Author Topic: Itzhak Beery and  (Read 18704 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Itzhak Beery and
« on: September 14, 2010, 04:56:28 pm »
Madman posing as shaman. A Greenwich Village adman claiming to be a shaman on weekends, now opening up a shaman-for-profit one- stop-shopping site.

Basically the man was looking for a quick fix to feeling like he was part of why the world was going to hell, promoting empty materialism with his marketing.

But rather than stopping the harm he was doing, playing shaman let's him pretend he's making up for it.

I also find it interesting that Beery was himself played for a victim. His "teacher" told him he was a shaman when it's pretty obvious he was instead a curandero, using practices that are as much or more Catholic than NDN.


Weekdays, Creating Ads. Sunday, Invoking Spirits.
Ruth Fremson/The New York Times
Itzhak Beery, a Greenwich Village adman, as well as a shaman, says, “Most indigenous shamans don’t give up their day job.”

Published: July 23, 2010
Sometime around 9:30 a.m. on weekdays, Itzhak Beery enters a second-floor office in Greenwich Village to preside over his piece of the material world. It is an advertising agency, the latest he has owned in a 30-year career. Five computers await him, each thrumming with software for graphic design. Shelves hold the awards he has won.

On Sunday mornings, though, Mr. Beery returns to cover all the practical apparatus with sheets. From a cabinet, he withdraws volcanic stones, candles, finger cymbals, bottles of rum and cologne, each with symbolic value. He arranges these on a red cloth, and lays beside them a carton of eggs and bunches of red and white carnations.

Such are the instruments of the shaman of Sullivan Street. For on Sunday, the adman engages in a second career, conducting healing ceremonies for a rotating cast of clients. On Sunday, the product of a fine-arts education in Israel draws instead on the skills he acquired in the Ecuadorean Andes....

After moving to New York in 1977, he put his art training to pragmatic application in advertising, ultimately building a list of clients including airlines, banks, colleges and snack companies. He and his wife had three children. “I was a skeptical person, suspicious,” he said. “I wasn’t someone you’d call gullible.”

Yet as he reached his mid-40s, Mr. Beery slid into a depression that, even with all of his accomplishments, he could not assuage. In some sense, they had provoked the descent.

“Part of it was my incredible guilt that I was in advertising,” he said, “that I’m helping consumption, that I’m helping waste, that I’m part of the problem.”

During those unsettled years, Mr. Beery discovered several books about shamanism by John Perkins (who is better known now for “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” his 2005 best seller). Sufficiently intrigued, Mr. Beery signed up for a trip to Ecuador led by Mr. Perkins in 1997, and in the village of Illuman he met a shaman, Don José Joaquin Pineda, who practiced healing rituals from the Quechua tradition.

On a return trip, a year and a half later, Mr. Beery asked Mr. Pineda to try to heal him. In the course of the ceremony, which included drinking a hallucinogenic tea, Mr. Beery said he saw a vision of himself as a woman in 19th-century Vienna, leaping to her death.

That image, the presentiment it carried, startled him out of his own morass, he said. It inspired him to become more selective in taking on advertising clients, leaning more to nonprofit organizations for animal protection, immigrant aid and other causes he believed in.

And, finally, the experience in Ecuador compelled him to undertake studies with Mr. Pineda. Over succeeding years, the adman would hear and resist and ultimately accept what he believed was the call to be a healer. Which, of course, rather surprised the people who know Itzhak Beery in his rationalist mode.

“Coming out of the closet was very difficult,” Mr. Beery said. “It was difficult for me to say, ‘I’m in advertising but I do shaman work.’ Some people were supportive and some were dumbfounded. Even my kids had a hard time at first. ‘Is my father a nut?’ ”

Mr. Beery’s son Ariel recalls his father returning from the Amazon with a water gourd as a present for the children. It cracked open and set loose ants on the kitchen floor....

Such perplexity notwithstanding, Itzhak Beery began seeing clients about a decade ago, and gradually moved into teaching courses on shamanism, creating a New York association of shamans and building a Web portal for shamans worldwide. To the outside eye, though, he remains a trim middle-aged man with bristly gray hair, who wears the same kind of khakis and polo shirts for both of his occupations.



This is Beery's marketing product, Basically for ten bucks anyone can post an ad to claim to be a shaman or healer. All kinds of abuse potential, and any casual glance can see all kinds of harm.

Notice what I found in the forum, someone calling themselves shamanRN, telling someone with a brain aneurysm "Consider your self healed!" Incredibly irresponsible, incompetent, and dangerous.

MacAoidh   Post subject: brain aneurysm  Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:26 am 
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:04 pm
Posts: 40
Location: Cumbria, England  Hello 
I am quite worried at the moment. A brain aneurysm is a life threatening thing, potentially, which is the enlargement of an artery due to high blood pressure.
I do not have high blood pressure, although a few weeks ago I strained very hard and I had a pain behind one eye, ever since I've been having a feeling of pressure in that side of my head. These are definatly symptons of an un-ruptured brain aneurysm. I told my GP, but, like always, she dismissed it as my anxiety. Well, that is unlikely to say the least!
I have had little luck with women in past (I am only 17) although I'm now in a loving relationship with someone who I would not want to loose for anything, and my almost definate aneurysm is preventing me from being myself with her.
I have started chanting, but if this problem is entirely physical will it not work? I read this on the Spiritual Science Research website. Also an aneurysm is like a bulge so how, biologically speaking could shamanic healing return this to Normal?
I am seeing my girlfriend on friday and want to have a good day with her and I want to devote the whole of tommorow to chanting and attempt to clear up the proble, to a significant degree, but please give your suggestions as it is very important to me.
I am a guy in love, and I know that a shaman should not become too attached, but I had always thought that love was to a degree made up, and now I know that it isn't and I don't have any materialistic cares any more other than for our relationship, I guess that might seem sad. I am not attached to anything apart from her, and I ccan't stop thining that I will not be wih her due to a rupturing aneurysm.
Would it be be too much to ask for blessings/to send me energy off her? this is not something I expect although I jsut don't know what else to do. Can I be guarenteed a life wih her if I keep the positive attitude and use the law of attraction?
kind regars and blessings
I eagerly await your responses and I hope

MacAoidh   Post subject:   Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:10 am 
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:04 pm
Posts: 40
Location: Cumbria, England  thanks, I shall do that. That doesnøt really solve the problem though Æ-

shamanRN   Post subject:   Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:19 am 
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:34 am
Posts: 28
Location: Texas  Which problem? Thinking you have an aneurysm, anxiety, girl?

MacAoidh   Post subject:   Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:59 am 
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:04 pm
Posts: 40
Location: Cumbria, England  hey;
Well I wanted to try and heal it if I did have it, or at least do something about it to be on the safe side.

shamanRN   Post subject:   Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:47 am 
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:34 am
Posts: 28
Location: Texas  Ok, consider yourself healed.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2021, 02:39:09 am »
Weekdays, Creating Ads. Sunday, Invoking Spirits. — By SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN — Published: July 23, 2010

The quoted article is available online:

This is Beery's marketing product, Basically for ten bucks anyone can post an ad to claim to be a shaman or healer. All kinds of abuse potential, and any casual glance can see all kinds of harm.

The site is still around, also

And this, his main Internet site:

And nowadays, much on Facebook:

From there, links to:
[Defunct; rather see:] — Example:
More webinars are planned with: … Lynn Andrews & Itzhak Beery – Return to Wholeness
Itzhak Beery is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and author. Since 1995 Itzhak bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times. Itzhak teaches internationally and lead groups on healing expeditions to the Andes and the Amazon of Ecuador. He was initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks of Imbabura, by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and by Brazilian Amazonian Kanamari Pagè. He has also trained intensively with other elders from South and North America. The founder of and cofounder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on the faculty of major spiritual centers around the world. He received 'Ambassador for Peace Award’ from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN. His work has been featured in the New York Times, films, TV, and numerous webinars.

Finally, this Facebook Group (57,7 K members):

Check their Events Page:

Itzhak Beery's associates and promoted events are a catalog of frauds and swindles.

Offline cellophane

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2021, 03:40:23 am »

(The Hebrew is mostly details of a workshop in Israel, which is where Beery grew up.)

Itzhak Beery, the author of "The Gift of Shamanism bridges" the indigenous shamanic traditions his teachers entrusted in him with a contemporary shamanic approach relevant to our modern life.
Born in Israel he is a New York-based practitioner who conducts shamanic healing ceremonies, and teaches seminars internationally and co-lead trips to Ecuador and Brazil's Amazon.
Itzhak apprenticed intensively and initiated by don Jose Joaquin Diaz Pineda an Ecuadorian Quechua Yachak from Iluman, into his family tradition and into the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura. He was also was initiated by Shoré a North Amazonian Pagé in Brazil. He studied with and assisted Ipupiara Makunaiman a Brazilian Amazonian Pagé from the Uru-eu-wau-wau tribe for 12 years until his passing and with his wife Cliecha, Peruvian Curandera and also with other indigenous and contemporary elders and shamans from around the world.

He is a member of the NY Open Center faculty. He is a co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle (NYSC)in 1997. He is a member of the Society of Shamanic Practitioners (SSP), The Foundations for Shamanic Studies. (FSS). He publishes the most comprehensive global shamanic resource website today.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2023, 03:09:20 pm »
Beery contacted us, the usual racist white-splaining, bombastic ego, and banal fluff mixed with empty threats of a lawsuit. First is his message, followed by my response.


I am wondering. What do you do to protect yourself from defamation lawsuits? The content there is malicious, false and poisonous, not honoring indigenous wisdom.
It feeds paranoia and fear. Not trust, healing, and Love.

I request you remove any posts that defame my work and my name.

Many blessings,
Itzhak Beery
Leading shamanic author. teacher, healer, public speaker, and trips leader
'Ambassador for Peace Award' recipient- Universal Peace Federation

Your research is as poor as ever. It took you 13 years to find this when it's one of the leading links on you.

Then again, you are either naive enough or deceitful enough to tout your award from the Moonie cult's front "Universal Peace Federation."

Truth is an absolute defense to libel. In 25 years we have never been sued. We get empty threats of lawsuits all the time, usually from those with as little knowledge of the law as they have about the Native traditions they bastardize and falsify for profit.

If you wish your name removed, you must cease being a fraud. Admit your falsehoods publicly, apologize, and return the money you've hustled from your con games.

It is quite possible you know so little of Native peoples or traditions that you don't realize you "learned" from obvious frauds. Any Latino could have told you these were curanderos, Catholic folk healers posing as Native that you were hustled by.

Any Native could have told you that shaman is an outsiders' term used by anthropologists and Newagers, and that you've wasted much of your life kidding yourself you are one and sometimes doing obvious harm like having a site telling people with tumors to stop getting medical care.

Instead you surround yourself with other abusers like the Moonies or the conspiracy ravings of an obvious con artist like Perkins.

We do welcome all information. We will gladly post any statement you'd care to make defending the falsehoods and harm you do. If we have made any errors we will admit them and correct them.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2023, 10:34:31 pm »
And nowadays, much on Facebook:

As of July 1 this year there is a pinned post:

Itzhak Beery
Hi there! If you'd like to be my friend, please note that Facebook has a limit of only 5K friends. However, if someone drops off my friend list, I will be happy to add you. In the meantime, I also have another page. If you're interested, please LIKE it at Thank you!

Three days ago now, at the Facebook page in the quote, he posted this (my bolding):

Become a Palm Wisdom practitioner -Shamanic palm reading is an ancient practice that interprets the lines, skin condition, texture, and colour of the palms as well as the shape and length of the fingers and nails. It reveals much about our life/soul purpose and key personality traits. Discover the art in this 3-part online workshop.

I found a British page about a former version of Itzhak Beery's "Art of Shamanic Palm Reading":

This is one of the most important diagnostic and counselling techniques, used by shaman of the Andes to help their clients navigate emotional difficulties and life's decision-making.

I wonder how ancient the combination of alleged shamans and palmistry is. A few decades I guess.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2023, 01:06:11 pm »
As promised, Beery sent a statement defending what he does, kind of. Mostly condescending racism and showing he can't be bothered to read or research. First him, then my response.

I share many of your concerns about the new awakening we have all experienced in the Western world over the last 30 years. Being transparent about who you are, your credentials, and your ethnicity would make your site, service, and yourself more credible.

The word "shaman" originates from the Tungus people in Siberia. Many healers, curanderos, Pajes, and medicine people worldwide started referring to themselves as shamans to make it easier to identify and communicate who they are and what they do. Of course, this is part of globalization and the Andes Condor and the Eagle prophecy!

I had the great privilege of being trusted by Black Elk Wallace, Nelson Turtle, and Chief Oren Lyons, to name a few Native American elders. However, I do not practice or teach their wisdom or healing. It is simply not my path. I was embraced and initiated by an Ecuadorian Yachak (shaman) and a Kanamarie tribal elder in Brazil. In both cases, I was not seeking it. I refused to enter this role for a long time, but they pushed me as I assisted them.

I am sure you agree with me that it would be wonderful if native people from all over the world would open their hearts and share their "secrets" so all humanity can be saved from global warming, wars, dictators, and starvation. That is why we have to teach trust and faith. Holding back will ensure humanity's destruction.

Please do not take it personally, but spreading poison, mistrust, and fanning anger about spiritual messengers is an old indigenous tradition where competition spreads easily. It is easy to do and generate responses from a large victimized society.

Please, help bring more harmony, peace, and oneness to our world. For people who are using spiritual practices to benefit only themselves, the great creator teaches them. Please don't take that role on yourself, as holding so much negative energy in your body is really unhealthy.

Many blessings.


Hey, thanks for White-Splaining, Oh Great White Savior!

Thanks for all the condescending racism to the people you consider to be Dumb Indians who don't know their traditions without a wannabe shaman to explain it to them. There's that White Savior Complex again, racist one.

Thanks for showing your ignorance again and again.

Thanks for ignoring the 99.9% of Natives who consider your fraud and others like it to be spiritual colonialism. Basically everyone except collaborators who themselves profit off of the same fraud.

Wallace Black Elk Cow (his actual name) was a notorious exploiter for profit, and an abuser of children by some accounts. Denounced repeatedly by his own people including the actual Black Elk family. Did you seriously not know that? Or you choose to ignore it.

Please, lecture us racistly again with your fluffy headed emptiness about energy while you exploit and abuse for profit.

Offline Laurel

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Re: Itzhak Beery and
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2023, 11:32:36 am »

I am sure you agree with me that it would be wonderful if native people from all over the world would open their hearts and share their "secrets" so all humanity can be saved from global warming, wars, dictators, and starvation. That is why we have to teach trust and faith. Holding back will ensure humanity's destruction.

THE NERVE. I happen to think it would be wonderful if white people from all over the world would learn to mind our own business instead of demanding that the people whose necks we're stepping on shine our shoes while they're down there.