Author Topic: Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge  (Read 11737 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge
« on: December 19, 2009, 02:35:27 am »
Another request. Rockingbear is a ceremony seller who claims to be Eastern Band Cherokee.  If true, the photo in the links shows an obviously pretty low BQ. But more importantly there's no sign of any actual Cherokee traditions in what he claims, just faux Lakota knockoffs for pagans.

To our requester, it's pretty obvious they are frauds in the sense of being exploiters and ceremony sellers and not being at least part of what they claim. But for the sake of research we generally start off in Research Needed.

They sell vision quests and sweatlodges in Ireland for up to four grand a pop. Also sell them in North Carolina.

Spring: 9-Day Ceremonial Encampment with Vision Quest Ceremony
Nine Day Ceremonial Encampment
May 17-25, 2009~ Please let us know of your intention to join us ASAP as there are preparatory experiences to complete. ~IRELAND

To read our IRELAND Brochure, click:

Sliding Scale Cost: $1960 - $3750. You place yourself on the scale. Includes all food, transportation, activities, and lodging once we pick you up at the ferry dock on the island of InisMor, off the west coast of Ireland. You are responsible for your transportation to/from the Isle of InisMor.
Deposit: $300
Guides: Kedar Brown and Theresa Sykes~Brittany
To Register/Receive Details: Online Contact Kedar or Theresa by email or phone.
*This 9-day Ceremonial Encampment is held on InisMor, Ireland - a secluded retreat on one of the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland. This particular area has rolling hills with the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Celtic Sea to the East. This island is abundant with ancient ruins: tombs/dolmens, hermit's stone huts, Holy Wells, forts and high cliffs overlooking the ocean. We will spend time together among these Sacred sites as we remember our ancient wisdom. This is a place of the Ancestors.

Spring: Men and Women's 8-Day Healing Encampment with Vision Quest Ceremony
Eight Day Healing Encampment
2009 Date: May 15-22~Near Asheville, North Carolina surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains
Sliding Scale Cost: $1200 - $3700. You place yourself on the scale. Includes all food, activities, and lodging.
Non-refundable Deposit: $300
Unused deposit can be used toward another program within the year. Guides: Theresa Sykes Brittany & Kedar Brown
To Register/Receive Details: Online Contact Theresa or Kedar by email or phone, preferably, 2 months before program start date.

To read our Men & Women's 8-day Healing Encampment with SweatLodge Ceremony & Vision Quest Ceremony Brochure, click:

Summer: Men's 8-Day Healing Encampment with Vision Quest Ceremony
Eight Day Healing Encampment
2009 Date: TBA~Near Asheville, North Carolina surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains

Sliding Scale Cost: $1200 - $3700. You place yourself on the scale. Includes all food, activities, and lodging.
Non-refundable Deposit: $300
Unused deposit can be used toward another program within the year. Guides: Kedar Brown
To Register/Receive Details: Online Contact Kedar by email or phone, preferably, 2 months before program start date.

To read our Asheville, NC Men's Healing Encampment with SweatLodge Ceremony & Vision Quest Ceremony Brochure, click:

Summer: Women's 8-Day Healing Encampment with Purification Ceremony & Vision Quest Ceremony
Eight-Day Healing Encampment
2009 Dates: TBA~near Asheville, NC

Detailed Brochure at
Women's Vision Quest Ceremony Brochure(NC)

Sliding Scale Cost: $1200 - $3700. You place yourself on the scale. Includes all food, activities, and lodging.
Non-refundable Deposit: $300
Unused deposit can be applied to another program within the year. Guides: Theresa Sykes~Brittany
To Register/Receive Details: Online Contact Theresa by email or phone 2 months before program start date.


The Calling.. Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers; sometimes being directed by those internal voices that came from another time and place and do not belong to you. You reach out to your brothers and sisters and echo these words- "Who am I?"

"...a life changing opportunity to remember what in my life is sacred and the insights about what to do with that experience. I plan to offer the experience to my children as they come of age. I loved it." - Carpenter, age 40


The Vision Quest Ceremony..

is a powerful rite of passage for men and women answering the call of 'Who am I?' and for honoring life transitions, expansions, and/or crisis. You will experience village life, poetry, drumming, song and dance, the SweatLodge Ceremony, ecopsychology, journeying, dreaming, and ritual process healing. You will spend three days and three nights fasting in the wilderness connecting evermore with Spirit. You will be guided in understanding the nature of what lies ahead during this Vision Quest Ceremony, along with the various ceremonial aspects of the initiatory process. You will learn the necessary physical knowledge of wilderness safety. You will be prepared emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually to enter this phase of your initiation. After your Vision Quest Ceremony you will step back through the threshold circle to rejoin your village. Together we will sit in council sharing your stories and visions, unfolding and clarifying your experience with nature and Spirit. We will assist you in co-creating a personal myth of your threshold experience that reflects the gifts, and dreams you will carry home to your people.

Professional Training credit is available for those in the healing profession attending the 9 Day Healing Encampment with Vision Quest Ceremony experience. For details, click the link above.

Phase II: 9 Day Healing Encampment with 2-Days of Personal Medicine work and Vision Quest Ceremony is


His wife Zoe also sells what she claims are Mayan astrology readings.

Tzolkin Sacred Path Personal Destiny Readings

The Mayan Ceremonial Calendar can have profound effects on our lives as modern human beings.  It can help teach us how to live in accordance with the natural world as did our ancestors.  By obtaining greater insight of your Natal Destiny Reading, you will gain knowledge about the cyclic nature of life and learn to be a co-creative force in your own existence. Working with the galactic energies and the ancient wisdom found in the calendar you will learn to live with right actions, giving yourself the opportunity to choose your thoughts and words wisely.

The wisdom of your ancestors is stored in your cellular body. With an open heart; come and awaken this ancient memory and learn to live creatively and in peace and harmony.

To request a personal Natal Destiny Reading by Zoe Allison, please send the following information:  The date of your birth date; Year, Month and day.  For greater clarity pick a date in the future and in the past for yourself.  The fee for a Destiny Reading is $60.00

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 02:47:24 am »
Seems WR was involved in sending a message he falsely claimed was Hopi.

Now we have an interesting reply to the contents of the above "Hopi Message"

          Subject:Re: message
          Sat, 22 Mar 2003 15:07:21 +0100
 (Karl Scherer)


Dear Friends,

as the Hopi tradition is  probably the oldest  existing oral tradition on
Turtle Island claiming the same incredible amount of historical lineage as
does  BON, and having visited and studied with Hopi Elders in the seventies
as well as talked at length with Lopon Tenzin Namdak on significant
similiarities both in teaching as well as ritual in the Native American and
BON traditions, I feel inclined to comment on this "message" :

 It is  as highly unlikely that this mesage - nice as it sounds -
originates from the Hopis, as it  was unlikely  that H.H. the Dalai Lama
was the source for the 3rd re-emergence of the new age
"nepali-good-luck-tantra" on the internet.
As a matter of fact this "message"  seems to originate from an Cherokee
elder named Will Rockingbear otherwise not noted as a spiritual Leader
amongst Native Americans and seems inconsistent with authentic statements
made by HOPI Lineageholders themselves except for the first
6 possibly 9 lines of the  "message". Otherwise it seems at best a well
meant but strongly edited and synthesized amalgam with line number 10
already contradicting Hopibeliefs  in the  value and the sagacity of  the
leadership of their Spiritual Elders.
 Additionally Hopis are not inclined to authorize Native Americans of other
tribes as their spokesmen simply because almost all of them have resorted
to war in the past, whereas Hopis are bound by their vows to never resort
to violence. According to Hopibeliefs to truely be a HOPI you have to
undergo at least a 12 year course of intense initiations,retreats and
ritual practices and then prove your unnderstanding in  action for  at
least a few more decades before being capable of repesenting the

The  "message" appears to be a part of the partially well meant yet in
effect destructive , but ongoing re-design and appropriation that many
ancient and authentic traditions suffer from  attempts made by the dominant
culture to "fit for our modern world" .
In fact it downplays and contradicts in part the powerful spirtual message
the Hopi tradition has to offer to the world.
In this and in many other respects  it shows the same tragic pattern in the
fate of Tibetans and Native Americans, being marginalized in their own
countries and facing ongoing genocide - both physical and spiritual - by
the hands of their invaders.

So as most people on this newsletter are both U.S.citizens and  followers
of BON - being another tradition facing extinction in its homeland -  I
apologize to take your time to draw your attention to such issues as the
one at hand.
Small as it may seem it shows that even in such small issues core spiritual
beliefs are excerpted, taken out of context and reframed to fit the liking
of the "Zeitgeist". In effect it is as imperialistic in spirit as when  the
people who invaded it,  named the continent  America  and did not even
pause to ask the people they stole it from what the name of  their homeland
had been for millenia.....

In any case this   "message"  was also featured on a website of the
so-called "Rainbow Tribe" and an anti-globalisation group called  the  which otherwise  certainly makes a
laudable effort to present the real message of the Hopis as told to them on
various rainbow gatherings....

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Will Rockingbear and Earth Green Medicine Lodge
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 01:12:53 am »
They sell vision quests and sweatlodges in Ireland for up to four grand a pop. Also sell them in North Carolina.

Wow. Way to piss off the ancestors and nature spirits of a whole bunch of cultures, all in one fell swoop. They'll either be ignored by all of the above, or get their metaphysical asses kicked.

OK, I know it's about culture, not BQ... but damn, even without the ceremony-selling and the nuage-speak... the idea that some would think that guy's an NDN elder... Bafffling and creepy.
Join us in this powerful Teaching Circle where we will create the time, space, and opportunity to connect with Will Rockingbear. We will spend this day together honoring Ourselves, Our Ancestors..... All Our Relations. We will begin our Circle time together by Calling in the Directions. There will be time for listening, time for Journeying, time for remembering, and time for asking questions.

Real Cherokee.  ::)  More like fake Lakota and Neo-playgan. "Journeying" is a common catch-phrase among the Harnerites who like to pretend they're Indigenous. It's shorthand for "Shamanic Journey", as in, lie around on the floor with blindfolds on while someone bangs on a hand drum.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:53:13 am by Kathryn »