Author Topic: Sean Henry AKA Nanya Shabu El & At Sik hata Nation or Clan of Yamassee NA Moors  (Read 32442 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Started because of this thread, which has some information on them as well.

This youtube video shows an ASH man in faux Muslim-Egyptian-Arabic-Turkish garb, and the related videos by them show similar Nation of Islam faux-Muslim Black supremacy nonsense, fake histories and conspiracy theories.

They have a confusing blizzard of websites online, lots of dubious docs, and claims that anytime a govt doc says their name it somehow proves "recognition."

This one is a long list of complaints about a legal case, but it's hard to make out who did what and what they claim.
At one point they even sent a fax to GW Bush demanding he shut down a county govt in GA.

And this one?
Or this?

Chief Nanya Shaabu's FB page. With 151 likes, I don't think their group is very big.

ASH FB page, with not a thing on it.

Apparently he went to a meeting at the Alexis Nakota nation.

Seemingly this is the homepage, an incomplete free tripod page. The only thing on their is gibberish claiming owning all NDN land because of alleged treaty of Marrakesh.

They actually presented this mangling of history and law to the UN at one point.

And lodged a silly demand vs the Queen of England for one hundred billion per month in diamonds or gold. I'm not making that up...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: At Sik hata Nation or Clan of Yamassee Native American Moors
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 06:12:01 pm »
This one, I can't say if this is true or not. It is not signed.

Who is Sean Henry aka Nanya Shaabu El?
Sean Henry was born in Edmonton and moved to Toronto at the age of 17 years. From there, Seanbecame involved in a cult like organization and lived illegally in the United States for 10 years until returning home to Canada as a brainwashed drone.

Sean was a member of this cult for 10 years until the cult leader was jailed in 2004 for childmolestation. The cult members were removed from their compound and Sean was left to fend for himself with no education or work history.

Sean is still under the influence of the cult and proclaims that he has Godlike powers. As such, he feels he is not human as well as exempt from the laws of our Country.

Since being deported to Canada by US immigration officials, Sean has been a nuisance to family and former friends and a financial burden to his own mother. Sean feels he is exempt from paying child support and has never paid a cent to support his teenage daughter.

Instead of working, Sean spends his days emailing, faxing, and sending packages filled with meaningless gibberish to people who couldn't care less about his delusional existence. Sean feels that he has an audience in the Prime Minister, Queen, Pope, CSIS, International Criminal Court, and others.

Sean has been declared a vexatious litigant by the court of Queens Bench of Alberta for the relentless harassment of his Uncle and he has also faced a criminal trial for Mischief. A peace bond, which was supposed to prevent Sean from posting libellous and slanderous material onthe web has had no effect on his behaviour.

Sean was diagnosed by a forensic psychiatrist as being seriously mentally ill, yet our Health Care and Legal system released Sean on a promise to take mediation. My guess is that he's not taking that medication. What do you think?

Comment below the doc, seemingly by the same one who wrote it, "Take Your Meds". The profile photo shows a woman holding up a baby's diaper. My guess is, the mother of his child.

"Sean is a convicted felon deported back to Canada. He is now illegally harbouring a wanted US fugitive "Dianne Freeman" aka "Diani-Bey-El" at his mother's acerage home in Canada. They are both brainwashed nut cases who think York's mother ship will beam them up. Sean figures it's the woman's work to raise and pay for his child while he sits on his scitzo ass doing f*ck all."


He was apparently convicted back in 2006 for impersonating a diplomat.
The doc, if you don't want to read all 6 pgs, says he was pulled over and found with pot and a handgun, and tried to claim to have diplomatic immunity. He got six months.

And he was taken to a hospital, forcibly committed last year.

Offline Forward Observer

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Re: At Sik hata Nation or Clan of Yamassee Native American Moors
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 03:19:58 am »
Greetings educated indian, other forum readers:

"Chief" El is a frequent litigant in Canadian courts, and has been the subject of some discussion in the following decision on "Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments":

See in particular paras. 189-196.

It appears he is a Canadian citizen who moved to the United States and then became involved in the 'Moorish' movement. He was subsequently deported to Canada, and now lives near Edmonton. This summer he was arrested after assaulting a court Sheriff and is now in custody awaiting trial.

While it looks like someone advancing ideas this bizarre should be a 'lone nut', it seems "Chief" El is in a fight with other members of the 'Moorish' movement over who has the authority demand money from 'the followers'!

It's all very strange.

As is this August 2012 lecture on his beliefs:

But perhaps the weirdest thing I found while investigating this fellow is this video where he and the leader of a 'pot church', the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International (see Meads v. Meads at paras. 134-139, 183-188), meet in West Edmonton Mall, in Edmonton, to compare legal strategies:

Even though they have exactly opposite political/religious/legal beliefs.

Thank you all for your excellent work - I have found the research and investigation on this website very interesting and useful.

Forward Observer

Offline educatedindian

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Mr. Henry has been quite busy, and no less delusional. A long thread on him at the Quatloos forum on his sovereign citizen nonsense.

Seemingly he was actually able to convince a UN meeting to let him observe as a member of an NGO.
And if you scroll down further you'll see his "passport" issued by the "World Government of World Citizens."
(Those aren't accepted by anyone. They started off as a protest, given to refugees who had trouble escaping dictatorships. No govt accepts them, and if an official lets someone pass through it's from ignorance.)
There's also a rant sent to the Queen of England claiming her "privateers and slaves" are making him go for psychiatric treatment.

Up til now I'd been wondering if the ASN was basically Mr. Henry's delusional one man show. But he's gotten some others to buy into it. "Mahir Tarik Bey" is an elderly woman who has presented his claims on a huge number of sites.

This is funny. Apparently Nafps is now an "INTELL AGENT" of some sort in their eyes. The tinfoil hat must be getting too tight.
Seemingly a year ago we were put on notice for libel, slander, copyright infringement, and probably taking their toys away at recess.

He's got a linkedin page now, and on the side you can see what may be his would be officials, a defense minister, postmaster, sheikh, ontologist, and vegan food instructor.

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Henry is now trying to latch onto the NoDAPL movement, and was told off by them.

Like that "warbonnet" that seems to have come from an old costume shop. The real Yamassee were in the southeast, not the Plains.