm »
I've read the Forum a number of times and really like the effort everyone puts in.

I'm in w Massachusetts and traverse a Norse-focused way.  I'm not a hard-core reconstructionist (Asatru or Heathen), and not someone who makes stuff up, but do a lot of research and try very hard to listen to what deities want of me.  I've encountered some pretty uncomfortable situations with regard to appropriation, and speak up when I see them.

Thank you for allowing me to join.
"Acts of injustice done. Between the setting and the rising sun. In history lie like bones, each one."

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Hello from Phillip63
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 10:58:06 pm »
Welcome, Phillip.  :)

As you know, so many white supremacists and shameon appropriators have tried to take over the Norse traditions, that it's always a relief to encounter Norsefolk who are speaking out against racism and appropriation. Indigenous Elders have long stressed that we pale folks need to follow the traditional, earth-honouring ways of our own ancestors, so I commend you for taking up the challenge.