Hi Eugene. Just how high were you as you were writing?
"i came across this forum today and remembered an anonimmous email i believe you sent us some time back."
I don't send anonymous emails and I've never emailed you or your group. That's your paranoia talking.
Already you're providing an example of how you and your group don't kn ow what you're doing and harm not only others, but yourself.
"I took it pretty openly then and checked in with myself and my authenticity on this subject, so thank you."

Barnaby might be nauseated by you, but I find your self delusion amusing.
Just so you know, I checked in with tens of thousands of years of hundreds of Native traditions on you, and they all said you're a group of frauds.
So thanks to you as well. Even though you're naive young people, you have so much money and arrogance from your sense of white privilege it's drowning out any spiritual teachings you've learned from yogis and other teachers.
"when we lived in Peru, we had a legally opened local business there"
In Peru it's quite common for mestizos to hustle naive tourists by pretending to be Indians and selling phony cures or offering to get them high on ayahuasca. Seems to be what happened to you and what you are now doing in concert with a local.
The fact remains, ayahuasca is not legal outside of Latin America and you can be prosecuted in your home countries for setting up come-get-high tours.
"We are not making any money on these projects, although we are starting to think in this direction and are advertising more, to see what kind of response we get"
So much for your I'm so spirchul stance. You hear the cash registers ringing and that's all you care about.
"If you see something wrong with our expression or the way we do things, by all means offer your opinion, we are very open to any help or input, because we are complete newbies at this."
Are the drugs interfering with your ability to read, or does the thought of money simply blind you to the obvious?
Self described newbies should not be setting themselves up as teachers. They should not be handing out powerful drugs to anybody wanting to get high and play Indian for the right price. Ayahuasca should only be used by those who will become healers within Indian communities, people rigorously chosen for their seriousness and mental stability, not any flake who feels like flying to the Amazon.
"We found something that really works for people and are learning to make it into our expression and service. Our intentions are pure to the best of our knowledge."
Again, you don't seem to know much of anything. Your sense of white privilege and desire to make money has blinded you to how much of a group of charlatans you've all become.