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Haudenosaunee Grand Council Reiterates Position on Elected Councils


Defend the Sacred:
Trad Council or Colonial fake? Check who's on that "council." Leaders of that Nation, or outsiders to that community? If they claim to be Elders... check if the community they claim to be from sees them as Elders, if their community gives them this honour and asks them to represent, or if some outsider to the community picked some tokens to try to legitimize their own projects. #TwoRow #WhoSaysTheyAreElders #DontPayToPray

"Whether it is reference to the Two Row Wampum, treaties, nation-to-nation relationships, or the subtle implication that these elected councils are somehow synonymous with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy or the Traditional Councils; this ambiguity has now perpetuated a false impression and confusion both externally and internally that elected councils are actually a part of the Haudenosaunee  Confederacy."

The URL (both the same) does not work any more. It has changed, and the article is now here:


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