Author Topic: Hello new member here  (Read 29790 times)


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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2010, 02:49:25 am »
First off, I never "endorsed" anyone. I simply had questions. I'm open to hearing any ideas that people may have. That's why I joined this sophisticated learn! And I've already learned quite a lot. You said in your very first reply to me that I have much to learn. Well, what I should have responded to was "yes, that's why I'm here" and left it at that. I'm sorry that I didn't. You also welcomed me to the please honor that show some diplomacy. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be. One thing I learned though is to never divulge personal information online to complete strangers. You asked what should you have done besides "throwing it back in my face". My answer is...civil discussion. It's as simple as that. Just keep it...decent. If I'm wrong about something, all you have to do is to inform me. You don't have to make me feel like a worthless pile of garbage who never should have been born.

I'm very sorry about how I reacted to some of the statements here, I should have been more patient. I sincerely am sorry that we got off on such a horrid footing, but I'm willing to start over again. I'm a reasonable person, I have SO much to learn, but I do NOT like being talked down to. I deserve to be treated with dignity just like everyone does. As for calling myself a Native in a white person's body...I hate to tell you buddy, but more than one Native has told me that to my face. Disrespectful? Well, I don't agree, but if you say so. As for your belief that we are not all "related" because we all LOOK different, well again...I disagree with you, and so do many people, including Natives. I'm eternally grateful that my Dine friends don't agree with you on that. That's not meant to disrespect you, it just shows that you don't have a monopoly on the grand truths of the universe. And no, I'm not saying that I do either. I assure you though, I am not fact my ego never fully developed! haha
I read the introduction...very cool. I agree with all of it. I never sold anything in my life, I never "promoted" myself either, so I don't know what you're talking about in regard to "self-promotion". I'm not trying to climb any ladder or join any group or anything else except to live a quiet spiritual life.

But aside from all this, here is my peace offering to you bls. I hope you accept it. I would gladly do whatever it takes to make peace with you.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 03:09:53 am by dualbuster »

Offline bls926

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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2010, 03:08:51 am »
First off, I never "endorsed" anyone. I simply had questions. I'm open to hearing any ideas that people may have. That's why I joined this sophisticated learn! And I've already learned quite a lot. You said in your very first reply to me that I have much to learn. Well, what I should have responded to was "yes, that's why I'm here" and left it at that. I'm sorry that I didn't. You also welcomed me to the forum...

I'm very sorry about how I reacted to some of the statements here, I should have been more patient. I sincerely am sorry that we got off on such a horrid footing, but I'm willing to start over again. I'm a reasonable person, I have SO much to learn, but I do NOT like being talked down to. I deserve to be treated with dignity just like everyone does. As for calling myself a Native in a white person's body...I hate to tell you buddy, but more than one Native has told me that to my face. Disrespectful? Well, I don't agree, but if you say so.

So here is my peace offering to you bls. I hope you accept it. I would gladly do whatever it takes to make peace with you.

I haven't talked down to you. I just haven't bought into your hype. What kind of "buddy" would I be if I didn't point out some of your more obvious blunders? As for calling yourself a Native in a white person's body or saying you were Indian in a prior life . . . That is disrespectful. I don't care how many Natives have told you that to your face. It's different coming from an Indian than for a white man to say it about himself.

I accept your apology. What can you do to make peace with me? Quit acting like a bliss bunny. Take Kathryn's advice. Read some of the threads on the forum before you jump into conversations.


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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2010, 03:10:55 am »
Agreed. Now please stop insulting me with words like "bliss bunny" (whatever that's supposed to mean). Also, I never "hyped" anything.

Offline bls926

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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2010, 03:43:30 am »
Are you finished adding to Reply #15, the one I quoted in its original form?

Do you think you are "Indian at heart" or were an Indian in a past life? Do you admire native ways and want to incorporate them into your life and do your own version of a sweat lodge or a vision quest? Have you seen ads, books, and websites that offer to train you to be come a shaman in an easy number of steps, a few days on the weekend, or for a fee?

Have you really thought this all the way through? Have you thought about how native people feel about what you might want to do?

Hype? Self-promotion? You've tried every path out there and decided the Red Road was the one for you. "my inner spirituality most closely resonates with Native American wisdom and culture." You went to a reservation to help the Indians. You don't want "to spend the rest of eternity in the white culture's world". All you want to do is "live a quiet spiritual life". You might as well be saying, 'I love y'all so much I want to be Indian.' And you act like you deserve to be accepted as Native.

I'm done. There isn't anything else I can say at this point.


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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2010, 05:07:46 am »
I don't act like I deserve anything. I've tried every path? Nope. Wrong again. I've only read books on various cultures. But that's ok, I'm just here to learn, not to argue with hot heads who do nothing but accuse (inaccurately no less) and refuse to listen to reason.

Also, I don't know why you keep referring me to the main introduction of this site as I'm not a 'shaman'. I don't sell anything. I don't promote myself. And I don't classify myself as anything other than a sentient being. You've got the wrong person I'm afraid. But that's ok, nobody is perfect...including yourself. I still wish you the best in everything you do, truly.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 06:00:43 am by dualbuster »


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« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2010, 08:18:04 am » God.

Ya know, when I first interacted with Kathryn, I found her to be rather cocky. I was wondering why on a site such as this a person would treat a newcomer with such cold disdain. I was thinking how "white" this person "felt". I couldn't understand why I kept getting that feeling. So I figured why not check out her profile which had a link to a website. I went to her site...and low and behold. The woman IS white. Ok fine, whatever. No big deal right? By itself it's not a big deal. But then I was thinking back on her comments to me and it dawned on me. This woman is given the title here "global moderator". For a website/message board that claims to revolve around unadulterated Native American(ism), I found it quite bizarre that a white person, who seems closely linked to Celtic spirituality, would be given such a grand position on a message board related to 'hot-button' American Indian issues. A woman who seems to come across as cold and arrogant (in other threads as well as the ones she spoke to me in) has been granted the ability to control and dominate the goings-on of what takes place here. It seems rather counter-intuitive to say the least, not to mention ironic and just plain...weird.
She then whips out an accusation saying that I call myself a name from the Hopi tradition that she says she found on another website, one that I've never heard of before (perhaps I just forgot). How she came to associate ME with this is totally beyond my ability to understand. It's just fishy to me. Not surprisingly she didn't elaborate or even site a source. While running a search for the tiny bit of info she provided, nothing came up.

Then I run a few searches (on this site) on several people to find a frequent label of people who question government dealings as "conspiracy nuts". This same person actually made a thread in the "non-fraud" forum about the FreeMasons to (I guess) dispell the notion that they are anything but what they claim to be. Too freakin strange, to say the least for a message board devoted to spotting and exposing frauds and all sorts of malfeasance. That FreeMason thread is conspicuously out of place and yet nobody seems to take notice. Calling someone a "conspiracy theorist" or "nut" does absolutely nothing to prove an argument one way or another. In fact when someone calls a person that label, it's designed to shut down conversation. In fact it's become quite an American "rite of passage" to profess to not believe in high level conspiracies (much to any conspirator's delight of course).

I'm just saying that ever since I've come to this place, which I had extremely high expectations for, I find myself in the Twilight Zone. I'm befuddled to say the least. The idea and concept of this place, which is nothing less than awesome, seems extremely juxtaposed to the arrogance and elitism that I find here. Of course I don't include everyone involved here. I'm the type of person who stirs the pot not to quarrel, but to find resolution. Dissenting opinions are almost always necessary in any society, especially in places where controversial topics are frequently discussed. But here I find only group-think. Dissenters are castigated and treated as outcasts, another stereotypical American (and Euro) tradition. I think it's critical to re-evaluate certain things around here. Again, the idea behind this place is wonderful, but some of the behavior I find here is simply unacceptable. I came here to learn and I have...namely, never open up to strangers because in this world, almost everyone is never to be trusted. Even purported truth seekers.

So being that this caucasion matriarch has been given free-reign around here as (gasp) "global moderator" (global, huh?) in a place that SHOULD be run exclusively by Native American people, I feel that things are not what they should be around here and for that, I'm done here.

For those of you who are on a true quest to find and expose the truth and bring real justice into this world, I'm always with you in spirit.

Against you Kathryn....I dissent.

I am now leaving....the Twilight Zone.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 03:13:18 pm by educatedindian »

Offline nemesis

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« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2010, 09:46:21 am » God.

Ya know, when I first interacted with Kathryn, I found her to be rather cocky. I was wondering why on a site such as this a person would treat a newcomer with such cold disdain. I was thinking how "white" this person "felt". I couldn't understand why I kept getting that feeling. So I figured why not check out her profile which had a link to a website. I went to her site...and low and behold. The woman IS white. Ok fine, whatever. No big deal right? By itself it's not a big deal. But then I was thinking back on her comments to me and it dawned on me. This woman is given the title here "global moderator". For a website/message board that claims to revolve around unadulterated Native American(ism), I found it quite bizarre that a white person, who seems closely linked to Celtic spirituality, would be given such a grand position on a message board related to 'hot-button' American Indian issues. A woman who seems to come across as cold and arrogant (in other threads as well as the ones she spoke to me in) has been granted the ability to control and dominate the goings-on of what takes place here. It seems rather counter-intuitive to say the least, not to mention ironic and just plain...weird.
She then whips out an accusation saying that I call myself a name from the Hopi tradition that she says she found on another website, one that I've never heard of before (perhaps I just forgot). How she came to associate ME with this is totally beyond my ability to understand. It's just fishy to me. Not surprisingly she didn't elaborate or even site a source. While running a search for the tiny bit of info she provided, nothing came up.

Maybe if you spent more time reading and less time posting you might gain some insight into why Kathryn has the trusted position that she does?

You say that Kathryn comes across to you as cold and arrogant but IME Kathryn is the complete opposite if this and you, contrary to your protestations, do appear arrogant.

Your posts suggests that you feel that Native people should fight racism, oppression and cultural appropriation by themselves without white people as allies.  IME it is the responsibility of everyone to fight against these things regardless of their ancestral background.  Whether people genuinely fight the good fight or whether they think they are but are actually supporting oppressors (as so often happens) is a completely different issue.  The very fact  that Kathryn has been grated the status of a mod means that she has earned her spurs and if the Native people here trust her with that responsibility then who am I or you as white people to question that?  To do so seems extremely arrogant to me.

Then I run a few searches (on this site) on several people to find a frequent label of people who question government dealings as "conspiracy nuts".

yes that is concerning.  I believe that the proper term for such people is "conspiraloons"

Having just read your entire last post again, especially in relation to your very rude comments about educatedindian, I suggest that you look in the mirror and really think about who is being arrogant.

a helpful link for you
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 10:12:29 am by nemesis »

Offline LittleOldMan

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« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2010, 11:09:49 am »
DB:  Point of order and some explanatory musings.  While yes, this site at this time, is primarily looking at the frauds dealing with the Native American theft and exploitation of ceremony and culture it is not always so.  We are an eclectic bunch.  There are Native Americans here with varying degrees of Blood Quantum and cultural knowledge, Pagans,Hindu,Druid,Christian,Masons, and some others who are not anything.  While we may differ in the way we address the "Great Mystery" we come together in agreement that cultural misappropriation and corruption is to be fought wherever it is found.  Being as widespread, geographically, as we are and factoring in the eclectic diversity of our individual belief systems we can be a force to possibly  rectify and warn against those who would corrupt our various cultures for money or power.  Do we agree at all times NO.  Do we dispute among ourselves sometimes.  Do we try to be civil YES.  Are we always successful NO.  I myself have had severe disagreements with others here on various subjects but at the same time we are in complete harmony on others.  If I have a question about the Lakota I have a person here who is Lakota and who is willing to correct any misconceptions   concerning that particular group of Native Americans.  Also if I have a question about Celtic myths or beliefs I have someone here to set me straight.  Again our diversity is our strength.  Please consider that within our group there are those who are considered "ELDERS" within their own particular cultures.  Consider that in the past we have come under attack and we are always vigilant sometimes to the point where we may seem to jump very quickly.  There is a good reason for that.  Read the archives.  There is a great deal of knowledge there.  Learning is a journey that never ends I welcome you to it.  With respect to all I am called "LittleOldMan"   
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline Yiwah

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« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2010, 01:25:54 pm »
White people attacking people for being white. 

Wow indeed.

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2010, 03:20:05 pm » God.

....Dissenters are castigated and treated as outcasts, another stereotypical American (and Euro) tradition.

....So being that this caucasion matriarch has been given free-reign around here as (gasp) "global moderator" (global, huh?) in a place that SHOULD be run exclusively by Native American people, I feel that things are not what they should be around here and for that, I'm done here.

For those of you who are on a true quest to find and expose the truth and bring real justice into this world, I'm always with you in spirit.

....I am now leaving....the Twilight Zone. god.

Like other have pointed out, you have some ugly self hating racism within you about being white.

And obviously no one is given "free reign." Kathryn is but one of several moderators, and the newest one. But we've always had both Native and nonNative mods. The ironic thing is how often the ignorant also accuse us of being somehow antiwhite.

And you've never left the Twilight Zone, bubba. You live in that bizarre nether world where Mary Leigh/Summer Rain is oh so great and the Masons are lurking in every corner.

Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2010, 03:23:53 pm »
hmm yeh, it's a  "you're not acting in the ways i expect and it's all your fault!"   kind of thing..
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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2010, 03:50:04 pm »
What can i say?? Just shaking my head at people

I guess to start out as a native person and a member
of this site.

I want to thank all of the people on this site
for without partnership in this world we can not
find that balance in the world.

This site has been a great tool for Native people.

As for the poster, dualbuster

He did not learn much from the family he stayed with
for a short time. How many people come to our homes claiming to be such
a white person with a Native heart or such things like that
Or that they were native in the past life.We have to shake our head
because Native people lives about finding balance and to do that you
must like yourself.

I read all the posts and did not find anyone being rude or disrespectful
this site is about asking questions, find out why a person believes
what they do.  If a person is looking at books to find this enlightment or
whatever they call it they have already traveled down the wrong path. 
These people who use Native ways and belief to promote themselves
by selling books, ceremonies and ect........ are frauds. They did not have
permission from the people, adoption does not give them the right to abuse
our ceremonies and just because a person visit us does not
give them the knowledge of our people.

One thing I have to say is we are not always nice-respectful-and all lovey
we are mean and rude when it comes to protecting our rights, our land, our people.
We are warrior people and we will fight so I just shake my head when a white people
say I am disrespectful or don't follow my people ways. I know my people would stand and fight
for what is right.
In Spirit

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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2010, 04:28:00 pm »
And with those words, the user has disappeared. Only to lurked as a non-login guest.

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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2010, 05:48:44 pm »
I figured this sort of tantrum was coming. A few minutes of research uncovered that "dualbuster" has had similar experiences on other forums, where he has shown up looking for friends and community, but also trying to impress people that he is special and should be trusted immediately and seen as a leader. It looks to me like he joins forums expecting online acquaintances to be his new family and accept his grandiose claims, then flounces out in anger and projection when people question him. He has used the same email to register in a variety of forums, and posted his email very publicly. He tried to do the same thing here. I guess he thought we were stupid.

Normally we protect people's identities here. For instance, if someone comes here to give information on a predator we especially keep confidentiality. "dualbuster" is different. He appears to have come here with the intent to lie to us. We gave him the opportunity to come clean on his identity, but when we didn't immediately tell him what we knew, I think he figured we didn't know, and so he lied some more. Not a good move.

It took about ten seconds to google on the information he posted in his profile to find all of this. All of the posts below are public. There's a lot more out there, but I think this will give you an idea of what sort of person "dualbuster" is.  (Though everyone here saw through him immediately):


Goes by "WhiteWolf" on some fora, and "Pahana" on another.

Post subject: Re: Hopi Blue Star returns
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:44 pm
I await the Great Day of Purification and the return of Pahana, the lost White Brother from the stars.

May the Golden Dawn shine upon all our hearts during this great transition.


Post subject: Re: Hopi Blue Star returns
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:49 pm

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply...but here I am now. During the beginning of the year, I became "5th dimensional" or all-powerful and began taking on the forces of darkness. I was working with the forces of Light while I became an exorcist and began performing rituals and ceremonies to cleanse my house of the evil spirits that were manifesting here. I don't want to reveal too much on a public forum, but would be happy to share with you via email. If you like, shoot me over a message:

By the way, the full name for the Hopi Blue star is "Blue Star Kachina" in case you didn't already know!

06-02-2008, 03:38 PM         
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Pahana is on a distinguished road
Default Permanent settlements for Rainbows??

Does anyone know if there are already any (or any plans for) a community of Rainbow folks looking to live together communally? I'm talking about a permanent space for likeminded folks to come together to plan ways of living together in peace. My personal interests are universal spiritualism (no particular religion), permaculture, alternative sources of fuel and energy, and forming connections with our Native American brothers and sisters.

If anyone has any similar interests, please contact me at:

(serious only please)

I googled "Pahana".  :o  Looks like he really does think he's the saviour of the NDNs. Below is a quote from what I think is a Christian site. I'll bet it was this site or one like it where he got the idea for the name:
"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother. "
... .... ...
"Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World."

Wow. No wonder the hippies in the rainbow forums were laughing and saying, "We don't want you to be our leader."

In the next post we have d/w/p again. I guess things didn't work out too well with the NDNs, so he wants to start "Rainbow" communes where the pretendians will feel more comfortable, without all those mean old NDNs and allies harshing their trip, man. You know, if so many Native people have taken him in and "gifted [him] with ceremonies", why does he need to start a new "tribe"? Further into the Rainbow thread refers to self as a "Rainbow warrior" and says, "Rainbows, who are at the forefront of human evolution..."
08-13-2008, 08:37 AM
Whitewolf Whitewolf is offline
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This is my first post here, but I wanted to say that forming communities of like mind is a very positive thing because we could set the stage for how the new paradigm of life could very well look like. I believe that when people who share a common vision come to live together, their collective energy field grow stronger and amplifies itself to influence others who are "on the verge" of following a similiar type path. I don't think it's "escaping" but a way of "regrouping" to re-gather our sanity in an utterly insane culture that basically forbids spiritual consciousness from flowering. I think it's a great idea and I also have a strong affinity for the western mountains in the U.S. I'm currently on the east coast but have no problem at all relocating out west. If you so feel the inclination, please get in touch.

As most of these posts are from two years ago, I was waiting to see if d/w/p had changed at all. Given his behaviour here, I see no improvement. I am especially appalled that he was willing to be more honest in predominantly white forums than in a predominantly NDN one.

Happy trails, d/w/p. Maybe one of these days you'll find a better interface with reality and learn to be an honest person.

ETA: Since d/w/p has shown a pattern of going back and editing prior statements, below are screencaps of the "I became '5th dimensional' or all-powerful and began taking on the forces of darkness." and "Pahana" posts. Click on image to see full size.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:26:57 am by Kathryn »

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Re: Hello new member here
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2010, 07:24:08 pm »
"Pahana" screencap: