Author Topic: Good afternoon from Texas  (Read 8683 times)

Offline missybrighteyes

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Good afternoon from Texas
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:42:39 pm »
I'm white with no pretense to be anything but white.

I've been reading this forum as a guest for awhile. I found it doing some research on a shaman (one of the FP ones, as it turns out) from my area, although he really gets around. Thanks to all of you who saved me time, energy, hope, and money. Some of you said that one doesn't find them on the internet, but I have no way of finding one any other way at the moment. I'll figure something out.

It has been suggested that I research my property to discover who lived there. The problem I'm having is that maps, scholars, diaries of explorers, and just about everything else I've checked seem to contradict each other. Le sigh. Once years ago I found an arrowhead and put it back where I found it and now I realize that I should have at least taken a picture.  How does one track back through unwritten history, or history that is only written from the side of a diarist-observer?

Anyway, thank you for the help I've received so far.


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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2015, 10:57:19 pm »

Are you saying that you are currently looking for a shaman?

Offline missybrighteyes

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2015, 11:44:33 pm »
I am not seeking a shaman, per se. I don't have enough information yet to know what I'm looking for, actually. I was told to look for a shaman, but it isn't that simple (as I discovered when I started looking for a shaman). When I manage to trace the history of this property then I might know better what is needed and where to find the right help.


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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2015, 12:23:51 am »
Thanks for your response, can you tell us more? Who told you that you may need a shaman?

Sounds like you are having difficulties with your property. You know this forum is not able to help you with this, other than how this forum  helps us all know who and what to stay away from.

Offline missybrighteyes

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2015, 10:27:13 am »
Thank you, Piff.  I do know that you do not help people find shamans, except for the fake ones, that is.  I am not looking for one anymore, fake or otherwise.  Looking for one is how I found this group.

I am confident that if I can get the research right then I can do the part that I think of as requiring a shaman myself.  It will take longer, but  a go-between poses a whole new set of problems.

You discuss all kinds of things here, and so I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction for research. I've done the usual stuff already.  Having just articulated the above, I realize that help with the research is probably subject to the same issues.

I think I'll go back to lurking, learning, and trusting serendipity now.  :)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2015, 01:08:03 pm »
you ask the tribes very simple, ;D it depends on what part of Texas you are in,
we have the Kickapoo, the Comanche, The Apaches and many other who lived to
travel thought the area. One of the problems with Texas it is the state that claims total
extermination of the tribes. But we are still very much alive and know our histories.
The first thing you need to know about us is we have no shamans we do have medicine people
but they don't do magic ???, I think you have one Federal recognized tribe in Texas today that
is where i would start.
In Spirit


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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2015, 02:52:30 pm »
Earthw7 has the answer.

Missy, my guess is that you want to know about your specific piece of land, because you believe something bad happened there, and that is causing phenomena or difficulties today. So your historical research is not satisfying because you are not finding specifics.

If this is right, I have some ideas on that. I will use myself as an example. If I was in this situation I would first make sure that I am stable, getting enough sleep, that my experiences were not due to my own stress and anxiety. Then I would think over my own beliefs. If I was Christian I would ask a minister for help, if she was a good one she would likely make sure as to my health too. Whatever my faith was, I would look to that.

I would consider the possibility that my experience is not real, or that I could turn my attention elsewhere. I could acknowledge that lots of bad things have happened many places and that  I can find a way now to help improve things. It likely would not be specific to my land. If I felt that owning land was giving me a responsibility I would work to help out in my communiity.

I am glad you know that anyone presenting themselves as a shaman is likely a fraud. Many many frauds say they offer land and home blessings, and exorcisms.

My concern is that frauds offering exorcisms, cleansings etc. are preying on people who have mental health problems, who feel that they need cleaning over and over again.

So I would work in my own faith (or lack of) tradition while making sure I was healthy.

Can you tell us who you encountered when you looked for a shaman? That could help others quite a bit.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2015, 08:44:06 pm »
Sometimes white people buy land with bad vibes, assuming they can hire someone to fix it. This is especially common when a property sits on the market for a long time, with potential buyers visiting and feeling uncomfortable. So the price gets lowered and eventually someone who doesn't feel uncomfortable there, or who ignores that feeling because it's affordable, buys it. Then our phones start ringing.

In those situations many people who know more about working with the spirits and the land would not assume they could fix the situation with a ceremony or two (or ten). It might be that people are just not supposed to live there.

I've known people this happened to. None of us could help them. When they eventually moved and the next people living there went to dig a swimming pool, they found things that indicated no one should have ever built anything on that land or tried to live there.

I'm not saying your situation is unfixable.  I don't know what's going on where you live.

Some things can definitely be worked on and improved, but the ways things are dealt with really depends on the cultures involved. There's no one size fits all. As you probably know, the sorts of advice you'll get from the Internet will usually tell you to do things that may anger the spirits where you live, just making it worse.

Offline missybrighteyes

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2015, 10:37:45 pm »
Thank you.  I love it here, and loved it when I bought it long ago.  I think I am the first one (white person) to live permanently on this piece of land. I believe the problems can be resolved. My awareness didn't change. What changed was that I learned the source of the energy.

I'm not wanting to "fix" the situation with a ceremony or two. I don't think that a ceremony is the issue. It is about communication.  The end result will be something that I feel/know is the right thing to do. That's why I'm trying to be so careful. There's more at stake than a little chunk of land.

My land doesn't have bad vibes. The first thing people say when they get out of their truck/car here is, "It's nice out here".  The first thing I say when I drive up is "ah". Now I also greet them, too, of course.  :)

Piff is right that I need more sleep, but I don't think that is the problem. Nor do I think that anything bad happened here.

I know better than to anger them. I've done that by being here. That's part of the reason I decided to post.  I don't want them to leave, but most of my horses are rescues, and I can't afford to leave, either. I love it here. I know in my heart that there is a good way forward.

@earthw7, do you mean that I can contact any one of the three Texas tribes even though they were none here (where I live) and that they will be able to help with the history?  Are your histories shared to that extent? Please forgive my ignorance.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2015, 12:52:10 pm »
the tribes that is federally recognized in Texas lives on the east side of texas they can direct you to where you need to go,
the other tribes from Texas are located in Oklahoma today.
We all know our histories, i was given a lecture explaining the original Native names of the hills and rivers
and i was ask i did not know you had names before the white people came! :o
yes we have acknowledge of the land that goes back thousands of years. There is not a piece of ground in america that is not
native. As i say you walk on the blood of my people.
it depends on which side of texas you are on to determine which tribal territory it is.
In Spirit

Offline missybrighteyes

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Re: Good afternoon from Texas
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2015, 07:57:11 pm »
Many thanks, earthw7! That's what I will do.