Author Topic: Boe Glasschild, Jerry Monroe, and the Binay "Tribe"  (Read 14373 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Boe Glasschild, Jerry Monroe, and the Binay "Tribe"
« on: November 01, 2006, 12:25:26 am »
Two frauds linking up. Glasschild seems to be playing spiritual advisor for the "tribe."
"yes, this is a beautiful place to visit, we are all healers and all in search of
healing...but this is the way it appears that spirit works, for healing is
nothing more than moving on to higher planes of existence...
i wish each of you sincerely a big life
Boe Many Knives"
"I am new to the circle, but we may have shared this space before...I
am reminding all that the fall equinox, circa 20-21st september is a
time for celebration on the native wheel...this is the closure of
the summer time, the south, and the trickster energy [either coyote
or raven, depending of the tribe] we have experienced laughing at
our personal follies... now it is the opening of the west, the fall
equinox, and the self healing energies fo bear, the going
within...bear teaches us to hibernate and experience the small death-
we dance our dreamtimes to see where we begin self
improvements/healings in december...
I do not wish to offend anyone's beliefs, but I feel it is very
important to honor the beliefs of our First Nations People if we
wish to connect as tribal people today...Jesus and the Book were not
in our cosmologies until assimilation...Christianity was forced upon
both black and red people by the powers that be- and very thoroughly
I might connect to the ancestors' spiritual chemistry does
change the individual's perceptions, for then the spirit feasts as
the ancestors becomes wholesome, and the Great Mystery
takes uis by ther hand as we walk the maze on Earth Mother...imola-
goodluck, Bvshpolawa/ Many Knives"
"animal readings:before the European invasion, our ancestors aligned with the
spiritual energies that spoke to them...sometimes plants, sometimes stones,
sometimes animals, sometimes the elements...when one reached the age of
accountability[ this was not measured in years either!]the thing to do was to go
and seek the pathway for their soul, their reason for incarnating in this
lifetime...and true, their guides for this lifetime did answer and,
because of the present cultural design, some of our people today no longer go to
nature for resolutions, we have adapted and employ systems for allowing nature
to guide us in this modern[laugh!] world...animal readings use cards to awaken
the seeker to the animal energies dancing in their lives- with alot of accuracy
I might all depends on one's sincere intent, for the great Mystery sees
the limitations imposed upon tribal oriented people today and works with such, these things are very real, we are surrounded in kinship by the
worlds of the stone people, the one-leggeds[plants], the animal kindren, the
two-leggeds[humans] and the star nation...does this help you out..."

There's also some strange Hebrew Israelite/Black Israelite ramblings in their group, some Nation of Islam teachings, you name it, that I'll go into later.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Boe Glasschild, Jerry Monroe, and the Binay "Tribe"
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 04:25:48 pm »

"Black Hebrew Israelites(BHI) also known as Black Hebrews, or, Hebrew Israelites are groups of African-Americans situated mostly in the United States who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites. Not to be confused with African Hebrew Israelites, or Beta Jews they claim that they are Alpha Israelites and that they are not Africans at all, but were merely sold into slavery from Africa.

They claim they are refugees of the so-called "First Jewish-Roman War" avoiding the holocaust at Masada In 73 AD. In 70 AD they claim to have fled Judea into the interior of West Africa, and sojourned there some 1,500 years. Their Shemetic ancestors were sold by Hametic Africans, to Ishmaelite-Arabian slave traders, who (in turn) sold them to European, Trans-Atlantic Slave Traders in the early 1600’s.

They assert that the Negroes, and Indians of North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean are all descended from the twelve Israelite patriarchs....

Religious beliefs:
The Black Hebrew Israelites of New York City, a Yahoo! forum, lists the following correspondences between the ancient twelve tribes of Israel and modern-day inhabitants of the western hemisphere:

Ruben = Seminole Indians (Muskogee).
Simeon = Dominicans of Hispanola.
Levi = Haitians.
Judah = African Americans.
Dan = Cubans.
Naphtali = Argentineans & Chileans.
Gad = Native Americans.
Asher = Incas.
Issachar = Aztec Indians and other Mexicans.
Zebulon = Mayan Indians and other inhabitants of countries from Guatemala to Panama.
Ephraim & Manasseh = Taino & Boriqua Indians and other Puerto Ricans
Benjamin = Carribe, Cibao, Arrowack, and other inhabitants of Guyana and the West Indies.

...Racism and anti-semitism:
Because they believe that the Tanakh forbids them from allowing "whites" —Jews of relatively light complexion whom they call "Caucasians", as opposed to Semites—into their congregations, a number of Black Hebrew Israelite groups have been thought of as racist, being mirror images of Black Christian Identity groups to whom the concept of race is unnecessarily made an issue. They insist that these "Caucasian," non-Semitic Jews are not descended from Israelites at all, but rather from Edomites and Khazars. As such, BHI groups have been accused of anti-semitism, a term which they reject as Black people are in fact Shemetic, disacknowledging the fact that, in modern usage and in this context, the term ‘anti-Semite’ almost exclusively refers to antagonism towards Jews.

...The Southern Poverty Law Center, " internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups." Their web site has three references to the BHI movement: Mark Potok, "The Spreading Flood of Hate," (1998) at:
 Khalid Muhammad, "With Our God and Our Gun," (2000) at:
 "Behind the Walls : An expert discusses the role of race-based gangs and other extremists in America's prisons," (2002) at:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Boe Many Knives AKA Boe Glasschild
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2017, 02:53:23 pm »
BGC sent an email claiming to be enrolled. More on him.

Choctaw and Amerindian spirituality
Tawepiki (Lightning Dance) shamanism
Kundalini and Hatha yogas
Hawaiian Huna
Tuva throat singing
Tribal drumming
Boe is the founder of N.O.W.-Nature's Own Wisdom. This 501c3 nonprofit organization was created in 2009 to promote healthier lifestyle choices. The platform for these workshops is the Green Life Series, a synthesis of Amerindian, Eastern and aboriginal philosophies .
To date, Boe has nine educational certifications in fitness and health, and is currently :
-a Health Mentor for Genesee County Community Mental Health,
-the UMF Pilates instructor and water fitness instructor trainer
-a Hurley Health Fitness Center personal trainer and fitness instructor for the Hurley Medical Center,
-a Meditation Self Healing Center shamanic workshop facilitator,
-a workshop host for Mystic Connections Retreats throughout SE Michigan

"Nan Pisa...One Who Sees" is a true account of the author's awakening to the shamanic world of magic. The stories are real moments that happened as a result of the author's shift from the ordinary to the non-ordinary world where interaction with the manifestations of Spirit create opportunities for healing....Boe weaves together the Earth traditions of various spiritual belief systems into an educational platform that high lights the commonality shared by all aboriginal peoples. American Indians, Australians outback, European Celts, Eastern Yogi, African Dogon...

Ceremony selling surrounded by alleged psychics.
...currently a Health Mentor for Genesee County Community Mental Health, the University Michigan Flint, and the Hurley Medical Center. He also hosts Green Life Series workshops in Mississippi, California and Texas as well as in southeastern Michigan...Choctaw and Amerindian spirituality, Tawepiki (Lightning Dance) shamanism, Kundalini yoga, Hawaiian Huna, Qigung, Tuva throat singing, Buddhism, Tribal drumming.

Mangled Nuage fakelore about Atlantis and rainbow people.
Celeste: Why do you believe past civilizations, like Atlantis, died out? And why are new ones created?

Boe: A war came about between people using various energies — light crystals and dark crystals. Certain people were empowered with the crystals and learned to control the thought of the people around them....
Our people believe that Turtle Island, which is what we call the United States, was the meeting place of the four people: the Black people, the White People, the Red People and the Yellow People. As they accumulated here, they moved into the center and created the Mixed Blood — the Rainbow People.

....when the peoples were being created, the Black People were given the responsibility of water, but they misused this responsibility. The White People were given the responsibility of fire — it was their tool — but they took the fire and made bombs that destroyed everything. The Yellow People were given the responsibility of the air, and through trying to be a modern society, they have contributed to the pollution of the skies immensely by designing massive manufacturing complexes around the planet. The Red People were given the responsibility of the land....