Author Topic: "Xoconoschtletl Gomora"  (Read 8243 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Xoconoschtletl Gomora"
« on: March 09, 2006, 05:42:38 pm »
Real name unknown. Whether he's NDN or not is also unknown, but he sure doesn't know Aztec/Nahua culture, or perhaps he distorts it for outsiders. He is (or was) active in Germany and Austria. Below is a warning from a German website, translated by Ingeborg.
"Xoconoschtletl Gomora - abuse of one's own culture
Written by Claudia Quispe, June 1st, 2004.
Dear Karl-May-Fiesta friends,
today I want to say something I have had in my heart for some time already.
Since a few years, the alleged Aztec chief Xokonoschtletl is invited to come to the Karl-May-Fiesta. I saw him at his first appearance and more or less was turned off right away, even though one could see something from Mexican culture, but at which cost! My knowledge of the Spanish language allowed me to talk to the young dancers directly. And during the last years, I  used to live where X. comes from and where he is not welcome in any way.
I'll just give you some facts and it is up to the organizers and readers whether they want to continue to support this man or not.
Breaking laws: None of the dancers has a health insurance or is insured against accidents, no work permit, no permit to perform for cultural means
with income (which makes dodging tax inevitable, but the dancers don't know, they will receive EURO 250 per month when the journey is finished).

They have to work from 8.00 until 20.00 or even longer, they have to spent any free time with the group, Mr X... takes their passports and tickets, men and women are made to sleep in the same room, something which is not quite regular in Mexican culture. Only in extreme cases will they be allowed to see a doctor (during the first year, I took two Totonak dancers to a doctor, since Mr X... refused them medical attention, and it had to be done on the hush-hush because otherwise they would have got the boot immediately and lost
all income as well as the return ticket).

X... has people do selling of goods at his booths who do not have the proper paperwork and thus are in no legal position to take the customers' money, there are no receipts given, the alleged social project in Yucatan (huh? isn't he an Aztec chief, then why does he buy land in the Maya region and does not help the Aztec descendants around Mexico-City?) is a camp to prepare new dancers. They have to take care of the tourists X... takes there, without pay of course. Employed indigenas will receive the usual minimum wage of that region, which is a pittance and does not make ends meet by far. In Mexico-City, X... organized a protest march (for his tourists) and paid many
dancers of the city EURO 20 so that they would participate, of course without him telling the tourists about this. You can inquire about this, however, at the Zocalo of Mexico-City.

How donations are spent is not transparent and, above all, it is not visible in Mexico. As a proud Aztec chief, he at first had a German wife, and now an Italian wife. While at the same time damning Maliche [sic], Cortez' mistress, as a traitor to the people.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Xoconoschtletl Gomora"
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 05:43:47 pm »
Pt 2
The feathered crown of Moctezuma: it has been proved scientifically by Mexican, German, and Austrian scientists several times that the crown in
vienna is nothing but a copy, even if it is older than the copy in Mexico-City. Therefore, Mexico-City is more inclined to keep their better-looking one. And therefore, they did not listen to Mr X...

Love thy brother: Mr X.... had his brother rot in an Austrian jail for several month. Only through intervention from a person cooperating in a Human Rights Organisation, the brother was let free. The brother also performs in Germany and Europe and is building a school for street kids in Mexico-City.
Unfortunately, he receives only little support as he is very honest and only performs together with his son. Truth apparently is not well liked.

Who knows X... in Mexico? Almost all Aztec dancers do, and remarkably enough, they do not like to hear this name. He has become the shame of the revived tradition. Once, X... began to revive the Aztec dances, but meanwhile it has become a business, without paying regards to the participants.

By the way: EURO 250 are a pittance in Mexico, too. Even more so as there is no social insurance re illness, old age pension etc going with it. You pay
about EURO 25 when you go to see a doctor, and any prescription, blood samples etc goes on top of that.

Please excuse me as I have few positive things to say about this man, but unfortunately, the facts are very clear. Even when listening to him or
reading his books, the contradictions almost jump at you. And his deeds to not reflect his sometimes positive words. In the circles of Northern American
Indians, Mr X... is not well liked at all. They avoid contact and even during his first appearance in Radebeul [Karl-May-Fiesta] he did not receive a
blessing for the way in the end. Result: two Totonak men and five women left the group (they were replaced by four other persons who also left soon).

My info is given according to laws and upon factual proof obtained from Aztec descendants living in Mexico resp. former participants.

Should one really continue to support this man?

P.S.: About five years ago, Mr X... on Mexican television asked for not less than 500,000 Dollars (or even more), since his tours to Europe allegedly had brought a loss of as much as that. Strange, since the major part of his jewelry is produced by Totonaks traveling with him and gets sold at very high prices. He also receives good pay for events plus hotel costs and food. When organizing events on his own, he charges at least EURO 7 per person as an admittance fee, plus additionally selling drinks and food (without health certificates required for personnel).

Furthermore, people donate money and the hat is passed around time and again. Seminars and travels are additional means of income. Then how does one produce such a loss??????????


To which Mr X replied on Feb 27, 2006:

Ich Bin Xokonoschtletl Gomora - SELBST!!

Noch NICHT mein NAME schreibst oder kennst du A.... arme "Mensch"!

Wie LEICHT kann mann LUEGEN schreiben! Jeder A... arme kann das machen.

(Translation: I Am X.... - HIMSELF!

Even NOT my NAME you write or know you ..... poor "person" [Mensch is a human being]. How EASY it is to write LIES! Every A..... poor can do that."
His e-mail shows up as:
His site: