Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1776527 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #585 on: December 27, 2010, 11:26:53 pm »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #586 on: December 28, 2010, 11:14:14 am »
Here's the "official statement" in tribe's site:

The previous messages have been deleted from the official sites, but they can be found from googles cache, when gooling Kiesha Crowther (or Little Grandmother) urgent message december. Also, I have screenshots on my computer of some of the changing claims...
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 02:07:14 pm by Saga »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #587 on: December 28, 2010, 03:47:36 pm »
Been following something.  Veetkam's site ( closed down the forum for a while recently.  It just went back up today with this message:

"Dear Forum - Users

The Forum is provisional re-opened. Please use it gently and in respect and as a Forum of the Tribe of Many Colors - WEB-Site. Please respect the Netiquette and please place your postings in an adequate Forums- Section !!!

The downtime has given also a welcome possibility to start with the implementation of an UpDate to the Forum-Software. Some details are stil not defently defined and therefore it's possible, that some functions or colors do change during next time.

We will realise some organisational changes - during next weeks or months. As far this concerns you direct, you will be informed at the appropriate Time.

We wish you a inspiring and lovingful time here
Administration "

Seems they've been having issues.  There's several threads that are locked (ones that have to do with the latest controversies regarding Crowther's false claims).  Looks like they've done some major censoring. 

From reading the available threads it looks like the site will be closing in January and they're moving everything to the included. 

They don't give any substantial reasons for moving other than some PR ideas that the membership has grown too much.  That one I find highly doubtful.  I'm guessing it may have something to do with Veetkam himself and his ability to constantly put his foot in his mouth and embarrass the "community" with his rantings outside of the website and subsequent reports of his control freak behavior and negativity surrounding him and his relations with forum members who were kicked out (some of whom have showed up here voicing their concerns)....but that's just my guess....


Offline AppGal330

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #588 on: December 28, 2010, 03:49:22 pm »
Yesterday I wrote an email to her org. (nicely & politely) asking them to cease & desist the sale of Sacred ways and/or items...the following is what I sent and their reply I found this morning--OH and I'm being threatened with a lawsuit for LIBEL (odd since I used HER OWN WORDS & CLAIMS--hmmm is repeating someone's own words libelous? NO!!)
From: xxxx xxxx
Sent: Mon 12/27/10 3:10 PM

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to you in reference to the above mentioned workshop. It has been brought to my attention that
Keisha Crowther aka Little Grandmother will be speaking at your workshop. As a mixed blood Native American,
I would like to inform you that this woman is considered a fraud by both the Lakota and Salish Nations.
She has taken it upon herself to use the most Sacred of items to the Lakota and use it in a very wrong way.
The Canupa (ceremonial Pipe) was gifted to the Lakota Oyate by the White Buffalo Calf Woman. It is not for use
in ceremonies of any kind by others who have not been taught the proper use and or tenants of the Lakota Spiritual
belief system.
The following is a statement sent to me via a friend that came directly from Salish Elders regarding Miss Crowther:
Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
"The Culture and Elders Committee of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.
"No tribal Elders or elders have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.
"She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve."
The posting of this statement came with the permission and urging of the Salish elders. Anyone doubting this message's authenticity can contact the Flathead Reservation.
It is with a most humble heart that I besiege you to cancel this function and help the Salish and Lakota Peoples to stop the theft
of their spiritual ways as a way to earn money. We do NOT condone the selling of things that are sacred.
Thank you for your kind consideration in this most serious matter.
I remain,
respectfully yours,
(my real name here)
-------------------Their reply that I received today (12/28/2010)---------------------------

RE: Little Grandmother?
 Little Grandmother Admin Little Grandmother
From: Little Grandmother Admin (
Sent: Mon 12/27/10 8:28 PM

I would like to advise you that Kiesha Crowther has sought an attorney and will seek legal action against those are attempting to slander, libel  and defame her. The below statement was posted to Kiesha's web sites yesterday regarding these Native American issues and these allegations, clarifying her position. The facts are clear, and transparent, and we are prepared to defend them. Kiesha is not teaching Lakota or Native American traditions at this workshop and does not teach them in general. She is not conducting Native American ceremony or in any way representing specific tribal traditions or culture at this workshop, and will not be using any Native American sacred implements publicly, at this workshop or in the future. She has issued a statement clarifying these issues and what she will and will not be teaching and doing in the future.
IIf you do not cease this libel and malicious activity we will pursue legal action against you. As of yet we have received no official communications from a tribal council or official on these matters, and Kiesha has done her best to be transparent and cooperative with any concerns raised by native people.She has always been  open to dialogue and to resolution, but many it seems are intent only upon attack and malice. Why not contact her first about this, as a responsible mature adult would do? She is not hiding anything, and is completely open to critiques and tribal concerns. What has this elders council not contacted Kiesha directly, and why is no one in charge willing to sign it or put their official name on it? Kiesha herself has already contacted the tribal council, as you will see from the statement below.
Kiesha  stands steadfast in the truth of who she is, and will not cower in the face of these bullying tactics. Kiesha recieved her medicine as gifts from indigenous peoples, and has every right to use it. She will not be using anything at all publicly that is Native American, and this workshop has nothing to do with Native American ways. So please cease this attacking and libelous activity, and be clear that we will not have untruths spread about Kiesha to her personal and professional contacts. We are seeking legal protection, and keeping track of all of these emails and communications. If you are part of a group concerted effort-- please share this information with them, and have them contact us directly with their concerns.
Official Statement Regarding Native American Issues
Kiesha (Little Grandmother) was initiated into shamanism at age 30 by a Native American elder named Falling Feathers. Kiesha’s mother’s side of the family live on the Flathead Reservation in Montana. Falling Feathers was also most likely from the Flathead Reservation, though this is not 100% certain. When she was called she was told that the “elders of the tribe had been watching her” since she was a child and that it was time for her to step into her role as shaman. Falling Feathers personally guided Kiesha’s initiation and taught her many things about how to conduct ceremony, and how to pray in traditional ways with the chanupa, pray while in inipi and conferred upon  her the name “Little Grandmother”. While never certain what this elder’s official title was in the tribe, she assumed him to be an authority since he seemed to speak for the tribe—and most likely was responsible for referring several tribal members and families to her for blessings and healings in the year after her initiation.  For example, this past year, when one elderly woman on the Flathead Reservation died at the hospital and no family could be located, Kiesha was called. Her name had been given by someone official as a recognized spiritual representative of the tribe.  Therefore, Kiesha had every reason to believe her status as “shaman” was somewhat official or at least recognized by the tribe. As we have stated previously, Kiesha was not raised on the reservation and therefore does not know how such matters are officially decided or conferred within the tribe. Very recently,  Kiesha called the tribal council office to inquire about her official standing in the tribe. She was told that Falling Feathers had not acted with the permission of the tribal council—therefore she was not recognized officially by the tribe. You can imagine how shocked and dismayed she was to find this out.
Kiesha believed that her initiation was widely recognized in the tribe—this is why she spoke in the first talks she ever gave, as a “shaman for the Sioux and Salish” people—she had every reason to think that she was recognized—since tribal members had been referred to her as shaman in the first year of her initiation.
Needless to say, ever since her initiation as shaman, she received medicine and sacred implements from individual tribal members from different indigenous tribes across the world, who said they were guided to create this medicine for her, the one called “Little Grandmother.”  Somehow these people found out who she was. Some of these said they had been waiting for her for many years to come, and knew of her already from visions they’d received.
We would like to state, unequivocally, that Kiesha is currently recognized as shaman by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders, whose members come from indigenous tribes all over the world led by Don Alejandro Oxlaj, the grand elder of the Mayan people, by indigenous spiritual elders who have participated in ceremony with her, and by many Native American individuals who can see the inner truth. Whether she is “officially recognized” by any Native American tribal governing council is another matter.
She has never wished to misrepresent herself or any Native people or tradition—She has acted based on her knowledge  of what was true, what was expected of her, and as she has been guided, in a very real way by her spirit guides, ancestors,  living elders, and Great Spirit. In order to stay true to the global and universal nature of the message she has been asked to share, and to avoid misrepresenting any Native American peoples or traditions, Kiesha will continue her speaking in public and conducting the healing ceremonies she is asked to for the benefit of Mother Earth—without using Native American regalia, Native American sacred implements or specific rituals. This is to prevent misunderstandings and any offense to tribal members and to honor the global nature of the work she has been asked to do.  She will also do her best to remove those videos or portions of videos where she speaks in any way of a specific tribal affiliation, or tribal tradition.
She will continue to follow Great Spirit and her spirit guides and ancestors in how she is to conduct ceremony for planet earth and serve humanity at this time. She has the deepest respect for indigenous peoples and their wisdom and traditions, and therefore does not wish to offend anyone who feels she does not have the permission or right to use these specific sacred tribal implements in public. She will continue to work with indigenous peoples all over the world and with the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders to perform the sacred work she has been called to.
Kiesha has always, and will always, act from the guidance she receives from her ancestors and spirit guides—While she is a human being and no doubt makes mistakes, what she is here to do on this planet at this time is clear—and that the Spirit is with her is clear to anyone who has done ceremony with her, who has worked with her in a healing session, or who has heard her speak from her heart about matters of truth.
She never “wanted” to be a shaman, and did not even know what the word meant before she was initiated. Anyone who knows what her life path has been knows that she has paid the price, has suffered, and has had to sacrifice much to serve in this role. Those whose hearts are closed to the message of Love and healing that is needed on the planet right now will bicker and accuse, and —and refuse to see the big picture, as well as the validity of a “tribe of many colors.”
Kiesha will gladly step away from a Native American- specific framework in order to respect tribal protocols, preserve her integrity from being attacked, and to preserve harmony around the sacred work she has come here to do at this time as shaman of the “tribe of many colors”. She will not deny the facts of her heritage and how her initiation came about—and that she is being guided by ancestors who are indeed Native American, as well as spirit guides from the South American peoples.
It is Kiesha’s  deepest wish that we can all work together for the good of Mother Earth, see beyond our differences, and move forward now  in shifting the consciousness on the planet from the Ego and Mind to Love!
Just as sort of a "CYOA" I asked my daughter (who is a legal asst. @ a prestigious law firm in CO) if what I wrote could be considered libelous. She said emphatically NO! "You used her own words.Statements that she herself has declared in videos posted on Youtube & all over the internet for public viewing. Words that she spoke herself and has also written on her website(s). *she chuckled here* No worries!! I just showed this to one or the Atty's as he was walking by--he LAUGHED!!! Not that I'm ignorant/stupid, I just thought it was a good idea to get an "expert" opionion. Hmmm wonder what they would say if I write back stating that I AM SEEKING LEGAL ADVISE ;) hahahaha I will not back down on this!! They can threaten if they wish to do so. I was taught that NOTHING SACRED IS FOR SALE!!! And THAT philosophy/belief is what I will stand behind 110% until my dying day arrives! They can say she does not use Lakota ways or Sacred items...yet there are pictures all over the internet with her holding a Four Winds Canupa in her hands (while dressed in her Wal-Mart regalia haha) and it is SMOKING which means it was loaded and lit (DUH) She claims she is a "shaman" (more like SHAME ON) for the Lakota & Salish(according to the "statement" it looks like she is now retracting this hmmmm) Sooooooo all I did was REPEAT what she herself has declared from the very begining of her "shamanistic journey" (cough cough GAG!) I've been blessed to get to know quite a few wonderful Lakota (and even a few Salish) throughout the last few years--I've talked to many of them...ODDLY NONE OF THEM KNOW WHO SHE IS!!! Not surprised  ;)

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #589 on: December 28, 2010, 04:13:43 pm »
I'll be getting one of those letters too. I wrote the Palm Springs Conference last night, sent them the following.  
I've been threatened before over others, I'lll be threatened again I'm sure.  

« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 04:29:05 pm by Spiral Walk »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #590 on: December 28, 2010, 04:35:01 pm »
Well, just a bit odd I think, since Prophet's Conference has this in it's FAQ:

I only posted number 7 and then 9 because I think they go hand in hand.. if they LOOK or bother to look at KC's bio can't they tell it's "new age BS" and/or just plain BS?  If the people running this Prophets Conference cannot tell that KC's bio is BS then.. they have no business running a prophets conference..


7. What makes the presenters experts?

Please see the page of bios for each faculty member. Their education, research, experience, integrity, and knowledge make them experts in their fields. And we conscientiously attempt to only present teachers who continue to explore and expand and search for both subjective and objective truth.

9. Are these 'new age' events?

No, we are not focused on 'New Age' anything. We feel that a good deal of the so-called ‘New Age’ presentations being offered in the ‘New Age’ marketplace are questionable and often designed to enhance the egos of charismatic people and their pocketbooks. These teachings may often become new forms of cultic fundamentalism, presenting dogmatic absolutes and beliefs. We, on the other hand, work to offer the opportunities to explore current topics in science, metaphysics, energy, health, and philosophy, opening to potentials and possibilities that are fluid, flexible, and personal. We look to blend these subjects in ways that are enriching for our lives and for our greater conscious evolution, and that encourage personal responsibility.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 04:44:41 pm by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #591 on: December 28, 2010, 04:36:57 pm »
It seems you sent an e-mail to the prophets conference website and received an e-mail from Crowther's PR flack/booking agent.  I believe this is the same person that admins the web page.

If she's reading this I hope she understands that along with her threat of a lawsuit the page as well as the pages BOTH still contain bio information in direct contradiction to the "statement regarding Native American issues"

As quoted from the website's bio page today (12/27/2010) after the release of this statement:

"Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by her mother's tribe (Sioux/Salish),"

"Unaware that she had been identified at a young age by the tribal elders to later be shaman, "

From the Maui ceremony interview with Crowther:

"Becoming shaman was a total surprise to me, when I was called to be shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes I was scared and almost turned the calling down because of the responsibility and huge commitment it would take"

There are still several photos that contradict her recent statement as well.  Many of them pictures of her in front of tipis, wearing a buckskin shirt, smudging with sage, using a pipe..etc.

There's also a set of quotes trying to equate the "tribe of many colors" concept with the concept carried on by others as "rainbow tribe"...definite questionable sources...

One's from Ed McGaa (aka Eagle Man).  This is a quote from his book, but being used by the site as somehow tying in to the idea of the tribe of many colors...this quote actually has nothing to do with Crowther or the tribe of many colors yet it talks about answers being in the "the traditional practicing American Indians" once again tying Crowther to NDN imagery...however flawed the source.

"If I were asked what group of people best perceives the natural concept of spiritual imagery in this land, I would answer, "The traditional practicing American Indians."  If I were asked what group best perceives the spiritual imagery of Black Elk, I would answer, "The Rainbow Tribe people I have met across this country and in foreign countries as well."

Ed McGaa--Eagle Man, Oglala Sioux Author & Ceremonial Leader

 from Rainbow Tribe book"

For more info on Ed McGaa there's a thread here about him.

Here's also one from Jamie Sams with the same intent (this quote also has nothing to do with the tribe of many colors):

"These Two-legged will be called the Rainbow Tribe, for they are the product of thousands of years of melding among the five original races.  These Children of Earth have been called together to open their hearts and to move beyond the barriers of disconnection.  The medicine they carry is the Whirling Rainbow of Peace, which will mark the union of the five races as ONE.

Jamie Sams, Author & Artist of the Senecca & Cherokee Nation

Other Council Fires Were Here Before Our" (as quoted on the website...incompleteness included)

Jamie Sams also bills herself as a "shaman of Cherokee and Seneca tribes"

and also is behind the concept of the very commercially spiritual "Medicine Cards"

When reading the pages you come across many factual innacuracies...Sams giving credit for teachings from Iroquois and Seneca "tribes".  For the sake of this comment i'll reiterate that Senecas are a tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy.  Iroquois is not a tribe....for someone claiming to be a Seneca'd think she'd know once again...a very questionable source where the site is using an out of text quote from a source that bills themselves as Native American...contradicting the recent statement from Crowther.

So in conclusion..the idea that there will be lawsuits for libel about Crowther's claims at that she now even says was a false claim is laughable.  Especially when those claims are still being misrepresented by Crowther's OWN website.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #592 on: December 28, 2010, 04:59:52 pm »
She cannot prove any of the claims she has made, and has no legal leg to stand on regarding "libel" or "slander".. 

I'd love to see her bring a lawsuit.. won't ever happen, because if she did, she'd end up proving herself a fraud.

So..  seriously, the threat of a lawsuit from these people is as phony as KC and what she is selling.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #593 on: December 28, 2010, 05:07:50 pm »
Lawsuit letters still make my heart jump though.  

Regarding dredging up old website content.. Use the "Internet Way Back Machine."   "Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported."


Letter I sent to the Prophecy Organizers last night.

Greetings  XXXXXXXX/

I am writing you regarding your upcoming "The Prophets Conference" 
and Kiesha Crowthers appearance.
Kiesha does not speak for, nor represent Indigenous peoples.  She has not been given their Medicine ways. 
On her page for the Conference she states:
"Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by her mother's tribe (Sioux/Salish),
and has been recognized by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders as Wisdom Keeper of North America,
responsible for guiding the "Tribe of Many Colors."
Her "Tribe of Many Colors" is not a Federally recognized tribe and there is no "Continental Council of Indigenous Elders."

Native people DO NOT believe it is ethical to charge money for any ceremony or teaching. Any who charge you even a penny are NOT authentic.  Native traditionalists believe the ONLY acceptable way to transmit traditional teachings is orally and face-to-face. Any allegedly traditional teachings in books or on websites are NOT authentic.  Learning medicine ways takes decades and must be done with great caution and patience out of respect for the sacred. Any offer to teach you all you need to know in a weekend seminar or two is wishful thinking at best, fraud at worst.

            I ask that you reconsider Kiesha Crowthers appearance.  I have included an:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
"The Culture and Elders Committee of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation protect the intangible cultural resources of  the tribes including language, songs, stories etc. "No tribal Elders or elders have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.  "She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve."The posting of the above statement came with the permission and urging of the Salish elders.  Anyone doubting this message's authenticity can contact the Flathead Reservation.

Here is a Video by an Oglala woman that includes the statement juxtaposed
with Crowther speaking her claims regarding the "Sioux and Salish Tribes," and her Tribe of Many Colors:

Crowther has been backpedaling on her affiliations with Indigeous Tribes  now that she knows Indigenous peoples
are concerned for their Ceremonies being sold.
The one legitimate  "Sioux" (Lakota, in this case) Elder Crowther tried to associate herself with does not know her.
People ask how we know this? We called him and asked him:
She tried to claim Elders from the Flathead reserve of the Salish people made her a "shaman".
So my friend called them. The Elders Council issued this statement See again::
"The Culture and Elders Committee of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.  "No tribal Elders or elders have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther.   "She is not their 'shaman', she has no right to claim this title and the Elders and elders of CSKT of the Flathead Reservation would like her to cease and desist immediately from making such false claims that erode the traditions that members of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee are trying to preserve."
She has claimed Cherokee Elders support her:
"EBC has only a handful of Elders.  I spent last night talking to them on the phone.  They have never heard of Kiesha Crowther.  WolfHawaii knows the people I know, he can call and confirm my findings if he wants.  I called a few elders this morning as well, no knowledge of her."
Crowther has also claimed Buddhist Lama's recognized her. They did not:
 Quote from: Lodro on 20 October 2010, 04:28:19
"I have exchanged a number of emails with Kiesha Crowther, especially focusing on this point: the "recognition" as shaman.
 "It turns out she has spoken with Lakha Lama briefly, while in Sweden. And of course he said kind things to her, which is how Lamas are. If you ask for a blessing you'll receive it. This in no way means "recognition", and in general, a Tibetan Lama would never "recognize" a shaman.
I've pointed out to Crowther that she willfully confuses people with her use of the word "recognition", as that is - in Tibetan usage - reserved for recognition as a "tulku" ie a teacher who influences his or her own rebirth in order to continue the link with students and the lineage.
"I am sure (but I have yet to receive confirmation from Lakha Lama to whom I've written) that there is no endorsement here, only kind words and a blessing like anyone may receive from a compassionate teacher.
"However, in her communication with me, Crowther first claims that she does not take teachings from Tibetan Lamas, then goes on to say that they are somehow connected with the council of indigenous elders. But apart from Lakha Lama, whom she names, she doesn't give any names, so I doubt the existence of these teachers in connection with her."
In recent statements, Crowther has changed her story. She is now claiming she was trained and "made Shaman" by only two Native people, who again, no one has heard of. One she claims was named "Falling Feathers";  as we've seen over and over with these frauds, we are also told this person recently passed on. The other one we are told is named "Lota". So far there is no evidence of the existence of this person, either.
"Crowther's assistant and longtime friend Jennifer sent a message to one of the members here. In it, Jennifer makes some new claims:
 "Supposedly they now admit Crowther was NOT recognized by either Salish nor "Sioux" councils of elders. Jennifer in fact admits that Salish elders specifically do NOT recognize Crowther."
"To say that Jennifer's claims are confused is putting it mildly. She refers throughout her message to the 'governor' of the
tribe and the 'Confederated Sioux and Salish'. Neither of those exist.
"At one point in the message, she claims that Falling Feathers was an elder, at another point a member of the 'governing council', at another point she admits she doesn't know what he was. (Then why the heck should anyone listen to what FF had to say? He could simply have been a confused elderly man.)
"I've looked at the Flathead site and see no mention of a council member recently passing."
 Crowther made reference to a Lota ("Lootah") in at least one of her videos, but it looks like this story was also different before she realized Native people were listening:
"Kiesha relates her alleged lineage here:
(starting at 6:11 minutes:seconds into the video)
'I am great grand daughter of Ciqala Lootah(?) and Ciqala Jensen.' "
A respected Lakota woman who lives with her people and speaks her language responds:
 "Lootha is not a Lakota word"

Please reconsider having Kiesha Crowther at your event as she does not represent Native People and
Federally recognized tribes or their Elders.   Please do the research, follow the links and ask questions of her
and her handlers/backers.   What is being done is for money....   Do not Pay to Pray.  Ceremonies are not bought or sold
or given in Seminars.

Thank you for your time and attention.

XXX Closure.. 

« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 09:02:17 pm by Spiral Walk »

Offline ShadowDancer

  • Posts: 91
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #594 on: December 28, 2010, 06:15:14 pm »

-------------------Their reply that I received today (12/28/2010)---------------------------

RE: Little Grandmother?
 Little Grandmother Admin Little Grandmother
From: Little Grandmother Admin (
Sent: Mon 12/27/10 8:28 PM
Kiesha will gladly step away from a Native American- specific framework in order to respect tribal protocols, preserve her integrity from being attacked, and to preserve harmony around the sacred work she has come here to do at this time as shaman of the “tribe of many colors”. She will not deny the facts of her heritage and how her initiation came about—and that she is being guided by ancestors who are indeed Native American, as well as spirit guides from the South American peoples.

A couple questions for those of LG's followers who are reading this site by lurking.

When will she step away?  When will she not deny the facts that she is not of NDN heritage?

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #595 on: December 28, 2010, 06:27:35 pm »
The prophets conference website has the exact same bio info as on the site that contradicts her recent statement "regarding Native American issues" as well

"Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by her mother's tribe (Sioux/Salish), and has been recognized by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders as Wisdom Keeper of North America, responsible for guiding the "Tribe of Many Colors.""

"“Becoming shaman was a total surprise to me, when I was called to be shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes I was scared and almost turned the calling down because of the responsibility and huge commitment it would take"

It's a copy and paste of articles directly from the site.

and this page describing one of her workshops using the picture in the buckskin holding a crystal....

and this one...another copy and past from the site still including the references to her being "made a shaman for the Sioux/Salish tribes"

"Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by her mother's tribe (Sioux/Salish), and has been recognized by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders as Wisdom Keeper of North American, responsible for guiding the "Tribe of Many Colors.""

"Little Grandmother will share about her own extraordinary journey, from being a young girl living in a rural religious farming community to being recognized as a shaman by her mother’s tribe at age 30. "

Cost for attending her workshop as a conference attendee $85
For attending as a non-conference attendee $105
For the whole prophets conference $295.  
Cost to attend online $139.
These prices are consistent with every presenter and cannot be attributed to prices asked for by Crowther.

The cancellation policy is pretty harsh, no buyer beware.

"Cancellation Policy:

# If cancellation is necessary, no refund will be made, however, you may:
#     a) transfer your conference registration to a future Prophets Conference program
#     b) transfer your conference registration to another person
# send cancellation notice to The Prophets Conference"

The cost of the conference DOES NOT include the price of lodging at the resort.  These prices add on another $195 per night not to mention the cost of travelling there.

So it seems the whole conference is gonna be filled only with people who can afford their "teachings".  They also seem to need to require more of themselves when vetting potential presenters per their FAQ quoted above by critter as potential "experts"


Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #596 on: December 28, 2010, 08:03:28 pm »
We would like to state, unequivocally, that Kiesha is currently recognized as shaman by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders, whose members come from indigenous tribes all over the world led by Don Alejandro Oxlaj.......

Is this true?
It sounds like they are either saying that indiginous tribes all over the world are led by Don Alejandro Oxlaj, or that he leads the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders. I find the wording a bit confusing.

If they are saying that he leads the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders, is there proof that he does?
I can't find any proof.

This is his website:
where it says:
"...The National Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala has an important message for the world. Their leader, Grandfather Cirilo,...."

Is that the same organisation as the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders?
It doesn't sound the same to me.

I can't find any mention of the so called 'Continental Council of Indigenous Elders' anywhere on his site. Would he have just neglected to mention it, or not include that info for some reason?

There are alot of posts and places which just repeat the same line which is copied from Kiesha's information, but that's a bit 'circular' as far as proof goes imo.

The ICA site:
gives this info:
"Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest, a Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the Americas, and an international lecturer on Mayan Culture."

This doesn't mean he is a member of a group called the  'Continental Council of Indigenous Elders' does it?...., or that he leads it. So where is this information coming from?

The title of a council defines the council as something different from a differently titled council, or else all sort of confusion breaks out.

He may have attended a gathering of something called 'Continental Council of Indigenous Elders' arranged by Adam Yellowbird DeArmon, but where is the proof he actually considers himself a member in his own words?
I would have thought there would be some mention of it from himself.

It's all so confusing!

« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 08:06:25 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #597 on: December 28, 2010, 09:07:06 pm »
""Is this true?
It sounds like they are either saying that indiginous tribes all over the world are led by Don Alejandro Oxlaj, or that he leads the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders. I find the wording a bit confusing.""""

It's all part of smoke and mirrors to baffle and confuse, they all do it.  In my letter to the
organizers I stated that her tribe is not Federally recognized and there is not real Continental Congress!   I'm still
waiting on my Libel letter too.   

Lindaa aka -  Rolls Eyes Often

Offline AppGal330

  • Posts: 5
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #598 on: December 28, 2010, 09:19:58 pm »
"I can't find any mention of the so called 'Continental Council of Indigenous Elders' anywhere on his site. Would he have just neglected to mention it, or not include that info for some reason?

There are alot of posts and places which just repeat the same line which is copied from Kiesha's information, but that's a bit 'circular' as far as proof goes imo."

I can't find anything that is definetively about the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders ANYWHERE....Except as you
say either on KC's site or someone's site that's in cahoots with her.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 09:25:59 pm by AppGal330 »

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #599 on: December 28, 2010, 09:35:09 pm »
Whatever it was is appears to be part of the "Institute for Cultural Awareness" what a name....
and was in 2009
