Author Topic: Ruby Sylina Lynch AKA Sylina Buehne AKA Sylina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona  (Read 82584 times)


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Our sources so far in this thread include Facebook, Google, Go Fund Me, Meetup, Huffington Post, Linkedin, Family Search, Ancestry, City of Chesapeake, Find a Grave, a public genealogy site on a Lynch family, Georgia corporation records. All public information. Plus there is quite a bit of experience contained in this forum. Folks here can provide knowledgeable analysis.

The New Age is a marketplace. We get to examine the goods.


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For sure. She didn't explain why she pulled the event off her personal facebook page, but the event is still visible through "events". Does anyone know this fellow she keeps name dropping, Vaughn Bull Lodge ?

Her name dropping is really tedious, I wish she would stop. I'm suspicious of white ladies speaking "for" others.

I don't know Vaughn ( ) or of his work at Standing Rock. I would want to hear information direct from him or others, not through Sylina.


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Let’s help with some of Sylina’s regular monthly expenses so she can keep doing this good work at Standing Rock!!!  This will cover things like electric, phone, internet, car insurance, etc.  The total monthly expense is $4,000.00.
(Rachel Taylor's, on behalf of Soul Medicine, use of bolding in this quote)

Obviously we have the right to ask who Sylina is, what her qualifications are, what is meant by "this good work at Standing Rock", and how exactly money is going to be used.

She is asking for money. We get to spend wisely. Education is key.

Sylina is a business woman. She should know how to get down to brass tacks. She should be willing to answer any questions about her products and performances.

Offline educatedindian

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For Ms. Lynch and any of her supporters reading, she was criticized and debunked as a fraud, not "attacked", and not for NoDAPL support. This site and its members strongly support NoDAPL. Some of our members are there on the ground and/or sending actual helpful support, unlike Lynch and her made up "tribe." She came to our attention because of her ceremony selling for profit, and for trying to set up what can only be described as a cult compound for her faux "tribe."

The cult compound is one of the worst ideas I can think of. Want to help Native people or cultures? Support actual ones. Don't build a fake version of their villages in the woods to make guilty whites feel better. There are literally a thousand better causes or ways to help.

Vaughn Lodge is a Cheyenne running the Dog Soldier Academy in Minneapolis, teaching mixed martial arts. I have no idea why a Lynch, an alleged Cherokee/Creek teaching faux Lakota and faux Mayan ceremony, would turn to him for validation. There's no sign of him involved with or supporting her that I see.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Vaughn Lodge is a friend on her facebook page and has commented a time or two. Part of her M.O. is to shoulder up with real Native Americans in an attempt to lend an air of legitimacy to her fraudulent ways.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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If we're talking about the same Vaughn, he is one of the many people working security in the #NoDAPL camps, so he's an easy name to pick up if someone is watching livestreams and trying to "collect". But at this point, after so many people have left, there are also white people on the security teams. What does any of that have to do with this white woman selling pretendian ceremonies?

The security workers are taking care of physical needs at camp; they are not required to be ceremonial people, and the ones I know working security are not ceremonial leaders. While the security co-ordinators and team leaders are all Natives, as I said, many of the volunteer workers there currently are white people.

There is more than one security team. Someone working security does not have anything to do with ceremonial permissions. It rather laughable and offensive that she thinks knowing the name of a Native, any Native, and collecting Natives on Facebook (notably those who are doing public service, so tending to friend everyone back)  somehow means anything about anything. All this bizarre name-dropping does is once again dig herself in deeper and show how little she knows about NDN Country and cultures.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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I wound up going into more than just this woman's offenses, so moved my comment to the Exploiters Making Bank off #NoDAPL thread:


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certified Outreach Coordinator for The Monroe Institute

You have to do (pay) quite a bit to be an Outreach Coordinator with TMI

The Monroe Institute sells "hemi-sync".

Monroe found that specific sounds could be blended and sequenced to gently lead the brain to various states, ranging from deep relaxation or sleep to expanded states of awareness and other "extraordinary" states. This compelling research became the foundation of The Monroe Institute's noninvasive and easy-to-use audio-guidance technology known as Hemi-Sync.

Basically relaxing to music.

Join Spirit Connection for a life-changing Hemi-Sync® workshop led by Certified Monroe Institute Outreach Facilitator Sylina Buehne, Ph.D. Specifically designed exercises with the Hemi-Sync® audio-guidance technology form the core of the workshop, together with explanation, discussion and supportive group interaction.This two-day adventure into expanded states of awareness facilitates profound relaxation, deep contemplation, increased intuition, and communication with the higher self and with related energies. Important personal revelations are commonplace during an Excursion.

This event was in 2013, don't know if she is still doing this. Outreach Trainers have to do certain things for at least three years, including multiple workshops and presentations each year.


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Sylina has worked with Carlos Sauer ( Carlos )

She has organized his sweats in her area

She is in a photograph on his website.

The photo of Sylina with the bird wing captures something about her noticeable in this video of her speech at a Unity Church. Sylina has her hands moving dramatically almost the entire time. She paces and sometimes gets right into people's faces.


spent two years studying shamanic techniques and ceremonial practices with the Mayan elders in Guatemala.

In the past Sylina has hosted "Lina Barrios Mayan Elder and Shaman" , so perhaps Sylina simply did some workshops with Lina Barrios.


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Photo of Sylina from Carlos Sauer site


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More on the patriarch of the Barrios family

Denise Barrios: Following the footsteps of her father, Denise started her spiritual path as an Ajq’ij at the age of 15, when she began traveling frequently to highlands of Guatemala to learn about Maya culture from the elders. She is the author of the book “The Energies of the Day” which is a daily guide to the energies of the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar. In addition to speaking Spanish and English

Lina Barrios: Lina is an anthropologist and a Maya Ajq’ij ? Maya Spiritual Guide ? who, according to this millenary tradition, has reached the age of wisdom, becoming an elder. For nearly 25 years she has worked tirelessly for the preservation of traditional Mayan languages, women’s rights, dress, culture and spirituality. She is also a published author ? winner of the “Premio Iberoamericano Villa de Madrid” prize ? and a university professor. Lina has visited more than 40 ancient Maya cities, Tab’aleb’ ?sacred altars? and traditional communities. Her experience, both as a professional and as an Ajq’ij, make her the perfect person to lead people into the world of Maya spirituality

Offline ChikashaTruth

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I'm quite sure the wing in her hand is Owl. This would not be of someone with Cherokee heritage.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Has Sylina TaliniYona removed her Facebook account? Can anyone see her? I'm not sure if she has blocked me.


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Has Sylina TaliniYona removed her Facebook account? Can anyone see her? I'm not sure if she has blocked me. I don't see any 2016 posts here.  Only a select few posts from prior years.

She is active here

Some info can be found through her partner Alisha O'Brian's store site also


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The fake NAC that Sylina Buehne and Alisha O'Brian plan is through All Nations Native American Church, in Sedona.

All Nations Native American Church is run by Joseph Rising Sun.

Adam (Yellow Bird) DeArmon ( ) is a "foreign ambassador and minister for All Nations Native American Church."

Joseph Rising Sun used to be "Roadman and Minister of Oklevueha Native American Church of All Nations", Colorado. Now he is in Arizona and running his own fake NAC, without mention of Oklevueha.

Usually James Mooney eventually goes after anyone who dares break away from Oklevueha and set up their own independent scam. At least with official sounding paperwork berating the traitor.