Author Topic: Llyn Roberts/ Shamanic Reiki/ Olympic Mtn EarthWisdom - Forks, WA  (Read 12500 times)


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Students often ask me if Reiki and shamanic healing can be bridged together. Llyn Roberts and Robert Levy brilliantly teach all of us that yes they can and more importantly show us how. There is a great need for Shamanic Reiki. This book teaches us about the power of love, light, and respect for all of life. Roberts and Levy did a magnificent job.” — Sandra Ingerman, Author of Soul Retrieval and How to Heal Toxic Thoughts.

Executive Director, Marilyn Dexter, and Director of Operations, DiAnn Baxley, visited the Olympic Mountains in September to begin a land purchase-search. Plans are being drawn for a Celtic Roundhouse cluster for trainings, visiting presenters and educational and shamanic/mystical programs. The Barefoot Sensei has had trainings on the land since we moved here in January – long time student and teacher in her own right, Karen Fletcher, has brought several groups and facilitated the visit of renowned physician of Chinese and Herbal medicine, Dr. Zhao (from China). Other visitors include Omega Institute board member, Renee Martin-Nagle, the legendary Dr. Rusty Smith, long-time friend and workshop assistant, Vincent Ferrau, and many individuals and groups dedicated to honoring the Earth.


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Re: Llyn Roberts/ Shamanic Reiki/ Olympic Mtn EarthWisdom - Forks, WA
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 04:13:54 pm »
WA state corporation info

UBI Number   603258574
Category   REG
Profit/Nonprofit   Nonprofit
Active/Inactive   Active
State Of Incorporation   WA
WA Filing Date   12/07/2012
Expiration Date   12/31/2013

Chairman   Roberts, Llyn - Forks, WA
Director   Dexter, Marilyn   -  Dover, NH
Director   Baxley, DiAnn  - Lewisburg, PA


This group is not the same as Bennie LeBeau's Earth Wisdom Foundation (which is also now based in WA, non profit corporation registered Wyoming).


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Re: Llyn Roberts/ Shamanic Reiki/ Olympic Mtn EarthWisdom - Forks, WA
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 08:34:55 pm »
National Geographic is doing a series on one of the main people in this group, Mick Dodge.

Mick Dodge of National Geographic’s The Legend of Mick Dodge – is a well-known visionary raised in the Hoh Rain Forest of the Olympic Mountains in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Mick spent his childhood years studying numerous forms of martial arts in dojos in Japan and Okinawa, served for six years in the United States Marine Corps and lived as a Barefoot Nomad for many years while walking the rhythms of the land through both city and countryside. Mick has also lived in solitude in the wild, while learning practice forms from his teachers the trees and animals and stones and glacial peaks and waters and lands.

Hopefully this does not mean the area becomes overrun with white barefoot hippies, some of which will need rescue by local emergency workers. :) Even skilled, experienced hikers regularly need help in the Olympic mountains and valleys.


Dodge is a native of the Hoh. His great-grandfather was the first in his family to settle there, living in Forks.

I think this quote means he is from a white pioneer family, not NDN, not actually Hoh

Otherwise, Mick Dodge's work might not be of concern. But he is a major part of Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle, his partner Llyn Roberts continues with the shamanic reiki, shapeshifting, "sacred travel". They are doing projects with a local college - hosted by the same group that brought Bennie Lebeau/Blue Thunder to campus.

EarthWisdom is writing two books, projects called "Maya Book" and "Siberian Book".

Offline Sparks

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Later mention in the forum about Llyn Roberts:

Llyn Roberts:

Roberts seems to mix an education in psychotherapy (although it does not get too clear whether the degree from Naropa „University“ is the only one she obtained – there are several threads here in which Naropa gets mentioned) with various altmed/Nuage methods plus „trainings with diverse indigenous cultures“, shamanic methods, and „spiritual ecology“. She calls herself a „spiritual ecologist“ - a label also chosen by Brooke Edwards aka Medicine Eagle (pls see  ).

Robert's bio uses several racist stereotypes – like e.g.:
„she has facilitated indigenous book projects“
„lived for two years at the edge of the wilderness in the Hoh  Rain Forest in the Olympic Mountains of the Pacific Northwest“.

Llyn Roberts seems to be still very active, and I will try to update with recent information.