Author Topic: Sabine Böhler "Native American Academy" "SunTurtle Woman"  (Read 3837 times)


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Sabine Böhler "Native American Academy" "SunTurtle Woman"
« on: January 31, 2019, 03:25:55 am »
Associated with this thread:

Google translation:

Sabine Böhler - Sunturtle Woman
To my person:
I am Sabine Böhler, born on 28.10.1967. Mother of 3 daughters aged 27, 16 and 14 years.
Since 1992 I have been on my way or better looking for myself.
Who am I ? What am I ? These questions accompanied me since my childhood.
In 1995 I crossed the Atlantic and when I arrived in Brazil I landed at the Union de
Back in Austria I got an invitation to meet a shaman from Peru.
Don Agostin Rivas Vasquez, he has the highest rank as a shaman in Peru in Tamshiyacu.
He invited me to the jungle after the ceremony. I then drove in January to March 1996
There he taught me the ancient school of the Incas, Quechuas from Amazonia.
During those 10 weeks, I made diets, drank medicine from the jungle, and purified my body,
my mind and my soul.
It took me 10 years to integrate what I learned there into my life.
Don Agostin is now 90 years old and every year when he comes to Europe, I meet him.
He will come again in 2016 at the age of 90 years.
Life gave me then in one and a half years again 2 girls and therefore I could not
to South America and was in a shamanic school in Europe for 10 years.
In 2012, Medicine Turtle came into my life and through him I was allowed the old school of
get to know Native American tradition from North America.
I founded the Native Academy together with him and
we teach people outdoors in nature.
I organize and translate all his tours and seminars that he does in Europe.
In 2015 we got married and got the blessing of Peter V. Catches, he is the
37th Generation Medicine Man from South Dakota, Pine Ridge Reservation.
On July 7, 2016, I founded a non-profit organization to help us
Support projects from South Dakota.
Lakota Solar Enterprises
Oceti Wakan
In 2016, we have with Henry Red Cloud, 5th generation descendant of
Chief Red Cloud made a tour of Europe.
In 2018 we want him and his wife Gloria (cousin of Arvol Looking Horse
white buffalo pipe keeper) to Europe

Native American Academy

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1413
Re: Sabine Böhler "Native American Academy" "SunTurtle Woman"
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2019, 05:21:37 am »
Back in Austria I got an invitation to meet a shaman from Peru.
Don Agostin Rivas Vasquez, he has the highest rank as a shaman in Peru in Tamshiyacu.
He invited me to the jungle after the ceremony. I then drove in January to March 1996
There he taught me the ancient school of the Incas, Quechuas from Amazonia.
During those 10 weeks, I made diets, drank medicine from the jungle, and purified my body,
my mind and my soul.
It took me 10 years to integrate what I learned there into my life.
Don Agostin is now 90 years old and every year when he comes to Europe, I meet him.
He will come again in 2016 at the age of 90 years.

Name misspelled. Correct is: "Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez". I wrote about him (bolded here) and his son:

Great blog post here:

My links are to earlier articles about the dangers of Ayahuasca, but also about one particular Peruvian shaman/healer, or curandero, that the writer throws glowing praise at. The treatment or cure that she went through sounds outrageous to me, but she insists it's "the real thing", or something like that. (BTW, the comments to these three articles are also interesting reads.)

That hero and savior of hers maintains this website (in English, German, and Spanish):

This is his father and teacher (in the menu to the left, on top of "Our Teachers" lists is Joseph Rael, who has been named as a fraud in this forum):

There is a book about Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez:

There is also a ten year old thread in the forum:

(In the thread and links from there he is named "Don Augustin Rivas Vasquez".)