Author Topic: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor  (Read 112871 times)


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Re: Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #105 on: October 29, 2018, 10:29:09 pm »
The Many Birds Lodge Facebook page has an October 6th post stating that Michael Borg/"Wind" has died.

He is referred to as "White Eagle Road Priest".

Unfortunately it looks like this cult plans to continue on. The three main leaders look to be Joanne Mary Proctor, "Hummingbird Sandra Newton Kearnes", and "Wolf of the Indigo Moon Anthony Smith".

This page is dedicated to the teaching of that man. Between the three of us, we will continue a page full of the teachings of law and love that is simply the great universe of ancestral knowledge, experience, as it has been taught and shown to us all by the White Eagle Road Priest.

Borg's self published books (archived )

The group had "Nagii Azee Foundation". This business has the status of "cancelled" according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.


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Re: Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind" & Joanne Proctor
« Reply #106 on: October 30, 2018, 08:22:48 pm »
The "Hummingbird Sandra Newton Kearnes" mentioned above is Sandy Newton on Facebook

She has a home organizing business "World Bridger Holistic Organising"

Note that she refers to herself as "hummingbird" here:

I’m Sandy. Creature of Change, Intuitive Sacred Space Agent, Holistic Organiser, Interior Alignment Specialist, Chaos & Order expert, Feng Shui consultant, Worldbridger, Energy weaver, Earth Spirit, Hummingbird, Master Declutterer, Softly-wise woman, Mumma of 2 little people and believer in Magic, Tipis, Stardust and Infinite possibilities.

I have a love for American Indian Sacred ways, stories and ceremonies, a love and deep appreciation for the Old world and its ways of wisdom, a love for the Ancients and our Ancestors and the mysterious ways life can weave wonder and magic into the everyday things. I love the Earth Mother. And I love finding the gifts in Chaos – transformation!

My mission is to raise the vibration in your home, to help you understand the energy of clutter.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #107 on: October 30, 2018, 09:43:22 pm »
Ms. Newton resembles every clueless sorority sister gleefully playing NDN at Halloween.

That "lodge" has had 14 events, including fake sweats. This is incredibly dangerous and reckless, perhaps a matter of time until they kill or injure people.

The Many Birds LodgeOrganizer Page

LODGE Sun Feb 25 2018 at 11:00 am

LODGE Sun Feb 11 2018 at 09:00 am

Sweat Lodge 18 November Sat Nov 18 2017 at 12:00 pm
Swami Sarasvati Rejuvenation Retreat, Kenthurst, Australia

The FunDeMentals of Prophecy! Sat Nov 11 2017 at 04:00 pm

The Jaguars Emergence Sun Jul 30 2017 at 05:00 pm
Swami's Yoga Retreat, 183 Pitt Town Road, Kenthurst, Australia

Lodge at Swami Sarasvati's Rejuvenation Retreat! Sun Jul 09 2017 at 11:00 am
Swami Sarasvati Rejuvenation Resort, 183-185 Pitt Town Rd, Kenthurst, Australia

The Star Seed and it's Harvest Sat Jun 17 2017 at 07:00 pm

Lodge Gathering Fri Mar 04 2016 at 05:00 pm
Greenvalleys Mountain Bike Park, Illawarra Highway, Tongarra, Australia

Women's Lodge and Sacred teaching Sun Feb 28 2016 at 01:00 am
The Lyell Deer Sanctuary at Mt Samson, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Men's Lodge Fri Feb 26 2016 at 07:30 am
The Lyell Deer Sanctuary at Mt Samson, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Queensland Lodge and Dance for all Beings Fri Feb 12 2016 at 08:00 am
The Lyell Deer Sanctuary at Mt Samson, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

An Invitation to Speak Sat Apr 11 2015 at 11:00 am
Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia

Quest For self Fri Apr 03 2015 at 12:00 am Mt Yengo

Sweat Lodge Ceremony Sun Mar 15 2015 at 09:00 am
Swami Sarasvati Rejuvenation Retreat, Kenthurst , Sydney, Australia


Borg also had four goofy Nuage books self published. Books would be an exaggeration. They are 30-55 pg collections of hand written stories and drawings on construction paper. Each resemble a fifth grader's art project.
And he charges $25 for each of 'em. But there's no reviews or ratings of them, no sign anyone bought them.

Funny how he claims to have written a traditional story about dolphins...not too many of them on the Dineh homeland around Four Corners. And another supposed traditional story about a Buddhist nun.


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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #108 on: October 31, 2018, 01:20:50 am »
Borg's 2016 Buddhist nun story:

I went as a Guide/Warrior to the Buddhist Nun, Ajahn Thanasanti and a beautiful, gentle woman from NZ who was to assist the Nun and act as our chaperone.
It is a long story with many miraculous moments, but to be brief, Sister Thanasanti had received a ‘vision’ while staying at a Monastery in Colorado USA, she had been directed to travel to Australia, to find a man called Wind and then journey to Yengo. Once there, upon the summit, she was to perform a Ceremony of great significance to all Peoples.
Thanasanti received the blessings from her Abbott and Order, we were educated by the Elders, given information on the archaeological surveys and sites, and instructed on where to go and how to be once there. Elders from two of the Land Councils asked me to locate to ‘ancient things’ that had gone ‘missing’ when their country was invaded two hundred years previous. We all made our promises, and to this day I have kept them all.
The Nun made it to the top, we found what was lost, we returned safe, all three of us very different in our thoughts and being. A white person, a red person and a person of the yellow people walked those miles together, they climbed cliffs, slept in caves, they endured much and with each step they held the people of the black in their hearts and souls.

Ajahn ?hanasanti/ Amma Thanasanti Bhikkhuni has a Facebook page and website
 She has posts in both places from 2016, I've not found any sign of this story.

So, according to Borg, locals asked him to help locate sacred things that they had lost?! "Elders from two of the Land Councils asked me to locate to ‘ancient things’ that had gone ‘missing’ when their country was invaded two hundred years previous.".

This is nonsense. There is the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System, active since the 1970s, that works with Local Aboriginal Land Councils and others to document everything. If Borg or others ever found anything not yet recorded, they would simply make a report, this is not a sign of specialness or anything.

Plus this bit: "A white person, a red person and a person of the yellow people walked those miles together, they climbed cliffs, slept in caves, they endured much and with each step they held the people of the black in their hearts and souls."


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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #109 on: November 02, 2018, 12:28:26 am »
Along with falsely claiming to be Navajo, conducting dangerous sweats, and generally being a pretendian cultic leader, Michael Borg also made up b.s. about Australia:

(via Joanne Mary Proctor, regarding Mount Yengo in New South Wales Australia)

no one, with the exception of my Man, who the Dharug People asked to go there and confirm what was up there, on their behalf.

Joanne Mary Proctor

Joanne Mary Proctor

Also the Dalai Lama asked Wind to take the Kwanin Nun to the top of Yengo to activate a sacred site on top of Yengo. This ended up being a 3 day trek through the scrub to the top and back. 30km in thick scrub bush uncharted ever before. The Kwanin Nun wore woollen robes and sandles! Wind was assigned as her warrior for the journey and got her to the top and back. This is a documented story and tells of an adventure that runs like a raiders of the lost ark movie! Truth


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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #110 on: December 04, 2018, 02:22:51 am »
From a post on their The Many Birds Lodge facebook page:

The Many Birds, named after his own family line, will always be a Hopi/Navajo influenced hoop.

Our dream is to hold Sundance in Australia with Elders and authorisation.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #111 on: December 04, 2018, 01:40:17 pm »
Kearnes's holistic organizer page has been suspended. The page shows nothing for this phony lodge since February. Seemingly they're not doing well.

Kupidabin hasn't hosted them in awhile. They have some other dubious characters there that I'm starting a thread or threads about.


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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #112 on: January 13, 2019, 02:48:02 am »
Michael Borg is also referred to as "Wazzii". Joanne Mary Proctor says he left her "sacred pipes".

According to recent posts on Facebook, this group has been directly told that they are fraudulent. They characterize this as being "bullied".

Proctor explains away Borg's lack of connection with his supposed NDN community by saying that he was too busy being of service. She says that connecting would have been an "indulgence" that he did not have time for. But that maybe if he had done so that would have prevented "ongoing attacks"/ criticism.


They incorrectly believe we are a cult you see, they are too far away from us here in Australia to see the truth.

She recently met Andrew Pollis "Thunderdog" at a ceremony in Australia. She describes him as "a dine man" who reminds her of Borg.

(Andrew Pollis )

Proctor encourages people to attend the regular ceremonies held by another white couple in the area. This is where she met Pollis. Concerning this group she says:

I can honestly say, I have spoken with either a Native American elder or a initiated First Australian at each ceremony I have attended at James and Lara’s gatherings.

James McCaskie in NSW, Australia is holding men's groups, ceremonies, drum circles, and recently said he was on a vision quest including a sweat lodge.

From recent post by McCaskie:

I have been very blessed to spend time close to one of North Americas most renowned Medicine Men…
I am fortunate as we would say in the west, to have been through ‘my ceremonies’ or ‘initiations’ with this man….

I don't know who McCaskie is referring to.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #113 on: January 13, 2019, 03:41:02 pm »
They incorrectly believe we are a cult you see, they are too far away from us here in Australia to see the truth.

At this URL:

James McCaskie in NSW, Australia is holding men's groups, ceremonies, drum circles, and recently said he was on a vision quest including a sweat lodge.

From recent post by McCaskie:

I have been very blessed to spend time close to one of North Americas most renowned Medicine Men…
I am fortunate as we would say in the west, to have been through ‘my ceremonies’ or ‘initiations’ with this man….

I don't know who McCaskie is referring to.

Here, many comments:

(Hoping that someone will ask who the "Medicine Man" is …)


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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #114 on: February 23, 2019, 04:08:25 am »
This is part of a Jan 14 post written on The Many Birds Lodge Facebook page by Joanna Proctor:

Families, I want to share a laugh with you today! Many of you may already know a lot of the stories around a man’s journey to becoming a road priest. The teachings of his Grandmama and his Uncle Leonard, that began when he was so very young, came to fruition when our man, approaching middle age, beaten and resigned after soldiering and, for all kinds of reasons, trouble in his family, got a hairbrain idea with his ex soldier mates to rob a bank of the same amount of money the bank wanted to foreclose on somebody’s Granma’s house!

… How they did this, and got away with it, to have another go on behalf of someone else’s Grandma a few months later, is a unbelievable and riotous story all on it’s own…

Landing his butt in jail, the inevitable outcome eventually, is a story of survival, and a testimony to the man’s ability to be liked and have a presence, in every single camp. He was given 8 years, was pardoned at 8 months, The beginning of the journey when a ‘medicine man’s’ path was realised, yet not quite born, it is beautiful how from the lowest, darkest places humans can find their truest most powerful gifts. As I piece through his lifetime biography and fantastic life stories, I simply had to share, with deep pride and the widest smile upon my face, this poem he wrote in Sail Jail in 1990 about...
... that fateful day he got caught robbing a bank…

The poem basically claims that Borg and friends were stoned and drunk when they organized to rob a bank, only to discover that the bank was closed due to a holiday.

There is no explanation as to his supposed arrest and incarceration.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Many Birds Lodge, Michael Borg AKA "Walks the Wind," Joanne Proctor
« Reply #115 on: September 21, 2021, 12:26:34 am »
They incorrectly believe we are a cult you see, they are too far away from us here in Australia to see the truth.

At this URL:

James McCaskie in NSW, Australia is holding men's groups, ceremonies, drum circles, and recently said he was on a vision quest including a sweat lodge.

From recent post by McCaskie:

I have been very blessed to spend time close to one of North Americas most renowned Medicine Men…
I am fortunate as we would say in the west, to have been through ‘my ceremonies’ or ‘initiations’ with this man….

I don't know who McCaskie is referring to.

Here, many comments:

(Hoping that someone will ask who the "Medicine Man" is …)

The first Facebook URL I link to has gone away. The second one is still there.

James McCaskie recently got his own thread, started by educatedindian: [James McCaskie & One Living Earth Foundation]

So "one of North Americas most renowned Medicine Men" is [Leonard] Crow Dog, then, according to that topic.

There is also the reference to "Uncle Leonard" in the previous post by Piff, in the present thread.