Author Topic: Greetings from South Africa  (Read 5760 times)

Offline asianindian

  • Posts: 3
Greetings from South Africa
« on: May 23, 2016, 01:49:05 pm »
hi I am an Asian Indian from South Africa. I regrettably took part in a sweat lodge run by Lou Brunato a.k.a Lou Snowbear Dreaming a.k.a Lou Worldweaver and Laurel Weaving Willow a.k.a Laurel Anne Hall. At their center called Sacred Journeys. They keep their affiliation with the Deertribe a secret but apparently do all that a center affiliated with the Deertribe would do. Typical pay to pray scheme. Lots of expensive courses that lead to even more expensive courses.
During my short time with them I did experience a bringing up of an old forgotten trauma, and had to deal with it on my own, these two people did not have the necessary skills to help.
I needed therapy not feel good words.
I then delved deeper into who they were and discovered the connection to the Deertribe. I immediately stopped all contact with them and have never been back to Sacred Journeys.