Author Topic: VeryRandom would like to say hello to you!  (Read 6247 times)


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VeryRandom would like to say hello to you!
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:26:51 pm »
Good day (or good evening) NAFPS

My grammar is not the best so forgive me for any grammatical errors, I didn't really pay attention at school haha.

I happened to bump into this fourm a few months ago but I wasn't so sure about joining it until now. As you know I am 100% dead against the New Age movement, and this is the reason why I joined this form. Whilst I have never personally experienced the nuage fad, I know many who have and it saddens me to see them fall for its trap. I'm particularly peeved off at the whole Celtic Shamanism movement and the Plastic Shamanism cult in general.

I'm from Scotland, but I have connections to other parts of Europe (I'm not going to go into blood quantities here).

I follow my nations own folk traditions and customs. The beliefs I follow is a historic synchronism of Christianity and Pre Christian beliefs. Christianity was introduced to Scotland in the dark ages, but much older beliefs didn't exactly die out, some of it just changed.

I learned that there are Plastic Shaman groups in the UK as a whole. Most of them are from England but there are some Core Shamanic groups in the Scottish cities, like Edinburgh for example. I have also noticed that some of these groups are exploiting my nations own rituals and “ceremonies” (I don't like to use that word, just sounds yuck to me) particularly the Order Of Bards, Druids And Ovids (now called the British Druid Order) which I have seen incorporate some Native American traditions, like the Sweat Lodges. Their approach to Druidism is very fantasy like and dose not represent Druidism (both historic and Reconstructionist) as a whole.

One day I plan to write an information website about Celtic Shamanism and why it devalues our culture, but I would need some honest advice on how I would go about doing that.

I really hope I can be of help here. I thank the owners of this fourm for accepting me to join their cause

