Author Topic: anti derailment thread rebuttal  (Read 4276 times)

Offline tachia

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anti derailment thread rebuttal
« on: June 13, 2009, 11:30:43 pm »
After attempting to ignore all of the lies and trash mike has spewed about me personally, I finally decided to answer to his latest personal spew of lies and hatred in the thread he created just so he could spew this bs and not be accused of yet again derailing another thread  .. he called his personal rant: “the anti derailment thread” .. my rebuttal post was deleted (as were other posts, including, I understand, a couple of mikes).. .. the thread is locked now, yet all of his hatred, lies etc. about me still stand unchallenged in there for all to read .. after almost 3 years of mike and his little “gang” waging all out war against me (and my family) I am sick of it .. I WILL post my rebuttal and I will be happy to answer any questions that anyone may have, if I am not deleted yet again for merely speaking up for myself finally .. ..  .. but please do understand that I absolutely WILL NOT directly answer to any post by mike nor any of his “gang” .. if you read through the links provided I believe you will see very quickly as to why I will not answer to mike and his “gang” ..

I have quite simply had more than enough of mikes bs .. period .. it needs to stop! .. these flame wars of his need to end, ALL of them, no matter who the “victim” of their vileness is! .. mike and his “gang” act without honor, like they have no family .. .. ..

is it fair that mikes thread stands for all to read his lies and yet my rebuttal post was deleted?? .. I have had quite a few messages/emails from people who believe it is not fair .. people were able to read what I posted before it got deleted and they wished to respond to it all .. they were never given the chance as my post was deleted .. .. so with that in mind I am re-posting my rebuttal of mikes lies .. ..

at the very least I would ask Al to simply lock this thread as he did mikes and to not delete my post again .. in all fairness .. we all have the right to address our accusers .. .. do we not?

(my deleted post in mikes thread)
this is ridiculous .. why is this even in here?? .. .. this is "new age frauds and plastic shamans" .. not a forum for the personal rants about mikes aka rattlebones vile hatred of certain people, including myself .. .. ..

i do not claim to be a chief, spiritual leader, or anything else even remotely associated with being either a fraud or a plastic shaman .. so why is mike being allowed to bring his personal grudges against ordinary people, such as myself, into this forum?

if i was claiming to be some sort of spiritual guru and was selling ceremony then he, and anyone else, would have the right to question me and expect answers from me .. i am not claiming any such thing so WHY does he have the right to interrogate me? .. can anyone in NAFPS tell me why this personal grudge/vendetta rant is being allowed in here? ..

mike has a hard core grudge against walks and expanded it to include people that walks was friends with, especially me .. .. mike flat out told me that if i would stop being friends with walks i could be included in his “gang” and that he would tell them all to leave me alone .. i refused the “offer” .. no one can tell me who to be friends with and I do not play the guilt by association game .. ..

walks has been a friend of the family for years and a good one at that .. i know his family, he knows mine .. he has helped out my family and I have helped out his .. bottom line is that he is a friend in real life and i do not know mike or any of his friends in real life nor do i want to .. .. walks is a FRIEND and i resent the implication that there is more to it than that .. i am in a relationship of 6 years and quite happy .. i also resent continually being tied together with him, “walks and tachia or tachia and walks” .. we are certainly not that close ..  i have not seen him in months .. we do not talk very often and when we do it is about family not this crap .. i am not in his hip pocket nor he in mine .. i do not collaborate nor conspire with him in any way, i am certainly not his accomplice in ANYTHING .. we are not connected in any way other than being friends .. and that last statement holds true of my friend brenda too, another one they hate and love to flame ..

mike and his friends BAIT people, they goad them into saying things they can then use against them .. .. .. they twist everything that a person says around to mean something entirely different .. they talk out both sides of their mouths .. .. .. .. .. .. consider this, if any of you were constantly being attacked for years would you not react? .. perhaps you would even react in an unacceptable manner .. .. .. ..

i tried to walk away from all this BS .. I refused to participate, refused to engage or answer to any of their flaming crap .. I quit going to the groups he and his friends were in and he followed me to the other places I went, including here apparently .. I tried to have nothing to do with mike and his buddies .. they will NOT leave me alone .. they have harassed me for years now .. mike has publicly posted pictures of not only me but my family, in an effort to degrade and belittle me .. he has made disparaging remarks about not only me but about my children, my parents, and my grandparents .. he continually crosses lines that are NOT to be crossed .. .. I have tried to talk to him to no avail .. I have tried to ignore him to no avail .. the man and his friends simply will NOT leave me alone!!! .. ..

I have been harassed, threatened, degraded, slandered, demeaned, insulted, verbally abused and vilified by this man and his friends for YEARS .. .. when is enough, enough? ..

decide for yourselves .. take a few days to read the crap that has been going on for years now .. the following is but a very small example of what mike and friends do to people .. there is, of course, far more, unfortunately and unlike mike I do not keep extensive files on people so that I can cut and paste BS about them ..  and I am not going to go look for more of their vulgarity to post.. .. .. ..

rattle: “speaking of pics anyone from the allies remember that pic of that bitch Tachia Fawk???? Looks like the wicked witch of Colorado on crack....all bug eyed n shit. I bet the bitch is the chupacabra lol.” .. note: he actually made it a war, calling his “gang” the “allies” and calling all their enemies the “posse” .. ..

rattle: (about walks) .. “So what happens is it gets the word out and makes him have to run all over to defend himself. Something I used to do against former enemies on here..” ..

rattle: “Until Tachia comes out and appologizes for her part, and or proves she was not part of it and denounces Walks....she will be forever under my sights.”

rattle: (about the LP protest DH organized) “Yea us pointing out their bullshit on here is getting more attention then what they are doing out there lol.”

rattle: “Damn Tachia put your make up back on!!!!” .. this is just wrong, petty etc ..

rattle: “How about when we hear he has died that we all meet up and go to his funeral with a bunch of beer. Then we can stand around pissing on his grave. I say we start the party when his family is still there :)”  .. this is just vile about john dying from his fight with leukemia .. ..

rattle: “If Tachia Hawk was the good woman some on here are claiming she is, then why has she not come out and denounced Walks????” .. and more BS ..

rattle: “aww how cute the white cunt is trolling hard core now. I seriously hope you get leukemia or something like another white fuck I can’t stand.” .. again vile about walks illness and just plain vulgar .. ..

showing all of “them” with their true colors .. ..

rattle: “Tachia Hawk/ Walks appreciation thread-If you have ever been threatened with violence or in any way by these two clowns please tell your story in this thread. Thank you :)-I hope that we are not the only ones that come into this thread and speak about going to lose respect for people if they dont speak up. This aint no flame thread....this is telling what has been done to us.” ..

rattle: “Allies 2 .. .. .. Dirt bags and bitchbags 0   :)     (they call their “gang” the Allies) ..thread: hateful soul 1

 more of the same .. thread: hateful soul 2

vulgar flaming of Al, Moma P, others and NAFPS in general ..

more vulgar flaming  .. with cat carnes participation ..

Offline bls926

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Re: anti derailment thread rebuttal
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 12:39:34 am »
I really hope this thread is not deleted or edited; it should stand as is. I didn't read every post on those links, but I've read enough to know that Rattlebone, Yvette, Eric, Dani, and even Cat Carnes are not innocent victims. As Tachia said, people should be able to see both sides of this argument and decide for themselves.

I found it amusing that Dani and Yvette seem to think they've discovered who Moma is. They're patting themselves on the back for their fantastic investigative skills. Hell, they couldn't find their way out of a room with only one door.

Then there's the discussion about why NAFPS was shut down a couple years ago, when John LeKay was stalking Al, but claiming it was the other way around. Frauds and twinks always tend to quote exploiters. Maybe they just can't tell the truth from lies.

NAFPS is accused of being "spiritual police" and disrespecting elders. Dani . . . "yes...ya know, i can see his intent in exposing exploiters but when this self proclaimed spiritual police openly disrespects the elders and those who are in authority he needs to be put in his place."

Funny thing about Dani . . . A little over a year ago she came here to NAFPS saying Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council needed to be investigated. She'd had a falling out with Walks and because he and Ben were friends, I guess she figured Ben was evil. Now that Ben and Walks are no longer friends, Dani and Ben are buddies. Seems a little fickle to me. If the man needed to be investigated a year ago and still hasn't answered any of the questions asked of him, how has Dani formed such a good opinion of him?

And Cat Carnes who was so active this time last year . . .
"Snickers at Yvette... since i wont go on that thread now i feel a part of the family now that i have been censored!!!

And trust me - it took me a while to get over the betrayal, lies and pure idiocy coming from them...but if you look at it a certain way - whose expense is it really when i t comes down to it in the end... it’s going to backfire on them when the truth comes out however it does..hey!! maybe they will get off their lazy butts and just call the Tayacs and ask.... Tachia knows alll about it.. no wait!!!! That wouldnt work for them!!! It wouldnt perpetuate the lie and keep her royal assness in the limelight... ;p"

I got off my lazy butt and called Billy Tayac. He refused to talk about Ben Carnes.

Yes, most of these posts are from a couple months ago. However, Rattlebone started it up again on June 6th, so it is still going on.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: anti derailment thread rebuttal
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 02:38:08 am »

 .. it needs to stop! .. these flame wars of his need to end, ALL of them, no matter who the “victim” of their vileness is! ..

at the very least I would ask Al to simply lock this thread as he did mikes and to not delete my post again .. in all fairness .. we all have the right to address our accusers .. .. do we not?

Done. I hope this is the last we will see of these types of threads or posts. I really regret letting the other thread go forward at all. I seriously thought about entirely deleting both threads, but amidst all the anger there are small bits of information that may help others sort these matters out and decide for themselves.