Author Topic: Whirling Rainbow  (Read 22902 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Whirling Rainbow
« on: March 04, 2008, 10:05:18 pm »
Maumee River Water Blessing Ceremony

May 11th @ 2:00 - 5:00 - Advanced Tickets Only - $33

Ostego Park Stone Hall Grand Rapids, Ohio

Space is limited, please order as soon as possible and help bring Grandmother Drum!!

From a vision of indigenous grandmothers and many hands of the multicultural Alaskan community, the large, seven-foot diameter, crystal inlaid, GrandMother Drum was built in 2000. The GrandMother Drum is traveling the world as an international symbol of the Universal Heart that connects all races and all cultures of the human family. Immediately after her birth in 2001, GrandMother Drum was invited to be the very heartbeat of Alaska's largest human rights march, the "We the People" Alaska Native Subsistence March gathering over five thousand people. Within six months, the worldwide request for her community healing work spread like a wildfire. The project then launched two "Ring of Fire" World Tours in Australia, traveling over twenty thousand miles throughout the country in 2002 and 2003 sharing culture, promoting cross-cultural awareness, healing and reconciliation. The project worke! d intimately with the Aboriginal communities in countless reconcilation gatherings with Australia's "Stolen Generation" premiered in the movie, "Rabbit Proof Fence." The project also worked directly with Aboriginal Elder Eileen Brown and the Kungka Juta grandmothers in their plight to keep a nuclear waste dump from their tribal lands.

Contact Audrey Stone 419-478-6143 or audreystone@ sbcglobal. net

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Here is her site:
www.whirlingrainbow .com
GrandMother Drum 2008 USA

Healing Waters Tour

We have been asked to focus our 2008 USA Tour on the Healing of Mother Earths Waters and will be hosting ceremonies at many of the major rivers and lakes throughout America. The tour highlights will include a five day Spring Equinox Delaware Water Gap Ceremony and another five day Summer Solstice Gathering of One with tribes coming together from all around the world at Yellowstone in Montana.

Healing Waters USA Caravan Tour!

We have received numerous requests from people wanting to travel the entire USA Tour with us and particpate in all the ceremonies, workshops and healing sessions. The GMD USA Tour begins February 8, 2008 in Loveland, Colorado and will close in Vancouver Island, Canada on July 6, 2008. A discounted cost to join this transformational journey with all venues, weekends and healing sessions of our five month tour is $3666 if paid before Febraury 8, 2008.

You must provide your own transporation, food and lodging. Contact <http://whirlingrain htm> our office for details.

Here is her Itinerary:

February 8, 2008-Loveland, Colorado
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance and Opening Tour Ceremonies February 9-10, 2008 - Loveland, Colorado
Shamanic Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum with Community "Mother Drum" Initiation Ceremony February 22-24, 2008 - Trail of Tears Broken Arrow, OK
Pipe Ceremony, Opening Healing March 1, 2008- Chattanooga, Tennessee
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance March 2, 2008- Chattanooga, Tennessee
Traditional Fire Ceremony for the Healing of the Waters March 9th, 2008 - Luray, Shenandoah Valley, VA
Medicine Wheel Portal Activation Ceremony 11-6pm March 10, 2008 Luray, Shenadoah Valley, Va Spirit Walk Group Healing Session 6-8:30pm March 14, 2008 - Moorestown, New Jersey
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance March 16, 2008 - Wilmington, Delaware
Grandmother Drum Prayerformance March 18-22, 2008 - Near Trenton, NJ
Spring Equinox Healing Waters Ceremony- Delaware Water Gap. April 4, 2008, Weymouth, MA
GrandMotherDrum Prayerformance April 5-6, 2008, Weymouth, MA
Medicine Wheel Portal Activation Ceremony with GrandMother Drum April 13, 2008 Newtown, Pennsylvania GrandMother Drum Prayerformance 10am-1pm. April 20, 2008- Walter Reed Military Hospital, Washington DC Private Community Healing Ceremony April 25, 2008- Rocky River, Ohio
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance April 26-27, 2008-Rocky River, Ohio
Shamanic Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum May 1, 2008 - Worldwide
Grandmother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart Film Premiere on Global Love Day Worldwide! May 2, 2008- Oakland County, Michigan
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance May 3-4, 2008- Oxford, Michigan
Shamanic Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum with Community "Mother Drum" Initiation Ceremony May 11, 2008-Bowling Green, Ohio
Mother Day Healing Waters Ceremony May 23, 2008- Fort Worth, Texas
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance May 24-25, 2008 - Dallas, Ft. Worth, TX
Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum June 6-8, 2008- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Red Earth Festival- tentative June 12-15, 2008 – Black Hills, South Dakota
Community Healing Ceremonies June 17, 2008- West Yellowstone, Montana
Language of One: Metatron Graduation Ceremony June 18-21, 2008 - West Yellowstone, MT
The Gathering of One, Global Eden Event July 4-6, 2008-Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Medicine Wheel Portal Ceremonial Weekend BACK HOME IN ALASKA!
August 9, 2008- Homer, Alaska
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance August 10, 2008- Homer, Alaska
Illuminating the Sacred Heart Teachings August 14-19, 2008 Homer, Alaska
Morning Dove Lodge: Shamanic Women's Healing Ceremonies Launching of the Rainbow Fire Dream Lodge.
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 11:15:02 pm »
I think Stone might just be a local contact. The main group behind this is the Whirling Rainbow-heads.

I broke out laughing when I saw their board of directors.

Don't they remind you of little kids dressed up for Halloween and grinning at themselves in the mirror?

"White Eagle Medicine Woman
(Suraj Holzwarth) Seneca Metis
Randy Bozelle Cherokee Metis
Kathryn Farely
Samantha Elliot
(Tymoreye) Cherokee Metis"

While I'm sure they're drawing a lot of well intentioned but naive people, I have yet to see what anyone gains from this except a vague feeling of "I'm so spirhcul." No doubt what they also gain from spending 175 bucks on one of their Talking Moon Rainbow Staffs.

Didn't they know what moon refers to in many NDN traditions? Probably not. But then, "Talking Menstrual Cycle Rainbow Staff" doesn't have the same ring to it.

"White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth) is the director and drum keeper of the International GrandMother Drum Peace Project. She is an international performance artist and seer of Seneca and Celtic descent. Her CDs include Journey of the Heart and Songlines of the Soul. She is the director and co-producer of the newly released documentary film GrandMother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart. She is also the founder and director of The Whirling Rainbow Foundation and the Rainbow Fire Dream Lodge in Palmer, Alaska."

We have older threads about Holwarth and the whole crystal skulls bunch.
Bozelle shows up in websites as the manager of a ski lodge.
Elliot is an artist.

But that doesn't stop the two of them from going to Tennessee and charging people for doing a "Mayan ceremony" to heal the river from the Trail of Tears. (??!!)
"March 2, 2008- Chattanooga, Tennessee
Traditional Fire Ceremony for the Healing of the Waters
Location TBA Time 1-6pm Cost $66
Children 12 and over welcome
Join White Eagle Medicine Woman and Cherokee Healer Tymoreye' Elliot as they lead a traditional Mayan Fire Ceremony for the healing of the Tennessee River and to honor all that has transpired along the Cherokee Trail of Tears."

The really sad part of this is Holwarth's leaching off a legit and important issue, a nuclear waste dump on Australian Aboriginal lands.


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Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 11:04:43 pm »
This is a group I am not questioning if they are fake because they are. I just want to know what anyone knows about pertaining to this group. Here is what is on their site.

The Vision

Among the Navaho and Hopi, the Whirling Rainbow is a prophecy and a promise of peace for all Nations and all people through the understanding that all races are one. The Whirling Rainbow vision is to unite the people of the five sacred colors; all creeds working together for the good of the whole. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be realized.

The Mission

The Whirling Rainbow Foundation is an international spiritual and educational 501c3 organization which honors and celebrates the diverse cultural and spiritual paths of the human family. The foundation cultivates the universal teachings of inner peace, loving compassion, wisdom and understanding at the core of every culture and spiritual tradition.

Our mission is to awaken the spiritual intelligence (divinity) of the heart of humanity, manifesting the full potential of the human spirit to co-create a world of unity, love and peace with the self, family, community and the earth. Through its own projects and working together with like organizations, the Whirling Rainbow Foundation celebrates all paths to wholeness through the universal languages of music, dance, cultural, visual and healing arts.


Rainbow Fire Mystery School


The Heart of One:

Wisdom Teachings of the GrandMothers:

If you are interested in the extended teachings we are sharing on this tour about Mother Earth’s Waters and the renewal of our bodies as we receive the new octave of consciousness from the center of the Milky Way. This course contains profound instructions for moving through the last five years into 2012 and how we can assist ourselves, others and the earth.

Part 1 Second Group begins February 20, 2008. See our Workshop page for details.

Includes monthly conferencce calls with White Eagle Medicine Woman.

The Language of One:

The 64 Lessons of Metatron
Eighth Wave begins February 21, 2008.
See our Workshop page for details.

Join over 250 people online around the world working with the full activation of the 22 chakras of the Prismatic Fire Light Body. These lessons give precise guidance through sound and light meditations, fire light codes and teachings of self mastery to move through this amazing time with ease and grace. Includes monthly conferencce calls with White Eagle Medicine Woman.

The Whirling Rainbow Foundation
Po Box 2822 Palmer AK 99645
907 745 5636 Office

« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 11:08:26 pm by RavenCrow »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 12:25:22 am »
Wado. I will look at them. I was reading every post and kind of over looked some because there was too much to read in one day. I am sure these will be helpful because I came here originally because I liked what I saw and how people did their research. I am not here for any other reason but to learn and get to the bottom of some situations and frauds out there. So wado


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Re: Does anyone know anything about Audrey Stone??
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 12:39:32 am »
Absolutely amazing! Now would that not be a miracle if they can heal/wash away the Trail Of Tears? Now if they do what does that mean for us? Will it mean all the Cherokees past and present will have back everything they once had? Or will it be a feeble attempt to try and erase their history of what they did to us? Will it wash away all the memories passed down from generation to generation and be as if it never happened? I wonder what other great feats they can perform to erase all of the Indian History?

Now I might be able to go to this one. Medicine Wheel Portal Activation Ceremony with Grandmother Drum April 13, 2008 Newtown, Pennsylvania. After reading they will heal the waters of the trail of tears makes me ever so excited to see what portal in the Medicine wheel will be a comet so I can kick their asses onto it.

Wado for this post and I think I can use the information supplied here to help my research.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2008, 02:45:51 am »
post these in the reseach post
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2008, 03:26:16 am »
Threads are now merged. RavenCrow, take a look at where a topic is supposed to go before you go posting just anywhere again.

This claim of there being a Whirling Rainbow Prophecy was something I hadn't heard before. Supposedly Navajo and of course Hopi (as Nuagers claim for just about everything.)

But the whirling rainbow among the Dineh is a spirit that brought rain to the Three Sisters, Corn, Beans, and Squash. The way these Nuagers talk it, they make it sound almost exactly like the whole Rainbow Warriors pseudo "prophecy." Some of us remember that, the whole "In time you must give NDN beliefs to the whites" claim will happen in the future.

I went searching online, and literally every single link I found for "whirling rainbow prophecy" was a Nuage site, including Nuage and pagan groups taking the name.

Found a forum where someone mentioned the alleged "Whirling Rainbow Prophecy" actually comes from a Jamie Samms book.

And Samms claims to be Cherokee and supposedly teaching Seneca ways (through "adoption" by Twyla Nitsche). Who knows how she claims to be teaching Hopi and Navajo ways also?

That forum claims to be for Natives, but there's a book thread that mentions mostly Nuage books.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2008, 05:35:04 pm »
gag hurl cough!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Whirling Rainbow
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2008, 06:48:39 am »