Author Topic: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland  (Read 28162 times)


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Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:16:56 am » , , This Woman, Says she is, a South American Indian Tribal Medicine Person.  PROPHETESS, REVEREND, HEALER,  Shaman, Rieki Master, Author, ,   
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 11:55:48 pm by NDEE WOMAN »


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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Anne Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 05:21:52 am »
This Person Tries to Friend Organizations, And when she is Proven to be A Fraud, UnFriends. an makes several False Reports on the Organizations the Called Her Bluff.

Offline Twncryer

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Anne Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2014, 12:28:53 pm »
Wrong this person does not claim anything.  She runs a wedding officiant service.  This is a spiteful post and is a vendetta against a woman who has done nothing but try to avoid this person and her group for over a year.  She never claims to be Shaman anywhere.  There are no claims of being medicine person either. There has been no proof from any organization of fraud this is an outright fabrication. Her ordination is clean and her degree is too.  It can be verified so there is no fraud there either.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 03:35:23 pm by Twncryer »

Offline Twncryer

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Anne Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 12:34:37 pm »
I've spoken to Robin who will be willing to come on here.  Yes she's reported these people repeatedly for harassment, threats, and trying to ruin her reputation.  She told me she's spent the last year trying to avoid them at all costs and they keep coming at her.  Valdora's husband recently contacted her with documents to fill out to be a part of his fake ONAC and Robin refused.  The reason they are after her according to Robin is because she left First Nations Chickamauga and Jacquie, Valdora, and Black Feathers went on a campaign against her.  She was indeed put out of groups belonging to ONAC, which was fine with Robin as she wanted nothing further to do with them all.  I will let her tell this tale in her own words when she gets here. As to being in groups, if she found groups and they did not like her or she them, she had every right to leave.  I also don't blame her for complaining and or trying to stop this crazy vendetta you have going. 

By the way if you want to know who I am Ms Valdora I am an activist for Native causes.  I am male, 64 years old. I am a BIA registered NDN can you say the This is an obvious vendetta and how a fraud could sit here and try to call anyone else a fraud what hypocrisy!  You have committed slander and libel with absolutely no proof that Robin has done a thing to you or that she and I are the same, which is absurd and more than paranoid.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 03:25:29 pm by Twncryer »

Offline Twncryer

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Re: Rev Robin Anne Hannon FRAUD, Healer?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 12:35:48 pm »
In pinterest none of the above is stated.  She is an ordained Reverend who does weddings.

Offline Twncryer

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Re: Rev Robin Anne Hannon FRAUD, Healer?
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 12:38:56 pm »
Her book is a book of dreams she had called The Heart Song of Anekehee, and has been changed to Vision on Fire, a Venture into Lucid Dreaming.  I have read the book it was quite engaging.  However no where does she make any claims to being NDN.  Reiki Masters are very common and are not a topic for this fraud list.  You have a vendetta pure and simple.  I am not Robin, yet you seem to think I am.  You are a very sick individual.

Offline Ardal

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Anne Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2014, 03:57:51 pm »
Wrong this person does not claim anything.  She runs a wedding officiant service.  This is a spiteful post and is a vendetta against a woman who has done nothing but try to avoid this person and her group for over a year.  She never claims to be Shaman anywhere.  There are no claims of being medicine person either. There has been no proof from any organization of fraud this is an outright fabrication. Her ordination is clean and her degree is too.  It can be verified so there is no fraud there either.

In a different thread, you said you didn't know who she is.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Anne Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2014, 04:11:19 pm »
I've spoken to Robin who will be willing to come on here.  Yes she's reported these people repeatedly for harassment, threats, and trying to ruin her reputation.  She told me she's spent the last year trying to avoid them at all costs and they keep coming at her.  Valdora's husband recently contacted her with documents to fill out to be a part of his fake ONAC and Robin refused.  The reason they are after her according to Robin is because she left First Nations Chickamauga and Jacquie, Valdora, and Black Feathers went on a campaign against her.  She was indeed put out of groups belonging to ONAC, which was fine with Robin as she wanted nothing further to do with them all.  I will let her tell this tale in her own words when she gets here. As to being in groups, if she found groups and they did not like her or she them, she had every right to leave.  I also don't blame her for complaining and or trying to stop this crazy vendetta you have going. 

By the way if you want to know who I am Ms Valdora I am an activist for Native causes.  I am male, 64 years old. I am a BIA registered NDN can you say the This is an obvious vendetta and how a fraud could sit here and try to call anyone else a fraud what hypocrisy!  You have committed slander and libel with absolutely no proof that Robin has done a thing to you or that she and I are the same, which is absurd and more than paranoid.

Hello Ms. Hannon. You do know we can see your IP and other data, right? We are not allowing your "RobinH" account to be activated as we have a one account per person policy.

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Re: Rev Robin Anne Hannon FRAUD, Healer?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2014, 04:27:19 pm »
Merging the two threads.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2014, 04:54:56 pm »
In a different thread, you said you didn't know who she is.

And here it is:

Robin Hannon, You Never cease to Surprise me.

NDEE I have no idea who that person is you mentioned.  Might want to get your facts straight. 
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 09:35:46 pm by Defend the Sacred »

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2014, 05:05:57 pm »
Duplicating from Meltdown Thread:

As to this person you want to blame so badly,she's been in your gun sights and the gun sights of your group a long time. Quite a vendetta you have going along with a case of paranoia. 

You came to our attention before this thread, check the other references.  Ms Trump had a failed march on DC that is on here.  There were other references to James Flaming Eagle Mooney and ONAC and it's fraud.  There is yet still more on B.D. Miller whose group is now called Thunderbolt Chickamauga. We've had our eyes on you for quite some time and that has nothing to do with that poor woman you want to crucify so badly.

I don't know if this is an attempt at forced-teaming, or if Ms. Hannon is speaking about herself in the plural as well as the third person, or if she is speaking for one of these fake tribes. But she is not speaking for NAFPS.  Ms. Hannon, you lied to us about your identity. We haven't fully revoked your posting ability yet, but you are not part of the team here; you are not a member in good standing and you cannot speak for us.

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2014, 06:15:10 pm »
Normally I do not post Private Messages without express permission. But Ms. Hannon has come here and lied to us profusely, claiming up-thread to be an elderly Native man, among other things. Also, she said in the meltdown thread:

Honestly I think you should post UNEDITED everything they ranted about and embarrass them.  People need to see for themselves who these people are, and their character.

(No subject)
« Sent to: Defend the Sacred on: Today at 11:02:53 »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »

Those are not my sites.  They were created by this woman and she took my pictures to do it.


Defend the Sacred
Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: Twncryer on: Today at 11:07:48 »

Quote from: Twncryer on Today at 11:02:53
Those are not my sites.  They were created by this woman and she took my pictures to do it.

Did she hack your email, too? And is she sitting right there using the same computer?

Wait, so now you're admitting you lied to us, that you are Robin, but that someone else posted your picture and email? The email you are still using here, for this account?

No response to that, but the Meetup profile she says she had no control over has just been deleted. She obviously controls all those profiles, and thought that no one would look into her, even after using the same email, publicly, on all of the above accounts. Screencap of deleted profile attached. Seriously, just tell the truth already. It always comes out in the end.

ETA: She's busily deleting or hiding the other profiles she claims aren't hers, including her Facebook page. It's OK, we have screen shots:
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 09:36:48 pm by Defend the Sacred »

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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2014, 07:44:28 pm »
When it comes to ceremony-selling... I guess it depends what she gets up to in the wedding ceremonies, "shamanism" and Reiki sessions she charges for. She's certainly donned the pretendian bling, and here we see she's added beads and feathers to her Reiki logo:

I don't see her outright claiming to be Native in the text on any of this stuff, but she is certainly using imagery, props and costuming (sorry, that's not real regalia) to give the impression this involves Native spirituality.


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Re: Abiding Love Congregation, Robin Littlefeather Hannon, Maryland
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2014, 11:48:43 pm »
ROBIN ALSO USES THE NAME ALCIDA RAMOS, a S.American Indian From Brazil. or something.;topic=4488.0;attach=1907;image
« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 01:50:34 am by NDEE WOMAN »