Author Topic: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands  (Read 34989 times)

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2010, 04:00:28 pm »
I'm in the proces of completly redesigning this site, it would have been better to put it "under construction", this way it seems that i still abide by this site.
About the sweatlodge with Michael Redsky..... i am present there, but i facilitate.
I know that also is offensive, but i have to see it trough, because arrangements have been made.
There can be something i can do...... like ask him the questions you would have for him.
I will contact my webmaster so the website can be put down.
Still..... nothing to hide.
The "agenda" on the hyves-page is not my fairs, or sweatlodge. it is someone elses.
I only am present there also.
The request for the seatlodge was also done for Michael Redsky (when i still tought he was genuine).
I only learned here, that Michael is most probably not genuine.
There can be more around with my name with it, so please alert me to it, since i do not want to do this kind of thing anymore, only the things i feel comfortable with, so no native things.
Or it has to be native european maybe, but i cannot do that also, since i have such a broad heritage.
So i don't fit fully in any culture/heritage.
I will have to make my own, wich is not easy, since any culture can claim the things i believe also.

Thanks for pointing me to this Ingeborg.

Many blessings,


 Uh huh, yeah right, Wayne. You're full of it.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2010, 05:56:18 pm »

Both Wayne's site and the Native Way site are some of the most obvious forms of the most current trend in frauds.  Changing the name of what they do to not appear fraudulent.  It's kind of like gathering a crowd at one of these "workshops" and saying:

 "You are participating in a ceremony that is not in any way related to Native Americans.  We respect that culture, these are ceremonies we put together based on knowledge learned around the world.....Now please excuse me while I go in the tipi and put on my buckskin shirt, paint my face and warm up my drum....then we will begin!"

Yes, that is exactly what's going on.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2010, 02:33:38 pm »

Although Mosher does leave an immature and rather pathetic impression – even pathetic persons can sell ceremony, and they can of course be a danger to others. His website „The native way“ shows Mosher is part of a network of fakes cooperating with and recommending each other.

The site offers „walks in nature“

„In shamanism, there are various ways to get into contact with nature. One of the most impressing ways is medicine walks where one traditionally goes on walks into nature on one's own for three days and on which one can meet oneself and gets helped by nature. The walk is to „bond with nature“. With the plants – and the animal world, with earth and air. These „worlds“ are in harmony and by connecting to them, you can get more in balance. While we walk, nature is thus your 'medicine'. […]
In the Indian tradition, 'medicine' is everything which can help the quester to connect and to feel in harmony with nature and all forms of life. All that heals the body, the spirit and/or soul is 'medicine'.
For centuries, the Red Peoples have used omens of nature to come to decisions for the entire people. All living creatures have got their own medicine messages which they want to share with those who are prepared to learn their language. All our relatives speak to us in 'Hail-lo-way-ains', the Language of Love. With the help of 'Hail-lo-way-ains', our hearts can feel the answers we receive during the medecine walk, after which healing can take place. [...]“

Mosher has three partners in this business:
Mike Pfundt, a 'druid' and shame-on who mixes shamanism ('Indian' and Siberian) with Celts, druidism, wicca etc.
This is Pfundt's website:

The contents of his site:
The Medicine Wheel
The Western Shaman
Power and Totem animals
Birth totem animals
Shamanic instruments
Shamanic costumes

Pfundt is not too spiritual to add a shop section to his site:

Pfundt sells canvas prints of pictures - the above links to his Indian pictures (to see more pictures, klick at "verder" [continue] at the bottom - but beware, there's lots of kitsch).

The second partner has also got his own websites, e.g.:

So this is Mr „Ik ben Henk. Gewoon Henk“ - i.e. „My name is Henk. Just Henk“.
'Gewoon Henk' runs a 'spiritual office' – 'for a plain message'. Unfortunately, his message is not plain enough to let people know WTH it is he's selling to customers.... Well, perhaps we may safely assume 'Gewoon Henk' not only likes to express himself as unclear as possible as far as his cumstomers are concerned, but also as far as the Dutch IRS is concerned.

'Gewoon Henk', however, has got a second website, or business, in cooperation with „Jolanda White Feather“.

Ms Jolanda introduces herself:

„My name is Jolanda White Feather.
When I was a child, I saw various situation who were yet to be, and I thought, everybody knew about them. When I was young, such gifts were usually promptly dismissed as superstition or being from the devil!
My mother, however, always took it serious.
In Indonesia, where she came from, this sort of things were the most normal thing in the world! She passed on much of her knowledge to me. I was also able to receive a lot of knowledge through the teachings I received by an Indian shaman from whom I received an Initiation Ceremony and the name White Feather.
So now, years later, I give consultations and healings, reincarnation sessions, regressions, treatments with ear candles, trauma work, I work on sexual abuse and relationship mediation. […] These treatments are done in my home.

My disciplines:
Messages from the other side
Character analysis
Interpretation of dreams
Paranormal experience
Personal coaching
Relationship advice
Advice in choice of course studies and profession
Future prognoses
Earlier lives
Supportive conversations
Psychological problems

I also offer house cleansings in the Indian way by smudging. Think of not sleeping well, unrest within family/relationship, illness or also entities which you prefer not to have around in the house.
One of my specialties is healing of blockades which can be psychological or physical blockades. These can be a nuisance or hurt which plague you in your daily life.[...]
In short, I am really grateful I am able to help people in this way.
With regards of Light and Love“

Mosher and his partners exchanged links with a number of other shame-ons, alleged healers etc.

One of them is Jose Pellekaan,

„Welcome to the website of my practice for:
Counseling, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Reiki, Quantum Touch,
Sabaaydi & energetic massages and spiritual consultations
New in the practice:
The products of Angel-Touch. I sell crystals, essences, sprays […]. All products have a healing effect.“

Before you go on – Coffee Warning! ! !

This is the site of „Omata Tutini – a Maori woman“.

Careful – please do put down your mug of coffee now!

„Hi, my name is Omata. I was born on the Cook Islands, near Hawaii and New Zealand. Me Maroi's [sic] to which my family belongs, is the oldest Indian tribe in the world. My grandfather was king on one of the Cook islands. He was a great ruler and healer, he healed and advised his island population with lots of love. My parents were really special and loving persons, my father [..] was a police officer and my mother and granny had the gift of being able to look into the future and of healing.
Meanwhile, I have been living in the Netherlands for about 20 years now. [...]
As a medium, I go to paranormal fairs throughout the entire country. […]

Mosher and partners also link to:

The site does not offer all that much, except for:

„Please be patient while our site is being redesigned“ plus Michael Red Sky's e-mail addy and phone number.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2010, 07:41:46 pm »
I seriously doubt any Maori would call themselves an Indian tribe.

Mosher is getting more and more threatening. His latest, followed by my final response.


I do not give permission to use any of my text on your site or forum, so the fair use doctrine (which doesn’t exist in the Netherlands ) is not applicable here.

But you do what you do best…. Bashing people who are trying to help someone else, as you did with a lot of other people too.

It is time somebody does the same to you as you do to others, since I don’t have the financial means to start a lawsuit, you can go on and on with harassing me and others.

Oh and… it’s not an act! It seems you don’t know what spiritual is (anymore).

I’ve seen a lot of discrepancies on the forum, but I do not wish to bash people, so I’ll leave it at this.

Again… I do not want any text which I have the rights to be seen on your site or forum.

You talk about your rights, but at the same time you trample on the rights of others!

As long as any of my text is on your forum and/or site your so called ceremonies and rituals will be posted on mine, since I can appeal to the same fair use doctrine!



Mr. Mosher,

Your childish anger does little but make you seem, well, childish. Certainly someone no one should trust as a spiritual leader or healer or even "natureman." Maturity is one of the most basic requirements. You'll notice it was not just me but others who initially thought you were quite young, likely still a teenager, based on your immature behavior. That someone should still be acting this way when they are in late middle age does not speak well of them.

The Fair Use Doctrine is in place and recognized as the law whether you recognize it or not, or whether you like it or not. So all material from your site will remain, since we are both critiquing it as the actions of a fraud and identifying it as the actions of a fraud.

If you want it to no longer be critiqued or identified as such, the simplest way to stop that would be to stop being a fraud. Cease working with frauds like Redsky, and cease pretending to be a healer or teaching about Native ways.

And as far as "ceremonies on our site," you still don't seem to understand. We don't have any ceremonies described on our site, except as enough to help people tell real from fraudulent. We certainly don't have any descriptions in enough detail to perform or give instructions, as that would be unethical and against the ways we've long been taught.

But if you wish to repost anything from our site, by all means, PLEASE DO SO. We are quite happy to let anyone post anything at NAFPS anywhere people can learn from it. Just please be certain to post a link and list the authors, and post entire posts or articles. We actually will thank you to do so.

I don't think there's much more to be gained from talking to you, unless you realize you are doing wrong. So it's quite possible that further emails from you won't be answered. Take care and we will pray for you and hope you learn you are doing wrong and harm.

Offline Durare

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2010, 09:00:45 pm »
Well, this has been quite an eye opener! Wayne I'll buy you a shovel so you can keep digging  ;)


Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2010, 09:04:45 pm »
I think he meant that as long as his text is on this site, he'll keep the Native ceremonies on his.  Basically, trying to say his posts here are as spiritual and integral to Native Spirituality as the sacred ceremonies are.. that he pretends to know how to run..

Also.. the act of a 5 year old.. "if you don't give me back my ball I'm gonna keep your bat!"..  of course.. though, it's not quite the same since his 'text' is nothing compared to sacred ceremony.. but same mindset as a 5 year old.

edited to add..  OH.. and yeh, the "ceremonies" he's running are not sacred since they are rip offs and no one taught him or gave him permission to run.  Sort of takes the wind out of the sails.. makes the sacred invalid.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 09:06:16 pm by critter »
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Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2010, 12:45:05 pm »

Mr Mosher also makes use of a 'medicine name' and maintains a facebook profile for it:

Wi Sunkmanitu-Tanka Mosher

Mosher still makes use of this name, as this entry dd September 1, 2010 shows:

Door Wi Sunkmanitu-Tanka op 01-09-2010
Een wig-wam is geen hut van takken zoals hier beschreven! Deze wig wam is namelijk een stuk groter en altijd ovaal. [...]

This is a Hyves page where people publish their 'Indian name':

Wayne (Natuurmens) (1000)
9 Jun 2009, 07:26
Die van mij is: Wi Sunkmanitu-tanka en dat betekend zoveel als: zonnewolf (of lichtwolf aangezien dat woord voor beiden wordt gebruikt)


(Translation: Mine is Wi Sunkmanitu-tanka and that means: Sunwolf (or Lightwolf, since that word is used for both.)

And a forum entry from May 2010 – the thread starter claims to be able to do remote viewing and offers to physically describe persons. Mr Mosher here explains how he allegedly received this name:

Wi Sunkmanitu-tanka
User ID: 974177
5/18/2010 1:22 PM

Re: I do remote viewing ask me about a person and I will describe them physically
Thanks, you were correct in all your remarks.
It was even more astounding since i didn't give my first name given at birth, but my given name, wich i received during my quest to become a medicine-man.
I wonder..... you could probably get my birthname also, without me stating it now.
Give a try, just for fun.

Offline Lodro

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2010, 06:48:40 am »
Interesting that in the article of how to build a willow bower, he takes the author to task for destroying the "saceredness of the inipi"

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Wayne Mosher, seller of native ceremonies in the Netherlands
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2010, 05:31:18 pm »
Also interesting is this instance of a white man calling himself "Sunkmanitu-Tanka", a few years before Mosher began to do so:

Here Mosher critiques someone's website, and tells them how he knows the inside scoop on "the prairie natives":
google translation:

12/11/2008 - 16:39 -

Much information is correct, but many do not.
How I know this?
I'm American by birth, with some native blood.
Native blood by this section, I've been in a position to certain habits can observe and learn.
The native blood that I have belongs to the Lakota.
Sioux is a well chosen name for the prairie natives "because they are indeed united war against the whites (yes, the Dutch!).
I also missed a number of tribes within the Sioux are one of the Blackfoot.
Let the rest for myself but because there are many more.
It's not like you say, that the original name is Dakota.
They are different strains, with a very strong structure within the tribes.
 Enough for now.
Also nice that someone here a study of it.


Wi Sunkmanitu-Tanka

« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 05:33:16 pm by Kathryn NicDhàna »