Author Topic: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations  (Read 45621 times)

Offline Diana

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Re: IPUN - Indigenous Peoples United Nations
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2016, 07:48:44 pm »
Hi all, I noticed our sad little Laster is back. I took some time and looked into that failed IPUN bunch. The Facebook page is defunct and there hasn't been any activity on it in over a year. Actually nothing has been posted or talked about IPUN since last year. I couldn't find any info about IPUN since that supposed signing ceremony in SFO. Nothing! Nada! Also I couldn't find any websites or activity concerning the IPUN group. Nothing under their names Louis Coretti, David Kam or David Williams, their supposed "ambassadors".

This is my take on the whole situation, Louis Coerrti (spl) and that Kam/Williams bunch were nothing but white people playing pretendian. They're almost all Canadians and white with nefarious backgrounds. The IPUN thing didn't pan out and it was abandoned. It is a Canadian corporation owned solely by Louis Coretti inconjunction with 15 or so other failed bogus corporations.

One more point I'd like to make is that I don't see where any of this group involved in IPUN even knows or is aware of sad little Laster. His name is never mentioned in any corresponence or even on their defunct Facebook page. As for these so called African and Asian "Tribes" that Laster is in contact with...? I believe they are figments of his imagination.

Laster is a sad little white man who claims a fictitious tribe and native identity.  We outed him last year with the IPUN bunch. Here is his own post with his genealogy.

Lim lemtsh,
