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Alert on Brooke Medicne EGO

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Daffyd posted this on the nafps yahoogroup:

"Being Indian is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of being in harmony with all things and all beings. It is allowing the heart to be the distributor of energy on this planet, to allow feelings and sensitivities to determine where energy goes, bringing aliveness up from the Earth and from the Sky, putting it in and giving it out from the heart."
Brooke Medicine Eagle

His suggestion was to call them and complain about the use of this frauds quote on an official government webpage:
Committee On Natural Resources :: 1324 Longworth Building :: Washington, DC 20515 :: t:202-225-6065 :: f:202-225-1931

This is the committe recommending change in the recognition process. It involves H.R. 2837. A yes vote changes the process. Considering who they have picked to quote, it seems they know very little about about NDNS.

two shadows:
hello everyone,
this is my first post so be kind *smile*

I am just now learning about the frauds and plastic shamen out there..
I dont know Brooke Medicine Eagle, and in fact he very well may be a fraud
(I take it from the reaction here that he /she is). Although I personally
 am not sure about all the new age-ish references to earth energy etc..and bringing "aliveness"

I guess..I am just saying that truth is truth..even if it is spoken by a liar.


I decided at the last minute to add this..perhaps it may explain where I am coming from
I am the typical american shorthaired mixbreed..I am seeking an identity for myself and
I dont have the right to call myself a cherokee anymore than I do to call myself a celt even though I have ancestors from both groups..along with choctaw, welsh, Sikh,
shawnee, and french.

but I am studying the language and trying to learn..because I do believe that
this study is somehow making me more whole. I guess I just liked the first sentence of
his quote "Being Indian is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of being in harmony with all things and all beings,,


Brooke Edwards aka Brooke Medicine Eagle is a bonafide fraud. She has a big ol ranch in Montana where she fleeces gullible white women into believing they are learning Indian secrets. We have a thread on her. You can find her by using the search feature.

That somone who is otherwise a contemptible fraud said something that may be valid doesn't make the statement less true. I don't think she's actually the first one to say that. It's the way she spins the statment that makes it offensive for her to say it.

The first time I heard the statement (not sure from who) I remmeber thinking they were saying that blood alone did not make you NDN. In other words, do something for your people, stand with them. But coming from her, it comes across as meaning that any Nuager can play NDN and somehow actually be an NDN.


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