Author Topic: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk  (Read 124398 times)

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #105 on: July 24, 2010, 09:38:19 pm »
i meant to post this earlier.  by the picture in the middle of the website for ruth muskat it now says she was not a member but was related to people in the tribe

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #106 on: July 26, 2010, 07:03:25 pm »
just found another post by jbc:

Principal Chief James Billy Chance
January 30th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
Osiyo Cousin James,
It been some time sents we did the movie (Tank ) at Fort Benning, Georgia, and I would hold your beer out side the Out Post Bar at the front Gate at Fort Benning, I have heard of you being down sick, and pray you are doing much better. I was going to ask you to come to Washington DC, on August 18 and 19 , 2010 to be the guess speak for over one million Mix Bleed Cherokee People who are fight for their rights and history to be who they are Chickamauga Cherokee. This is a fight about rights for their history , Religion, and to make their crafts and to just say who they are.
I know cousin James you have been down sick , and this is asking a lot of you, but their is over one million people who are fight for their rights, just to be who they are. We had many good time making the movie at Fort Benning, we had fun talking about farming and chickens, and other things. I know longer live in Alabama and move to Florida, but if you see you can, and your health is better here is my address Cousin.
1352 East Lombardy Drive
Deltona, Florida 32725
office phone 386-574-3291
E-mail ( )
web site ( )

Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #107 on: July 26, 2010, 07:29:06 pm »
Maybe I'm not getting something here, but I fail to understand why these "one million people" can't be who they are?  Is someone telling them they can't be who they are?  If all they were concerned about was 'being who they are'.. then there would be none of this that they are doing, they'd just simply be who they are. Which means they are doing all this for some other reason, which I think is money. They want government to give them money. If there were no funding from gov, then they wouldn't be doing this.. this isn't about them wanting their rights to be who they are.. it's about them wanting to have a right and access to money. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #108 on: July 26, 2010, 08:51:16 pm »
it IS about money!  chance just sent an email to a select few regarding this "march":

Osiyo Tribal Council,
      As your Principal Chief It is My Duty to feel you in on what has taken place, last week Headmother No Moccisan Woman and I had a three way talk with Director Terry Nichols, at which time he tells the both of us that we need to come up with about $150,000.00 in the next four weeks before Washington DC.well Mother and I both had a red flag go up. We had been told from the very start that we need to get the people to come to Washington DC. that he had about 500 very large Corporation backing him.
     Well today I ask Vice Chief Little Brother Vossburg to call the United State Park Service in Washington DC, and ask them if the permits have ever been pulled for the 16 , 17, 18, 19, 20 of August 2010, and they have no record of any premits being pulled. Plus we were told that there would have been paperwork sent from the park service 6 months prior (to the event) to tribal office.
     We  been transfering all the money that has came into this office to the Green Dot For The Earth thinking this was all on the level and up and up.
     I have told Headmother No Moccisan Woman in order to save what we can of this program to start transfering every thing to the Earth Day Program next year in 2011.
     As your Principal Chief all I can say is I am sorry, we have been taken in, but we can try to save what we can by moving this program to the Earth Day program in 2011.
     As your Principal Chief all of this falls on me, I should have seem this coming, but did not, this all falls on my head, I am very sorry about this.
Principal Chief James Billy Chance
1352 East Lombardy Drive
Deltona, Florida 32725
Phone 386-574-3291
E-mail ( )
Web Site ( )

one of the people notified terry and he was pissed that chance did this to him.  he was not told that he was going to take the fall for all of this.  terry said he advised chance that there was no backers and hadnt been since january.  he said he cant cancel because he has already put deposits down on so he'll be there with a sign.  he was very upset that chance sent this email out to a select few but never told him that he was taking the blame for chance and said he had reciepts for everything and could account for what chance wanted. 

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #109 on: August 12, 2010, 06:19:29 pm »
I thought this was interesting.  James Billy Chance who goes by the title of "Principle Chief" will appear on the Radio this weekend to explain to listeners "why the Native Blood March in D.C. was canceled".  It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.  His Radio interview is scheduled for this Friday, Aug 13th, at 7pm EST and it looks like it can be listened to online.


Due to The Jay Nightwolf Radio Show Fundraiser that was broadcast on WPFW for Friday August 6 at 7:00PM, the interview with Principal Chief James Billy Chance has been rescheduled to 7:00PM Friday August 13th. He will be on the Radio Talk Show to talk about what has happened to our tribe and why we had to cancel the Native Blood March in Washington DC.

The website address is so please remember to tune in at 7:00PM Eastern Time this Friday Night.

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #110 on: August 12, 2010, 11:50:50 pm »

thanks for posting.  i had wanted to listen now im glad ill have the chance.  i understand that the jay nightwolf show is actually very reputable so now im concerned about his reputation being called into question by this "chief" and the tribe and all the things surrounding this that are wrong

am i wrong to wonder?

Offline Diana

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #111 on: August 13, 2010, 02:37:26 am »

thanks for posting.  i had wanted to listen now im glad ill have the chance.  i understand that the jay nightwolf show is actually very reputable so now im concerned about his reputation being called into question by this "chief" and the tribe and all the things surrounding this that are wrong

am i wrong to wonder?

No, these fakes are masters at finagling and insinuating themselves into legitimate Indian circles and they wear it like a badge of honor. They will hold it up as a sign of credibililty and ride it for all it's worth. If anyone is interested in alerting Jay Nightwolf his E-mail address is

Lim lemtsh,

« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 02:51:15 am by Diana »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #112 on: August 13, 2010, 05:00:39 pm »
Jay Winter Nightwolf is a member of a Social Club called the "Echota Cherokee Tribe".  So he may be sympathetic to their cause.  
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 05:05:43 pm by BlackWolf »

Offline Paul123

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #113 on: August 14, 2010, 11:26:33 am »
Well? Did anybody hear the program?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #114 on: August 14, 2010, 05:37:05 pm »
Caught the last half hour or so and never heard any mention of Chance, his group, or the event.

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #115 on: August 14, 2010, 08:58:20 pm »
chance was in the first half hour.  i missed the first 10 minutes of the show but caught the last part.  at first he said there was no permits and then said that he held in his hand a permit for sign carrying only.  he also sent out an email :

Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 9:37 AM
Subject: need to report into the main office

Osiyo Council,

     Well after all most two weeks the truth comes out, Mother No Moccisan Woman resign after keeping us on a string for the past two week, when this tribe was and still is under attack. In hundreds of year we have never in our history had a Headmother of the Roundhouse cut and run when this tribe was under attack, and miss lead her people, to think she was doing her job , when she was ask to send the list of guess that was to come to Washington, DC. So we could help let them know it was cancel and the reason why, she never send us the list, She said she was going to send out to all the people to let them no she was still the Headmother and not believe the story be told , she did not do what she said , she lied to us.

    I told her time and time again this is not a concert, a performance to do music , it is a fight for our rights to be who we are, but she work on guess only to perform music making ,but people who could talk about matter to do without rights , she did not wish to ask to come, she told me she did not wish Chief Three Feathers to speak, and others .

   In my 44 year as chief she is my biggest mistake I ever make. I must move to find a replacement for the Headmother of the Roundhouse. Here are some of the list so far.


1/ Mother Barbara Sanchez

2/ Mother Star Harden Miller

3/ Mother Michele Reyonld

4/ Mother Kim Lambert

5/ Mother Marjore Winston

6/ Mother Melissa Sparks

7/ Mother Cheyenne Autumn Chance

8/Mother Denelda Wilkerson

9/ Mother Karen Miles

10/ Mother Linda Wibbens

11/Mother Patricia Zattau

12/ Mother Jacquie Trump

13/ Mother Camille Ceoghegan


This is only a list , we have not make a final choose at this time.




Principle Chief James Billy Chance

1352 East Lombardy Drive

Deltona, Fl 32725

Phone 386-574-3291

Web Site:

in the broadcast portion i heard him blame no moccasins and state the reason for him being on the show was because he didnt know who all was invited or how to contact them all and so he was on the show to make an attempt to notify people.  i was kind of disappointed in the nightwolf show.  it actually seemed to be a platform for people to talk about different gatherings (legit native or not).  host also didnt accept phone calls since i know two people who attempted to call in to talk to chance (or possibly tell him off - God knows he deserves it).  terry nichols also said he was invited onto the show (dont know if he showed up or not) but told me that he felt set up by the whole thing.  chance ironically was saying what a great job no moccasins did and yet on the show slammed her.  feel bad for anyone involved with chance

ps on that email several of those "mothers" already lead one portion or such. (cheyenne autumn being his wife)

Offline Diana

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #116 on: August 16, 2010, 01:11:23 am »

thanks for posting.  i had wanted to listen now im glad ill have the chance.  i understand that the jay nightwolf show is actually very reputable so now im concerned about his reputation being called into question by this "chief" and the tribe and all the things surrounding this that are wrong

am i wrong to wonder?

No, these fakes are masters at finagling and insinuating themselves into legitimate Indian circles and they wear it like a badge of honor. They will hold it up as a sign of credibililty and ride it for all it's worth. If anyone is interested in alerting Jay Nightwolf his E-mail address is

Lim lemtsh,


Jay Winter Nightwolf is a member of a Social Club called the "Echota Cherokee Tribe".  So he may be sympathetic to their cause. 

This is a good example of how people are easily fooled including myself.
I have never heard of this JayWinter Nightwolf but took it on good faith that
he was legitimate. But after reading Blackhawk's post I did a little
research. He claims Shoshone, Cherokee and Taino? Anyone belonging
to a questionable group as the Echota (I think we have a thread on
them) and that is their only provable claim to an Indian heritage
should be questioned. If you google his name all kinds of links come
up with his name and fake Indian, wannabe and so on.
Like the Chickamauga, this Nighthawk person has
insinuated himself in to legitimate Indian circles and looks like he
has been doing this for a number years, of course he operates in an
area with little or no Indian presence. He could never have gotten
away with playing Indian in let's say Montana or South Dakota because
these imposters will almost always be questioned.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #117 on: August 19, 2010, 10:37:22 pm »
Just realized this was supposed to be day three of their event. Haven't heard a peep about it. Checked Facebook and found that Terry Nichols is supposed to be one of the guests on United Native Radio tonight (Thursday 8/19/10). Show starts in about half an hour:

United Native Radio with FEENIX and James Magaska Swan! 7-9pm eastern time

"We will also have Terry Nichols for a live update on the Native Blood March On Washington, D.C.
Which is August 17,18 and 19th!"

Terry Nichols  "I can't wait! I will also have the rap-up from the Native American Civil Rights March on Washington. AHO!"
Monday at 7:43am

ETA: Terry Nichols has posted "coverage" of the "event"  I don't see any images of groups of people. Just a few videos of one guy speaking. All but two of them appear to be Terry Nichols, talking about how he grew up "thinking he was white", but then when he was in his mid-forties he was told by an elderly member of the family he was... Chickamauga Cherokee.

Did I miss something, or wasn't Nichols still a white guy when all this started?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:04:59 am by Kathryn »

Offline ny1

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2010, 02:45:03 am »
Nichols has shown up on facebook and posted info about this march.

I can't say much cause I just noticed this and I knew I'd seen his  Name on fb.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #119 on: August 20, 2010, 02:26:52 pm »
On this link they dropped their original claim that they'd try for a million people down to "10,000 expected."

The facebook page seems one of the very few places it's even mentioned. At the bottom is McKellip/No Mocassins washing her hands of it and a couple people reassuring her they don't blame her.

And now of course it all seems to have wound down to three guys making speeches for youtube in the Mall while indifferent tourists pass by.

Ending not with a bang or even a whimper. More like barely a sigh. It actually surprised me it ended so badly. I thought at least they'd get a couple dozen of them showing up. Wannabe "Cherokee Blackfoot" groups in NY routinely get that many for public gatherings.