Author Topic: Hi from Germany  (Read 5301 times)

Offline Ank

  • Posts: 1
Hi from Germany
« on: August 01, 2018, 08:18:42 pm »
Hi to you all,

I am Anke from Germany. Thanks for letting me join your forum!

I found this forum when looking for first-hand information on certain statements, un-truths, lies - whatever you may call them - I regularly come across here in Germany when people talk about "Indians".
I used to be a student at the University of Arizona in Tucson and I have studied Native American Politics with David Wilkins and Tohono O'Odham with Ofelia Zepeda. So I had a little insight, and on many occasions I have some information to set things straight. But more often than not I miss having precise information and I do not want to rely on the internet nor on books written by old anthropologists.
So that's why I am here.

Apart from that I am a linguist by training, have worked for quite some time in IT training and am currently training to become a technical writer. I am also trying to learn Russian, as I have found my other great love - besides Arizona - to be the Arctic.

Please excuse any mistakes in spelling or wording, as English is not my native language.

Herzliche Gruesse
Anke aka Ank