Author Topic: Two to watch out for in Maryland  (Read 37875 times)

Offline hope

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2006, 03:45:08 am »
I met Jasmine and Thunder Bear through an informal new-agey type network of people.  It is true that their followers are mostly white.  Jasmine says she was taught by her grandmother from a very young age, her story is that her grandmother took her around the country to learn the healing methods and ceremonies of all the tribe.  She is originally from Texas.  She also claims that because of unique and special powers or abilities she possessed at an extremely young age, her people see her as the arrival of a prophesized individual who will usher in a new age.  Jasmine has said that fairly recently she turned 55 (I think that's the age) and that she was officially recognized in ceremony as an Elder.  I know at least a couple of people who say they have benefited from her healings.  There are also a lot of ex-followers running around who were forced to or decided to break off contact  because of the ways she deals with people, no contradition or questioning allowed.


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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2006, 06:10:54 am »
I did find an interview done by an a woman who was intending on wriring a book. the interview was in 1997 and can be read at Chapters.pdf.  States at that time she lived in Washington D.C.


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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2006, 06:23:09 am »
sorry the above site takes you to the wrong place . sorry. Try

Offline Scott Brainard

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2006, 03:19:52 pm »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2006, 04:50:22 pm »
Traditional Cherokee don't do sweats. Their ceremony is called Going to the Waters, quite different. Some do take part in sweats when non-Cherokee NDNs invite them.

She claims tiyoweh is a Cherokee word for meditation. I found one source online saying it's a Seneca word.

Another saying it's either Lakota, or attributing it to Jamie Samms, who is an exploiter and fraud.

And that messiah complex of hers, please. Regardless of whether she is Cherokee or not or can heal or not, that egotistical claim of hers should be a warning sign that she is not to be trusted. A possible cult leader in the making IMO.


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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2006, 09:47:36 pm »
From what I have been told, from at least three people who were at one time close to her and part of her cult but no more is that she claims to be enrolled with the Eastern Band (they have no record of her) and claims to be a hereditary Medicine Chief of the Cherokee. We do not have those. We have ceremonial leaders for the community and we have medicine people, healers.

I have met some people here and there that have told me that Jasmine knows who I am. I'm sure she is aware of the stuff written here.

Problem is if people are foolish enough to follow her than they get what they deserve. It must be more romantic to some folks to sweat your butt off in a sweat than to get up before dawn in the middle of the winter for a morning Going to the Water ceremony.

I do know that the person of Thunderbear has had nothing to do with Jasmine for many years. Like David Michael Wolfe, she seems to leave a lot of victims in her wake.

Thats all I have to add. Its a small world out this way and maybe others besides Hope will add to this if they care to.

Offline hope

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2006, 01:46:26 am »
Jasmine will be the first to tell you that sweats, the way they are being done now, are mainly being done because that is what white people are asking for and expect, per their notions of American Indians.  She did them a long time ago and quit.

Jasmine can be as sweet as the day is long when it serves her.  But I would have to agree that there is something cult-like about the way she conducts herself and handles her followers.  I have heard too many similar stories from people who don't even know each other for it to be a coincidence.  She gets rid of people once they start to catch on and is always looking for fresh new faces.

My personal opinion, for whatever it is worth, is that she has healing abilities but she is power tripping in a big way.
One interesting thing is that she is telling people that in the upcoming wars and natural disasters, she will protect her followers and friends.  She claims to be able to purify radioactive water by touching it.  She promises to teach others how to do the same, when she deems them ready.

I also would like to hear from anyone else who has information.  

I wonder if she really has any ties to the Cherokees. I also curious as to whether there is an Elder ceremony at age of 55, or if this is just another story.  (I'm not Native American so I wouldn't know.)



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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2006, 03:18:10 pm »
No, we don't have an Elder ceremony. You live long enough and you become an elder or Elder, depending on what your community thinks about you.

There were some people who had checked into her enrollment status with the Eastern Band. They were told she was not an enrolled member. I don't have the time or the inclination to verify this but if someone else wants to they should.

Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2006, 08:58:16 pm »
Name of this Jasmine is Jasmine Hishi.  

She is gathering quite a following.  She belongs to a yahoo group of herbalists.  I am trying to get the site.  
I did find this on the web when I did a search of her.

I didn't realize we had this post.  I did a search for her on here but with the entire name.  

Anyone know anymore?

Thank you.   William
William Graywolf

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2006, 11:26:42 pm »
Just found out from a person who use to be an "apprentice" of Jasmine's years ago that her real name is Nancy Willows.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by JosephSWM »

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2006, 03:10:25 pm »
Sorry folks, I got Jasmine's real name wrong. It is Nancy Wallace. She has a daughter named Jenni (the 'i' on the end is pronounced as a long 'i'. Jenni also claims to be a 'medicine' person. Jasmine/Nancy is married to a man named Ronny Wallace but from I have been told he is not a medicine person. But I bet he reaps the rewards from the money they make from pay per sweats etc.

They all live in Baltimore County on Ridge Road, an area I think in or around Woodlawn. I did not realize that she lives only 20 minutes from me. Small world ain't it.

If any of you out there live in this area (or Baltimore) please do not buy into her. She is not a heriditary Cherokee Medicine Chief as she claims because we do not have those and any Cherokee, even those whose blood quantum is more white than red, would know this.


Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2006, 03:29:45 pm »

And that messiah complex of hers, please. Regardless of whether she is Cherokee or not or can heal or not, that egotistical claim of hers should be a warning sign that she is not to be trusted. A possible cult leader in the making IMO.

I am glad I just reread some of the posts. Al hit the nail on the head. From what people who have been involved with have said. Some have used the term 'deprogramming'.

Ah, I wanted to write more but my time is up at the library.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by JosephSWM »

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2006, 04:17:39 pm »
I really hate wasting posts, especially over my lack of proof reading but the daughter's name is not Jenni but rather Jenii (ryhmes with Jedi, hmmm...)

Offline Kaylee

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2007, 12:12:21 am »
I tried responding to this a long time ago, but I think my response got lost in a spam-attack fix.

I was a member of Jasmine Hisha's cult.  (And by the way, I didn't deserve what I got any more than a woman in a short skirt deserves to get raped.)  I didn't go to her looking for native healing secretes, I was just  getting sick in my body work classes and wanted some lessons on how to keep my boundaries straight.  It took years for her to manipulate me into joining her circle.

It took me a while after leaving the cult to work up the courage to start talking to people of real native decent because Jasmine programed a pretty intense fear of Native people in us.  She told us that they would be angry about what she was doing.  This was perhaps the only true thing that she said in the time I knew her.

She claimed to be an adogasi (teacher of healers) and the Principle Medicine Person of the Free Cherokee Nation.  Later she changed her story to the Eastern Band, but at that point, my thinking was too ##$% to question her or go looking for proof.  She could go on for HOURS about her adventures in this position.  If she wasn't so busy leading a cult, she would make a wonderful author. 

She claimed to be some kind of Messiah figure.  She said she could read minds and perform psychic surgery.  She said the world would be coming out of the third age between 2007 and 2010.  We had plans to go to the Northwest to wait out the "end of the world" chaos.  She's instilled a sense of dependancy in her daughter so deep, that I worry that Jenii will never escape to live her own life.  She's psychologically and financially captive to her mother.  In her case, this really isn't her fault.  She's never been exposed to life outside of her mother's manipulations.

When I left, there were lots of signs that things were about to get worse.  Jas had cleaned out the circle's bank account to pay for a vacation for herself and her husband.  All illusion of democratic control in the group were gone.  Jas was doing longer and longer lectures about how terrible the rest of us where to her and how we were hurting her with our "sh*t."  There was talk of water purifiers and other stock piling for the end of the world.

More recently, she's been going long distance with her manipulations on a website called  Complaints about them are listed elsewhere on this board.

I have loads more details if you want them. Really, the word "plastic shaman" is too soft for Jasmine and her gang.  They are a cult and they are dangerous.  Jasmine will be the sweetest most loving, generous woman you ever met until you've bought in enough for her to show her true self.  Please don't fall for it.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Two to watch out for in Maryland
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2007, 05:05:35 pm »
I noticed that they changed their name because the Nez Perce objected. Well, no DUH! The Nez Perce are a proud people and I doubt they were flattered by this bunch.