General > Frauds

Andrew Soliz

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He is supposed to be Pueblo/Mayan, "adopted Lakota" and a "ceremonial leader" as well as a Pipecarrier and sundancer. Anyone know of him? He is doing sweats and stuff and has web pages.

Asking for money!  >:(

Here is where he asked for part on this website I just found:

Sacred Ways in St Croix:
February 8th- 22nd 2009

Spending time with Ceremonial Leader Andrew Soliz could very well alter the way you look at the sun, the stars, and the canvas that is your life. Tatankamani (Walking Buffalo), a Pipe Carrier, Sun Dancer, and Healer, carries the traditional teachings of Native American people with wisdom, compassion and concern for the tiospaye that is his human family.

By listening deeply and with compassion, Andrew guides people to bring forth their own unique healing powers. He holds sacred space with his gentle strength and integrity providing an opportunity for healing and to celebrate the spirit in each of us.

Sessions are one hour long. The exchange is on a sliding scale of $100.00-$150.00. Space is limited so please call to book a time that works for you.

Website here:


this is another of their contact pages. In part it says:

--- Quote ---"Andrew Soliz's Experience

Founder / President
Sacred Ways
Nonprofit; 1-10 employees; Alternative Medicine industry
March 2003 – Present (8 years 2 months)

Sacred Ways is dedicated to promoting growth and healing thru traditional Native American teachings and ceremonies."
--- End quote ---

Here is a Facebook with same name. Is this same person you are asking about?

Is this a story of the same guy by chance?

Soliz guilty of manslaughter in Morton woman's hit-and-run death
Published: Thursday, February 11, 2010

Here are more links with same name although not sure if same person you are asking about since I never heard of him.

Andrew Soliz - Sacred Ways, Native American Teachings

Another site,
which has some event described, in part:

--- Quote ---"We are please to finally bring our dream to reality by beginning our Native American programs. We just completed building our first sweat lodge in late Sep. 08, followed by its blessing and a private sweat lodge ceremony with some close friends. Our goal is to promote growth and healing through traditional Native American teachings and ceremonies. Offering alternative education to youth, adults and families, by exploring human nature to develop a strong positive self-image.

Sacred Ways…
Our ceremony’s master will be Andrew Soliz who has been performing sweat lodge ceremonies for people from all over the world.
He often travels and attends different tribal pow-wows, and has been blessed by many tribal chiefs for his gift and dedication to his work.
Sacred Ways brings together teachers, leaders and other like-minded individuals to share wisdom and promote racial harmony in a safe, nurturing environment founded on integrity.
The circle is strong and full of medicine. Sacred Ways is based on integrity and upholding the traditional ways."
--- End quote ---

This is all the time I have for now. Maybe others will have heard of this individual and have more to share in regards to information.


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